• By -


It's made me happy and has entertained me


gives me some motivation to workout more. https://i.redd.it/fresnux2gw8d1.gif


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ friendship=progress=gains






Or jsut to eat magic-


Yummy magic


Reals lol


did not expect this comment to blow up XD


Here's my story. So it starts at last year autumn when I first started watching MLP casually (I've seen some episodes pre season 6 in 2017/18 but it was rather in the backround). It was unironical at first but when my mentality started weakening due to me being disappointed in myself for not being as successful as I thought, I started watching up to 8 episodes a day. Incomes January and I'm about do my 2nd rewatch of G4 (haven't touched EQG and G5 at that time) when a silly thought came to mind. "I should start making memes." I started doing some Google research about some of my thoughts first, but it was pointless. After that I started bringing some of my thoughts to reality and this is how my meme posts kicked off. To conclude this shit, my life would've been way different without MLP. I would've been more miserable ,broken shell of a man. Maybe would've joined in with the drunk russians (happens in the Baltics) that are day in and day out drinking in my neighbourhood. Without MLP I also would've lost my photo editing/ graphic desing skills that I learned from high-school. Thank you <3


And yes, I chose that picture for a reason due to me being kinda similar to Starlight.


starlight is fhe most relatable pony istg


I actually mean it. Starlight is introverted and likes to do things on her own, just like me. Me and her are pretty much the same (with few differences ofc).


MLP's character personalities are very close to real people, I swear. Probably one of the best parts of the show. You could definitely imagine knowing them... Or being at least one of them personality-wise.


i relate too, she is extremely talented in some fields but she's so awkward, and that's literally me, i have terminal awkwardness


For me it was Big Mac ngl




Absolutely a tangent but wow, another Baltic MLP fan :> For me I watched MLP a lot growing up (started with G3, went on to G4), it was just a nice comfort as an immigrant kid with not very poor social skills.


It's helped me look at the world in a more positive way and strengthened the relationships I have with my friends (MLP is something my friends introduced to me last year and we all bonded over it, especially with the songs for me). When I say I see things in a more positive light, I can remember a specific day last October where I had the song "Run to Break Free" from EG stuck in my head for the 1st time (as I had just discovered it a few days before) and I just felt so good about myself. "Flawless" kinda did the same thing for me and my friend group because we're really a bunch of weird misfits who get picked on a lot by the popular kids (high school sucks) but it really taught us that nobody's perfect and everyone's different and you can enjoy that about them I would definitely say between my friends and my obsession with the show they first introduced to me, my life is a lot better now than it was before. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.


In my case I donā€™t have any friends (both online and IRL) but it made me think about how important my partner and our families are to both of our mental healths (the ones who support us anyway)


taught me important lessons, built my character, and made me less ashamed to express myself and my emotions. this and bojack horseman were the two greatest shows ive ever seen


Never thought Iā€™d hear MLP and Bojack Horseman in the same conversationĀ 


why wouldn't you? they are both peerless masterpieces


Literally made who I am today. The ultimate truth of Celestian Light was laid before me. I understood my previous mistakes - I became my path of Harmony.


gives me a great escape from reality,particularly {Friendship is Optimal} lol


[](/twibeam) #[Friendship is Optimal](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/62074/friendship-is-optimal) *by [Iceman](https://www.fimfiction.net/user/16334/Iceman) | 14 Nov 2012 | 692K Views| 38.6K Words | Status: `Complete` | Rating: `šŸ‘ 4249 | šŸ‘Ž 138`* Hasbro just released the official My Little Pony MMO, with an A.I. Princess Celestia to run it. **Tags**: `My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic`, `Princess Celestia`, `Original Character`, `Human`, `Alternate Universe`[](//sp) ----- This is a bot | [Report problems](/message/compose/?to=BitzLeon&subject=Bookhorsebot running BHB | [Source](https://github.com/Bitz/BookHorseBot) | [Info](https://bitz.rocks/bookhorsebot/)


Ur so real for that!


As an autistic person, MLP:FiM is my current hyperfixiation and one of the strongest I've had in my entire life. Watching it as a 17 year old has opened up my eyes. The show is so meaningful in every way, every episode you learn an ACTUALLY useful thing to teach children, and some episodes even touch more sensitive topics children aren't taught to deal with in real life. What they did with MLP is so beautiful, it makes me emotional to think about how many things I could've avoided as a child if I had only watched this show before, and actively teaches me new stuff (as someone who also struggles a lot socially). It's returned my will to get out of my comfort zone when it comes to art, drawing ponies and stuff, given me a general creative outburst, allowed me to meet lots of people through our main fixation on the series, helped me be able to rant about my fixiations more freely and not be as embarrassed about it... I could go on for so long, talking about how absolutely wonderful this show is. I haven't even finished it yet, I'm almost in the middle of S8, and I just know that when I get to the ending of S9 and see all of Equestria Girls and finally finish, well, consuming every piece of G4 media I find, I'm gonna bawl my eyes out and will be extra obsessed. I'm so incredibly happy I began watching this show. It's incredible and kind of funny how a pony show can make a (diagnosed) chronically depressed person a little bit happier.


The morals definitely started to become something relevant to even adults somewhere around the S3-4 mark. Things many adults just don't acknowledge or are caught up in.


