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I love it. I knew someone called Oriana (not sure about the spelling) as a child and no one found her name weird. It was perceived as elegant and less common than Ariana


I know an Oriana. She usually goes by Ori. I think it’s a very cool name.


Same! And I only know of one


Me too!


I think of Oriana from Dragon Age, which isn't a bad thing, haha. But man, that quest sucked.


That’s hilarious because immediately thought of Oriana from Mass Effect and I hated her quests too. Someone at BioWare must have loved one named Oriana. 


Omg I forgot about that!


Same same lol that’s the only reason I even knew how to say the name!


My thought is Orianna from League of Legends. :D


The video game vibe is strong with this name


And I just read the Cruel Prince and thought of one of the characters named Oriana. Very niche lol


There was a princess named Oriana in the Felix the Cat movie. Showing my age here.


Not sure where you are located, but Oriana is a very common name in Spanish speaking countries as well as in Italy, so at least in those parts of the world you would not find a soul who think it's bizarre. I like the name, the traditional spelling we use is Oriana tho, I've never seen it with the two N.


I’m from a Spanish speaking country and have never met an Oriana. The name just makes me think of the word “Orinar”, which means to urinate.


What!? I've met so many, I think I went to high school with at least two or three Orianas in two different countries, there's also famous women called Oriana. Both in Spanish speaking countries *and* in Italy. I know it's for sure a common name in Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina. Sure it may not be as popular as idk, Ana or Maria, but it's far from rare or uncommon.


Interesting! I can see it being popular in Argentina, especially if it’s popular in Italy. I just have never met an Oriana, or ever heard the name before, here or abroad. I’ve met dozens of people named *Ariana*, though.


My husband is from Italy and our daughter is named Oriana and he said it’s a very uncommon name ( I came up with it after finding it online) there and it’s more of a vintage name that was used in the past.


I think it is really pretty


I immediately think of the perfume from Parfums de Marly


I knew an Oriana in school. Her parents were Italian. Was never considered weird. It’s quite nice without being out there.


This is a new name to me, but first impression: beautiful! 


I think it's pretty. Orianna looks better to my eyes, but no reason why. It is unusual, and your kid will have to spell their name everytime they are at the doctor or on the phone with the bank, but hey, my name is on the Top 100, and my last name is also on the most common 100, and I have to do that. Not the end of the world. It's not my personal style, I wouldn't use it (also, there was a girl named that in junior high who one day went on a puberty rampage, screaming, swearing and throwing chairs, but that's a personal thing), but nothing wrong with it.


There’s a lot of Orianne in france, I think it’s pretty.


I really like the name!! It seems related to Aurora, but easier to pronounce. Orla is a favorite of mine, and Oriana seems to be a more feminine version. I actually prefer Oriana to Arianna.


i’ve never heard it before, it’s not bad, but i prefer ariana


I would pronounce Oriana and Orianna differently same way I’d pronounce Ana and Anna differently, which way are you trying to have it pronounced


My brother was going to be called Oriana before my parents found out he was male, it's a beautiful name!


What did he get named instead?


I think I would think I’d misheard you say Ariana


Oriana Gronde


I know someone named Orianna. Didn't seem weird to me. Cute name!


I know one of each spelling ( they are cousins) and they are both amazing 🩷


Super deep dive but it makes me think of the princess in the Felix the Cat movie from ‘88. I loved that movie as a kid so I have a positive reaction to the name. I think it’s pretty.


It sounds a bit outdated, at least where I live.


Huh, I was thinking the opposite. It sounds like a modern take on Ariana which also feels like a very new name to me.


I know an Oriana (just posted about O names). Love it!


I like it. Very pretty.


There's nothing objectively wrong with it but I don't really like it. I just don't care for the "or" sound. It sounds really grating to me.


I worked with an Orianna. She was the worst. Haha. Loved her name though!


I work at an insurance company and I listened to someone struggle over saying this name. It's a lovely name but keep mind it may be hard for some to pronounce.


Huh, I don’t even know how you’d mess that name up. Did they keep saying Ariana?


"Oh-rin-a" "ohh-rain-a"


Was it a person who struggled with names and reading in general?


I have absolutely no idea I'm just saying I overheard someone having trouble. I think he has no problems with reading and speaking, he seems fairly smart.


Huh, weird. It’s not a super common name, but it does have a similar structure to a lot of common names and no part of it is spelled in a way that I could see causing confusion or having an alternate pronunciation unless the person on the phone spelled it in a really strange way.


I really don't know.


Sure, but people mess up even the most common names. I have an easily pronounceable, recognizable name that several very famous women have had (though it's not so common where I live anymore), and customer service workers constantly mess it up. It's annoying but shouldn't be a deal breaker on this one. 


I have no idea why you're being so argumentative I literally said it may be difficult for some which is true because as you just said yourself people mispronounce common names. This isn't a sub for drama and arguments. People want genuine feedback and others provide it. I wasn't rude, I didn't say that name sucked. I simply pointed out it may be hard for some. It's unnecessary to continue to go back and forth with me and it doesn't help OP at all to keep getting notifications of you disagreeing me. I know reddit is generally known for drama but I've seldom seen it in this sub.


Edit: I have to assume you are conflating me with another user because I double checked and my *one* comment above seems to be the only interaction I've had with you.      It was a single thought/perspective, not written argumentatively, and was without drama. No back-and-forth until your disproportionate response. I hope your day gets better. 


It's a very pretty name. It was often used in contemporary references to Queen Elizabeth I.


