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Keep in mind that Steve Kerr is the highest paid NBA Head Coach at $17.5 million annually


In one year he already made more money than his entire NBA career


Jaylen Brown will make more in two years than Scottie Pippen made his whole career.


Scottie is a special case though. That 7 year contract was insane.


You know it was bad when the Bulls front office was telling him to wait also.


That was such a bullshit line from Reinsdorf when it was first uttered, and it was bullshit when repeated in the doc, too. He wants us to believe that he had his organization offer a ridiculously bad contract to a player and then he tried to swoop in and save this player by telling him not to take the deal...but not enough to have his team not offer predatory deals.


I mean I thought the Last Dance went into pretty good detail about how Scottie valued long term security because he saw two of his family members become paralyzed. Frankly if its anyone's fault its Scottie's agent.


Completely the fault of his agent. That’s why he was run out of NBA contracts and now is known as an agent for football coaches.


There is 0% chance Scottie's agent didn't tell him to take a shorter deal, if only because it would eventually mean more money for the agent as well.


It probably was, but wasn't it also a matter of salary cap limitations at the time?


The cap was around 30m in 98, MJ made 33m, 18 teams had a payroll lower then MJs annual salary, Bulls payroll was double the cap at around 60m, Knicks were around 50m and Magic were third with about 40m. The cap basically didn't exist till the lockout a year later. Random fun fact, it took almost 20 years for a player to surpass the 33m MJ made that season, it was Curry and in 2018 or 2019, JB will make 65m a year in 2029.


I knew MJ was carried by bs cap manipulations, smh… /s


>The cap was around 30m in 98, MJ made 33m, 18 teams had a payroll lower then MJs annual salary, Bulls payroll was double the cap at around 60m, Knicks were around 50m and Magic were third with about 40m. >The cap basically didn't exist till the lockout a year later. >Random fun fact, it took almost 20 years for a player to surpass the 33m MJ made that season, it was Curry and in 2018 or 2019, JB will make 65m a year in 2029. This comment is inaccurate without actual context. The salary cap was soft, but it existed. A team could go over the cap for its own players with Bird rights. But when over the cap, it couldn’t sign new players unless on an exception (like veterans earning minimum salary). A couple years before Jordan was signed to his big contract in 1996, teams couldn’t go over the cap to sign their draft picks (long before the rookie salary scale). In 1994, 3rd pick Penny Hardaway only made $1.2 million his rookie year because the Orlando Magic only had the cap space from trading Brian Williams (Later known as Bison Dele). Hardaway made less than Bobby Hurley, the seventh pick during their rookie year. The team gave Hardaway a $20 million line of credit though. Following the lock-out NBA got the player salary maximum and the luxury tax to discourage teams from exceeding the salary cap. But the basic cap works exactly the same way today that it worked in the 90s; teams can’t sign players if they are over the salary cap without the use of an exception; they have to trade players within a certain percentage of matching the salaries.


Fair. My main point is that the cap was so easily circumvented, that it really didn't matter much, also the first version of the luxuryas tax only kicked in if the league as a whole was over a certain threshold, I think it was 110 or 120% of the combined cap, but I'm not sure about that. Teams could also trade any contracts iirc, wich was also exploited a lot.


you mean the same franchise that gave MJ 30m (well beyond the whole team cap) and also Jerry paid MJ while he was ass at baseball? lol.. It's a team sport as great as MJ was & he needed scottie for those chips.


Right but who put more asses in seats and sold more merch?


The contract started out decent at the time and pippen was the one asking for long period. As he had a back scare. The point Reinsdorf was making was that if he went for a short contract, by the time the second contract was due, salaries around the league would have jumped and pippen would have made more that way. Jerry also said he would hold pippen to his longer contract Pippen didn't listen, he wanted security. It's like we know when the nba signs the new TV deal, money will jump [if cba didn't agree to smooth it]. Now imagine you know some TV deal would be signed causing money to jump, but not precisely when or how much That's what Reinsdorf was in situation


I mean, surely Pippen would have contradicted that by now if it were untrue? He’s had over 3 decades to do it by now. So yes I do believe it


Scottie signed it so he musta thought it was fair


It was a good deal at the time, that was the point. But then the league exploded salary wise


The cheap af deal is lowkey the backbone of the team


I just don't understand him there at all. If you need to feed your family then take a 2 year 5 million deal, put that shit away, then go out and get an actual deal. 1 year 2.6 million is more than enough to live on for the rest of your life. Edit: Man, Lotta people out today trying to explain why a contract so team sided the Bulls tried to talk Pippen out of signing it themselves, is actually smart for Pippen.