Agreed! It's baffling how a 'kids show' can teach so many things to adults.


It made me based šŸ”„


When Bronies were peaking in the early 2010s, me being a boy thought it was not cool and girly. My school years were just about me, myself and I, too shy to make friends, too quiet to engage with friends that I have, and l don't commit to maintain them when school year is over, this went on to high school as well. Then in 2020, my last school year, covid did its thing and locked all of us in our homes. I was playing and was looking for some mods to play because I was bored and saw Equestria at War an MLP themed mod, tried it for laughs but got invested in the lore, so I watched FiM. The show literally helped me to go out of my shell, even for a bit. Though, I didn't turn out like Twilight, I did start making new friends, even if they're not a lot, better than none right and I try to maintain old ones and help me to start empathising a bit for others. I don't know how I would turn out if I didn't stumble into MLP, it's like a core memory for me, stumbling into this lol. If there's one thing that FiM showed me, it's that bond of friendship they have and the things they go through together makes you want to have friends yourself.


Less depressed More open about my feelings More aware of the people around me and in my life Resparked the creative side of myself Met interesting and kindhearted people irl I sometimes sing showtunes in my jeep


I've only been part of it for about 2 months now and am still progressing through the show. I realize what I've missed out on for so many years and it was right in my face the whole time, this community is incredible and i slept on it so hard i often feel guilty that i was too arrogant before. It took me finding this sub to finally give it a chance. It's given me the brightness I've been trying to find for so long.


Literally same.


I've made three amazing pals, including my best friend, thanks to My Little Pony. The show itself is incredible, but the positive impact it has had on my social life can't be emphasized enough. I'm deeply grateful for the MLP community and all of the great artwork, posts, comments, reviews, and friendly conversations. Y'all are hooves down the most welcoming and enjoyable group of ponies I've had the pleasure of conversing with. Thank you so much for everything! And to my friends, I wholeheartedly love and appreciate all of you! We've had some arguments and misunderstandings over the months, but I genuinely believe our bond is as strong as Applejack. Call me corny or sappy if you want, I don't mind. Friendship is magic, everypony!


This was a beautiful read and I absolutely agree!


I joined the cringelords at school. Theyā€™re some of my best friends, I would not change a thing Something that might be negative depending on how you look at it, I have a weird obsession with shoving MLP everywhere, such as {Aeon Legion: Starlight} (shameless self-promo)


[](/twibeam) #[Aeon Legion: Starlight](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/529601/aeon-legion-starlight) *by [NightFlame389](https://www.fimfiction.net/user/402755/NightFlame389) | 23 Sep 2023 | 966 Views| 14.7K Words | Status: `Incomplete` | Rating: `Hidden`* Time travel has made the Edge of Time a dangerous place, but the Aeon Legion protects it from threats inside and out. No one told Starlight Glimmer. **Tags**: `My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic`, `Sunset Shimmer`, `My Little Pony: Equestria Girls`, `Gore`, `Starlight Glimmer`, `Rainbow Dash (EqG)`, `Adventure`, `Crossover`, `Mystery`, `Science Fiction`, `Tempest Shadow`, `Violence`[](//sp) ----- This is a bot | [Report problems](/message/compose/?to=BitzLeon&subject=Bookhorsebot running BHB | [Source](https://github.com/Bitz/BookHorseBot) | [Info](https://bitz.rocks/bookhorsebot/)


it made my childhood and teenage years, gave me some friendship advice, introduced me to amazing an content... yeah i could say it kinda changed my life and i believe it could change many lives of autistic and socially awkward ppl


Having come fresh off of Undertale, after reflecting and realizing my own toxicity through my choices in that game, much like Starlight, I tried desperately to change the past so that I could make a more ideal future for myself, only to realize doing so was leaving said future in ruins. I came to my senses, finally caving and watching MLP for myself, which while extremely taboo feeling at the time, taught me about a bajillion valuable lessons about what it means to be a good person and to truly and genuinely care about those around me.


Entertainment. I have to admit it is the best show I've ever watched


I made friends, and then got bullied


I am entertained but I watch it in secret cause people make fun of me for watching me a "kid's show".


My longest irl friendship started thanks to G4 but I stopped watching mlp due to bullying. I rejoined the fandom in 2021. Since then, G5 has helped me reclaim the experiences of childhood I missed out on because I was forced to grow up too quickly when I became a young carer. I watch G4 and G5 to help me decompress after a long day and it's become a bit of a tradition for me to watch Three's a Crowd whenever I'm ill. My life would be a lot bleaker without mlp.


Iā€™m a girl now lol.


Came here to say this xD I knew it wasn't just me, but I'm glad to hear it.


transed my gender :P On a more serious note though, it gave me a positive space where I could be myself and make friends, in a time where I didn't really have any of those things and really needed them. It got me started down the long, long road to self-love, and helped me let go of my fear over how others saw me.


