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Coke dealer who lived down the street from us on Northside back in 2009 was banging a MPD cop


Do tell


Old hippy house being torn down then replaced by ugly house with metal siding, and a young yuppy couple with a sprinter van moves in.


Fair. Not the answer I was hoping for but one I cannot argue with.


I feel like this might be my old house :(. Fond memories there. It has since been torn down. Edit: you might just be making a blanket statement though 🤷. I'm sure this kind of thing is happening everywhere


A naked dude fighting four other people. And winning. At 11:00 am on a Saturday.


I’d pay to watch that fight tbh hahaha




New PSA slogan-“Do meth, reek of death.”


Going to a "Spooky Christmas" party in a house where the interior was completely covered in black plastic. Or Listening to someone dressed as Benjamin Franklin read the Declaration of Independence aloud on the 4th of July.


This is what I’m talking about


Neighbors came over to let us know they were having a poetry slam in their backyard so it might get a little noisy that afternoon.


First place in Missoula was right next to Hollywood trailer park and down wind from us, they had a meth lab blow up, all three of us were sick for a week. Walked out my front door and swat was RIGHT THERE, couple weeks later I came home from work and the whole trailer was gone


Was this in like early-mid 2000s? One of my core memories as a child was living on the Northside and hearing a fucking bomb detonate somewhere outside then being able to see a plume of black smoke billowing out of a house somewhere fairly far away across the train tracks. We saw on the news later that it had been a meth lab in Hollywood trailer court.


Like 2014-16?


Having my buddy's cousin stop by my house to give away ice cream that he stole from an ice cream truck.


devious licks


Robbin le Hood, Prince of Creams


Ha -the Northside still has funk and flavor but it is far more mellow. Less drugs, more dogs. Less fixed gears, more families. Always been a little community of friendly people with some wild sprinkled in. Despite gentrification, it’s still the most unique and one of the more interesting neighborhoods in Missoula.


I lived there for 13ish years. One particularly Northside-y summer, we had meth heads yelling at each other outside of our window at 3am. Then the trashy neighbors a few doors down were yelling at their trashy kids who were fighting over who gets the last can of Mt Dew. Or who gets to ride shotgun to go to Oles. Or where the 1.5 year old wandered off to (my yard... turns out, is where he was one time. I kept him safe and put in a call to CPS. Total nightmare of a situation) Then I'd stand on Scott St bridge and take photos of the most stunning sunsets I've ever seen and go take in a movie at the Outdoor Cinema. I also taught my daughter how to ride a bike on the bike path. The Northside is weird and horrible and wonderful.


Weird horrible beautiful is the best thing I’ve heard today.


Protests documented in the Missoula, to save the Hollywood Trailer Park. Woman walks out of her tiny shitty camper parked on the street, and takes a shit and piss right on the sidewalk in daylight. No wheels on the camper, it was on jackstands. Class. People on meth fucking and screaming for 14 hours straight, with windows open. Shades curtains open. The trains slamming sounding like bombs going off, and people still pay dearly to live there. Requires a special sort of drinking the Kool aid, to believe it's high quality of life, with the sound of loud interstate on one side, airline flight path above, and trains explosion sounds to the south. With shitty access.


It's not what it used to be.... It's just full of hipsters complaining about trains and crossings now..... 


It's always the trains.


Ya want stories from the 90s & up til now? I should setup a story time hous lmfao


I don't want many other things more than Northside stories from the '90's.


I was having party at my house and I watched a homeless dude walk up to my car and proceeded to open my door and when I confront him from my door he ran away, the next night he broke in to my neighbors car and stole and their change.


Buddy lived next to the tracks, randos would often show up with pilfered train goods for sale


Drunk kid passed out on my lawn who started screaming and pulling off his clothes when the sprinklers went off at 4 am. Or maybe the woman who walked into our house in the middle of the day, sat on our couch and took off her shoes. We didn't know the woman and she was quite offended when my husband told her to get out.


Guy getting flash banged by the SWAT team while I was walking my dog


Soup Farm is the dumbest shit to ever happen to our neighborhood


Why's that? I've never been, but I'd like to know how a soup and sandwich spot is bad. What would you rather it be?


Have you seen their paint job?


How are they still in business?


Because it's really good?