He'd "only" made $3M in his 4 years and was going to sign for $18M. Something else that you and I probably don't understand is that when you're around millionaires, you want to live like them too: cars, jewelry, houses, etc. (He was known to have purchased an airplane, which are never cheap to own.) I wouldn't be surprised if Pippen had already spent a decent amount of his rookie contract on his family and himself when it was time to negotiate.


[Calling what he bought a "plane" is generous. ](https://www.yardbarker.com/nba/articles/scottie_pippen_absolutely_wasted_43_million_on_a_private_jet_that_couldnt_even_fly/s1_16751_38127945)


Buying a plane that he’s never flown in is…a choice.


Money changes people and when your income goes up substantially like that, your standard of living can change drastically cuz you'll be rolling with a lot of rich people lol. You know, all the glitz and glamour. It's not so easy to just stay at home and spend modestly when you're in that spotlight lmao


No tipping Pippen was his Chicago nickname.


Yeah but Dan Hurley like a lot of College Basketball coaches are incredibly competitive and even a bit narcissistic ( who can blame them they have made more money coaching basketball than they ever could dreamed of and College ball treats coaches like gods. They literally think they win not the players) with this the money is a competition getting paid the most to coach basketball is winning in their eye and validation of their greatness


Scottie actually ended up making more money than Jordan in NBA salary over his career. He got a bag from Portland after leaving the Bulls.


And the crazy part pippen made more than Jordan in their careers


Scott Pippen made over 100 million over his career. He's going to be just fine.


There is this one little thing called inflation.


Would you rather have prime Steve Kerr sharp shooter on your team or headcoach Steve Kerr heading your locker room? 


Tbf that was 30 years ago and he was a role player.


But college is less than half the games of the nba


College is more work than the NBA though because they have to recruit players year round now. With the transfer portal and NIL now they even have to recruit the players on their own team.


I thought Pop made the most money at like $20 million?


Pop is $16 million ($80 million/5 years)


Pop is also the Team President so idk if he counts


What about inflation though?


Adjusted for inflation his career earnings would be over 30 mil. On a side note they always talk about highest paid player in NBA history, but in reality it’s still 98 MJ


MJ in 98 was crazy. dude made 33 million which was 7 million more than the entire SALARY CAP at the time. 33 million is also worth about 65 million today calculating inflation


He was still underpaid.


Kentucky boosters easily much richer then the Lakers ownership


I mean, probably. The Lakers ownership group ain’t exactly the most wealthy despite the popularity.


jeannie gotta ask if any of the dozens of rich celebrities who are regulars at their games would wanna chip in to help with the luxury tax


Yall realize there are minority owners as well and Anschutz alone is worth over $15 billion?


First right of refusal if Jeanie ever sells goes to Patrick Soon Shiong, part owner and richest man in LA. Also owns the LA Times and NantHealth.


Pretty sure FROR was Anschutz’s until he sold his 27% a couple years ago, and transferred the FROR to the new minority owners, Todd Boehly and Mark Walter, co-owners of the Dodgers. Soon Shiong bought Magic’s parcel of shares and does not have FROR for any shares the Busses sell.


As a Chelsea fan, giving ownership to Todd Boehly would be a death knell for the Lakers.


I just wish the Guggenheim group could somehow just buy the team outright.


Why isn’t HE owner then fuck


That guy seems like a piece of shit > Soon-Shiong's NantPharma purchased the drug Cynviloq from Sorrento Therapeutics for $90 million dollars, including more than $1 billion dollars in compensation for reaching regulatory and sales milestones[44] Soon-Shiong did not push forward with FDA approval as the agreement dictated, and instead allowed critical patents and deadlines lapse, presumably due to his financial interest in another drug that would compete with Cynviloq.