All the characters are relatable in their own ways and been my comfort show :) ![gif](giphy|oFzRHriONAlkA)


My baby mamma and I had recently split when I first encountered it. Put it on for my daughter and watched it with her. It helped heal the hurt that she caused me. Took a small hiatus from the show and long story short, I had to do two months of a late second shift at work which meant I would *very rarely* see my wife. That hit hard. Was listening to music, Spotify was on smart shuffle. It was a really hard moment for me. And what song came on? The Smile Song. I didn't even have MLP songs on in my playlists. But for the second time in my life, it appeared to me in my time of need. It somehow knew I was at a low point again and came to me. And I've been back ever since.


i wish they were real šŸ¤—šŸ¤—


yep, their world and its inhabitants are *way* more appealing than ours


like i remember how i used to be crazy of mlp when i was younger\^\^ 17 now i still love mlp!


I met my husband through it! We have two kids now, together 10 years. :)


Awww! :D


When I was a kid and discovered MLP, I got really into drawing the ponies and learning how to improve my art skills. I doubt Iā€™d be as good as I am now or as devoted to art if not for MLP


It helped me not be such a big A-hole with everyone else. Not a lot but it helped


Watching MLP actually made me realise how important friendship and kindness is. Along with that also my school as a kid had an impact on that but it was mostly MLP. It taught me that any kind of person (creature in their world) is worthy of being a friend, no matter if they're any different to you, because differences can be a good thing. Its taught me that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, you should try new things, you should be kind, you should be yourself, and so much more. It's impacted my mindset so much and it's really shown a lot more recently now that i'm getting back into it again, and I thank MLP for that.


Well.. Very great childhood when I was 14. I became an artist I met friends especially the one who I'm really close to who unfortunately passed away. I'll never forget those memories.


It has helped me so much. I grew up with it, and I don't know who I'd be without it. Recently, I lost my childhood cat, and MLP is helping me get through that. So I'd say it's affected me pretty heavily.


It's made me a happier, healthier, less judgemental, and more outgoing person. It's also given me a great opportunity to travel the world to meet new people, and see new places.


Not exactly life changing, but it did make me feel seen with a few characters and episodes (ie test testing 123)


It was the first fandom I joined. And made my Middle school and teenage years easier. I also got really good at drawing ponies that they are the only thing I can draw now.




11 years of comfort and happiness


mlp is been my favorite cartoon since I was a kid and was one of my motivations to improve my drawings, I watch mlp eps every day and this makes me happy :)


In 2nd grade I met my best friend because of MLP. We started drawing picture books about it together. Now I draw comics


Entertained me and has helped me make friends


Oh boy... Ahem... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVbbZ7X1Ijw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVbbZ7X1Ijw) Now, this is the story - and it's not even tragic Of how I was changed by friendship is magic And I wanna make sure there's nothing I skip I'll tell you how I tried to help NATO prevent a second covid. (Seriously, it ended up there, I swear MLP had a downright absurd impact on me)


I started watching in Season 2 I was still in school, then; though I seemed to be very good at science. To the point where I wasn't even taking notes and the teacher was fine with it because I got literally every answer right. I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do at that point, but I did know I loved understanding the world. MLP theorycrafting gave me good opportunities to test my ability to infer logic from harder questions, and the main cast were a great influence - I swear that my most productive days came from a feeling of sheer inferiority to Twilight, and I even used the show to create mnemonics for me to remember facts for my science classes. Eventually, I met someone in the MLP fandom - he didn't say much, but he hinted at an interest in one region of medical science one time. I didn't think much of it, but I stayed in contact with him, and continued with my studies until University. There, I got curious at the memory of him talking about that, grilled him a bit about it, crossreferenced talking with my lecturers after they spontaneously began saying a lot about the same things - and became pretty fascinated. He gave me some information about what he was reading, I crossreferenced it with the primary literature I was needing to study for my course - 100% match. There were some REALLY GOOD scientific paper aggregators among other things. I got more involved in the area, studying more broadly, eventually getting involved with a charity dedicated to reporting on the area. I ended up getting the other brony hired by them when he was looking for a job, and he still works there to this day - while I networked and made contacts. This also gave me a great interest in finance, so I could help fund the research - I began investing in biotech, publicly posting about what I thought about various companies, gained a bit of a following of people who really REALLY respected my approach (I look at the basic science of how the drug works first, and work down from there. leads to an unusually higher accuracy.) Then right before covid hit, and suddenly everything that I got into due to the fandom struck at once.


