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Hollywood contracts & copyrights. World Record is my favourite from The Animatrix.


The runner correct? Who starts to bend reality when running a race and gets chased by agents?


Yes, that one and Kids Story were awesome.


kids story probably my favorite. love the excitement they had when they found the little spot where their world was glitching and the gravity was different.


Second Renaissance is great but World Record is my favorite. It has some really interesting stuff to say that really furthers the “are there limits to human potential” theme of the Matrix, plus it adds some chilling wrinkles to our understanding of how the machines “govern,” and what they can (and can’t) do.


Honestly I'd be up for more Animatrix shorts. Maybe one about the first attempt, that 'perfect world where none suffered' which ended badly


We also need to see the version of the Matrix that had vampires, werewolves, and ghosts


I think that's just any vampire, werewolf, or ghost movie. I've seen a few of those already.


Yes and no. The story is they are remains of the old world before it got rebooted. So 1) it would be cool to see what the Matrix was like before and 2) how they adapt to the new Matrix. Like even the ghost twins in Matrix Revolutions, they weren't like any typical ghost movie characters


It's called Supernatural!


What do you mean "also", I always figured they were one in the same. "You're always making movies about these guys!! Why are you unhappy that they're now real!?!"


Such interesting concepts and lore could be explored. 


Humans shit the bed with the environment so hard they could only try geoengineering but this shit the bed even more and blacked out the sky. The matrix started out as escapism. Then combined with fusion, a bio powered neural network that became the edenic virtual escape pod for humanity to avert extinction as the geoengineering settled down. But pretty soon some whacko revisionist conspiracy theorist faction sprung up and said it was the machines started the war and we had to black the sky because and this belief circle got so much clout people started rejecting and getting flushed into the real world, which confirmed their revisionist conspiracy. Thus Zion was born.


Yeah I'd sign up for a Second Renaissance TV series even.


Why would they make a movie on it? The two shorts are perfect and I don’t think expanding on them would benefit anything. Maybe a TV show, but even then it would probably need to be something like Love, Death, and Robots.


Yeah the wacowski's believe in telling stories and moving on. They told the story and moved on.


And it's important that they Animatrix is part of their cannon, it's all one story so they'd never need to make a movie of it. Also pretty sure it's still there property not the studios but not sure.


I actually love a lot of Animatrix. I really like the one about the house with the glitch.


'Beyond'! This one is my favorite!  It's just got such a good vibe to it. 


Amazing short, and I think more of these attempts at a “shared universe” should be looking to this and “world record” for inspiration. If the world is really that good, let us just hang out in it for a while.


The fourth movie literally features a Warner Bros CEO telling them that people just want somethign with the name Matrix on it. That entire movie is essentially a parody for how franchises are treated. If they make more Matrix it would always involve Keanu or some other aspect of the older movies. They want people to think "oh hey i recognize this". That's why every star wars thing plays around the same time as the OG trilogy even though there is a vast universe of untapped potential. afaik animatrix isn't even on bluray or accessible at all on streaming.


It is on Blu-Ray, but I only ever see it in a collection with the first 3 films.


That's actually cool i was looking for a collection that includes the animatrix and hadn't found one last time i checked.


https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/the-animatrix No streaming, but it's rentable on several platforms.


I really don't care about what Wachowski was trying to do to somehow save, or protect, or parody, or criticize. Matrix 4 was a pile of shit.




They actually just announced a new Matrix is in the works. This time it's being written & directed by Drew Goddard but no word if it'll involve Keanu.


I would bet it involves the original Plot in some way. like i said its like how Luke Skywalker has to be mentioned or make an appearance in every star wars thing.


Yeah I certainly wouldn't be surprised. I'd be down for a new storyline but it's just funny since the last one had so much meta about franchises being beaten to death.


If it was live action it would be horrifyingly graphic.  The art style in The Second Renaissance makes the gore more palatable than it otherwise would be.  The impact of the episodes is aided by how clinical the robots war on humans is and how they treat it like animals in a slaughterhouse.  It would be the hardest or R ratings if it got made and it would lose a lot of its punch if it wasn’t. 


Animatrix is cool and all but have you ever had Matrix written by Neil Gaiman? Remember when there was an alien attack and the machines trained that guy to fly a UFO to destroy the alien mothership and save the earth?


i like that story better than any of the movies the quote at the end really got to me


I completely forgot that was Neil Gaiman!


Based on your description think I've read this online somewhere, but didn't know it was by Neil Gaiman. Did the guy get 360-degree vision when he was in the UFO?


The rumor that I heard back in the day is that the original idea for the trilogy was to do The Second Renaissance as the second movie, and then pick up the story with Neo in the third movie. But supposedly the studio balked at a sequel with none of the actors from the first one, so they forced the Wachowskis to stretch the plot from the third movie into Reloaded and Revolutions.


I came here to say this as well. At least parts of The Second Renaissance were intended to be what the sequel would be about. We just missed out on it cause the studio to be able to advertise another movie about Neo.


Yeah, I honestly wouldve loved to have seen any of those stories as full length films


They did. It's called The Animatrix.


I still find it baffling that people can defend Lana's choice to crash the franchise with no survivors instead of giving it to anyone else when the Second Renaissance (and other Animatrix stories) exist. That's just pure ego.


It's not ego it's pride. This was her story and she told the whole thing only for people to force her into making more. Ego and Pride are not the same thing. And let's be honest no one needed more Matrix properties it needed to stay back in it's time period.


My user name is based off the monkey from the Animatrix.


Agreed. A Second Renaissance movie could be very interesting and terrifying considering the present. Contemporary society isn't very far from the beginning of this story.


>Contemporary society isn't very far from the beginning of this story. Part 1 includes the Million Machine March and a society split over how to respond to machine intelligence. They had sympathizers vs "eliminators". If this was the real world, I could see a similar split. But the difference would (more likely?) be aligned along economic interests.


What I always wondered was what happened to the sympathizers. There's no way there weren't lots of humans fighting with the machines. Even in the protests they showed, you can see people with the machines sometimes.


It depends on what timeframe we're looking at. Eventually the Machines take ever and create the Matrix. If there are still any sympathizers around then, what would the Machines do with them? The Machines are supposed to be genuinely intelligent. And those people weren't not a potential source of opposition. What if that's your twist ending? Some new Matrix movie where stuff happens and eventually a colony of humans (descended from the Sympathizers) is revealed. And let's say they're located somewhere with a pristine environment.


The animated shorts did a good job of telling the Cliff Notes version of the story, which is huge and over-arching. Who would the main character(s) be in a movie series that involves the whole world as well as a newly emerged AI?


I think the shorts cover the story quite well already. I don't see how a film could really add anything. Maybe do it from a single machine's perspective who actually likes humans? And they'd be torn between the worlds


Because The Matrix brand is people wearing black doing martial arts, gun play, sentinels, and agents.  2nd renaissance has none of that.   Dude bros would be angry that they were bait and switched and they’d be right.   It’s the same reason Star Wars is stagnant.  Any Star Wars movie needs lightsabers, storm troopers, x-wings, tie fighters, Jedi, scoundrel privateers, and the force.  There are just so many ways to scramble those ingredients so that it doesn’t seem like the same dish.  


When I heard a new Matrix movie was being made without NEO, I had hoped we would get a "second renaissance" film. Instead we got.... urgh


What, what urgh? Is it a remake? *Holy shit it’s not a fucking remake is it?!* 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean the one that came out a couple years ago, the dung heap one


Oh gotcha, my bad


No spoilers but check out Mars Express ;)