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This was originally called [*Grand Theft Lotto*](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/john-cena-awkwafina-simu-liu-grand-death-lotto-1235540993/). Not sure whether I love that or not, but it at least would've been far more memorable that *Jackpot!*


What a downgrade.


I just watched the whole movie in the trailer no need to stream it.


Yeah, I've had my fill too. 5 stars.




I thought the name Lotto might be trademarked, but it appears that it’s considered a generic term.


They were scared of that inevitable lawsuit from Rockstar


Because Rockstar invented the phrase "Grand Theft Auto"?? (And even if they could claim that, this would still be a parody of that...)


That's a lawsuit just waiting to happen...


one day awkwafina will do another slow moving drama, one day


She's amazing in The Farewell. Even though Quiz Lady is mostly a comedic film. It was a different type of role for Awkwafina, and she killed it. But I agree, I hope we see her stretch her talent out and do more dramatic roles.


Quiz lady was such a pleasant surprise last year. Didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did


She playing the neurotic, put together smart Asian was definitely a different role for her overall. Ditto with Oh playing the walking mess Asian. They were effectively playing opposites of their usual stereotypes.


It was really surprising, but I loved it. They were both great. I just love Awkwafina. ‘My Vag’ made me laugh during a really hard time and I’ve been a huge fan ever since. I’m so happy for her success.


I’m happy for her success as well. She clearly worked and works hard in the finicky world of Hollywood. Ditto with Cena too.


Yeah he went from being a bit ‘meh’ to me, to now, if I see he’s in something new, i just want to see it bc I know it’ll be fun. I’m excited to see them together in this!


It's absolutely wild when I watched her guest on the Fung Bros videos 7-8 years ago going "my god she's so cringe" to seeing her now acting and going like "yea I kinda like her".


I had a hard time taking her seriously in Renfield. Her best performance, and it was amazing, was when she played Danny DeVito in Jumanji 2.


She was boring and flat in Renfield


Everything was boring and flat in Renfield


Yeah. Her role just felt severely underwritten in Renfield. It felt like her character was just there filling space at times. I agree. She was hilarious impersonating Danny DeVito.


The Farewell showed me that she can act. She can do whatever she wants to do. 


She popped up in Swan Song (appleTV) and was pretty good too.


Dang I didn't realize Farewell was five years ago


Sorry, best we can do is the voice of a character in LITERALLY EVERYTHING. She's always great! But she's always there.....


Could be worse, she could be keenan michael key who literally has the same role in 95% of all his recent work.


I will take both Keegan Michael Key and Awkwafina in whatever redundant performance I can get.


I didn't take time away from the bathroom to watch this trailer and I'm going to leave it in here. Ugh.


Like the cast, like the concept but Paul Feig is seriously up and down with his stuff. Never helps when the trailer shows you practically the entire movie.


Conversely, the trailer for Spy gave the entirely wrong impression that it was like Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Actually, Melissa McCarthy's character is competent if a little green, while Jason Statham's character is a glorious fuck-up.


Spy is great. Statham is hilarious in it


Rick Ford: You really think you're ready for the field? I once used defibrillators on myself. I put shards of glass in my fuckin' eye. I've jumped from a high-rise building using only a raincoat as a parachute and broke both legs upon landing; I still had to pretend I was in a fucking Cirque du Soleil show! I've swallowed enough microchips and shit them back out again to make a computer. This arm has been ripped off completely and re-attached with *this* fuckin' arm. Susan Cooper: I don't know that that's possible... I mean medically... Rick Ford: During the threat of an assassination attempt, I appeared convincingly in front of congress as Barack Obama. Susan Cooper: In black-face? That's not appropriate. Rick Ford: I watched the woman I love get tossed from a plane and hit by another plane mid-air. I drove a car off a freeway on top of a train while it was on fire. Not the car, *I* was on fire. Susan Cooper: Jesus, you're intense.


As was Rose Byrne. "If you must know, I'm playing Candy Crush and I just made level 95."


"l make a habit of doing things that people say l can't do. Walk through fire... water-ski blindfolded... take up piano at a late age..."


Spy was soooooo good


Rick Ford: Nothing kills me. I'm immune to 179 different types of poison. I know because I ingested them all at once when I was deep undercover in an underground poison-ingesting crime ring.


Spoiling that Simu Liu turns on her and is the big bad was certainly a choice


yeah seriously wtf


I simply do not understand why they feel the need to do that.


