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Possession is a felony in Idaho. Never ever bring substances across the Idaho border! They also prowl that part of the road just to pull people over they know are coming from Missoula. They will pull you over for going 2 mph over just to search your car. Even if you're nice they will be shitty and try to provoke you. Be careful people!


Good reminder to never consent to a search. All it takes is one shitty cop to throw a baggie into your center console. We really need some sort of reform over drug dogs. They false "alert" all the damn time. It's just an excuse for cops to be able to search without a warrant.


Yep! Never consent to a search, discuss your day, health conditions or medications even if you have a prescription. It's none of their business and they will find excuses to try to get you to slip up and admit to something. Be polite but exercise your right to silence. Smile, laugh, be friendly and calm. Fake it if you have to. Act like they're your buddy even if you despise them. Also, get a dashcam and always record your interactions with police (just politely let them know you're recording). If you don't have a dashcam, it's best to have a pre-set up spot for recording with your phone so it's not in your hand. If it looks like you record everything they will likely be less suspicious of you recording.


Yes, never consent to a search! Agreed on the need for reform over drug dogs. The fact that one of our Constitutionally protected rights can be overridden by the behavior of an animal is absolutely insane.


Another reason to install a dashcam.


Throw a baggy, like they need to do that with the way people are these days.


What are you even referencing?


If you think cops are going around dropping baggies in people's cars just so they can make an arrest you are very ignorant to how arrests works. Good aren't like paid per arrest. And arresting someone and taking them to jail takes hours and tons of paperwork. That's the last offense a cop is worried about. There are so many people with drugs on them that are violently offending or selling and that's what they are trying to find. Not dime bag Danny.


>There are so many people with drugs on them that are violently offending or selling and that's what they are trying to find. The fact that they are focusing these searches on this particular event doesn't really illustrate this though.


I'm guessing it's because it's high traffic across state line and big events. They will still arrest people with drug paraphernalia, but they're targeting bigger fish.


I'm not gonna say it never happens, because it definitely does! But with bodycams, dash cams, and multiple officers being required to be in drug scenes now it is very very unlikely that you will have that happen.


Yeah, have you seen the videos in which cops turn off their bodycams? Don't rely on the bodycams of officers to save *you.*


If an officer turns of their body can during a search or investigation it can be brought up in court and dismiss evidence.


I got pulled over going Montana speeds in their 50mph. I was polite and non confrontational, I got a warning. I am a middle aged white woman with a kid though for what that's worth.


Have they noticed that you were a Democrat maybe they would have given you a ticket.


I go to Weir/JJ *a lot*. Like, *a lot* a lot. There is 1 ISP officer on Hwy 12 regularly and he has been incredibly chill with my friends who he has pulled over who were in possession of substances. None of them ever got a serious charge. I think just a speeding ticket or two for going 10 over. I have driven past him a ton of times going 5-10 over and have never been pulled over. Just wanted to share my experience with them. It's completely different than yours. Idaho needs to get its shit together in so many ways though. Recreationally legal weed being one of them.


That ISP trooper is from a totally different law enforcement agency than the Idaho county sheriff's office. David is reasonable and lives in the area. ICSO mobs the place every few months or so and is brutal about giving out tickets/arresting people. Different agencies with different priorities I guess.


On a weeklong raft float in Idaho, a county sheriff in a jet boat pulled us over and investigated for a DUI. No motor, not even whitewater, but a beer was open. Full check of lifejackets, emergency whistle, licenses. Didnt get any tickets but it really turned me off of vacationing there, I dont like getting hassled so thoroughly in the middle of nature. A beer on a raft is not a threat to public safety, ffs.


They are conservative over there. Fascist police state if there ever was one.


Idaho is the fucking worst, lived over there for a year and was so happy to get out. 


Know why Montana is so windy? Cause the Dakotas blow, and Idaho sucks.


yup. idaho cops love to ruin a good day for no fucking reason.


I spend a lot of time on the water, boating, fishing, ice fishing. Getting a safety check or license check is not unique to Idaho. When they are out there checking, that’s their job, open container or not. On the ice, you just watch him walk from hut to hut. It’s no big deal really.


Now that’s a good PSA


Can confirm. Got stopped omw to weir for “speeding” but it was clearly just a sniff stop. No ticket they just checked me out. I had a dog with me which made their dog go nuts. I didn’t have my medical with me because I knew I was going to Idaho, and I’m glad too. Don’t risk it, it not worth it. Leave the grass at home.


