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Just start pumping some Weird Al and see who has the stronger phone speakers.


I think the best song to pump in this situation is "Asshole" by Dennis Leary. Will let the other guy know what you really think about him


We used to play that in class any time the class troublemaker started his usual rants


I’m an asshole, and proud of it.


But that's I'm an Asshole, not You're an Asshole.


No no no. TRUST me the song to play is [I'M Horny - Mousse T](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpK-rgxXvHU) genuinely a song that will make everyone vibe and maybe even get up and dance and get the whole train horny.


> get the whole train horny The best song to do this is CBAT


Other guy won't get it though.


Some good suggestions here; “Whatareya? by TISM would be mine.


Or from the same album "I Might Be A Cunt, But I'm Not A Fucking Cunt"


Pro tip: pack a loud Bluetooth speaker in the bag and pretend it's just your phone.


I blast Peppa Pig episodes. It’s disconcerting coming from a middle-aged man in a suit.


😂😂 I wish


Skee-Lo might also work


It isn't that they're unaware, they know exactly what they're doing, They just don't care.


I think it's more that they think they're cool, so they do care, but they're just flogs


not my train line, more just completely oblivious


There are two types. The ones blasting music trying to piss people off, and the oblivious ones playing tiktok or mobile games with full volume for some reason.


Also in some situations are hoping to provoke a fight


Had some flog playing Kerser or 360 (some Aussie rap or hip hop) on the Frankston line when I went down to my friends house in Chelsea from Richmond. He was there the whole time, full blast on his phone.


Why are ppl like this 🤦‍♀️. Like bro I don't want to hear your shitty tiktoks or music use headphones or shutup and sleep 😂 the thing is too most people, including me, aren't going to say anything cause idk confrontation haha


Imo it's a form of dominance and trying to own their space. These are people who are under developed from being just young all the way to meth heads. They feel more comfortable that way, and of course there's always dickheads who are baiting to receive that confrontation. Monkey brain, we all got it, just some much worse.


Exactly this. A lot of ppl feel insecure or inadequate and they project this into others as a means of validation or to establish a status (with or without request). And for some, any kind of attention they can get is the goal.


Not everybody who's a trashy cunt uses meth. Really weird thing to throw in there.


Point out to me where I said every trashy cunt uses meth? Wasn't my intention or message at all. I said some of those people are under developed because of meth, one of the most popular abused drugs down under. I had some time on it, don't love looking back at that part of my life but no judgement lol


Saw an older guy tell some young dick to turn his music off or use headphones. Turned into a whole thing. People who are gonna do this kinda shit aren't going to just happily turn the music off when someone asks them to.


That's what I expect haha


some people still use boom boxes, that's worse.


There was a fella last week who had one of the speakers ON WHEELS absolutely blasting obnoxious and really shitty music. Jesus. I need a car.


Skip Hop on Frankston public transport is quite common.


I'd personally consider it just to be Frankston area soundtrack.


This is just the Frankston cultural attaché introducing you to the local culture and welcoming you.


oh no, hopefully you can report this to the police and get some counselling about it you sound traumatised


What did he say when you asked him to turn it off or put headphones on?


Someone beat me to it, and I recon you can guess his 2 word reply to them.


Ok I have a confession. I was the train one morning and the Bluetooth decided to call it quits. I was turning up the volume on my phone thinking, man, these headphones are shithouse. Turns out it was on loudspeaker. Whole train listening to ‘La Isla Bonita’ by Madonna. Took me a while to jerry on. The song was nearly over. Never felt so embarrassed in my life.


I've done this, but with my duolingo lesson.  When I realised I just blurted out "Omyfuckingod I'M SO SORRY! I thought my headphones were just being shit. Sorry!" and 2-3 passengers nearby chuckled, smiled, or waved it off ("don't worry about it" gesture) and the guy opposite me laughed out loud and wished me luck learning Spanish.  I was mortified at the time, but everyone was actually really nice about it.  And I've *always double checked ever since*


I thought my phone audio was playing up and moved the volume up and down while hitting the duolingo audio over and over, even restarted the app and hit it some more before I realised I was connected to the speaker out on the balcony, and it was playing out there just fine. Not sure if my downstairs neighbours heard that, or me sitting out there doing it live at some point but when I talked to them one time they asked me if I was learning Japanese, lol.


Hah, the only reason that (probably) won't happen to me is that I'm kind of paranoid that it will, so I double-check that the headphones have connected up to the phone every time. 


You encountered a douchebox?


Hahahaha yes, I love that name


What's today's lunch special takeaway douche box?