* The science website I got into because of MLP hosted a conference to discuss more science. I helped them organize and run it, including collecting contact details for them to spread the word etc. It was a massive success, investors were brought together with early stage researchers who were treating tons of different diseases, I was shocked by some of the amazing science on offer, I remember it like it was yesterday... I was a part of that, wouldn't have been without MLP * My dad got stage 4 cancer. Because of the whole journey I went through due to MLP, I could pull on some strings in the scientific community, and got some great info about various experimental cancer treatments from researchers. Found one that I figured looked perfect for him and had 0 side-effects, gave it to him 2 weeks before chemo. He got a MASSIVE chemo response from it, when in normal people it has no effect - almost literally knocked him out (which happens when you kill off a LOT of cancer). Then he used chemo, and for the longest time, felt nothing from it. When he got tested, the doctors were shocked to see that ALL THE CANCER WAS GONE, called it remarkable. He's still cancer free. I asked the doctor if she thought it was my thing, she said it could well have been. He took it again for another reason without my knowledge, no chemo response. Odds are I cured him because MLP. * Investing began to go very well, I 10x'd my money in a short span using my same old philosophy. Learnt programming, began to use that to improve my systems. I'm now programming an AI system to streamline the whole process, with the whole motivation behind me even starting in the area being because of mlp. If it works, i'm hoping to use it to transform the way ultra early stage research is financed to make it much easier for scientists - in the area that is often called the 'valley of death'... Yeah, if this works, MLP may be responsible for a loot of medicines that will save a looot of lives not being lost in the valley of death. And that's not even the half of it.. * One of the people following my investment philosophy (which I only started because of Pony) suggested I take part in a NATO competition (not classified, don't worry) to design something to help fight biological threats. I went one step further and designed a synthetic biology system that can detect and help deal with both infectious diseases and chemicals. I did it alone. Ended up getting into the finals, where I met my competition... They were all corporations. Without fail, everyone else presenting was a corporation. It was kinda hilarious to me, seeing the finalist list with all these company names - and then just literally my name inbetween them all. I don't know which companies I displaced, but they must have been annoyed lol. Judges said that everything that reaches that stage is very much liked by the NATO scientists who viewed it, that getting there is practically already a victory in and of itself, and NATO reserves the right to research it on their own. Yeah, if the next pandemic is marked with glowing sources of light wherever the infectious agent lies, you have pony to blame, lol. Probably has some other uses in environmental protection etc. So yeah. in short, Pony gave me a career, made me give SOMEONE ELSE a career, saved my dad's life, indirectly led to me designing a system which I hope will save many more lives if I can get it operational, and led to me beating out probably multiple corporations to present an actual solution to biological threats and pandemics. To this day, it still inspires and motivates me daily. I would say a majority of my entertainment is pony based as well. Every major achievement in my life has its roots in mlp in one way or another. Do I win?


It replaced PokƩmon ascthe main series I'm into. For the longest time I was looking for something less annoying to be into. With Nintendo assassinating *everything* fan project related it was hard to enjoy anything knowing that. Hell i haven't bought at game since thevwii you. The only reason I have a switch is a friend of mine gave me hers and only downloaded pokemon unite and she gave me a copy of Violet. Thats not to say hasbro doesn't have issues, but i feel they're less glaring and i can work with them. I can make a piece of fan art not be worried about a black ops squad coming to my home to destroy it (i joke. But Nintendo can be inspiringly petty) I actually felt excited to make MLP related OCs, stuff like the art and fic scene got me back into reading or at least listening to stuff when i can, stuff like Fallout Equestria got me back into other stuff, i have a wealth of music to listen to, and now I actually want to goto a Con one day, i don't see it happening but hey a man can dream. Also Tirek somehow convinced me to start doing push-ups again. (would probably kill me if he knew I was slacking but the crappy georgia heat makes doing anything hard. But I got back to forty so that's better than nothing.) Simply put it made things interesting.


I found Manda Panda and her fan custom Friday and thanks to Mlp I am an artist


I picked up drawing again because of it, I got to read some amazing stories and learn more about storytelling in general. It's helped me get in touch with myself and my emotions more, at a time where I was really neglecting myself. The sense of community from the fandom has been awesome, and that's been helpful in a big way as well.


Helped me realize I have problems, but it's ok.


Since last year when I became a fan of it, it started to make me appreciate cartoons aimed mainly at girls more, but specifically MLP as it actually has become very appealing for someone like me, who is a nerd who loves franchises like Star Wars, Godzilla, TMNT, Transformers, etc, and getting into MLP has made me feel more open about wanting to like stuff opposite of what boys usually like, and I'm genuinely happy with being a brony even if it may seem a bit too late for it.


I use to have like 0 friends. And this community was what helped me form a nice and good friendships. During the death of my little syster, my "Cutie Mark Crusade" helped me to find a nice simbol and the Triskelion ideology for plans, that helped me to find order in my life. It has helped me a lot.


I watched it as a kid growing up, and I really payed attention to the plots and morals of the episodes - ik it sounds strange, but I think it taught me a lot of valuable lessons including how to be a well rounded and fair person. Which, is essentially what the show tries to do, right?


Wasnā€™t allowed to watch much of anything magic but this was an exception, it quickly became my fav


It honestly is a great outlet. When ever I'm in my worst states of mind I turn back to mlp content to this day.


I've been in the fandom since shortly after release, so probably late 2011. I've met so many good friends through MLP, and even my husband! I've been to cons, made my own OCs and written stories/gotten art of them, etc. It's really made my life what it is now.


It also helped with strengthing relationships as someone who is very distant it made me realize how to build relationships and help with any sort of conflict that comes with them


Great out lit. I still come back to mlp content in my worst mental states to this day.


It showed me that animated TV shows could be relatable. Also, it introduced me to Rarity. One of my favorite fictional characters ever


I had no idea the depraved and violent hatred people would show to others just for watching a show whose primary target audience is girls. It didn't matter that it was made for adults to enjoy too. It didn't matter that the lessons were about General friendship and how to treat people so it didn't matter that it was pointed at girls. It just taught me a lesson about how quick people are to judge and made me reflect on the fact that maybe I have judged people to harshly and too quickly myself. Basically the froth mouth MLP haters taught me to be a better person despite them


I had unsupervised Internet access as a kid, and was an MLP fan. You'll NEVER guess how it affected me.


