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They should’ve been off the air forever after they bullied a 14 year old into [revealing she’d been raped](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2009-07-29/kyle-and-jackie-o-radio-stunt-backfires/1371484)


I can't say I'm overly surprised by Kyle and Jackie-O here but what **the fuck** was that mother doing?! She knew her daughter had been raped at 12 and still called in to put her on air to take a lie detector test about sex and drugs with these two ghouls. That poor kid.


She wanted the attention.


They are just human shaped slugs.


Slugs at least know where the line is


Moral compass of those two are so low I never want to hear from them again.


Wait they have a moral compass?


Albanese went to Sandilands wedding, eh. Made me near vomit seeing him drinking that prick’s champagne.


Australians loved that. We pretend we’re pretty chill and easy going but we love tearing people down and gawking slack jawed at other peoples misfortune. Just look at our obsession with reality tv where they literally hire contestants to act like cunts so the cheeky channel nine voice over guy can lustily promise a screaming confrontation on a cooking show tonight.


I don't watch that shit, but there's a massive difference in ethics between casting for conflict on a reality TV show (and selective editing), and having a 14 year old admit she was raped, then literally ask if that was her only "sexual encounter" rather than immediately hitting the fucking dump button. Those two pieces of human garbage have no place in a civilised society.


Couldn’t agree more. Adults sign up to go on trash tv. A 14 year old didn’t sign up to be exploited AGAIN on national radio.


And getting paid millions of dollars to do it . Makes me so angry


And from what Jase and Lauren say now that they're on Nova, sounds like they got pretty fucked over in the process of it too.


I’m not saying one excuses the other, I’m saying that Australians have an appetite for cruelty. It starts with people being assholes to eachother on our free to air tv for entertainment and the side effects of that are pricks like Sandilands being millionaires despite harassing rape victims on air.


From what I recall, Jackie **did** try to stop the interview immediately, while the victim's POS mother called her a liar and Kyle just attempted to cruise passed that revelation as though it was completely inconsequential. So maybe only one piece of human garbage that has no place in a civilised society?


Nah, Jackie-O is complicit in his bullshit too. She's either doing it as well, or at the very least, enabling him and cheering it on. She's like 99.9% as bad.


Mindless trash for the masses so they don’t have to think for themselves. It’s also a distraction from their own uninspiring lives.


Current Affair is still one of the highest rating shows, along with Love Island.


Had never even heard of this until my uni teacher told us all about it (doing a radio production class) and I was appalled. I cannot believe they still have a platform


In all fairness, Jackie O shut it down as soon as she said that.


Honestly doesn’t matter what happened after—that they thought it was ok to ask a minor about sex and drugs as a titillating activity on their shit radio show is reprehensible. (And yes I know her mother was involved—another shit individual who I hope had a long hard think about who they are as a parent and a person afterwards)


The whole thing was a pretty horrible idea, but I think it's just being fair to say she shut it down when she did.


Dont forget when they got a British nurse to kill herself...


That wasn't kyle and jackie


That was Mel Greig and Mike Christian


The sooner Kyle keels over from a massive kebab and cocaine induced coronary in a piss soaked gutter, the better the world will be.


Such beautiful words you speak 👌


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Not sure I’d want him to have that much fun before the coronary in all honesty, deserves a cardiac arrest on the shitter


Ahh, you mean 'The Presley'?


... whilst puking.


Poetic and I felt every word


Also fuck Jackie Snow.....


Well done, Melbourne. I'm proud of you.


Thanks, we can not do something just as well as anywhere else.


Vile and Tacky-o will not survive Melbourne. This is a proud accomplishment for the city. I don't know how anyone listens to that repulsive drivel, let alone be entertained by it.


Lots of popular Sydney broadcasters such as John Laws, Steve Price, that other late Steve, all tried to multicast to Melbourne and failed big time. Kudos to Melbournians


Add Stan Zemanek to that list.


Brain cancer sucks, but Zemanek was a toxic prick.


My first car only had an AM radio and somehow that resulted in me listening to that husk of a human, being as vile as possible while I was *trying* to deliver pizza. Even to a teenage me it was kind of amusing how someone could have such a smooth-brained take on every issue possible. Even more amusing that people agreed with him. I don't find it so amusing anymore.