It’s just basic etiquette, but common sense isn’t very common now. No one else wants to listen to your music/game/phone conversation. If you have to play something or call someone and you’re in a public space, have headphones on or turn it off. If you’re on a call people should only be able to hear one side of the conversation and have to make up the other side. I don’t understand people having their phone on speaker so we get the full experience. I’m so close to joining in and being as rude with them as they are with the rest of us.


I had some old lady sit next to me on the mernda line, phone conversation on speaker, full details of personal life, bagging out people etc.. . Peak hour train.. . Had "friend" with her part of the way then proceeded to bag out the "friend" to the other person after she got off. .. Conversation went for the full 60 mins from city to mernda..


“It’s bad enough you don’t have an inside voice, but take your phone off speaker so we only have to hear half of this drivel”, then move seats. And I say this as a petty, confrontational person who grew up on this line when it ended at Epping, so I know people can get rowdy but an old lady I can take on if she arcs up


Or “did you know, the phone was designed to be held up against the head, one end has a speaker and one end a microphone, so that we don’t need to be a part of your entire conversation.”


You need to play this game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA1J-raGinQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA1J-raGinQ)


Mernda line is the pits.


The ones who don't use them aren't stable enough to read or identify with this post 


If they could somehow jam the use of a mic and speaker on public transport except for 000 I would be all for it.


Hahaha fair enough honestly


One of the (many) things I loved about Japan is how everybody just shut the hell up when they were on PT.


I used to take the JR line from Osaka to Kobe at 10pm every night and it was always jam packed. One time the train screeched to a halt and we sat there with the engine off for about 10 minutes. When the train noise stopped it became clear that my headphones were turned up waaaayyy too high, everyone standing around me had to listen to Bullet for my Valentine because we were packed in so tight I couldn't move my arms to get my mp3 player out of my pocket. Sorry, Japan!


That made me laugh.




You took a different form of transport after an old lady played some music and shook her head? Imagine if something bad actually happened you'd be destroyed emotionally.


Makes me so angry.


Same 🥲


They’re 100% aware. They know they’re annoying and doing the wrong thing, they just couldn’t give a shit


There are two kinds: 1. The seemingly socially oblivious that think the carriage is their bedroom 2. The rapper who dares you to complain


kids that play fremium games are the worst.. "dude nobody wants to hear your ding ding ding sounds when you pick up some gold." parents be like "ah, my kid's not screaming.. this is bliss."


There’s a subset of society that lack an ability to appreciate the interests of other people. It could be when waiting in line, using public transport, on the road or a thousand other places. It’s like they missed some key developmental milestone in childhood and are stuck as perpetual toddlers.


Was in a waiting room to get my son’s foot xrayed last week. Had to hold my breath and push through the gauntlet of smoking walking corpses out the front to get in there first, and after a while, one of the decrepit beings comes in, sits next to him and tries to talk to him. Luckily noises-cancelling headphones and an iPad meant he didn’t even notice, but then she pulls out her phone, plays some video of a country “Christian” song at max level and starts to sing a long….


Had an interesting individual at the royal children’s waiting room blasting baby shark and cocomelon for 4 hours the other day. When they told us it would be another 4-5 hours wait we left because we couldn’t tolerate the noise pollution any longer.


When we brought my son home from hospital there were these same corpses right out the front of the main door drinking a slab of Johnny walker cans. Like, cmon guys. Give us a few feet at least!


I had a lady come in with two kids (she was chasing painkillers) when I was waiting at the doctor a while ago. The three of them sung 4 bars of I Believe I Can Fly over and over for 30 minutes straight. It took everything I had not scream "Shut the fuck up!"


imagine getting judged for needing painkillers by some cunt called superMethDroid


This was poetry. I can see this interaction in my mind.


If I ever make it in life, I want to give out wired earphones to these people but then it could invite unwanted attention my way…. maybe on my way out of the train carriage¿


I think the removal of the aux port and apple no longer giving you the wired headphones in the box is partially responsible for the increase in people doing this, actually. There used to be no excuse for this behaviour but now you can’t just buy a real cheapo set of wired headphones if there’s no aux.


Hard agree. Blue tooth is a higher entry price. 


And cheap ones might have pairing issues. Or battery issues (that’s if you remembered to charge them) Things you didn’t have when you just had a cheap pair of aux ear buds.


it's not for a lack of headphones


The TikTok videos on the train with no headphones. If I ever go to jail, it will be because I finally snapped at one of the fucking inconsiderate arseholes who refuse to accept that *nobody* wants to hear your videos or music taste. I went to Norway earlier this year and PT was silent. Maybe a low murmur of conversation but certainly no ignorant fuckwit playing music or videos. It was basically utopia


Raw doggin' PT these days is a *wild* thing to do. Always take headphones, pods, noise cancelling ear plugs. Cotton balls. The voices in your head. Anything will save you.