>Never helps when the trailer shows you practically the entire movie. Like an insurance company, these streaming services play the numbers. Clearly spoiling the entire movie in the trailer gets more people to watch it than not. Remember, Amazon Prime is competing against YouTube. YouTube videos are short and require little investment. A 90 minute movie is super high investment, relatively, so telling viewers what they are going to get in 90 minutes seems to work better than leaving things a mystery. For many who hate spoilers, that sucks, but for the majority it seems to work at least for the services themselves.


What I’ve found to be effective is only watching the first 60s of a trailer, unless it’s a movie I plan to see anyway. Usually the spoilers come after the 60s mark. It allows me to look at a trailer for a movie I’ve never heard of, like this, without being too worried about “spoilers”. Also, I think people freak out way too easily about “spoilers”. I recall having a conversation with someone about a recent tv show trailer and they said “I feel like I’ve already seen the whole season”, and the trailer was made only with content in the first two episodes of the season. Another instance with a movie I saw, the trailer “spoiled” the movie, and it turns out that was only the first 30 min, and the “twist” was a lie. knowing what happens doesn’t ruin movies for me. If that was true for so many people, why would you re-Watch movies? Why would you go see a remake? Why would you watch a movie based on a book? You already know what’s going to happen. Personally, I think it’s one of those things that people complain about because it’s cool to complain. For people complaining that Liu betraying her is a spoiler, it might be something that happens in like 5 minutes of them meeting.


I'm one of the people who likes spoilers. My brain anticipates what's going to happen... like, "Is he going to betray them now?" I wonder if a lot of people are like this, exactly as you say, which is one reason why people like rewatching remakes. They know the general plot and are watching to fill in the details or be surprised by small details. But I've also met enough people who claim to hate spoilers that I kind of feel like I have to take them at face value: They dislike spoilers. But the question is: Would they still see the movie if there was a vague, non-spoilery trailer? From the movie makers point of view they don't care if you watch the movie and are annoyed with spoilers or you watch the movie and are happy the trailer didn't have spoilers. They are happy as long as you watch the movie! What they don't want is you see a trailer with no spoilers and *don't* watch the movie.


> A 90 minute movie is super high investment I mean, its pretty wild that this is the general state of entertainment, that we are so incredibly spoiled that watching a 90 minute movie is considered almost extreme.


There was a redditor on a different thread once who said something about Paul Feig's "distinct lack of a visual aesthetic" and that's all I think of now, it's so true.


Up and down? He’s put out down since Bridesmaids and that was carried by the actors


The Heat and Spy are pretty good comedies.


I know its not popular to say here but his Ghostbusters was very funny even if it was tonally off for Ghostbusters as a franchise. His movies that are more focused on comedy are all good.


I disagree, and think it was awful. The way they tried to over explain everything instead of showing it like the original did was awful storytelling.


Nah. Ghostbusters is crap. Nothing but unfunny improv.


I didn't like it either. Felt like there was no straight man in the movie. The person who should have been the straight man (Kristin Wiig in the Bill Murray type role) was just as crazy as the rest of them. I thought Chris Hemsworth and Kate McKinnon were great, but the rest kinda sucked. Which is sad, because I generally love Melissa McCarthy.


Why do you think Written By (someone other than Paul Feig) was so prominent? When was the last time a writing credit was in a trailer for someone not named Tarantino? Still looks stupid and the action looks like it was done by the Argylle choreographer.


> When was the last time a writing credit was in a trailer for someone not named Tarantino? This is the only reason I know that The Last Stand was written by Andrew Knauer, because he had a giant credit as big as the director's.


You’ve said it, Jack!


It looks like the kind of thing you watch on Netflix when you can't find anything else you like and am too lazy to use the search screen.


Kind of wild how much things have changed. In 2008 this would have been an easy blockbuster




Covid played a huge part. Remember Disney literally dropped a few PIXAR movies straight to D+ and WB put their 2020 releases on HBO Max same day as theaters. That doesn’t happen without the pandemic. And that showed most of us the value of waiting a few weeks for it to go to streaming and watch it at home.


"Blockbuster" is stretching it, but yes, it would have made easy money at the theaters. Now there's zero room for such a film. The options are pretty much just big budget fantasy/superhero, indie awards darling, or horror. Everything else goes straight to streaming.


That's how I felt about Ricky Stanicky. 15 years ago it would have crushed and people would have been quoting it for ages, but instead it hit streaming and disappeared within days.