Maybe that’s the other “Steve” I had in mind? Died of a MI?


The waste of oxygen Jackie had her radio career peak when she almost suffered on air tears after being owned by Frenzal Rhomb all those years ago. I don't need to listen to her drivel five days a week.


Oh my, I remember that. A recording of that should go into the national archives.


Omg, I’ve never heard this before. What a couple of losers https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5EJkJi_yHHE


That's awesome. Fuck those cunts. Well done Jay


Kyle trying to keep jumping in moralising at him, lmao. He's a crusty piece of shit stuck to our metaphorical shoe and he thinks he's taking the high road there?


The line about never playing their music again was gold.. Jay from Frenzal DESTROYED them that day and was nothing but calm


Worst decision ever to put Vile and Tacky- Hoe at a time where people are driving their kids around. Or just putting them on the air in general. Nobody wants to be having a conversation with their 8yo on the way to school about what a blow job or an orgy is.


I second this, I have mentioned it before on here but the last one I heard on the radio was talking about what people sext to their partners then trying to pressure one of the chicks talking on there about what she says when she sexts her bf. I don't get how shit like that is allowed to air at times when people are driving around and picking their kids up from school.


Even if they were kid-friendly content-wise, they're just so bad-natured I don't want to expose my kids to that absolute bleakness.


They would often play the Kyle and Jackie show on the speakers in the cafe attached to my office building. The things that Kyle and Jackie and their offsiders would talk about were cringe, juvenile, and downright gross sometimes to the point it was embarrassing when I would bump into colleagues there. The radio hosts and guests would be squealing about some sex scandal or a celebrities anatomy in graphic detail while I'm ordering coffee and saying good morning to senior colleagues, ugh. Now they play SBS Chill, much better!


Good, no ones gives a shit about you Ozempic using Sydneysiders.


The stuff they talk about is too graphic for our car.. no way my kids are listening to them in the morning 


Yes, I'd much rather listen to Fev piss himself laughing at his own jokes 🤣. He is a real funny fucker atleast.


you know things are bad when Fevola is the family friendly alternative


shocked that guy still has a gig after his off the pitch antics duirng his AFL career. Whenever I see him I think of when he pissed on that window after the Brownlow one year I think it was


I'd take offense at that, but honestly, we couldn't give a fuck about ourselves either.


If I’m gonna listen to morning radio it’s either Gold or MMM. They’re both brain dead nonsense and that’s fine with me. I’m driving to get to work not hear about the kidney stone Kyle fucked into a pregnant hooker or whatever graphic shite he gets up to.


Is Christian O'Connell still doing Gold? I liked him during the pandemic, he was a soothing voice on those dark days.


Yes he is. On from 6.


I may have gotten a bin sticker... Good show to listen too, I mainly catch up with the podcast when I remember.


If I need a laugh Christian's show is hands down the best, otherwise it's ABC Radio Melbourne for me.


I like him. He passes the Pub Test, in that I’d love to have a natter with him at the pub.


Every time I turn on Gold (because my car bluetooth shat the bed again) it’s playing an absolute banger though. Smooth can be hit or miss for my taste but Gold is pretty up there for me.


Smooth and Gold are my one and two. Work and home life are already hard enough - I just want to sing along to old songs I know.


You should try magic 693. Old bangers but really fun


Magic 1278. Hasn't been on 693am frequency for nearly 20 years (since 2006)


Marty Sheargold and his producers are pretty entertaining on MMM. They poke fun, but it's never malicious bullying or discussing gossip rags. Surprised I enjoy it as much as I do.


I like Marty and Judith Lucy in small doses. There is a darkness in their souls.


I really liked Marty on Fisk. Enough to warm up to maybe listening in on his shows the rare time I've got commercial radio on a road trip


yeah, used to listen to it on my drive to work back when I used to commute 90 minutes each way. It was a nice easy listen and Marty can be pretty funny at times.


I work with children and listening to Marty and the gang is like having grown up time. It’s not PC and pushes the boundaries so much. It’s annoying and refreshing 😂 Plus I love Loz!


I like Smooth. Less of the stupid chat where they talk for the sake of talking. Smooths even better since Jennifer Hanson is gone, although Mike does need someone to bounce off occasionally


Excellent work Melbourne, keep it up.  Hopefully these two foul individuals will be back to Sydney with their tails between their legs.