People don’t get rich being nice. Dig deep enough all rich people are ass holes.


i actually did not know about anschutz


That’s because he sold his stake in 2021


oh yep i definitely knew that. see i was right all along


Something kinda funny Anschutz. There was a point where him and the Hunt family. Owned most of the MLS during its low point. Obviously a much different era but kinda wild looking back. 


Lakers have probably the least wealthy ownership (have almost no assets outside the lakers). But they do have that 20-year $3BILLION regional rights deal


They applied for a PPP loan lmao


Every rich grifter applied for PPP loans


meanwhile my immigrant parents felt they weren't meant to take the loans so didn't apply


Yeh every rich grifter applied, maybe the grifter term doesn’t apply to your parents.


Neither rich nor grifter applies lmao


I know right, they are a small family run business and really needed the PPP loan! /s


The Buss family isn’t the most wealthy. They are the least wealthy majority owners. But the Lakers ownership group includes several multi-billionaires.


That’s why I said “ain’t exactly”


Lakers owners don't have any money/businesses outside of the Lakers. All the other owners are billionaires from their non-NBA businesses.


That's just the majority owners the Buss family.


Maybe, but I'll tell you this: you'd have to pay me way more to live in fucking Kentucky than to live in LA.


The flipside to that is the money would go a lot further in Kentucky


At that level of income you’ll be filthy rich anywhere in the country 


At that level of wealth/income it doesn't matter where in the world you live, money is just simply not an issue.


This is a a bit of a silly comment lol. When you’re making 12 million dollars per year, how “far” your money goes in a given area is not a consideration whatsoever… living costs are a drop in the bucket in either scenario


Economic rent


True, I would need to be paid more to live in LA for this reason


If you’re a rich family man, Kentucky is a pretty fun place. I guess that goes for anywhere though.


Nah old rich white guy coaching for Kentucky? He's a fucking emperor that can buy anything and people nearly worship him


He’s not that old (just turned 51), grew up in Jersey City, and has spent literally his entire life in the northeast, never living further away than a 3 hour drive from the greater NYC area. Believe it or not, not every white person is gonna be super excited to live in some vastly culturally different region that’s nothing like what they’re used to just because there happen to be other white people there and they’re being paid a lot of money (especially when they could get similar or better money in a place they actually *want* to be)


True but you become **the** celebrity in Kentucky vs just another one in LA


You know what’s better than being rich and famous? Just being rich.


The general consensus when this offer was reported that Andrea Hurley (his wife) would never live in Kentucky. She was at least willing to fly out to LA. 😂


Tbf Lexington is a pretty good place to live if you’re an old dude raising a family.


Woj was making it seem like they were offering 100M+ .


I wouldn’t. Steve Kerr is the highest paid coach at 17.5 mil. You can’t be paying this guy so much money when he has no nba experience. If we do poorly this guy gets paid and we take the blane


Yeah but also at the same time that would’ve been the type of offer it would’ve taken to realistically pry Hurley away from UConn


Oh I get it, but I’m not mad at LA. I wouldn’t give this dude 100 million. He isn’t worth it. Everyone on this sub agrees that much. Coaching a stacked college team is far different than coaching under the bright lights of LA


Or the NBA in general? Imagine if even 20% of his job is to get his guys to do better on fundamentals and losing some bad habits they might have picked up from AAU. Cleaning up their footwork. Making sure they don't carry. Playing defense correctly. And then the NBA's Rule of Cool basically makes none of that relevant. The reason why NBA coaches come from NBA teams or players is they know how the NBA works. The learning curve from college can be steep. We've not had a ton of successful college coaches ever come over. They're comfortable in their field the position they have etc. Also if the Lakers somehow drafted the next LeBron and he said, "I want to play under a black coach". It really wouldn't matter if Hurley was 5 years into setting up his system and had a great track record. He'd be fired. That's the biggest difference in the NBA. They players run the show. In College, the coaches do.


Yeah, and Hurley has less than zero chill. Can you imagine what Lebron would do if Hurley just stepped on the court and pushed him in the middle of a play? Or what Giannis would do if Hurley started talking crap to him? The dude is extremely skilled but he has a giant ego and is definitely best in a system where everyone sees him as the mastermind. No way these lakers respect a fresh coach like that.