It makes me see the good things in life :)


It actually redeemed me lmao. Due to the rough environment i was raised in i was a stuck up jerk most of the time, since in my point of view those were the kind of people who got the least shit from everyone. But after getting into the show out of curiosity i reflected on my own attitude and realized i didnt need to mimick the very people that made life terrible for everyone to stand my ground. Ever since i adopted a more kind and civilized personality which i try to keep to this day. So yeah, the show really left its mark in me


I'm gay ig?


It's what inspired me to do art. I was a kid when it came out and I got really into the art community side of mlp, which is what made me want to start drawing. I still like to draw ponies as a comfort thing even though it's been years since I've been really into the show


I fell in love with horror/gore because of mlp creepypastasšŸ˜‚ That shit traumatized me but now I love it šŸ¤£ Also I learned English from watching the show on repeat as a childšŸ‘šŸ»


I donā€™t like many things, or find many things interesting. So when I randomly put on mlp and I was hooked it gave me immense joy that I feel every time I watch the show. I also watch toy unboxings, reviews, unreleased toys, lore, videos like that on yt. That gives me the same dopamine boost. And the fact that thereā€™s so much mlp media to go through makes me so happy cause thereā€™s so much I havenā€™t seen yet. Iā€™m currently watching Gen 3 (Iā€™m halfway through) and it is adorable. I definitely have to be in the mood to watch it though cause it is fairly old school. Iā€™ve seen the first few episodes of Gen 1, but same with 3 I have to be in the mood for that one cause it is so vintage. Thereā€™s plenty books (childrenā€™s books but whateverrrrrrrrr) I can seek out and read. Loved Equestria girls, thereā€™s still a few clips I havenā€™t seen yet. (Saving them lol) havenā€™t seen Pony life yet. Iā€™ve watched MYM and I enjoyed that. Not watching TYT. The art style gives me a headache. And I think itā€™s irrelevant cause itā€™s just the first draft of MYM anyways. (Correct me if Iā€™m wrong pls) Iā€™m 21 now, and I started watching Mlp when I was 20 so itā€™s never too late to enjoy something worth enjoying. Also I love unicorns now. Obsessed. The new season of Unicorn Academy comes out tmr and Iā€™m so ready. :))))))


Well itā€™s always been in my life, since I was 1. I took note of the lessons without realizing it. Despite getting bullied for it, I decided to help people I felt needed it the most. Sometimes I would make mistakes, thinking that if someone said they would change, they would. Even though they never did, I still trusted them. Only when I turned 11 I realized this. But I still donā€™t judge people based on appearances or anything like that, mlp has taught little me that everyone is different in their own ways and itā€™s okay


I was around 12 when i started watching it maybe. Thanks to MLP i discovered the disturbing part of the internet (Smile HD, cupcakes etc). It was also a really great source of entertainment for me, i still continued watching it to adulthood. It taught me a lot about friendship, and most likely helped me improve my english too (Iā€™m Estonian, so technically English is my second language but iā€™d say iā€™m fairly fluent in it:D ) i remember watching the first 3 seasons on youtube, each season was like a 5 hour video or so. It also had so many great songs and I got really into art and watching speed drawings becayse of it:D so yeah, i would say MLP has played a huge part in my growing up!


One of the greatest things that has happened in my life.


It's just so wholesome, makes me feel better, you know?


That show made almost my whole childhoodĀ 


Mlp was my childhood show, and the first show I chose myself to watch. It let me embrace the more lighthearted side of myself and introduced me to actual good story writing in childrenā€™s shows.


I know this sounds cringe but it's why I'm living today


I like ponies


make me appreciate the spin off more (equestria girls).


MLP Cured My Sadness & Depression Made me Smile :')


It kept me going when I didn't want to. A happy place I could escape


It may be a little cringe (cringe but FREE) but when I'm having hard time making important choices I think of how my fav characters when through the same thing and their outcomes and helps me be like that :)


It filled my mind with cute ponies, I'm probably gonna listen to and sing its songs forever, and my art now has a higher chance of being horse related.


When I was eight I was really struggling and it was my best comfort. Unfortunately I was bullied for watching the show and in the end it got to me and I stopped watching for a few years. I missed the ending, but this show will always be one of the best things to me. Thank you MLP. I love you.