Stick your plastic personality and shitty advertisements up your arse. They deserve to be doing poorly.


I reckon they're shit, but hey they're doing better than ABC...


The graph shows kiss drop off at near the exact opposite to Smooth picking up. In my small sample size, most I know have switched to smooth. Including me. It is barely any chatter and certainly no gimmicky shit. It plays more music per half hour than any of the others.


There's nothing that gets me to change a radio station faster than hearing Kyle's voice.


If I'm listening to radio it's ABC, otherwise podcasts or music on the phone.


Yeah, I honestly didn't think anyone really listened to live radio anymore. Much like most free to air TV, why willingly consume some lowest common denominator nonsense when you can stream a thousand alternatives that aren't trying to sell you anything?


People do indeed listen to live radio. As a business it’s still doing pretty well. Radio creates a sense of community. People enjoy a human voice.  Smooth and Gold are both getting good listener numbers. They don’t over do it with ads and no hysterical DJ banter. 


I love listening to people talking about things that I care about. That's what podcasts are for. And I can choose whatever song I want to hear with streaming. If people are still listening to radio, great. But in 2024 I don't get it.


It’s not either/or. I am avid podcast listener also.  Like I said radio provides community, that is the appeal.  It’s still  a viable business model in big cities. 


> radio Its called a wireless Sonny. \*sucks on a Werthers*


My grandma called it a wireless until the day she died.


Personally, I can't stand radio "DJ's". They all fake laugh at their own non-jokes and in general have really stupid takes on pretty much any topic possible.


Are you me?


that's really sad that abc melbourne has such a small share when there's next to zero adverts, and its imo informative and engaging listening


I love the Friday review. I love Jacinta and Brian, great chemistry.


I love Sammy and Raf


My only complaint about Raf if that I can’t listen to him as much now he’s on Mornings! I’ve often got meeting earlier in the day and can’t listen to his show like I could when he was on Drive.


This is my issue! I can only listen to and from work, and Ally is *okay*, but I miss Raf.


Only listen to abc in the morning - not filled with x-rated or sob stories or ads. Just discussion about interesting topics.


It's good in the morning and in the afternoon. I listen to it every weekday. In the middle of the day it's absolute drivel. I'd rather listen to the same 5 Foo Fighters and Cold Chisel songs for the millionth time than listen to that shit.


774 used have a share above 15%. Number 1 station in Melbourne The decline in their ratings has been catastrophic


Then John Faine retired.


"Conversations" is often my highlight of ABC Radio. Some of their guests are extremely interesting people.


Its basically the only radio i listen to now. ABC local or spotify.


I bought a new car 8 months ago and as far as its concerned Radio doesn't exist. I don't think it has ever even accidentally been switched to AM/FM/Digital unless the people from the dealership/product testing tried it. Your platform has an expiry date, Mr Hypertension and Mrs Whoever You Are in the thumbnail image


I’ve had my car for 5 years and had my very first use of the radio tuner at the end of last year (was driving to an AFLW game and was running late so wanted to listen to the first quarter).


I've had CarPlay in the car for yonks but still like to throw triplej, 3rrr, and pbs into the mix now and then. I can't imagine willingly subjecting yourself to commercial radio though.


I stopped listening to the radio about 20 years ago when I was still burning my own CDs. Moved onto flash drives when they started coming out and got a head unit for my car with a USB port. It's always been way too much mindless chatter about what was on the TV last night or regurgitating the news and not enough music.


Stopped listening to live radio even commercial free ABC during pandemic, and switched to ad-free podcasts. Never going back unless I’m a radio interviewee (happens occasionally due to expertise).


We have two incredible community radio stations in Melbourne, and Double J slaps if you have a digital radio


Haven’t listened to radio in my cars for close to 15 years. In the older car it was CDs or USB AUX to an iPod, now it’s Apple CarPlay + Spotify. No interest in the absolute trash on the radio - from either talk shows or whatever rubbish is passed off as music nowadays.


They force it on us in the office. Another point for WFH!