I think you’re thinking of Gloriana


I remember learning in music history- madrigals “long live fair [Oriana](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Triumphs_of_Oriana)” for QE1


I was thinking that the first time I heard the name Oriana was when I learned the madrigal "All Creatures Now Are Merry-Minded," which was written in 1601 by John Bennett. We were taught it was a reference to Queen Elizabeth I.


Both were used. "Oriana" was a reference to some medieval heroic characters by that name and was meant to be complimentary to Lizzy I


I really like it. It was on our list but we had boys.


I haven’t heard it before, but I love it.


I knew of twins named Orion (o-Ryan) and Orianna years ago. I’ve yet to hear the name Orianna since then, so that unlocked a memory. I like it!


Knowing an Oriana through family friends, I never perceived her name as weird or uncommon. She was Hispanic and the name sounds nice in Spanish as well.


Kind of like Orian... hmm. It's different, but not weird. I like it.


I don’t like it, but it’s a pretty name! It reminds me of the Orion constellation!! It wouldn’t give me pause and I don’t think it’s weird. I think you should use it!


My very first thought was the song Orinoco Flow by Enya, but that's a beautiful song, and it's a beautiful name!


I love Oriana, though I too have only seen it with 2n's. It's close to Oriette which is a favorite of mine. Also close to Aureline.


I like it! Good name.


It sounds like pasta to me.


Save it for the DnD table


I prefer Ariana over Arianna and I also prefer Ariana over Oriana/Orianna. These are just my opinions though


I like two n’s.


An acquaintance has a young adult daughter with this name. I think it’s a little unusual and doesn’t necessarily sound pleasing to me but it’s just her name.


It’s pretty. It seems easy to pronounce to me, but you’ll be surprised by how difficult it is for people to pronounce uncommon names, even if they’re simple & obvious. I gave my daughter a name that is almost completely unheard of in my country (us), but very common in another country (Ireland). She almost never gets called the correct name, & I am surprised because it is ridiculously easy to pronounce & it is pronounced exactly like it is spelled lol. I even used the spelling they use to show how to pronounce it (Seersha) rather than the Gaelic version (Saiorse). I would not change it though, I still love the name.


Bratz doll name!


I definitely prefer Ariana- Oriana truly sounds like a Fantasy Girl to me. It's not a bad name though, just not quite my style.


I've known 1 IRL. She spelled it Orianna (Ori-Ahh-Nuh) I honestly really like it but fwiw she ended up mostly being called her nickname "Ori"


It is pretty, my first thought was there is a perfume called Oriana from Parfums De Marly


https://youtu.be/K6MiqvY8BdA?feature=shared It is pretty cool


OP mid laner


What does this mean?


I personally don’t like it because the first thing I thought of is probably calling them Oreo. You’re right, I’m way too used to Ariana.




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This is the name of someone close to me! I adore both the name and the person :•) her nickname is Oni which I think is so cute. Before I met her, I’d only seen the name in the Cruel Prince series


I knew an Oriana in college; she mostly went by Ori. Different but certainly not bizarre!


i really like it


Very pretty, and I actually prefer Oriana to Ariana


I like Oriana/Orianna over Ariana by far.


I love it!!!! I definitely think you’ll have to correct people who think you’ve said Ariana often though. Which isn’t necessarily a problem just something you accept when choosing a lesser known name that is just slightly different than a common name.


I like it


I work with one. It’s a nice name. I prefer the two n version. I’ve never heard anyone question or make fun of it.


I absolutely love it.


I love the name Orianna. I think of League of Legends, but it's still a nice name!


Haven't heard it. It's nice. Unfamiliar without being terribly unusual


I don’t find it odd. I like it


My mom's name is Oralia and everyone always compliments it. Go with what you love.


It’s pretty, but it kind of sounds like it could be a medical condition


I have a cousin from Italy named Oriana. She’s super cool.


I prefer Orianne, it seems like its own name and not a combination or change to Arianna


Pretty name. Prefer Oriana as I would pronounce that ori-arna as opposed to Orianna (ori-anna)


Cruel prince 


I know an Oriana, so it's not an odd name to me, but even if I didn't know a person with it, I think it's a beautiful name.


It’s one of my favorite names. I first came across it when I was a young name nerd, because my mom had a book on the shelf by Oriana Fallaci, an Italian journalist and author. I think it’s a beautiful name.


Idk man, it’s not directly related because you have to jumble the letters a bit, but my free association is urine because the Spanish translation is “Orin/orinar”. Not trying to offend you, just offering what you asked, my sincere thoughts.


My first thought is Princess Orianna from Felix the Cat the movie. Feeling old. But always loved the name and thought she was pretty.


Not a name I’ve seen around, but it is cute!


It’s cute


Orianna Fallaci was a famous and very brave Italian journalist.


Oriana is very pretty.


Is Oriana/Orianna pronounced the same as Auriana? That’s how I’m reading it but if it’s a completely different name…


Yes it sounds the same as Auriana


My sisters name! I love it! I thinks it common in Venezuela


I love it! I don't think I've known an Oriana in real life, so I think it's rare without sounding try-hard. Beautiful, timeless meaning. And I think the natural shortening/nicknaming to Ori/Orrie would be really cute. 


I sold my favorite house I ever lived in to a woman named Oriana. Every year she messages me updates on the lime tree I planted in the backyard. It’s a great name.


Sounds like the name of a porn star 😐


If people have dirty minds, and they can, it can sound like oral