Why I don’t go to Idaho. They want to act like that, I’ll take my tourist money somewhere else.


Well most MT boaters who go to the Lochsa don't spend a penny in Idaho on most trips, so there's that.


Not true. They pay a lot of the outfitters, gas stations and make runs to the nearby town. Then go tell their friends wherever they came from that Idaho is actually pretty but the cops are bastards. People fly into Missoula and travel to Lochsa/central Idaho all the time. Your comment comes off a bit boot-licky.


Boot-licky? I think that's a huge stretch. The nearest gas station is the lochsa lodge, and the gay couple that owns it are pretty far from redneck. Kooskia is still a full hour away, and most boaters rarely make it down that far.


Your comment wasn’t boot-licky. I was replying to jkody. And kooskia totally gets an increase in tourism from the Lochsa whether it be people from Montana or wherever. And a lot of them enjoy cannabis and its benefits. Just a shame Idaho is so stuck in prohibition while claiming “freedom” like other “red” states.


Yep, I know someone who returned from Weir to have the cops waiting for them at the car, just to say their dog alerted on the vehicle. Definitely changed their weekend and the next few weeks of their life, all for a joint.


A lawyer would get that charge dropped. You need reasonable suspicion to search a vehicle, and that counts using a dog to search the vehicle. If you're driving, they can lie and say you were acting funny, but to alert on a random vehicle is against the law and they know it. Just trying to fuck with people at that point.


Perhaps true, but how much would a lawyer cost?


Nope, not true. You need probable cause to search the vehicle, not ‘reasonable suspicion.’ (He’s probably thinking of ‘particularized suspicion.’) A dog that has been properly trained and certified to smell marijuana counts as PC. And sure enough, there apparently was weed in the car, as you noted ….


Idaho is a good reminder to Montanans…. How far “right” do you really want to go? Shame that they have to come bust the very people who also bring the 2nd highest GDP to the gem 💎 state. (Outdoor recreation) and one the fastest growing sectors. Simultaneously, the federal issue of a class 1 drug looks like could be changed on cannabis being dropped to a level 3 controlled substance. The red states I thought have the most “freedom”? Some boot-licking trumpet please let me know what I’m missing here?


GREAT reminder. There are plenty of politicians that want Montana to go down that road Idaho is now damn far down. One of them is the current Governor, a couple more are running for office in November. I for one don't want women of Montana to have to take a helicopter to Utah for emergency healthcare. We need to get people to the polls if we want to keep from sliding further down that slope.


Idaho is such trash anymore. Redneck hellhole


It always has been.




Future of MT at this rate.


Spot on. All in the name of “Christian values”.


State flower is a keystone light can.. I mean their road sides are typically blooming with them now through the summer.


When did Keystone replace Natty Light?


I mean, if they're mostly redneck, Montana is white trash...


Lol Idaho is far more white trash and redneck than Montana. At least a woman still has reproductive rights here.


For now anyway... Protect freedom, reject republicans!


There's a lot more trailer parks and white trash in Montana than Idaho. The two states are pretty comparable in the end.....


Ask the women who live there which state has more control of their bodies. Smaller government my ass.


Idaho is the Alabama of the NW, Montana is closer to Florida 😆


Idaho County cops looking to cornhole some drunks.


Nah, DUI is just a traffic violation. Weed is where the real money is for them.


*Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back reference go whoosh*


For the people that think this is ok, let me tell you what can happen to anybody. I used to work at a car lot getting used cars ready for sale, more times than not, I would find a variety of drugs stashed in cars. I cleaned what I could, but I know I missed plenty. This happens all over the country, the car you just bought, new or used could have drugs in it. Now you go live your life and stop by the hotsprings one day. You come back to an officer and dog asking to search your car, you say yes because you have never done drugs. Few minutes later you are arrested and off to jail, your life is now ruined because of oudated bullshit laws. This is a massive waste of resources that harms innocent people.


My new cars never have drugs and now I feel ripped off.


Please don't litter, the people in Idaho are already trash.


I avoid Idaho altogether these days unless absolutely necessary.


Me too. Used to visit Coeur d’Alene and Priest Lake all the time. Almost never now that Idaho has fully embraced Christofascism.


