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I saw in another thread recently that a lot of theaters that sell alcohol have to leave the lights on higher due to some kind of venue laws. I guess it's to reduce overseeing or underage drinking.


*Some* theaters that sell alcohol. Texas don't give a fuck.


Ya they don’t care about that. Just what porn you watch, if you smoked a joint first etc. Gotta keep your freedoms right?


Isn't there also a law restricting the amount of butt plugs a one person can own? Gotta say, for a state that loves to brag about its freedoms, it sure does like taking them away


Ya exactly. Bunch of people upset about how taxes are spent and what other people do in their free time.






I didn’t know about this, will there be a buyback


Greg Abbott knows 3xl fantasy dildos aren’t cheap.


Freedom isn’t free!


free gun with all large popcorn buys


I told them I didn't want the free gun and they escorted me to my car, slapped a big pink "sissyfied" sticker on it, and told me to "git".


if you said no butter they would have probably shot you on sight


“Extra butter” gets you a free syringe to mainline it straight to your heart.


They had it right


Texas doesn't regulate anything.


Abortion, DEI, textbooks, school libraries, trans care, social media, pornography, black hair styles, men wearing female clothing, dildo ownership, death star laws to strip authority from cities, worker safety protections, wearing masks and vaccinations, … this list goes on. Texas highly regulates everything seen as left-wing or non-conservative.


Oh right! But not things that might kill you, like emissions or trains.


"smaller government" 🫤


You know I’ve heard this but I’ve got a pass for a theatre that doesn’t sell alcohol, some showings have the lights some don’t it seems kinda random


In my state if a theater sells alcohol the lights have to be a minimum brightness and since all the theaters in my state sell alcohol they are all like that. Last movie I went to was Knives Out whichever year that was. The viewing environment being ruined along with half the movie going populace apparently being the most inconsiderate people on earth just isn't worth it. I'll wait and enjoy it at home....in the dark and in peace.


I’m right there with you! The movies have ruined their product by leaving the lights on.




Why did I click on your profile?... 🤦🏽‍♀️




That's how the internet works. We all share everything.


Some of us share more than others


Thank you for the grand tour.




Welp, now that I've clicked on it, why do you go back and forth between being 34 and 35?


I don’t know if I was born with a supernatural ability to not give a fuck or if I’m the luckiest person in the world but I’m always surprised by people’s repeated bad experiences in theatres. I can count on one hand how many times my movie experience was ruined by obnoxious audience members


I feel the exact same way. I have maybe one time a year I’ll go to the movies (of probably around 40-50 times total) that someone is talking or is on their phone a ton and has a negative impact on my experience.


I have the same experience. I sometimes watch movies alone and I pick matinees or weekdays and the crowd is always excellent. The only times I see patrons being rude is when I watch blockbuster movies with friends. It's because we usually end up watching on Friday or Saturday nights, and those shows usually have a higher probability of people on their phones, with children or groups talking throughout the movie. If I avoid those timings I rarely have bad experiences.


I don't think it's alcohol in this case, all 3 of the chains in my city serve it, but I only get the lights on issue at two of them.


So 2 of them follow the rules and one doesn’t.


Other people is why I built a home cinema. Now my screen is relatively the same size as the ones in the theatre. My sound system hits you from all angles and might be doing organ damage, I'm not entirely sure.


Daddy Warbucks over here.


It's in my loungeroom and it's just a projector and a sound system. Not really that expensive at a basic level. I've updated a few times, and yes my current projector cost a bit, but you can get great results without spending to much.


Mine is relative to viewing distance about the same as well and I much prefer the couch in a pitch black fully light controlled basement media room without people showing up 10 minutes into the movie or babies crying or teenagers or people who can't turn their $&@&ing phone off. Literally see no reason to ever go to the movies again.🤘😂


And toilet/snack breaks!


Our theater has special showings where the lights don’t dim and they turn the volume down, supposedly it’s for people with sensory issues? I’ve accidentally booked twice, they only put a little icon in the list of Dolby, etc stuff, I’ve always been refunded abs just went another time. Maybe that’s it?


The first time I encountered the lights being left on, I assumed this was the issue, and that somebody just hadn't adjusted the light settings between showings, but it keeps happening so I don't think that's the issue.


> Our theater has special showings where the lights don’t dim and they turn the volume down Mine does it with discounted tickets aimed at parents with young kids, with the idea that they can play in the aisles and stuff while the parents have something to watch.


