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yep, they are right. "your tree, your debris" as the ancient aztecs used to say.


https://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/fences-and-trees >Property owners are responsible for branches that overhang a neighbour’s fence or roots that grow onto neighbouring property. If these cause damage or affect the neighbour’s enjoyment of their property, the neighbour can take the property owner to court. >If branches from your neighbour’s trees hang over your side of the fence, you can cut off the overhanging branches and place them on the neighbour's side of the fence.


They only have to chuck the branches back over, they’re your problem.


Yep, he's completly in the right, however its good form to ask where they want the cuttingsrather than just toss it over 😂


Yes, our neighbours did this to us and just tossed the branches over, so they were stuck between the fence and the rest of the bushes and we couldn't get them out. If they'd put them somewhere accessible that would have been better. 


Your neighbour is right it’s on you to dispose of your property Also trim your trees better so they don’t overhang.


100%. The onus shouldn’t be on the neighbor to trim this guy’s trees because he’s inconsiderate.  Also to the OP, whether or not you’re ok with your neighbor trimming your overhanging tree is irrelevant. 


Nice that they let you know instead of just dumping it I guess.


Be a good neighbour, they're doing the hard work, the least you can do is clean up.


Some councils offer a free tree pruning collection.


If the tree is growing on your property - it's up to you to remove the cuttings


Yeah hes right. Just chop em up & chuck em in your green waste bin for collection. No big deal.


Your neighbour *has* to return the overhanging branches to you, otherwise they could *technically* be charged with theft.


I think this applies due to the Fruit of a tree, if you were to take all the fruit off. Can't have it both ways thus, you should give it back along with the branches