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She makes her own meals because the royal chefs kept trying to put her on a diet. https://i.redd.it/c5irqwzuzv7d1.gif


This also and from now on I'm stealing this as my headcanon.


Does a Goddess even gain weight despite of their immortality?


Immortal beings in popular culture usually grow and age despite being immortal. She eats every day, can get tired/weak from both physical and magical exertion and I think at some point it's implied that she sleeps. Even if she doesn't physically age (for instance if she was born at the same height she currently is), need rest or food for energy (say she restores it over time via the sun or just by being an Alicorn or something), since she _does_ eat, I'd assume it goes somewhere.


Maybe, but only on DeviantArt.


Nahhh thats crazy 😭😭😭


The reason she knew Twilight was going to be the element of magic is because she witnessed the time travel shenanigans of Twilight and Glimmer take place.


Ayo that's actually a really cool idea


I never thought about it but I love it


She has a secret cake vault that she preserved for over a thousand years, it’s enchanted so they’ll never go stale. She stored a slice of every cake she ever ate so she could share them with Luna after her banishment


I love how wholesome this one is.


This was also a head cannon I had except she wasn't going to share her cake. Instead just save it for collecting.


Oh my gosh that's too sweet


awwwwh i love that


Celestia and Luna were responsible for the downfall of Byzantine Empire.


Their friendship with Sultan Mehmed finally paid off.


Some say the Sumerians strangely ceased to exist when Ea-Nasir tried selling his bad copper to Equestria


We can trace them to the fall of the western roman empire as well


She loves to tease Luna cuz she’s shorter


Siblings, amirite?




She has a very strong mother Instinct


DWK deems Her as Equestrias Mom, "She was around for long, she knows best and you all should probably listen to her."


I would rather listen to Luna


She was personal friends with Josip Broz Tito.


I second this!


Woooo! First digital Celestia drawing of Soda! *Emh emh* I mean, headcanons? Was an Earth pony and ascended very young. Also, one time she time travelled.


She used that time travel scroll to try and prevent Luna from turning evil, and it didn't work... oops, made it sad


In my idea she did not time travel by her own choice. She was sent in the future (well, relative to the time she was born in, so to the time a little after the Hearth's Warming events still 1000+ years before the main show) with Luna by an ancient Alicorn ruler as a last hope to escape a treath that was destroying the ancient civilazation of Alicorns when they were very young. Specifically they were sent on some mountains peaks to still hide in case the time gap wasn't enough to escape the treath if it persisted through time. A Superman kinda thing if you will.


Very early on we see Celestia as being quite the prankster (even her pet takes this trait) In Forgotten Friendship, Sunset makes a comment about Celestia having a sense of humor, implying she didn't have one when she was studying under her Luna coming back into Celestia's life changed her for the better, and Sunset can see the difference


This is so wholesome tbh


Celestia Day?


Equestria Daily thing.


Summer solstice; the longest day of the year.


When they were fillies she used to tease luna saying she was adopted


She doesn't like mimes. She finds them strange and has actually tried to make mimery illegal


She’s sometimes being the hilarious princess she is from some episodes.  And always taught twilight to being more to a special princess and for her friends.  And mostly being a powerful god. 


She likes cake and sometimes plays video games with her sister


Celestia is bad at reading faces and is not as clever as she seems to be: ponies in general are bad liars and their deceptions always tend to be obvious. So Celestia's expertise would not survive a good liar or someone who knew what she was doing; otherwise no villain would have gotten this far. Also: bureaucracy must be horrible. Living a long time tends to make you "procrastinate" only to forget about it later. Which is why Celestia probably occasionally encounters internal problems in her government that make her react like "wait, shouldn't she have done this like 50 years ago?", adds a patch to the law in question, and moves on until she does the same thing again with another law. Iterate ad infinitum and you will see why the equestrian justice code is a shambles. Patches upon patches, redundant laws and almost impossible to find information. A long time to live often means a long time to get into bad habits that only perpetuate over time and accumulate.


She\`s scared of chickens because of not very happy incident with a cockatrice some 1000 years ago (not actually mine, but good one).


moslty a hidden queen, and a sun goddess


Celestia moments before disater


Silly? I only have tragic ones. 😭



I have a few but my favorite one is that she and Discord knew each other before and may have been friends at one point


widowmaker refrence /j


Omg I love your art style


She and Luna are literal gods that arr older than time and space itself


Her and Luna fuse the power so great that they awkae on the prison ship on morrowind as the moon and star neravar. Or Her ruling as khan of outworld (and basically just like sho khan) with the catch phrase ponified to "You weak pathetic FOAL!" In mortol kombat.


Na id watch mlp


i headcanon that she's agere because her colours almost completely line up with the flag's colours also (because in g5 during a scene where it showed younger Celestia and Luna) it made me realize how she could've been agere during the 1000 years Luna was in the moon, Celestia being agere to cope with it while also missing Luna and regressing to remember when she was younger and happy because Luna was in her presence back then. another reason she regresses would to do it to escape the stress and cope with the fact that she banished Luna to the moon and to also not think about her royal duties for a while (being the ruler of all of Equestria is no easy task. surely it's stressful and regressing to a younger state of mind could be her escape even if its for a short while.)


Celestia used to sleep with a stuffed animal of Luna


That’s kinda creepy. If she’s banished tho it makes sense.


She gets drunk of apple cider every Thursday claiming its “her day”


Celestia Day?


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Silly? Uh fuck they’re all wholesome but not that silly (with the exception of where she came from, that one’s just sad) hold on let me bullshit one real quick She started the conspiracy that the moon landing was faked