Did anyone listen to their show this morning with the topless waitress? I was so disgusted by the way Kyle was speaking to her (asking her extremely sexual questions, like if she is good at sex and what ‘full service’ is etc)….I want to complain somewhere about it bc I genuinely felt bad for the lady even though her decisions were a bit questionable. He should not be allowed to speak like that to women


That's pretty much his whole act. Just unfunny smut that a 14 year old high school kid could deliver better. The fact he's trying to act like that at his age is rather sad, but clearly Sydney listeners have rather warped taste in radio. 🤷


Wow. It’s almost as if being a giant pair of talentless turds is not appreciated in Melbourne. Who would have thought?


Fuck em off


Good. Glad those cunts aren’t rating well. He’s a POS who should’ve been off the air years ago


Saw Jackie O walking around aimlessly at Bondi yesterday, we passed her multiple times just walking around looking off into the distance. Came to the conclusion that it must have been a pap walk. Lo and behold we find a puff piece in the daily mail all about her with the photos this morning


Eyebleach needed?


They won't be going into Melbourne next year, mark my words.


It's a shit show


I follow their ex-newsreader on Twitter and I don't think anyone is happier about this news than him:-). I really only follow him for the tea he regularly spills on their cretinous asses.


Shocked ABC mornings is losing even harder to 3AW. Raf is a Victorian treasure!


Sammy J is carrying 774, let's be honest


Where too ? ABC breakfast rated back when a quid was a quid .... last talent was Red Symons.


Raf is one of the few who actually gets a discussion going about the hot topic of the day. 


I find him very smug personally.


I think that’s mandatory at the ABC


AW brekky/Ross Stevenson is the definition of success in Melbourne radio - doesnt matter who his offsider is, people keep listening. First heard him on lawyers guns & money - he is a pro.


Here I was thinking they were a well performed satire of " the most uninteresting, crass and idiotic representation of a radio due frantically trying to fill the gap between ad breaks" and now I learn that they are being serious? ...


There is hope for the world…


That man is vile and I am shocked he's still on air in any capacity.


We listen to Triple J breakfast radio for school drop off, there's always lots of music, no ads, and 8:30am news is always informative and easily explained to my kids


I really want to take to that digital billboard of vile and tacky O at Flinders st station with a fire extinguisher


Good! I still remember the Frenzal Rhomb incident where Jay owned them on the radio, too good.


Well done Melbourne


It's a proud day, that's for sure. I don't even know what channel they are on.....


Who the shit listens to commercial radio anymore?


I have to add a caveat to this, this only includes their first 3 weeks in Melbourne. The rest is Byron Cooke's solo show.


Exactly. It may be a bit too early to tell - though I've got my fingers crossed that their downward trajectory continues.


Mourning Radio. Putrid stuff.


Go MELB rejection of these 2 is priceless! Hi Steve.


nobody wants to listen to those fuckwits.


I agree Kyle and Jackie are foul, but I also think they're not appealing simply because they're not local. I think breakfast radio's biggest appeal is the discussion of local issues/events, and the ability to enter that discussion. Even out in the country, the breakfast shows are the one bit of localised content we get.


I didn’t read the article but it was literally 9am and they were talking to an OnlyFans creator about fleshlights. Bloody ridiculous.


How many times are they going to try to get this Kyle idiot established in Melbourne/Victoria?  It's a Sydney thing, we ain't interested.


Onya Melbourne! Good job.


Why is absolutely nobody talking about community radio in here?? 3RRR is the bomb. I have discovered so much good music in the last few months on there. It can be a bit hit and miss, but when it's good, it's GOOD. 3PBS I don't rate as highly, but it easily shits over all the commercial stations. 3RRR is based out of Brunswick and 3PBS is based out of Collingwood. You can't get much more Melbourne than that. Support local and subscribe, or at the very least, tune in and enjoy.


People still listen to the radio? It’s full of ads


ABC isn't.


It is almost like Greater Melbourne does not have as many narcissistic or right wing assholes as Greater Sydney. K&JO are on the pipeline to right wing reactionary bullshit, such as talk-back radio.


I’m slightly amused by people preferring others. They’re all as unfunny as each other. Who the fuck listens to FM radio ‘stars’ or ‘comedians.’


Kyle’s a fkn dick anyway, fuk em both


Cause they are absolute sh*theads.


