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The ads are aggravating


And they’ve gotten past my Adblock again. It goes in cycles, in couple weeks I’ll be back on top. Edit: Ok, since 300 people have told me yo try Ublock, Firefox, Brave, and 57 other different options, you can all stop. I’ve had enough, I yield.


Try uBlock Origin, works perfectly for me


yeah switched to ublock from another add-blocker and it works perfectly.


It is beyond me why anyone out there is using something other than ublock origin at any given point


Because at some point "AdBlock" was the more popular and "better" adblock, until it started going shit. Also when googling "adblocker" the first 3 results for me are about AdBlock and how many millions of users it has and only the 4th is uBlock Origin.


they just search "adblocker" and that comes up first


Why ypu blocking addition?


Bruh you can't just make a joke about a spelling error with a spelling error in the joke


This is funnier than his joke


Ypur not wrong


Ypu're* lol




"You have become the very thing you swore to destroy"


Probably prefers subtracting negative numbers


ublock is the goat.


Be warned it’s uBlock Origin specifically, not uBlock alone.


No iBlock alone.


iBlock a lonely road...


the only road that I have ever known


Ublock origin* Fix that.


Yeah it’s been working fine for ages. Only problem I’ve noticed recently, not sure if it’s related but, YouTube will take a few seconds to actually load a video and sometimes it for some bullshit where it pauses for no reason and won’t play until I refresh the page.


Wonderful fun fact about that: YouTube is doing that on purpose.


I don't understand why they engage in trench warfare with adblockers and consumers instead of trying to come up with a solution that is tolerable to the users.


Because they want MORE money, and if they can force you to watch ads, that means EVEN MORE money. Every ad you watch is functionally another dollar in YouTube's pocket, so they're scrambling to make you watch more and more of them. Their thought process is "maybe if I make it so inconvenient to use an adblocker, they'll stop using the adblocker and just watch the ads like I want them to!" except that's not how We Adblocker-using Peoples roll - if they make it so inconvenient to use an adblocker, we're just not gonna use your damn site. Middle-grounding with users isn't profitable. Churning out updates that increase youtube's ad revenue is profitable (in their eyes... for now), so that's what they're gonna do.


That's YouTube trying to play an ad and your ad blocker stopping it from playing


doesnt work for me, just replaces the add with a black loading screen for the duration of the ads


From what I can tell all adblockers are in an active war with youtube. Adblock A blocks ads perfectly for a few weeks, then youtube figures out how to break A's blocking methods, then A figures out some way to circumvent youtube again. You probably tried ublock during a period where youtube created a new problem but ublock had yet to fix it. As long as your adblocker doesn't take too long to come up with a countermeasure when it needs to and it doesn't have any tertiary caveats to its existence (like how adblock plus does the Eyeo list) then you should just stay with it. If it does have one of those problems, ublock origin is fairly quick to respond so it is a decent choice.


Yep, Ublock is the one I’ve found to be best on the frontlines. Every few months I’ll start seeing ads on firefox, but within a couple days they’re gone again. Fuckin shadow war’s going on that we will never see lol


In my experience, whenever I have even a slight hiccup with uBlock Origin on YouTube, it's fixed within a day. I'd rather go outside than watch YouTube with ads. There are other things to do with my time.


Still better than ads


Make sure it's "ublock origin" and not "ublock"


uBlock Origin is rarely bypassed, and when it is, they come with a fix for it within the hour.


I use brave browser. Haven't seen a youtube ad in years




I used Brave for such a long time that I forgot YT vids have ads. I got a new laptop and was too lazy at first to use anything but default apps. First video I opened was those double unskippable ads. Lol I wasn't lazy again after that.


Try Brave. Two years and not a single slip.


The fucking 4 second adds let you “skip” after 5 seconds. If you forget to skip which is guaranteed because the skip timer is longer then the ad itself then it plays another ad. I would almost give up trying to skip altogether if it were not for the fact that sometimes they let 10 min plus ad plays. I’M LOOKING AT YOU SHEN YUN!!!!


its so aggravating because I like to watch YouTube videos while im eating my breakfast in the morning. If im eating something messy I don't want to touch my remote.