This is gomna be very long so get readyā€¦. When i was 4 or 5 i found out bout mlp fim and ever since then it was the best decision of my life to watch ive always hid my obsession for mlp for years and still to this day. Only my sis knows bout it but basicallyā€¦ im depressed and im mot trying to be edgy or cool or stuff no i mean like my life is so miserable and boring like i live with abusive parents who say they love us and buy us stuff like were gonna love em for that which that in it of itself is messed up they use those things against us when they are mad or whatever.anyway i have adhd and i used to get bullied for it when i was little to and i was terribly hyper and chaotic and my parents did not know how to handle it and didnt even know what adhd was (itā€™s complicated) so everytime i would get annoying or in short terms ā€œbeing a kidā€ they would mostly just resort to physical discipline and not a spank or whatever i mean punches and bruises infact one time my mom and i mean this in not a joking manner. She straight up BIT ME?ā€¦. Idk and my dad was worse there were so many times he almost knocked me out or almost broke a bone but the thing is is that after all that i go through we still have to ā€œstay quiet about what happens in the houseā€ā€¦.. idk manā€¦. And everytime i look back on my childhood it feelsā€¦. Weird like a fever dream schizophrenic weird even tho im not schizo btw im nust trying to get something acrossā€¦ i becameā€¦.. weird from everything i went through and my experiences in lifeā€¦. I think to myself ā€œhow the hell did i mentally survive through everything to now?ā€ā€¦ now thats my life at home in a short story now outsideā€¦ i was always bullied at school. I was always lonely always the weird kid the ugly kid and i dont doubt itā€¦ now everytime someone says something nice to me i laugh and immediately switch the subject i just cant take a compliment cuz i think people are lying to meā€¦ now in 2021 i said some stuff at school about home and cps came but u prolly guessed oh person whoā€™s reading thisā€¦ we stayed quiet and they leftā€¦. We lied bout everything they asked usā€¦. Now 2024 currently im 15 yrs old just turned 15 actually and now about how mlp helped me and actually saved my life?ā€¦. Well i just love the mane 6 and their world or universe in general its just all so kind and full of love and support and friends who would die for u and actually care not ones who lie and deceive u to get what they want (most of the time) which is what i went through alot anyway seeing how the mane 6 love each other so much and treat each other as if family and care and support each otherā€¦.. it makes me wish i was thereā€¦. With themā€¦ experiencing everything with them the adventures the excitement everything their world has to offerā€¦. Infact i even made my own pony character and his name is Star Chaser youve prolly seen him (me) in this subreddit alot and infact hes in my profile photo and if u click me youll see my banner is another art of him i even ordered a custom mlp figure of him and he arrived a week ago and i put him next to twilight and the other mane 6ā€¦ (hes a 10 yo male foal btw) and now i have hope something to work for and that when i dieā€¦ and when im in the after life or heaven i get to open a pirtal to their universe and well live on thereā€¦. So after all this did mlp affect my life? Yes, yes it did thank you! Reader for taking the time to read this and thank you for everything my little pony friendship is magic! ā¤ļøšŸ˜Š


Sorry if i misspelled stuff hehe im dumb


I think it helped me really improve my art and my style.


It kinda keeps me alive tbh šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø That's the short explanation anyways


On a scale to 1-10 9 it heavily did


Whenever I'm anxious or overwhelmed or something like that, watching MLP calms me down.


I had a bad home life growing up. My parents always told me i could only trust family, and that friendship was a waste of time. I started watching mlp when I was nine, and I really think having a show that told me the opposite of what my shitty parents told me was something I desperately needed. My perspective on life would be a lot different if I didn't have mlp to comfort me as a child.


Brought me joy in some dark periods


It led me to eventually read the fanfiction **Three Bolded Words**, which caused me to realize I was a bitter, vengeful person and try to change that.


Met some very interesting people and made me write a 2000 pages fanfiction. Met some people that were not so nice. Organized two brony conventions in Spain (the Summer Wrap Up festival, or "SWUFest" for short. Made a very successful podcast talking about fanfiction. Met someone who was the only love for whom I would have left my life behind... But sadly it didn't happen :). We are still good friends. Met some wonderful Artists. Some others did horrify me, and I love it! Learned about clop :S. I can't express how much I hate it. Plates some amazing role playing games. Mastered a few role playing games. Mastered the most terrifying role playing game ever... With little ponies. I got someone to literally have nightmares with the story we told together! I also met some very disturbing people and some who were VERY insane and whose insanities were actually fed by the "love and tolerate" policy of a good part of the fandom. Also, people who were in deep need of connection that found it in the fandom. And, as a writer, I wrote an amazingly complex character that I will need years of writing before I write something alike again. So, here you have it :)


It kept me going through the mid to late 2010s. The joy that the show brought me, the creativity of its fan base. God the nostalgia in me is going into overdrive.


I can't stop drawing ponies heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp


Helped me develop my artstyle and gave me inspiration for my own OCs.


It helped me through school. From 5th grade all the way to 12th :3


Saved me from suicide, carried me through 10 of my 16 brain surgeries, gave me my passion for writing, (and made me consider starting drawing!!) And gave me a special obsession for the rest of my life :3


It actually motivated me to write again I used to write fanfictions a long time ago Lost the spark for a while, always wanted to start up again but could never find the drive. One day, I came across an old conversation with a former friend I had about a potential fanfic idea In the end, after rewatching the show, it gave me my drive back. Started an MLP FiM crossover fic, and people seem to like it. And I intend to continue the story to its end, too. Writing has always been a big part of my life, just as much as music. I can't really explain it, but after diving back into MLP I've never been more motivated before than I am now. That's probably the biggest thing it's done for me rn.


The first episode made me realize that I was a lot like Twilight, buried in my books. I worked on being more active in my friendships and it felt so rewarding.


This show changed my life. It makes me so happy, I love the characters and how wholesome it is. The show inspired a lot of my own characters and stories, and my four main characters were heavily influenced by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, when I first created them. These four characters are my life btw, so seeing as they were influenced by MLP, says a lot about how much this show means to me. Not only that, but I met my boyfriend through MLP. I now live with this same boyfriend, last year I moved halfway across the US to move in with him. We are very close and happy, and without MLP, we would have never met (both our favorite pony is Applejack!)


