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I really like it.  It doesn’t sound old lady to me.


I like it. I associate it with Enid Sinclair from Wednesday.


love it




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Do you like Ingrid?


No thanks


I like Enid. It fits with the trend of comeback, vintage names (eg Edie) but is less common. Only drawback is that it has no intuitive nicknames, so if your child doesn’t like their name that much there’s nowhere for them to go with it


Personally, I’m not a fan. It has a rough sound that gives me negative vibes.


I really like it


I prefer Edith nn Edie


I love it!


There’s an Enid in Wednesday and an Enid in Ghost World. Both are cool.


I hate it. Sorry.


It's dated with no comeback in sight. I really wouldn't 


hm i see it mentioned on this sub every day lately, multiple times a day. the comeback is already here I think


I do like it and see a lot of potential but it is definitely thought of as an old lady name. Here are some similar names that sound more youthful: Abby Alice Amity Astrid Cherry Eden Edie Edith Emmy Esme Evie Indie Judith Lydia Nellie Opal Sylvie Tina Verity


Thanks for taking the time to make this list. I like Astrid, Edith and Edie very much.


1. Very dated. 2. Clunky sounding (Like Mabel or Gertrude) 3. The barenaked ladies song 


Reminds me of Enid Blyton. I don't really like the sound to be honest, but that's just a preference. Edith is beautiful to me though. All the best.


I think it's sweet! There was another similar post recently. I think Elide (Eh-leed) would be a nice alternative. :)


This is my name! I’m young and have met maybe one other young Enid in my lifetime and one old Enid (she loved me). I used to have mixed feelings about it — in high school nobody knew how to pronounce it and it felt like an ugly old lady name. Teaching coworkers and new acquaintances to pronounce it can occasionally be brutal (like, months of polite corrections and then they finally just stop addressing me by name) — even tho it’s short and feels pretty simple. I know some people hate it which I get, but I’d personally rather be an Enid than a Mickhailaigh. If my friends are out and meet or hear of someone named Enid (happens very rarely) they’ll text me about it which is sweet, they’re like “Do you know her?” Sometimes people call me Esme Erin Eden or Edith and I just roll with it, if you’re looking for similar sounding names. That all being said, I’m growing to like it. It’s uncommon and I’ve been getting more compliments on it over the last few years, people are also learning the pronunciation way faster than in the 2000s and 2010s (way faster! My life is easier now)! It can be pronounced EE-nid or Eh-nid, the more traditional Welsh pronunciation, and there’s two different spellings (Enid, Enaid). My parents also gave me a normal middle name to fall back on if I wanted to, I’ve just never felt connected to my middle name.


Thanks so much for sharing your insight. I'm surprised that you have to correct people on how to pronounce it, but maybe that it because I watched the worst witch when I was younger and it isn't actually self-evident how it should be pronounced! I'm really glad you are growing to like your name. I think it is lovely, it is interesting how divisive a name it appears to be.


Thanks for the sweet comment!💛 My mom had it come to her out of the blue and knew it was my name before I was born. When I was a kid and teenager I was quiet (whisper quiet) so I was hard to understand plus unusual name, now I’m more confident and outgoing and don’t often have trouble introducing myself (usually people just repeat it back to me once to clarify pronunciation). I work around elderly people a lot so if someone mishears me and calls me Esme (or Edith, etc) I’ll try to set them straight once or twice but then I just let it go and respond as if it were my real name, that’s the main situation where it causes some confusion


Great to hear you have overcome your shyness. I think there is a lot to be said about being able to 'own' an unusual name and being confident enough to pull it off. It sounds like you've got there! I agree you have to pick your battles and if it is perhaps a hearing or cognitive issue it isn't worth correcting again and again.


My only association with the name Enid would be Enid Mettle from OK K.O.! which is a character in her late teens, so at least in my mind it comes off as youthful.


I LOVE Enid.


Maybe try more modern similar names like Edie or Eden


Very old lady Edith is cuter


Its not really for me. Not because it is outdated, I just dont really care for the sound of it.


I love it.


I don't think it has the most pleasant sound. It's very similar to penis, and the "nid" sounds like "nits." 😬