They really punish you for not skipping. When my adblocker stopped working a few months ago I thought, ya know what, I should just watch the ads, it's what makes all this possible. Honestly the way YT ads worked forced me to find a new adblocker




Get the clean tube app. It's not 100% but it gets rid of nearly all the ads. Occasionally a bit glitchy but definitely worth it


YouTube? Half the memes I'm seeing here have words like shit or suck being blurred or covered. Next we're gonna have fucking trigger warnings because a caption has bazinga in it or some shit


Your comment has been flagged for not including a trigger warning for the trigger warning for possibly potential triggering material. Comment: Penguins waddle.


Akchually, not all penguins waddle, that is an over generalisation of the penguin community and you need to include a trigger warning for your specism


Happy cake day!


I'm sorry but since it's not everyone's cake day you'll have to include a cake day trigger warning.




>This notification has been fact checked by snopes and flagged as spreading misinformation


It's because 90% of reddit's content comes from tiktok.


passed on, passed away, left us, departed this world, went to the afterlife, oofed, sitting on jesus's lap, having a hell of a time, game overed, slurping that sweet death juice, reapered by the grim, died


'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!


>'E's passed on! Holy hell!


New slang just dropped


Actual braintot


Call the sigma


Kai cenat goes on vacation, never comes back


Oh no, have some mercy for a poor soul, i don't want to go on anarchy chess


Gotta rewatch that immediately. Brb


Good, glad to see someone else's mind went there..."behind the curtain and joined the choir invisible" is probably my favorite.


What’s this from? Sounds familiar.


Monty Python's Flying Circus dead parrot sketch


Kicked the bucket, bought the farm, fucked the chicken


“… died.” Fucking got me


Autolyse, not wait until old age, delete himself, reset his character, bite the dust, call for Charon... Tbh I don't get why not just say "to take his own life"? Is it worse than "unalive"? At least it's more respectful.


My fave is sewerslide


Didnt get their reboot card in time


Went to the gulag and lost


Whatever happened to classics like "commit die", "commit sodoku" and "become an hero"


“Came down with a case of the deads”


Tiktok caused this, not youtube I'm told. From what zoomers have told me, tiktok will ban you for saying suicide, so they say unalive instead and it moved to youtube.


I mean, before tiktok some creators also was doing that (incorrectly ofc) but tiktok censorship surely done impact on making that more frequent


YouTube has a history of demonetising videos based on speech in the video. Swearing in the first minute, for example. During Covid you couldn't say words like Covid or Pandemic, so some youtubers created code words for it like "Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour". However, they've never had an issue with the words kill, murder, suicide, etc. That's a TikTok special. TikTok is a lot more strict on this, since YouTube's discovery algorithm is supposedly disconnected from monetisation status, while TikTok will just bury your video. I've also seen people say that videos are buried if you mention other platforms like YouTube or Twitch. Presumably they want you to post your longform and lives on TikTok rather than using TikTok as a marketing tool, like you would use Twitter.


GameGrumps reference spotted.




Hey Michelle, come look. They're doing the bit I like. They're gonna pre.


My uh... my fellow Americans. I'm... uh... I'm gonna fuckin' pre.


TikTok did start it and if the worst offender, but YT adopted many of the same censorship policies.  [History of Everything Podcast ran into this issue while trying to publish his video about the censorship of All Quiet On the Western Front](https://youtu.be/iKgp_PcZMeY). Demonetized multiple times, and instead recorded a version where he resorted to terms like "the Yahtzee party" and such. Ironic, and a terrible thing for educational content.


> Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour Is that a fellow game grumps enthusiast I spy?


God dammit Arin


It's more of a safety precaution than a rule on youtube. Youtube have changed their rules in the past without warning and issued out strikes to channels for videos that were made before the rules were put in place, so to avoid that, they adopt the lingo.


"Chilling effect"


Yes, yes, John Cena ice cream


"unalive" makes me wanna murder


I think you mean the act of unaliving /s.


From what I've seen this isn't remotely a YouTube policy thing, though there could be some overlap. I've only seen the self censoring adopted by creators themselves who clearly want as wide a reach as possible including on YouTube Shorts and TikTok. If policy had actually changed to demonetized or suppress videos not even for cursing but for mentioning certain words, it would have been a bigger story. This seems to be an entirely creator driven movement, originating from TikTok policy. And it's making everyone talk like a 8 year old. 