Yes please stay out of idaho at all costs


10-fucking four


mullet in the back, kayak on the rack, the police comin for your sack


That’s goddamm poetry right there


Live and Let Live is a no, no in red state Idaho. Thank you Idaho for continuing your good service of saving us from ourselves! lol


Not sure who needs to hear this but they haven’t trained drug dogs to detect marijuana for a good 10 years now and all marijuana detection dogs have long been retired. They will claim a dog has indicated so that you’ll consent to a search. Do not consent to a search and dog believe what they tell you. “I don’t believe you and I don’t consent to a search, am I under arrest or am I free to go? If I’m under arrest I need a lawyer” Best thing you can do is just don’t be stupid. Don’t drink in the car or smoke weed out in the open.


That might work except there's no phone reception on most of hwy 12 to call your attorney and if you're traveling from MT, your attorney wouldn't b able to represent you in Idaho anyway.


If you’re under arrest you have right to counsel and the right to be silent until so. They get you a public defender or whatever. Either way if you’re under arrest it’s time for the next step which is shut up and ask for a lawyer.


Idaho is a Nazi state anymore, don’t spend money or time there supporting these idiots.


Thanks for heads up, that's pretty out of control!


20 years old, after 6 days of backpacking the 7 Devils wilderness area and cops pull me and my buddy over cause we look young on our way back to Missoula. Dog hit and they Hammered us on a old bag of weed that had crumbs, not even enough to smoke a one hitter. Those cops are brutal over there. So many hours of community service.....I travel back often and still makes me nervous.


Seems like a good place/time to share this: [Jay-Z’s 99 Problems, Verse 2: A Close Reading with Fourth Amendment Guidance for Cops and Perps](https://scholarship.law.slu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1376&context=lj)


This was a great read. Thanks!


Damn! That’s long. I need the Cliff Notes. 😊


Buncha narcs


Last year they searched my buddies car for like an hour and he doesn't even smoke lol


This reminds me of when they used to put up the “Drug Interdiction Zone” signs on I-90. They weren’t stopping people to search, they were watching for people throwing their weed and paraphernalia out the window. Then they’d get popped for possession, paraphernalia, and littering.


Police suck, exactly why to never respect, talk to them or vote to increase their funding. It's like they are incapable of using "officer discretion" to spend their time going after criminals with actual victims.


Why would take weed into a state where it's illegal? Also why would I visit a shithole like Idaho?


Nobody ever smoked weed in MT before it was legal, amiright?


You're not too bright are you?


Idaho panhandle is beautiful. Vast wilderness areas, natural hot springs, some of the best rafting in the country. That being said it should be understood that it’s technically Montana and we just never made it official 😁


No, keep the racists in Idaho, and regardless it's a shithole state with nothing of value, even their potatoes suck.


These comments are hilarious…. Lots of 3rd- year law students on here! If you invoke your right to an attorney, one will be provided for you…. If you’re arrested, and only days later if you can’t afford one. There’s a lot of paperwork involved. They don’t call a public defender to the scene every time someone says ‘I want a lawyer!’ That’s not how it works. Yes, they can walk dogs around the parking lot where your car is parked. You are not being detained. You’re rafting down a river. Montana doesn’t have the automobile exception to the 4th Amendment. That means a cop can only search your vehicle with 1) your consent or 2) a search warrant. Idaho doesn’t have that. So if there’s weed in your car they can search it, without your permission. And no, they don’t have to provide you with a lawyer prior to the search.


Yup. You get it, hahaha. Lots of kids in here who have watched like 5 YouTube videos on the subject and are all of a sudden constitutional law experts.


Hey god it's me, reddit person, plz dont make it go dry again?!?!?!?!?


Met folks who got pulled over for going 5 over and searched. Swine actually gave them a speeding ticket and took weed. The pigs also went through campsites with drug dogs as a way to terrorize campers and make a little money. Fuck your freedom, Idaho is a police state.


Is Lochsa Madness every weekend this month?


It is typically memorial Day weekend, but rafters start going hard starting now and every day up to the big weekend.


Nice, would be cool to watch them go by


It really is a lot of fun.


There is also the Big Fork White Water festival that weekend! Might have tons of fun to have


Good! Thank you to law enforcement!


So... don't do drugs?


Not all of us get high off the high art of juggling