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I had a CO at VFA-106 that did an exchange program with the 71st Fighter squadron flying F-15s. Not impossible but not common. 


[https://www.pacom.mil/Contact/Directory/Bio-Display/Article/2590636/commander-us-indo-pacific-command/](https://www.pacom.mil/Contact/Directory/Bio-Display/Article/2590636/commander-us-indo-pacific-command/) " A U.S. Naval Aviator, he is a TOPGUN graduate and has flown over 6,000 hours in the F-14, F-15 and F/A-18 and 1,100 carrier landings." "He served also on exchange duty with the U.S. Air Force flying the F-15C Eagle with the 71st Fighter Squadron, deploying multiple times to Saudi Arabia and Keflavik, Iceland."


It’s possible. I knew an ex. USAF pilot who used to fly MiGs.


There's a helicopter school in AZ where helo pilots learn to fly Russian Hind Helicopters.


MAWTS, no?


I think so. It was cool to read about.


Did you ever hear the story of how the US military grabbed that Hind-D from Chad?


Yeah. It's pretty cool!


Definitely possible. The Navy sends students to the Air Force Test Pilot School regularly. I know an F-18 guy who went to school there. He's got a decent amount of F-15/16 time.


I know a bunch of Aviators who later transitioned to the Air National Guard and flew all sorts of cool stuff over there


I’m old and remember when Top Gun was at Miramar. I think I still have a crusty old tshirt that has the Top Gun logo with an F15 underneath it. This was in 1989.




Test pilots fly all sorts of planes


100%, exchange tours are a thing.


I knew a Navy pilot who was on personnel exchange to the Air Force (must have been to the 40th FTS or 85th TES) and flew F-15s. Granted he was a Test Pilot. Not impossible, just doesn't happen very often. If it's a one off flight, that's more plausible, but still rare.


Fun fact: In the 1970s the Navy was already looking for the replacement for the F-14 and a specialized F-15 was one of the contenders. It was called the F-15N. Never made it to the fleet for various reasons, but that's all I know about the Navy using the F-15.


It’s totally possible. There’s exchange tours. Hell, I have F-15D stick time.


It’s possible through an exchange tour or even if he left the Navy and joined an ANG unit afterwards. For example, there’s a certain Youtuber who started his career flying F16s for USAF and ended up flying F18s with a Navy reserve unit. The Navy proper is flying F16s as an aggressor, so nothing surprises me these days.


Very possible. We used to have a variety of exchange tours up for folks for their first shore duty and one was F-15s with the Air Force. Not sure if it’s still around, or if we just don’t fill it because we’re short on pilots. I haven’t seen it as an option on the slate in a few years. I’m not a test guy, but it’s likely that’s another way to get some time in one. And I’ve got several friends who flew Hornets on active duty who are flying Eagles in the guard now. Next time it comes up, just ask him “I didn’t think the navy flew F-15s”. If he’s legit, he’d probably love to talk your ear off about it.


Yes, they have. The Navy Aggressor Squadron at NAS Key West had several of them, maintained by civilian techs, but flown by Navy pilots. I was one of the Navys aircraft inspectors in the early nineties and his was part of the territory the command I was in covered


Sun Downers fly F-5s, not F-15s.


In 1990 they had a mixed bag of aircraft, including F-5s, F-15s and Israeli Kafars.


I still can’t find any source on eagles and I’ve been digging for a while


That’s because people lie on the internet for points


I'm a retired Navy Chief. From 1989 to 1992 I was a PO1 assigned to Light Attack Wing One, A tenent command at NAS Cecil Field Florida, Duval County, Jacksonville, Florida. I inspected aviation commands under our area command, which was most of the Navy in East Florida That's all the personal data you are going to get. My assignment was to inspect the material condition and administrative ability of squadron work centers. A task I became despised for, but lives are at stake in any aviation endeavor. I have graduate degrees and corporate experience, and I could give a shit about Internet points. Have a great day!


I’m just asking for a single tangible source on navy F-15s.


These aircraft may have been under air force ownership, on loan to the Navy. I don't know for sure, but have them they did.


You are correct, they were F-16s not 15s. My bad... I'm old as dirt, so please forgive.


[https://www.navair.navy.mil/organization/PMA-226](https://www.navair.navy.mil/organization/PMA-226) This is the Program Office that procures aggressor aircraft. While the 15 isn't on the list, 16s are, and it's not unimaginable that 15s have been on their roster from time to time.


It’s well known that 16s have been and still are on the program. They’re up at Fallon. Plenty of photos and pilot testimonies. I’m sure airforce 15s have danced with navy jets on a pretty normal bases and aside from the odd exchange program of a navy pilot to an airforce squadron there is zero information that I can find referencing navy operated f-15s. I would happily be proven wrong.


TIL, thanks




If he was a reservist, he might have flown aggressor aircraft.