Coping with depression and anxiety post lockdown after being bullied in elementary


Soooo a little rough story for us, Weve had serious mental health issues that resulted in being hospitalized, and when we got out my little pony was the first thing we watched and it's something that we have a really strong emotional connection with. There's so many genuine really good life lessons throughout the show and it's affected our mental health very much for the better! Plus it's me and my fiancees comfort show :)


It helped me become a better and more positive person overall


Thos is cheesy, but I actually got into mlp at 13, so, 3 years ago, but it kinda brought back some of my childhood, which helped me persevere through my lowest point of depression. These characters really make me happy and its kinda ridiculous if you think abt it. But idk


It had me and my husband settle down before bed and just turn our brains off after a long day at work, it also helped us with situations in our marriage. Like the episode where pinkie jumped to conclusions and got herself in trouble, she learned to always see the evidence before making any assumptions! That really spoke to me and how I used to just to conclusions in my marriage when it had a problem. Weā€™re much better now and this shower has helped us be more emotionally connected


I've started singing more, as well as finding more motivation to write


I go around wearing unicorn clothing,I'M WEARING A UNICORN DRESS THIS VERY MOMENT Oh and I have learnt a lot about friendship,made friends that like my little pony and now my family is VERY concerned that their highschool daughter is still watching ponies learn about friendship and plants named phillis


Makes me comfortable with myself. Like in a way of "I don't have to hide my interests"


The ending of Magical Mystery Cure nearly had me bawling because being 18, the transition from high school to college has been a huge scary change. Seeing twilight "graduate" into an alicorn and be reconciled about the change was really heartwarming and reassuring to me.


For me although itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve last seen the show i have to say it is probably the most wholesome show Iā€™ve ever seen and I loved twilightā€™s journey too from her not being interested in friendship to building amazing friendships and becoming the princess of friendship and even showed me how much friendship is magic and for that I will always love the show and the lessons she taught us all thank you so much twilight sparkle


It made me not independent


Favorite cartoon ever


grew up watching mlp and it helped me through every hard time. from my dad leaving to metaphorically holding my hand in every hard life decision. it might be childish but everytime i think of a bad memory from my childhood i know there's a good one revolving around mlp just around the corner. i'm autistic and socially awkward but i found myself a lot more interested in friends after i was old enough to truly internalize the lessons.


It lead me through my tweenhood, and half of my teenhood


Cherilee just staring-


Too many ways for me to count


It made me fell happiness for the first time in years.


I was a lonely kid, 0 friends and divorced parents but this show made me feel less alone duribg that process


It inspired me to draw art of them.And now Iā€™m probably going to do art for a future career


It made me realize friendships (for me) aren't actually a thing and I need to live with the fact that no one will ever do more than the absolute bare minimum for me (if that). But it does help me escape reality for a while.


I genuinely carry the sentiment that friendship is one of the most important things in life.


It kept me alive while my parents abused my brother and sister back when I was 2 - 3 years old to 2019 when it ended. Id give up my life to this show.


i am my little pony


taught me that my boyfriend loves me enough to compose a strings orchestrated version of This Day Aria for when we get married in the later future


Made me crave friendship which never arrived, God if I was in the show I would probably was a villain...


Made me go through the pandemic without going nuts, made me read more (fim fiction lol), motivated me into studying music (Octavia is my favorite character), made me get way better at english (native spanish speaker, there's more fanwork in english) and a lot more things that have made me really happy


The show taught me a lesson my family always tried to teach me, growing up I didnā€™t make friends easy or have a want to keep them around as even in preschool I didnā€™t like people and if they did 1 thing I didnā€™t like Iā€™d not talk to them. Now being a teenager iv made a small group of friends and I learned not everyone can be perfect, and sometimes the things that separate us makes up for new adventures. Even if itā€™s hard to find some common ground itā€™s good to understand and maybe try their interests. The show overall taught me how friendship is perfect and you need to put a little effort into it