HAHAHA KIIS have been dirty with their tactics against Nova so this is hilarious


Are Triple R and PBS included in this survey or am I just way out of touch ? Edit: Yeah I’m out of touch and they’re not included.


Biggest fucking wankers wherever they go.


For what it's worth they were only on air for three weeks during the last survey period. It's way too early to call.


i dunno i like The Christian O'Connell Show


Oh no what a shame. They are such totally nice people…


Oh, no! Anyway.


They deserve no airtime or attention - complete trash.


Now that’s news that everyone can enjoy.


Good they are trash people with a trash show. 


Where my smooth homies at


If you've got digital radio try chill pop hits. Kids love it. No ads and no dick heads. Just music.


Kyle and Jackie O. That's a Sydney/Brisbane thing init?


Didn't know they were trying for it down here. But that's because I absolutely avoid any FTA like the plague


Dump these nutcases!


How are they even calculated anymore? The idea of doing that manual survey is completely alien these days.


GOOD. Fuck 'em. Both are disgusting POS. Jase & Lauren were awesome. Now I just put on Spotify DJ in the mornings and Triple M for footy.


Not surprised it’s basically Mafs on radio smh


Sandylands and Jackie are about as funny as my aunt Maude's funeral. Engagement factor 0.


Imagine living in Melbourne and not listening to Milo every morning


I have the breakfast spread every morning


Who the hell listens to the radio these days anyway


Me. Love my radio! But I listen to the 80’s and 3MBS and abc classic


Fuck these two! Jase and Loz on nova for me. The rest of the Nova lineup is a bit shit and/or cringe but Jase and Loz are the best breakfast hosts tbh. Great chemistry. Think they need to NOT go down the path of Kyle and Jackie and do over dramatised bullshit like they were doing a bit of last year. The Jase and Loz schtick is light hearted fun and banter. That’s what I live for before my day is ruined by the afternoon.


What's radio?


Audio only streaming on non-5g wireless.


I can’t listen to them in the morning. It’s too full on. Can only listen to the hour of power after work when I happen to catch it.


Who is still listening to radio now we have podcasts?


Good. They’re already rich enough they don’t really need to take on all the smaller radio stations here and put them out of a job too.. and for what. More money which they already have enough of


Fuck yes Melbourne


The fact they've been locked into sticking around on a long term contract that will turn them into a financial liability makes me happy.


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Ok Melbourne is better than Sydney We eat this rubbish up


I have never listened to commercial radio. I’ve tried a few times just to see what it all about and it’s a pile of hot garbage infested with ads and mindless nonsense. I’ve been listening to RN national since Ben and Liam left triplej breakfast and for any other time of the day I’m usually tuned to Double J. As a long time Triple J listener, it now seems to be going the same way as commercial radio with an ever increasing dose of dumb, mindless shit. Triple J wasn’t high brow either but they had presenters that were genuine, hilarious and quick witted with a lot more creative freedom. Now it’s just the same repetitive shit.


Toni And Ryan on youtube should replace them. So much better


Radio and TV broadcasters are basically gone at this point. Within ten years I expect the m to give up their bandwidth and stop transmitting. Everybody streams and radio ratings mean little. Band space under 1GHz is going to be a wasteland. Use whatever frequence you want because nobody will care.


Bring back Jase and Lauren, never listened to them, not my kind of station, but these two shit stains can fuck off from our morning commutes


I've never understood the want for breakfast radio as in listening to nitwits talking garbage in the morning... Jesus, the last thing I'd ever want to hear in the morning... Just give me good tunes. Having said that, during a brief period back in the late 90s there was a radio station that just broadcast stand up comedy non-stop. It was fantastic but short lived.


Triple J whilst broadcasting generally good music with a great variety, have presenters that come across as snotty annoying teenagers. It's repulsive to listen to sometimes. I don't think whatever they attempted with their presenter choices has worked as planned.


I used to live in Sydney. A few years ago I moved to Melbourne. It wasn’t until I started listening to Kyle again recently that made me remember what assholes men in Sydney are. No wonder if they listen to him spout on all morning.


Ah yes, the fat guy who thinks he's thin and the old chick who thinks she's young who feed rage bait stories into news .com .au in order to stay relevant and top of mind.