This, I bought a nice pair of Bose noise cancelling headphones a few years back & they are life savers on PT.


I’m pretty sure there are signs on trams now requesting people not use their loudspeakers but it’s never enforced. It’s honestly so rude and disrespectful


I can't help feeling that it is kind of a challenge - they want someone to "make something of it"


Got my own headphones with Noise cancelling, I hear nothing but the sweet sweet ringing of my tinnitus on my train rides.


The movie Do The Right Thing (1989) is about this.


Was driving train replacement buses over the weekend. I know full well the best deterrent to eshays playing their shitty (c)rap music is to already be playing music myself. Now my music tastes are generally a mix of 80s classics through to 90s nu metal and 00s early metalcore. Can’t be bothered with going through every song looking for a swear word. Public transport regulations allow a bus driver to throw someone off the bus for a *behavioural* offence with includes playing offensive music, so mine is probably out unless I want to listen to Jimmy Barnes all night. So my partner makes a playlist of rave music. It did the job, kept me awake. These feral twelvies decided to bring a large speaker on the bus. They kept turning it up and rap gives me a migraine so I turned the EDM up. Surprisingly the speakers on the bus were actually pretty good and eventually they got the hint. It was only when I was cleaning the bus that I realised the music was actually piped. I’ve been driving buses for over a decade and the only bus that had piped music was a “Christmas bus”. I have unwittingly subjected my passengers to a rave on wheels.


It’s never good music either. No one’s going around blasting some Rush or Deftones.


I love Deftones but I don't want to hear them at 630am. In fact the *only* time I want to hear music that I like is when *I* choose to listen to it.


Personal preference. It's be pissed off if they were playing that


Play some old Disney songs louder and sing along and make them uncomfortable.


You're not going to change people so just by some loop earplugs. Taking 5db off society is just enough to make it more pleasant. 


Ikr - if I can hear your crap through my own headphones and music, you’re too loud


One of my favourite memories of Melbourne was going down Smith St on the 86 and having someone blasting Vengaboys "We Like To Party".  What music were they playing at 6:30am? 


Wasn't music just shitty tiktoks at full volume


Bluetooth speakers are de debil. There’s a guy who takes the 246 bus from Elsternwick to the Collingwood housing commission flats on Hoddle Street a few nights a week who seems certain everyone else wants to listen to his Australian rap library, at a volume so high it overwhelms whatever podcast I’m listening to on my earbuds.


People meaning teenage skaterkid with JBL or old Indian/sri lankan man on his phone


Omg old Asian lady having a conversation at the top of her lungs into her speakerphone makes me die inside.  You're old, I get it, your hearing is not great, ok. But holy shit either text or wait until you get home.


Haha, I feel like that one leans more on endearing for me most of the time l, but yes that's also on the list


It's a far wider range of people that do this. 


...obviously ?


Then don't target a select few. 


I'm celebrating our cultural differences


its the modern day equilivent of putting your speakers by you window facing out, on full blast.


Another selfish bogan pig


I dare you to catch vline through tarneit


I'm on the Mernda line. Anglo female but speak Hindi as lived in India for a few years.   So many times I've boarded the train where some young Indian guy, full-blast speaker is doing loud, non-stop sales calls.   Carriage looking furious but (omg, racism) no one saying anything.  I always call them out, in Hindi, telling them to have some manners etc.   Smiles of relief from carriage as the guys (80% of the time) apologise and shut it down.  Then carriage smirks as they watch the guys ( 95% of the time) hit on me.    Ah, the charms of the Mernda line...100% class.


My highlight of this was many years ago now when I was riding the bus home from the train station this teenager was blasting part of Gwen Stefani's Sweet Escape. Not the whole thing, just part of it on a loop like she only had 20 seconds of it. I hate that song now.


Was once on a coach replacement vline for two hours and this cooker played Infowars or something similar on his phone full blast the entire way.


People who have no control or ownership in their own life try to own public spaces. Better to pity them than be angry.


100% agree, I honestly don't know how they can do just blast there music no headphones. If I accidentally not connect my headphones and play music, I turn it off as quick as possible and cringe internally. The fact that they can just blast there music out loud with no shame, is astonishing to me.