Former youtuber, 100% is. Demonetized for swearing in first 30 sec, and/or excessive swearing during the rest of the vid or touching on sensitive topics like rape or suicide. You can't even have text containing those words in your video (for example, showing a news headline). You'll never find hard rules written for this anywhere btw. Youtubers use a complicated network of trial and error driven databases to guess at what causes issues. Infuriating.


Why wouldn't you just use a more respectful term then like "took their own life" or something? "Unalived" is so unserious it gets to the point of being incredibly disrespectful to the victim and grieving family. My dad killed himself, if someone had the balls to say some Muppet shit like he unalived himself I would black out for a few minutes and suddenly wonder why I am being arrested.


You really are totally right about this, I think a lot of people just don't appreciate stuff like that until it gets personal to them. My best to you and your family, I can't imagine what that must have been like.


Things are [being age-gated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoAVM1hTnfw) (which includes censoring it for anyone not logged in to a YouTube account) based on words like "genocide", so anyone who has an audience under 18 has a legitimate reason to try and trip up censors.


Youtube will put a suicide warning and phone line on RATM videos because of the Thích Quảng Đức self-immolation album cover so I ain't fiving youtube a pass.


The algorithm is smarter than that, people aren't though. You can say it. You can type it out in the comments.


You're still not allowed to say covid on youtube


Its more that a myth started that tiktok wont push videos with certain words and people started censoring like that.


As everyone has said, it’s a spillover from TikTok. However, I don’t actually think the particular censorship they’re trying to avoid is a real phenomenon. First of all, it doesn’t make any sense that a complex algorithm is so easily fooled by using a silly synonym. They would have updated it long ago if it was actually a thing. In addition, I have looked and looked for anything laying out hard evidence that anything was removed, suppressed, or demonetized specifically for using words like “kill” or “suicide.” There are tons of articles talking about the phenomenon, but all of them that I’ve found just take for granted that the initial censorship is actually happening. At best, I’ve seen anecdotal reports that aren’t conclusive at all.




Thing is you CAN say it ok Tik Tok. There are videos of people saying “kill” or “died” but for some reason, people think you can’t say it


yep, it's a purely cultural phenomenon with no actual basis in reality


Not while getting paid


Yeah, I was gonna say. Isn't this Chinese communist censorship on TikTok seeping into other parts of the internet. This actually seems like a good case study of how the CCP's influence through TikTok spreads.


I thought the conspiracy is that TikTok is intentionally made into an unmoderated cesspool in order to corrupt American youth, while the Chinese version is intentionally curated to only have socially positive content. Or are we switching to the conspiracy that China is attempting to spread influence by bringing over the same practices that the Chinese TikTok has? Which conspiracy are we espousing these days? Clearly I'm behind the times.


China bad!! us good. That’s the only thought they are capable of processing. Shows you the power of propaganda.


No, you can say “kill” and “suicide” on TikTok. People on there just censor themselves because they’d rather blame the spooky CCP for their videos’ poor performance rather than the fact that their content just isn’t very good


The word "unalive" only works when Deadpool uses it


And it was supposed to be a joke about the stupidity of over censorship not a guideline.


I can’t watch that stuff, if they say it a few times cool fine doable, but it’s like every sentence has a “SA’d” “unalived” “pew pew” or the like in it and I just can’t


Don't forget "Graped", which almost sounds mocking (I know it isn't but ffs maybe we should use a more serious synonym for something like that).


Ah yes I knew there was a worse one I was missing yea graped/grapist (or when they show a grape/grapes) comes across as a slap in the face to people who have gone through such




This was exactly what I was hoping for.


Then it carries over to other platforms. People write r\*ped here for no reason. They don't even know why, half of them think it's a trigger censor and somehow reading r\*pe won't trigger someone like seeing rape will.


Literally 1984 by jojorwell


It only gets better from here...


I recently watched one where the guy would say "r-worded" instead of "raped" and I could not help thinking of the ableist slur rather than what he actually meant. And IIRC he also used "s-word" for both suicide and sex in the very same video. It was a fucking mess lol.


To be fair, at least SA'd makes sense. It's just a shortening of sexual assault.


it still sounds unnecessary and unnatural. no one talks like that, neither of the words are curse words


It's slowly creeping into Reddit.


Quickly. Already did. It’s here.


I had a case where they censored the word "manifesto"


I once saw the word “idiot” get censored in a video.


You don't want to insult the "idiot".