Would probably go the same way the Boylen Bulls went. NBA players have egos and half of coaching is managing that. There’s very few spots that would completely have the coaches back in a power struggle.


Wemby vs pop who does ownership back?


The LA Klutch Lakers are about to hire JJ for more than what they offered somebody who actually can coach.


JJ definitely won’t get anything close to that offer. He’ll probably get a standard 5 mil a year deal


Bill Simmons and Ryan Russillo actually had an interesting conversation about the JJ Reddick topic in that Russillo was actually positing that if JJ's intent is money/building wealth, he's far better sticking to what he's doing now - with his NBA hosting gig as a side-hustle but mainly building his "media company" of podcasts with the ultimate intent of being able to sell it off to to a bigger buyer later on - mirroring what Simmons did with "The Ringer" and his Spotify deal. There's less pressure and he'd make more in the long-run. The only reason he'd go into coaching would be if it's a pure interest in coaching - and there have been better coaching opportunity offers for him before with Charlotte and Boston.


Based off what? Off bullshit? If they hire JJ it won’t be the same contract, stop being ridiculous


Based off what? Off bullshit? If they hire JJ it won’t be the same contract, stop being ridiculous


Who cares though? If they truly believe in him why not make him the highest paid coach? Doesn't go against salary cap


No one else in the league was even offering him a job. The stats of successful college coaches being good in the nba are not good. It’s one thing if he was a consensus top coach. He isn’t. He’s good on paper with no real nba history. No one else wanted him. Ballmer could have thrown money at him but went with Ty lue. Dude isn’t as valuable as people think. He’s been playing with a stacked uconn squad who were heave favorites from day 1. That isn’t the same as coaching LA. I am not paying this guy more than Steve Kerr. You just can’t do that. This dude hasn’t proved shit in the nba. He’s a big fish in a small pond in the NCAA.


Small family business, can't afford more than that


i get the feeling he’s gonna take over for Pop next year


I bet if anything he takes over Knicks or Nets, likely Knicks. He seems to really be an East coast guy through and through and grew up in Jersey.


I don't want Wemby to have another competent coach. :(


When you don’t even outbid other college programs ☠️


Coaches are way more valuable for those programs due to recruitment and now the transfer portal. Talent in the NCAA can stay anywhere from 1 to 5 years usually. So there were plenty of very very well paid college coaches.


They are essentially their own GMs. But it shows you how valuable college sports are that they are in the same ballpark as professional-level coaches.


Helps when you don’t REALLY have to pay your players…..


That's changing though. They will have to start paying college players soon


The whole team salary + NIL will be close to the damn vet minimum for a single player in the NBA.


I can’t imagine how much Zion would’ve made


I know in football they also say the average college coach works year-round because of off-season recruitment as opposed to NFL head coaches who at least get a couple months off


They operate more like club managers in Association Football in Europe.


Good point. Also, I don't think I've ever actually seen someone use association football in practice. I tend to just say soccer when talking to Americans and football to non-Americans.


To be fair, this offer was probably not legit as it would’ve made Hurley the richest coach in NCAA history and be 2-3 million more per year than the highest paid coach.  The Lakers offer would’ve made Hurley paid like a top 5 coach. Let’s not act like this was a lowball


I mean if you win back to back titles you should be able to hold the title as "richest coach in NCAA history" if you want it.


Amico = AmicNO Dude is definitely just regurgitating some old, conflicting reports.


To be fair, you see the same excuse when college coaches choose to stay in the B1G or SEC instead of assuming head coach duties in the NFL for the Panthers or Cardinals.


Don't underestimate those rich UK fans. They were willing to eat the fatass buyout for Cal's contract. They would've thrown the moon at Hurley if he asked


$70M to get fired in a year and a half because he won’t put Bronny on the floor is pretty tough to pass up tbh.


Not if you actually enjoy coaching though, Hurley clearly enjoys the job and I bet leaving your juggernaut program for a Laker team that is relying on an injury prone AD and a nearly 40 year old LeBron who's going to force any creativity and decision making out of your hands because Pelinka and Bus are going to bow to his every whim and won't put their foot down like Pat Riley did. That's a gig you take if you're already done and are looking to cash out, not if you are still loving the job and want to coach for another decade plus.