I kinda liked it I’m ngl, the world will always need dumb comedies. It’s sad to see people think they’re above enjoying them


I enjoyed it too, more than I expected, anyway, but it just didn't seem to have any sort of real impact


I checked Box Office Mojo https://www.boxofficemojo.com/year/world/2008/ That's a tough year to compete for blockbusters.


I mean look at the comedy competition. Get Smart, Yes Man. Lot of similar type movies that made plenty of money. It's just that no one sees movies like this in theaters anymore


This film is the kind of film you watch, enjoy and then almost immediately forget.


I don’t know what the hell you are talking about, this looks fucking amazing


this is very unique in this day and age because it's not a sappy drama-like setup that loosely weaves a comedy around the concept, it's actually a silly, explained-in-one-sentence setup and then GO. no character growth, no lessons learned, no big personal conflicts, just a good basis for comedy. we haven't seen that in a long time.


Right?! This is the best trailer I’ve seen in a while and it actually got me excited to watch it.


It looks like a fun ride with silliness and action.


It looks fucking ridiculous. I'm probably going to love it.


Nah this looks like a great date movie or something you see with some friends on a whim.


Maybe it's the way they edited the trailer, but I don't get why she's confused about the lottery. You see the lottery advertising on a billboard/screen, she has a lottery ticket in her pocket and she seems confused by it. Then after it's established she won, she still seems confused as to why she's being attacked. I guess maybe they'll explain *that* in the movie, but it seems weird that she's so confused over an already established in-world thing.


I would imagine the movie is going to have a few more or less obvious context clues that she's oblivious to.


The premise is that murdering a lottery winner before sundown is legal in California and she just moved to the state so didn't know that. Still bizarre though, because that's not the kind of thing that you just...don't know about.


Yeah that would be national news. Also bizarre that California would make it a law. I’d expect something like that in Texas or Idaho.


To give the opportunity for awkward exposition. But yeah, it all feels about as natural as if Biden were to turn to Trump during the debate and ask, "Wait, everyone in this country votes for someone, and the winner becomes president?"


I think it's asking the audience to be confused with her, since apparently this concept isn't in the news or a known thing for people visiting the state in this future. Except it's ruined in the trailer, so that confusion is just frustration now since the audience knows more than the main character now. And we're just waiting for John Cena to explain it all, which he already did in this trailer. So I guess we watch it for the funny jokes and action now?


I assume she just bought a ticket without realizing there were special rules. Not really that unbelievable. What is actually unbelievable is that this type of situation is legal in California yet that somehow isn’t the biggest news story ever that everyone knows about.


She's new to town and doesn't know. Seems pretty simple. I really don't get why people watch a 3-minute movie trailer, then act confused about it not clearly explaining something, and try to wonder if the full movie will. It's a trailer.


I think it is worse watching a movie and people start asking questions about what is happening and trying to say what they think and want you to confirm or deny. I haven't watch the movie either, I don't know. But if you just shut up for a minute, maybe the movie will tell us the answer as 98% of movies answer the questions.


Still a dumb premises. New in town? Like the whole world wouldn't have heard about it, if LA made it legal to murder someone for their lotto winnings?


this is 2030, lord supreme Trump has outlawed any media not sanctioned by him, so people are unaware what goes on outside their bubble


Yes, I’m sure there’s absolutely no other context that the trailer didn’t spoon-feed to you. I’m sorry the trailer for the intentionally outlandish comedy action movie wasn’t realistic enough for you.


can we please stop using Holding Out for a Hero in trailers? it is so tired.


Looks kind of similar to [Self Reliance(2023)](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt26084002/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_5_act)


Very similar bones.


Man, Self Reliance was soooo bad (and I really like everyone involved!)


Same here, checked it out cause I think the leads are charming and the reviews were pretty decent and I fucking hated it.


yea it was a real dud huh. a whole bunch of nothing. i remembering the protagonists sisters kept showing up, only existing to occasionally cross their arms and scold the protagonist, always just standing there unmoving, tethered to their house like ghosts


I wanted to love it but it was so meh. Like two movie plots in one, they couldn’t pick a lane by the end of it.


Cookie cutter "overly macho guy and resourceful girl run from everyone all day" plot. John Cena & Awkwafina play John Cena & Awkwafina. Slapstick action and mildly edgy jokes. This definitely does justice to the Prime Video Movies brand at least.