Im glad im not the only one angry about the "unalive" censoring. it sounds stupid in context, and it doesn't even need to be used on all platforms, so why bother using it on platforms that don't need you to censor it?


Usually because they make the one video for tiktok who is hard on it and then it reposts to other platforms. 


I see people saying it on forms and comment sections. Are those censored too? I’ve also seen stuff like unalived and restarted in Reddit comments


When you want to express emotions, but you're afraid to get banned...🙃




Internet censorship has ruined our language and it makes me angry.


You mean "big mad". /S


Big nonhappy


Large negative emotion


Immense unfavourable sensation


Doubleplus nonhappy


Doubleplus ungood


"He was a corn 🌽 addicted who grape 🍇 a woman before unaliving himself" 😒😑 shits annoying at this point


Or it's "sewer-slide" I don't know which one is worse.


“He was a cørn add!ct who gr@ped a woman before un@living himself” sometimes they censor then censored word


They censor content for nature adults while there are many content farms for kids with soft porn thumbnail. If any adult youtuber with mature adult audience talks about it, they are gonna get no ad revenue


Man Carrying Things just made a great skit about how many other words you can say instead of died or suicide. They meet their maker. Their six feet under. They're gone to a better space. They ceased to exist. They have left this life. Their life came to an end. Etc. I could go on forever. You could use any of these perfectly normal terms and wouldn't be censored by YouTube, but no, let's make up the dumbest word ever. Since death was a taboo for such a long time, there are more synonyms and terms for it than to any other thing. At this point I'm convinced that any YouTuber who uses "unalive" are just people with horrible vocabulary who somehow can't think of any of the gazillion terms to describe a soul passing from this life without using the word 'dearh'.


The video (0:50 long): https://youtu.be/3vVNxU-loNg?si=048VDKOw1uAdCX5Y


Or seeing stuff ike "B!00d", I feel like basically anything with even the slightest negative connotation is getting censored these days.


They really made add!ct, k!ll, de@th and seggs. They make my blood boil


YouTube and censorship go hand in hand.


like redditors and knowledge of how reality looks




Or are a Redditor


Or an overpriced home


YouTube and 1984 go hand in hand


Redditors and never reading nor understanding the purpose of 1984 go hand in hand


Hearing unalive actually makes me want to commit suicide. Censoring it isn’t going to help since suicidal people commit suicide because they have no one to talk to about it and now saying unalive makes it sound like you’re avoiding the subject.   


Exactly! It makes suicide seem "cute" and "not a big deal". It's fucking nonsensical and cringes me to my core.


It has nothing to do with triggering anyone and all to do with ad revenue.


Censorship is cancer. 


How to scare a youtuber: Die, Kill, Dead, Death, Killed, Died


My mother will be sending you a very strongly (but YouTube friendly) worded email.


Just use "take a life", "end his own path of life" or My favorite "killed"


That's not YouTube, that's mostly done due to TikTok censorship, if I'm not mistaken


the thing is, videos are more marketable and reusable if they can be copied to multiple platforms, so if any social media banns a word, your video, even if uploaded on a different platform has less chances to blow up, so the worst censorship takes precedence over multiple platforms. . same goes for all forms of media. if you have to make massive changes to your "shoot nazies" game, to release it on the german market, its cheaper for you to censor the swastikas beforehand, than make a separate version with regionlock.


It's Tiktok mostly... *and* it's all **self-**censorship, because everyone wants to monetize their stupid shit.


My favorite example was in a video, someone said “passed away by her own choosing” as a safe way of saying “killed herself”.


I think you mean, "involuntarily soiled her britches due to a voluntary permanent cessation of cardiopulmonary activity"


“And now let me bring up another topic, which other Youtubers before me have talked about just fine, but I’m going to claim would get me demonetized so I can tell you about a video I have on Nebula.”


Youtube will not instantly turn any "suicide" into unalive. It is the person uploading the video that does it. No matter how bad corporations get with censorship, the person uploading the content is to blame: either it is not the appropriate platform for said content, or the content creator doesn't value the content quality enough to use actual non-stupid language.


Jesus came back from the unalive for us.


Imagine liking kids that much you make two YouTubes just for them


I still don't understand this censorship, if they wanted people to not talk about it, why not censor things like "unalive"? if they don't care, why censor? And if they don't care but the advertisers do, what's the difference if they are talking about the same things, but with different words???