I fully agree, was being a bit sarcastic


Seriously tho, he’s not lasting beyond 2 years. So it’s effectively $35M per year and than go back to college at $12M+. 


Us UConn fans should feel really blessed to have a guy willing to leave $3 million+ per year on the table to stay with our program.


Gotta leverage for an extension/redo of his contract, no?


If they have the money. Doubtful that UConn will ever be able to match Kentucky and the damn Lakers.


He’s about to get about 10m per year most likely. Not Kentucky or lakers money but the new highest paid coach in CBB.


Yeah, not sure why you’d offer something lower than he already declined




regarding reporters = Sam Amick = K Sam Amico = No


It's low key a little f'ed up that a college can afford to pay more than a professional sports team...


Helps that much of the labor is historically unpaid


This is hilarious. Lakers with Balmer as their owner would be a cheat code, I’m much happier with their current ownership


Balmer can pay for top executives and coaches. But the new salary cap rules are pretty restrictive and rich af owners can no longer just say fuck it and pay deep into the tax. I am convinced this is why Bob Meyers left the Warriors. He didn’t want to deal with the choices that needed making.


Should universities have this much money to give to sports?


I was just thinking this as a Canadian lol


Would seem like a slap in the face for someone paying 50,000++ a year who doesn't care about bball. It's like damn this is where my tuition fees go


I mean come on, at least match what Detroit is giving Monty lmao


Imagine going to that school, not giving AF about ball, and knowing that the only thing your entire yearly tuition paid for was a weeks salary for the bball coach


Or living in a city where your tax money goes to build an arena for a sport you’ve never watched in your life.


I'm pretty sure his salary is more than covered by the revenue the basketball program brings in.


It's not. UConn's athletic department receives more subsidies than any other program, to the tune of $50 million. The governor of Connecticut said that the state would help offset the cost of his raise.


TV revenue yes. But that is an old TV deal with FOX and the Big East, which is currently being renegotiated. Overall revenue, not even close.


The boosters pay the majority of that anyways


i went there. we didn’t care


The school's academics and campus have improved as the basketball programs have grown, what draws non-fans to the school may not exist if it weren't for spending on the program over the years Edit I know the 13 year olds here wouldn't know this but UConn, academically and athletically, was virtually unknown nationally before the basketball teams started getting good in the 90s. The newfound notoriety has improved the university drastically in that time frame. UConn athletics are the best thing that ever happened to the school and state. Anyone who comes from out of state and complains tuition is going to athletics wouldn't even be going here if it weren't for that spending.


idk why it's controversial to think that schools benefit from their sports programs being good.


That's a different statement than saying that the benefit justifies an increase to tuition. There's an absolutely tremendous amount of money that's made in college sports, but it's seen very disproportionately by schools. In turn, parity at the D1 level requires ever-increasing budgets to keep up.


Why are coaches paid so little? $15million is average for a 4th/5th man. But a coach is more valuable than that. Even 2/3 makes >$25million. Which seems more reasonable.


Because there isn’t a limited amount of coaches. Only 30 jobs available and tons of qualified candidates out there, it’s easy to replace coaches


You can find a coach anywhere, a ton of college coaches and NBA asst. could fill a coaching job. If your team fails, $20m+/yr is a lot to cough up for a scapegoat. Imagine Lakers fans if they paid Hamm $25m/yr only to be fired. Imagine Suns fans after Monty if they paid him $25m/yr.


we pay to watch basketball players play basketball, not to watch coaches coach


People don’t go watch the team if they suck and a coach has to do with that too including the players.


How much impact do you think a coach has on a bad team? Quinn synder is a good coach and the hawks are dog shit. Players make the team get your head out of your ass.


I was gonna say 6 years and 70 million seems kind of low considering what was being said by the media. I assumed the Lakers were gonna give him a grandfather 10 year offer for like 120 or something just to make this happen.


College coaches have so much more power than NBA coaches. It's a far more appealing job to be the face of the basketball department than to be 4th fiddle to a team of professionals


Lakers 🤝 Cowboys being All-In but not really


Just Lakers doing Lakers things.