It's definitely one of the Amazon movies of all time


And with their new shitty ads, probably has about 15 add that play throughout it. Actually cancelled prime on Sunday after having constant ads thrown in throughout the boys episode.


Between this and *Ricky Stanicky*, John Cena seems to have cornered the market on Amazon movies I might watch on a lazy Saturday afternoon but would never have bought an actual ticket for.


Nora Lum and John Cena? I don't give a fuck what it's about, I'm in. They are the safe, slightly edgy type of comedy that my middle-aged ass just loves to watch around dinner time.


As a fan of John Cena, he needs to learn how to say no to some of these. There's been a lot more misses than hits lately.


As not particularly a fan, but also not not a fan, isn't this basically what is making him money at this point? Goofy action comedies. You say he should say no, but this looks exactly like the type of movie he's successful with. He definitely hits a certain market that enjoys these types of movies. You know, something my grandparents would like. Even so, this movie doesn't even look that bad. It even has a somewhat interesting concept. Are we really going to put John Cena above the "mindless entertainment" category.


Right? Like it’s John Cena we’re talking about here, not some super serious actor




Is Awkwafina and Simu Liu like the "safe" version of Asians to include in Hollywood movies?


Look pretty fun, to be honest. I will check it out. Seem it actually has jokes and gags written, like The Heat or Spy, and not like Ghostbusters, which was non stop ad-libbing.


Yeah, I don't get the criticism. Seems like a fun engine for an odd couple comedy 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wonder if making movie tickets into a gambling experience would increase ticket sales…


I was really undecided and leaning towards this might be too stupid, but then they announced MGK. I wouldn't give a penny to anything that would make him money.


i know hes mega cringe and all but is there some other reason why we shouldnt support mgk? not a leading question i really dont know if theres any mgk controversies other than him being a stank ass dork


This looks so fucking stupid


I like stoopid movies cuz i’m stoopid 🤪


Is there only one heroic song in the world, Hollywood keeps using "Holding Out for a Hero". Its kind of getting tiring, they need to use other songs.


I was expecting this trailer to be bad. Instead, it looked really funny!


Movies trying to not use I Need a Hero in their film Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Her voice is unbearable


She talks like she is a guest on SNL who is trying really hard to nail the lines she has to read off the prompter. Not sure I could watch an entire movie that seems like it was written as a short skit like that.


I find her so incredibly grating that I actively avoid movies she's in.


I can't wait till her popularity dies down real quick. She sucks.


It's like if a 75 year old were to gargle toothpaste, while she's got marbles in her mouth. Uniquely annoying voice.


Who else thought of short circuit 2 when the music started


That looks really fun. A cool action comedy romp.


Paul Feig, that explains alot.


They really had Mr. Yunioshi from Breakfast at Tiffany's make a cameo.


I dunno, seems like more of a Florida plot.


John ~~Wick~~ Cena


Hollywood generates few original ideas anymore. This looks hilarious.


I very much want to watch this now.


Oh yay... more Awkwafina... I liked her in The Farewell, but ugh...


John Cena is a really really good comedic actor. It's funny how both Bautista and him have eclipsed Dwayne a long time ago.


Millenial References the movie! i'm down tbh


This really sounds like the comicbook "Crowded" by Christopher Sebela.


Reminds me of those days when a bunch of producers on coke would greenlight any weird concept. So you best believe I'm going to watch this.


On board


Awkwafina 😡


You lost me at Awkwafina.


Please no more awkwafina


Paul Verhoeven and Arnold Schwarzenegger would have made this movie in the 80s, definitely.


Thanks for showing me the movie I guess..


Stop. Casting. Her.


I don’t know why but I hate Awkwafina with a passion.


Ugh, awkwafina.


Can't watch anything that has Awkwafina in it.


Then don’t I guess?


Please stop trying to make Akwafina happen, she’s kills every movie she’s in


It has Awkwafina in it. I'm gonna pass


Ugh, I couldn't even get through the trailer. Usually I'm a fan of these goofball movies but something about this, I just found grating. Is this a kids/YA movie? The slapstick humor and silly jokes look geared towards 12 year olds instead of adults.


I just can't take John Cena. Wrestling should have stopped after forcing The Rock onto all of us.


There isn’t an actor in Hollywood whose movies I actively try to avoid like Awkwafinas tbh


Same here. I'm actively trying to think of someone else that I find even half as grating as her, but I'm coming up empty.