There are so many ways of saying suicide that is still grammatically correct and still carries the same weight of the topic. I honestly think zoomers so bad at English that they have to start making up words


Actually I don’t mind this because some people get creative with it. Personal favorite that I’ve heard is “connect you to God’s Wi-Fi.”


To think we could bring back “climbing the chair to bed” but we’re stuck with “un-aliving” smh


Sounds like a Ray William Johnson vid haha




Why the fuck are they censoring sensitive words and forcing people to use horrendous words like "unalive" wich sounds like you are making joke of the situation? Fuck these assholes




They are doing it to help content creators, by "content" they mean products and by "creators" they means businesses and corporations. Twisting the words of Robocop a bit: "Good words make for good sales".


Whats worse is when im trying to sleep (AND ONLY THEN) i get ads that are full webinars or podcasts. Or when ads act like they’re a vlog or youtube video themselves like stop


Unalive ? I just say eliminated or offlined


Homie just watched that one yt video complaining abt this


I do youtube. Turns out that saying certain things will get your video automatically demonetized if closed captioning picks it up, or age restricted (which might as well be demonetized, because it's never recommended to anybody) YouTube followed in the steps of tiktok and it's genuinely so awful.


Just like Reddit.


I really miss the old internet from the 2000's and early 2010's


I dunno, the workaround word replacements can be funny if they’re creative enough. I’ve heard someone refer to guns as “force multipliers” on YouTube


I'm not one who throws around this phrase lightly, but this is literally 1984. Like, this is really close to newspeak from the book, limiting our freedom of expression by changing language.


Mentioned this in another thread. Fuck Google/Youtube. Zero respect for that shit company. Act like they are going to go bankrupt if they can't shove 14 ads in my eyeballs every minute. I'd rather see the whole company fold than watch one of their ads. I honestly can't wait for the day that there is a viable alternative to Youtube. Nothing lasts forever, and one day that shit-stained corporation will reap what its sewn.


On top of a bajillion different ads that you can’t even skip, some of those ads features gambling, crypto or even fucking porn. Meanwhile they still have the audacity to censor individual creators from using “offensive” language


Yt is a monopolist. Unless somebody makes competition that will make them endangered, nothing will change.


The guy in the pic is football (soccer) coach José Mourinho for anyone wondering. I'm sure it's obvious to everyone in Europe and football fans more generally, but it took me forever to figure out who the guy in all these iconic reaction memes was. Especially that gif where his wavy hand flies up and away into the sky while he blows a raspberry. https://i.imgur.com/xQZiNbc.gif


George Carlin on 'soft language' 1990ish: [https://youtu.be/o25I2fzFGoY?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/o25I2fzFGoY?feature=shared) Rowan Atkinson on free speech: [https://youtu.be/xUezfuy8Qpc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/xUezfuy8Qpc?feature=shared) One thing to laugh and the other to think about.. 😉


im glad george carlin isnt here to see how "soft language" has progressed


I hate it, and it doesn't fucking work anyway, you're just changing the word you actually use. If they said "this video contains topics of S.A. and C.A." you know that stands for sexual assault and child abuse if you're a true crime fan, those concepts still go into your brain regardless of the fact the content creator didn't actually say it, so it's fucking useless to censor it. Even with a bleep your brain fills out the blanks, so censorship is both annoying and doesn't work, it's just that these websites have to bend over backwards because apparently advertisers are a bunch of pansy old people who are offended by words.


This is some "1984" doublespeak type of shit. WTF.


Try Facebook lol, you can't even say the word "ass" unless it's in certain contexts




"The serial killer decided to SA his victims then proceeded to use a pointy object to unalive them by swinging it multiple times." Crime documentaries suffer from this the most.


"Unalive" and "died by suicide" are obnoxious. Just say "killed himself" and "committed suicide." It's not bad to say at all


Now if only they'd ban "bro" and "bruh"


1984? Censoring and removing words that describe something and replacing them with a “un” prefix on the opposite word to tighten the range of expression with words? (I know its cliche to draw to 1984 but still)


https://youtu.be/3vVNxU-loNg?si=zpTezQlG0xg5dpw0 always think about this


That's crazy. I never realized YouTube/censorship invented euphemisms...


I used to think YouTube censoring videos of where you walk past a restaurant playing music was bad. It's so much worse now.


I prefer sewerslide. 👨‍🎓