They know they just don’t give a fuck because there’s no consequences for being a dickhead in straya


I've been meaning to save a parody song or YouTube comedy video about people doing this being inconsiderate fucks to my phone just so I can play it at full volume in retaliation. There's absolutely no need to listen to anything out loud on PT.  A lady on the bus this week was scrolling through insta watching videos of stuff like dogs being cute. The videos of course have some music overlaid that adds nothing at all to the content but she kept the volume on anyway. 30 seconds of a pop song, scroll, 30 seconds of another pop song, scroll... I wanted to throw her phone out the window


I started playing an alarm on loop right by them, definitely gets their attention. 


Omg this is gold. I’m going to do the same.


I've noticed there's less people blasting music but more WhatsApp and WeChat uncles watching shitty good morning videos, news reports or dramas on loud.


People watch some very weird sh!t headphone free. Luckily I have not encountered pron in the wild, that would be my “say something” moment.


I have at the shopping centre in Marrackville.


On a public computer.




much rather some form of music than repeating TikToks or phone games tbh


This is a frequent beef. It is ‘public’ transport in all its glory. Funny thing is, I’ve never thought ‘I love this song but I wish they didn’t play it so loud on the tram’ it’s always some shite music, almost its own genre. It’s like they find the most unpopular rap song and mix it with cow bell and yodelling and that’s the song they play.


Yeah - and why do these people always listen to the most appalling/obnoxious stuff. Like if it was Bob Marley or something ....


It is an offence under the transport act that METRO AOs will enforce and occasionally PSOs, if they see it disturbing people.


As a Mernda line veteran I have encountered two main types: the meth head or other obnoxious shit who is basically daring you to take them on. Then there’s the other type (with multiple sub species) who do it because others are doing it. I often confront these ones. I just walk over to them or lean across the aisle and simply say: ‘Could you please use your headphones?’. That’s it. Surprisingly most of them actually respond with an embarrassed look and turn off the volume or pull out their headphones. Oh - but I forgot the third type which is the narcissist who rings someone at Jolimont and hangs up at Epping and subjects everyone to the boring minutae of their daily life. I don’t know what to do about them.


I sometimes think about locking them in a carriage filled with others like them and a large number of snot sniffers. Both groups would feel the torment they cause others...


Okay okay okay I get that... BUT SOMETIMES it's a long train ride and you don't have tissues 🥲 but nah I'm usually pretty good and instead breathe through my mouth when I have a cold to reduce being a "snot sniffer"


I'll forgive you as you know it's not a great thing to do. I'd definitely offer you a tissue 😂


Thank you lmfao


You'll listen to my 100 decibel Oz Hip-Hop and you'll fucking like it, bro.


There's a lot of sad scum on PTV :(


There was a guy walking around with a jbl boom box on his backpack, with some odd music playing. Completely in his own world


Guess it depends what line you are on? I take a 6:30 train every morning and i never have this issue. What line are you on? Sounds like either a frankston line or sunbury line thing. But yeah, headphones really do a world of wonder.




Call them out in person


That takes balls I don't have haha


Easy win: Play sorting algorithms.


People need to educate " how to use volume buttons " while travelling PTV


I've had a family get on a bus with a massive speaker in a pram blasting music and it was a REALLY big speaker I'm surprised the pram could even hold it


They know they just don't care sadly a problem with most people in this City these days


The sooner you realize the general population around you are utter trash with a few exceptions you will be making smarter decisions like buying some headphones yourself to drown them out.


That is why a good ANC headphone is a must when using PTV lol


Take your own advice and you won't hear their music


I don't need headphones I can entertain myself plenty by just chillin on the train. But I'm also not an asshole blasting my music or tiktoks


Just saying that if you wore headphones (or earplugs) with nothing playing, you'd be fine. Just one way of getting by without getting pissed off. Up to you


You sound like the kind of person who absolutely doesn’t use headphones on public transport. Often it’s so loud it can be heard through headphones, even still, I shouldn’t have to turn my music up just to drown out your ignorance 


no, i have noise cancelling headphones. i don't hear anything. short of getting in a punch on with some eshay, i'm laying out a workable solution, you're accusing me of being the problem. just wow


Except your ‘workable solution’ isn’t very workable when not everyone has noise cancelling headphones/can’t afford quality ones, and ear buds don’t fully block out all sounds. 


30c earplugs if you want


waaaa i want everything to be my way all the time and i am NOT going to ask them to turn it down, nor make ANY changes to help make MYSELF COMFORTABLE instead i will whinge on reddit cause im sure thats what everyone wants


I do regularly ask people to turn it down, and do everything I can to try and make myself comfortable. I often get vitriol filled responses from people whom I’ve asked to turn down their phones in public places 


What makes you think I don’t ask people to turn it down?


Thank you




Yes they should be using headphones, but they aren't, are they


It's public transport, are you expecting courteous and respectful people on it? Lol