I will definitely be watching this. And I will almost certainly be stoned.


Do you feel the trailer gives out the entire movie plot?


How did Cena manage to recover from that Chinese boot licking debacle?


Because there was no debacle


He is doing fine. If anything, he has gone up with the world, especially as Gunn takes firmer control of DC at Warner Bros.


Man, this is a great premise. But historically speaking, I don't like John Cena, Awkwafina or Paul Feig movies. But I DO love "Holding out for a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler. I don't know about this one.


[Shrek 2 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_HjMIjzyMU)and [Short Circuit 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfjv66w9u7c) did it better.


Correct, also [Footloose](https://youtu.be/Fn7d_a0pmio) and [Bullet Train](https://youtu.be/JHNiMw0s7bU). They're why I like the song.


I totally forgot about those two. Thanks.


Its use in Saints Row 3 was pretty good too


And Mario


What kind of insane dirt does Awkwafina have on the Hollywood big wigs? I can think of no other reason why she keeps getting roles in movies despite nobody liking her.


Lots of people like her, don’t project bud


Feels like those jokes should have been funnier given the people involved. Both leads can be funny.


This is a weird *Shang-Chi* sequel. Like, why is Shang-Chi the villain? Are they trapped by his sister in a VR world? But really, this is the kind of “stupid” movie I Iove when I need to turn brain turned for a couple of hours. I like Awkwafina and Cena but it’s 50/50 on if this will be good or bad. So, pretty much in line with their other work.


Had not heard of it until now, looks fun, and I like that it’s only ~a month away so I’ll actually remember this when it drops.


A loose adaption of PK Dick's Solar Lottery?


Amazon had a fun time just giving John Cena some various suits and costumes and then let him film back to back action comedies, it seems.


It’s John Cena so I’m sure it’s going to be funny


Shang Chi 2 took an unexpected turn


this is the kind of movie I would see day one on streaming... even if it got a theatrical release




Welp way to ruin the help/villain and whole plot in the trailer


He’s such a lousy actor


Are those AI generated faces on the prosthetic machine scene (2:48)?


I think I just watched the whole movie.


Awkwafina gets to play Awkwafina again. Isn’t the world done with that character yet? Good lord, even Elvis had more range as an actor.


Is Bonnie Tyler broke that’s the only reason I can think of for holding out for hero poping up everywhere for the past year


Since his role in the Fast saga, John Cena has been rising in the world of action movies. These roles really suit him.


Come on, I thought the Akwafina being in every movie period ended a few months ago. Please stop making it a thing.,


Fuck, I want to watch this.


Another John Xina movie. No thanks, not giving money to winnie the pooh ass lickers.


can't they find any other actress.


they know they're the 2024 version of a direct-to-video movie and they treat themselves as such. respect.


I do like the Paul Feig likes to incorporate stunts into his comedies. It reminds me of random 80s slapstick, like Men at Work or something


30 Rock ass looking movie.


Hey, stupid people need movies too.


Awkwafina and John Cena - genius move putting two of the most likeable people in entertainment in the same movie haha. Honestly I’ve loved all of John Cents’ comedic work and am excited to see more of it


If your trailer has an intro, or say "trailer starts now" or any derivative, fuck you, you get a downvote and a download, even if I wasn't planning to watch the movie, like this one.


Pls no more John Cena


Pls more John Cena


I am cautiously excited for this one.


MGK, I’m out. 💩


I'm into it, I like the cast and the premise seems fun Not everything needs to be "good" a movie can just be enjoyable


This looks very funny..2 deadpan comics/ actor. doing their stuff…


Nothing I saw resembles deadpan at all


I see John Cena (insert joke here). I watch John Cena. My joint favourite wrestler and now one of my favourite actors.


Between Nora from Queens and Quiz Lady I’m having whatever Awkwafina is serving


This is bad, the trailer is bad, the movie looks bad even though it has a famous cast, an interesting plot, enough budget and a lot of action … as another Redditor said, this would have been a summer blockbuster hit in 2008 … now, I think it will flop like everything lately. I feel like audiences are desensitised and cannot enjoy themselves anymore … are we collectively depressed?


Yay, another rushed comedy with Cena and the angelic voice of Awkwafina


have loved Awkwafina since My Vag, and will continue to watch everything she is in no matter how bad. YOU HEAR THAT HOLLYWOOD EVERYTHING!!! she is one of those people that play the same character in almost everything, but it totally works.