tdlr: this show made me aware of how iā€™ve changed and embraced myself over time. it makes me a lot more aware of things in myself and others that i need to be more accepting of and i find that pretty powerful and cool mlp taught me some interesting things about myself from childhood and even up till now. i learned about the values of true friendships, and i started off as an artist drawing ponies, iā€™m now going into my senior year of college as an animation students. mlp also taught me my love for story writing and worldbuilding. but something i find very interesting about my journey with mlp would be how it has shown me the way my own character has changed. i was bullied as a kid, so rainbow dash was my favorite character growing up, what with the way sheā€™s so confident, colorful, and cool. i wanted to be that. i could see and acknowledge her flaws, but she was just so cool to me that i didnā€™t care so much about them. i just wanted to be someone who could stand up for myself and my friends like rainbow did. funnily, twilight sparkle was one of my least favorite characters. she was smart, introverted, a nerd/geek, liked for things to be a certain way, all traits that i had and still have. as a kid i think that because i was bullied for having such traits, i resented twilight a bit. oh, and the wednesday night ten years ago that i watched twilight sparkle become a princess, i cried myself to sleep in bed because i hated that suddenly she was put on a pedestal compared to her friends. in my defense, i was in fifth grade at the time lol but i do still have some feelings about that whole thing. thatā€™s another story though. now that iā€™m older, my preferences for characters have almost completely shifted. twilight is one of my favorites and RD is one of my least favorites šŸ’€ over the years iā€™ve learned to embrace the things that make me like twilight, such as writing and reading and being proud of how far iā€™ve come educationally. RD started to remind me more of the people who bullied me growing up. thatā€™s not to say she was a bully, she can be cocky and rude at times but she genuinely has good intentions and has proven herself time and again to be a loyal friend, i still admire that about her. but i find it funny how my views have changed. something about her outlook on certain things has really irked me in more recent times. i donā€™t hate rainbow dash but sheā€™s less easy for me to like now, personally i think thatā€™s something for me to work on. mlp has taught me what behaviors i associate with good and bad within my traumatic experiences, and itā€™s still revealing to me how i need to be more open minded about different personalities instead of automatically associating them with the ones who have hurt me before. also, this show has taught me a crap ton about lore and character design lol


honestly? Not that much. It gave me joy at one point in my life. But I wouldnā€™t say it changed anything overall. Ā  I suppose it technically was my blunder days in terms of art. I was inspired to write and draw based on the fandom. But soon enough learned itā€™s quite difficult and not that simple. I guess it was a soft reality check in that regard. And maybe a small stepping stone into the things I do now Ā 


Here is my story. I am 19. I don't even know when I first watched MLP but I remember that I was very very young. I used to watch every new episode of the G4 every morning before going to school. Rapidly it became my favorite cartoon. I grew up, but I love MLP more and more every day. It was here when I was young and when I had everything I needed in life. It was here when I fell into depression at 14. Today I try to live normally but I am becoming older and the fact to have nothing left from my childhood is hurting (I don't have family/friends/house/possessions anymore). A lot. MLP is the only link I have with the child I was, a little girl full of energy, funny, happy. Today I'm totally different, and the only thing that help me in life is MLP : every time an event happens in my life, I try to link it to a MLP lesson/episode. MLP is the only thing that can make me cry. Even if nothing sad happens in the show. And that's not a bad thing that it makes me cry!! Sometimes I just need it. I don't know why but that's the only thing that really give me happiness. I can't describe what I'm feeling when I watch MLP. I can't spend a day without it, I spend at least 2 hours a day watching MLP. It hurts me deeply when I see MLP objects that I can't afford. It hurts me when I think about the fact it is disappearing day after day in France. It hurts me when I think about the fact I will never experience friendship the same as in the show. I think it takes too much place in my life and it's becoming toxic lol, I know all the lyrics of every songs of MLP:FIM, Equestria Girls, the shorts... And I listen to them everyday. I can continue to talk about it and write a lot on the subject, but it will become less interesting for people who read me. So... The answer is : MLP has affected my life more than you could ever imagine. I sincerely think this show saved my life and is keeping me alive. Sometimes we just need the innocence of a children cartoon to keep going. :)


I fell in love with My Little Pony in 1986 when I was 2 years old. The cartoons and the toys sparked a passion in me for horses. I was obsessed right from the get-go. By 19 years old I was riding and teaching professionally, by 21 I had a 40 horse training and lesson program. I'm now 40 and still riding and training professionally. I'm going to the Eastern Zone championships for my current sport in October. I've won at hundreds of horse shows over the past 30 some years in various disciplines and at various levels, but never compromised on the early lessons I learned from My Little Pony about kindness, cooperation, and friendship. I'm autistic and was late to be diagnosed, and grew up in an abusive household, very poor. I'm blessed, but entirely self-made. And it all is thanks to getting a My Little Pony toy when I was 2 years old


I used to watch it when I was around 10-11 years old when I first watched it (2017) but since it was a girlish show I decided to stop watching it even though Iā€™ve spent lots of time in the fandom and even watched the movie. I recently rejoined the MLP fandom again since I was at a depressive state and wanted to go back to something that I used to enjoy a lot and I rejoined the fandom at around the start of this year. And I can say that ever since I started rewatching it, Iā€™ve genuinely became a better person, Iā€™ve taken more care of myself, I started going on more hikes and being outside, and in general Iā€™ve just became a better person. Before I was rewatching MLP, I used to be a little self-centred and arrogant and I guess you could say ā€˜activeā€™, but for some reason I donā€™t know why, Iā€™ve just started appreciating life more and Iā€™ve been telling my friends more recently that I care about them, itā€™s weird I have to admit but it just happened. Itā€™s really weird how a show about magical little horsies changed my life so much (And you the reader, I hope you have a great rest of the weekā¤ļø)


This show gave me extreme obsession no other media has given to me beside Monster Hunter and Wander Over Yonder.


It's honestly taught me alot about friendship and it has a lot of episodes that I can really personally relate to


It entertained me after I broke my arm (how I got into the fandom) and it reignited my love of reading.


Unsupervised videos on the dark side of YouTube helped me be more mature and the real show helped me with my story telling and inspired me to go that path


I mean, I've been bullied for liking it so uh yeah


I love the concept art and made me motivated to draw more.