I see a lot of people suggesting alcohol sales which makes sense, but it's also possible that the venue has an old dimmer system using non-dimmable LEDs. My theater I work at had that issue a few years back when our maintenance guys were starting to replace incandescent to LED bulbs that didn't dim nicely with old school voltage dimmer circuit.


This is my favorite answer


It's very likely the correct answer, which is almost never the one that gets the upboats on Reddit. I recently installed LED lights labeled dimmable on dimmer switches at my house and they did not dim near as much as the incandescent.


This actually makes a lot of sense


Just saw dune 2 again at a theater in Bellevue (no alcohol theater) and the lights were so bright they distracted me the entire time. It was infuriating. Wish I had the guts to say something...


Where was this, OP?


I saw late night with the devil at a larger theater and it was bright in there, I thought they were still rolling previews because the lights hadn’t fully dimmed yet but the movie was well into the first act 


I assumed it was that enshitification everyone has been talking about.


Lighting is all automated. Even when film was used, automated lighting was around for a lot of years. The film lighting cues was actually a little strip of metallic silver tape you put on the edge of the film (about 4 inches long) at the start of the trailers and then the start of the movie, then the start of the credits, then end of credits. There was a sensor that detected the strip once it passed the projector. The sensor triggered the automation which is programmed that on cue 1 to dim, cue 2 was full dim (or whatever was show presentation), 3 was lights up and 4 was lights completely on. A lot of theaters had the ability to adjust curtains as well in the automation. The digital film files now, it's just a right click and insert light cue in the spots you want in the playlist (trailers and movie). The lights can be manually done as well, but if it's a certain level, its probably where the theater wants it to be. Used to be a projectionist and I geek out over talking about that stuff.


I’ve been the only person in the theater and they honestly just forgot to turn the lights down - I just went to the counter, got an employee’s attention and they fixed it. Problem solved. I really don’t think this is a “movement” to start turning the lights up at movie theaters due to booze being available… Underage drinking at the movies has been happening for as long as I can remember. Not a new trend. In high school, it was like a rite of passage. If they didn’t turn the lights down low enough, we probably would’ve politely asked for the lights to be turned down and then proceed to sneak a Smirnoff ice (ick!). My point is: where there’s a will, there’s a way, lighting be damned.


For 2 of the last 3 movies I saw the house lights dimmed but didn't go out during the movie. Kinda defeats the purpose of going to the movies. The 3rd movie when the lights went out was at a different theater than the other 2. Yeah, I'm not going back to that particular theater any time soon.


I manage a theater and I've had this issue with every auditorium. It's just technical issues, sometimes the light timers on those don't sync as well and I'd have to shut them off myself.


Holy shit though, Sound of Freedom was the worst fucking weekend for having ANY issues. I had all these conspiracy nuts say I've been purposefully making the rooms too hot/cold or even faking the attendance. God.


Interesting, thanks for the insight, wonder why she didn't just turn them off then.


Sometimes the automation to turn off lights fails. Its a quick fix to go upstairs and manually dim lights, after session is over reboot automation box and itll be fine for 2 to 6 months. Sounds just lazy.


Was this the original theatre cut, or the director's extended cut?


Theatrical Cut, the parts of it I could see through the lights were fantastic.


I think it can’t be completely black for safety reasons


Sure, I wouldn't expect them to turn off like exit signs or running lights. But I feel like this dimming, but not shutting off, the overhead and side accent lighting is a new thing. I used to go to the theater and they just turned the lights off.


Worked at a small music venue in the early 2k’s, sometimes we showed cults and classics on a projector Monday nights just to get the bar open. Pitch black, super busy. All the kids were shit faced at the end of the night. Good times!


Some cinema's have showings for disability customers like autistics etc that need light so keep them calm and sometimes reduced sound levels.


Maybe ask a manager about it next time.


Maybe read the post next time


Maybe ad a period next time. 


Maybe use the correct word — “add” — next time.


That’s the joke! Nice job. It even kept autocorrecting to ‘add’ so, yes, it was planned. Also proper grammar is to put asides in parentheses, not dashes.  


I dunno, I like the dashes, personally. The spaces on either side may be suspect, though. *side-eyes your use of single quotation marks* :)


Saying “I dunno” is a complete sentence and needs a period after it, not a comma.  I’ll let the italicized portion slide since it seems correct based on “internet” grammar. But watch you’reself. 


> you’reself omg


Ffs. I read the whiny ass post. OP said they asked the manager to adjust the lights. Great. Next time they go to a movie, ask to talk to a manager and get an answer to the question. Find out their policy. Determine if this is a theater, chain, state, federal, global or galactic requirement.