Plus he won't need to deal with LeManagement 


Why are we acting like that’s a bad offer for a coach with no NBA experience


Because if you’re trying to poach a guy that’s angling for a college threepeat and it’s public knowledge his wife doesn’t want to leave the east coast you need to offer more that an offer he’s already rejected


Because he just won back to back championships and his other offers are public information. If it was leaked the pay package was 70 mil, instead of “well over 100mil”, people would’ve known the hiring rumors were total bullshit from the start


As a european I still think it is weird that universities pay Millions of Dollars for Basketballcoaches.


As an European, paying that much money to your college basketball coach is just ridiculous.


It’s crazy how much money NCAA makes exploiting the college players




idk man being a top 6 coaches salary right away with no NBA experience isn’t a lowball offer at all


Well, it is if you actually expected him to take the job


Ya if you are trying to poach top NCAA coaches you aren't getting a discount. You're prying them away from a lucrative stable situation.


It is the definition of a lowball when you came under the last offer he rejected


I think she’s just rich people poor


You'll be the poorest rich person in America Greg. The world's tallest dwarf.


Lakers offer was more than enough, I don’t think it was a money decision


People acting like this is some lowball offer forget the key fact that Dan Hurley was considering taking it.


Did they tell him there’s a ping pong table in the break room tho? That’s gotta make up the difference


Doesn't seem right that a school can outbid a nba team


Lakers just cheap when it comes to coaches 😂


Lakers are notoriously cheap when it comes to HCs. That was the reason they did not hire Lue. Reason Riley left.


Time call up his brother, Sacramento legend Bobby Hurley.


Bananas you can pay the coach this and they don't pay the players.


Of course they're able to pay the big bucks for coaches: they pay their athletes next to nothing.


I assure you that UConn’s players are not getting next to nothing


Kind of wild that an NCAA coach makes $12.5M


Isn't calipari still under contract?


Sounds like the Lakers made an offer they knew Hurley would reject to get JJ back in line. 


While I think this is funny just because Woj and the Lakers media seemed to be hyping up a 100M offer does no one else think this is incredibly reasonable lol He’s a proven college coach so yes Kentucky should offer him a shit ton of money But the NBA and coaching stars is a completely different ball game and it’s just as likely that Hurley could be out of the league in a few years


Jeanie cheap as fuck. Enjoy losing


I'm surprised he didn't take it. Worst thing that could happen is Lakers don't produce, he gets fired, he gets a similar offer from another NCAA blue blood and makes double.


Ah yes, at the small cost of uprooting your life, having your name dragged through the mud every day for 600 days on at least ESPN, and be paid less in the meantime. Sounds so fun


I seriously don’t understand how so many sports fans can’t understand this. All the “he’d be stupid not to take it, if he fails or gets fired, he just goes back to any job he wants.” This man is about family and loyalty, he just won back to backs that he worked years to build the culture of, he wants to continue his legacy at UConn. Totally different to flame out in the NBA and come back and coach Villanova or whatever and then work to build a culture of winning there for a few years.


Will he really be viewed as the same coach and command that kind of money after LeBron screams at him and gives him the death stare?


College is completely different.


He wants that Knicks job in few years


Wont be available for the next 5 years (hopefully)


Or Boston loses the next four games of the Finals. Joe Mazulla gets fired during the game 6 post game press conference. Brad Stevens hires Hurley the next day.


All in my ass.


$11.8 million in California is like easily less than $6 million in take home when you get past state and federal taxes, agent fees, etc.  If the lakers were actually a serious organization (lol) they would have manned up and offered $16-$18 million per, which would probably get him around $6-9 million per after taxes but before agent fees Probably realized they can get somebody much more affordable than that because the ownership family is actually cash poor because all of their family wealth is from the lakers themselves 


He is already working in a state with higher effective tax rate than California when factoring in all other taxes and not just state income tax.


Lakers are fucking poor. Applied for PPP loans. Jeanie broke.


Ah so pay the first time NBA coach more than what a 4 time NBA Champion coach is making. That means they expect to be champions soon. If it fails Lakers will still be clowned. It was a reasonable offer, and the Lakers just got used for leverage.


Jeanie poor millionaire