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Affleck and Damon together in a crime thriller (which I can only assume is Boston based) should really be in cinemas but I will be watching


Best bromance in Hollywood. Started out together as young pups to create an all time movie in Good Will Hunting. Nearly 30 years later, still good friends and making very good movies together like Air One became one of the steadiest box office stars. The other went through some downs but turned into a great director Loved them having fun in Dogma and a small bit parodying themselves in Jay & Silent Bob


It's getting to the point where I immediately lose all interest when a movie goes to Netflix. Even more than other streaming services. Do many others feel this way? Their movies all feel so disposable. Very few stand out in any way. It's also guaranteed no theatrical or physical release. I was excited but now it feels like this will just be the usual Netflix content dump and I can probably safely pass.


I'd say for the most part yes. Although, recently Hit Man got my attention and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It seems like there's a lot less buzz for straight to streaming movies and that kind of takes some of the fun and anticipation away from it.


Hit Man wasn't made by Netflix. Linklater secured independent financing to make it. Netflix bought the distribution rights after it played at the Toronto International Film Festival. They didn't develop it or put any money forward to have it made; it wasn't until Linklater and the other producers did all of the hard work that Netflix swooped in to buy it and throw their logo on it to make it seem like it was a movie that came from their developmental division.


That explains some things...


Very insightful, thank you.


That's a good example. Hit Man did seem to release to some fan fare, and as a result I did end up checking it out. It was great and a better experience than I would normally expect from them. I do wonder if it would have been seen by more people if a different company produced and promoted it.


I don't normally watch trailers as I like going in fairly blind, but I watched the trailer for that and for the life of me couldn't figure it out at all. I have nfi what type of movie it's even trying to be. I keep meaning to watch it just to figure it out.


It does decrease some of my interest but it's the same for every other 'made for a streaming service' movie.


Do you feel all streaming services have a "reduced quality" feeling amongst their movies or do you just prefer the theatrical or physical media experience?


It's that VOD effect. Because they're basically trying to get as many eyeballs as possible, they just seem to make very middle-of-the-road entertainment.


Then don’t watch. That’s a silly statement.


So silly to voice criticisms of a movie studio on a movie discussion forum, of all places!


The comment was dumb. Just because a movie is on Netflix doesn’t make it disposable. Furiousa released in theatres and no body talks about that movie anymore, is it disposable?


Is this the part where I call your comment dumb because you voiced an opinion about movies on a movie discussion forum?


People absolutely still talk about Furiosa. That's sort of what I mean. Maybe your friends don't, but it's routinely discussed online. And that'll pick up again when it's released on physical media. Not as much as Fury Road, but far more than Netflix Movie of the Week.


Furiosa bombed hard, does that not make it disposable?


Not at all! A movie could be a colossal bomb but they still ...resonate. Many films bombed and have become cult classics or at least generate a conversation around bombing. These pass like leaves in the wind. They'll have big name actors in them and just absolutely zero conversations. I just learned yesterday Jason Momoa was in some Dreamland movie? That would have at least generated some conversation, I would think. I'm interested in understanding if it's just a lack of marketing or audiences have become so accustomed to them just dropping subpar releases that no one really expects anything exceptional from them. Movie wise, anyway.


I'm only trying to determine if it's a minority or majority thing. That's what internet conversations are for, otherwise why do we have comments here?


You do realize they have a new guy in charge of movies which is why stuff like this is being bought up 


Just you.