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If Doc Rivers, the player, played for Doc Rivers, the coach, under Doc Rivers, the GM, the universe would collapse on itself under the weight of the blame being thrown around.


First team to blow a 4-0 lead


It’s too bad we don’t have a Subreddit Comments Hall of Fame  Where’s that guy who used to post the best stuff each month? 


I miss those days. I don’t think it’s nostalgia either the pre-Covid end post-Covid state of the sub has a very different, less fun feel. So much agenda pushing all over the front page.


Quality started to decline way before pre-Covid. Peak r/NBA was when Mens Rea was actively posting amazing basketball content on the sub, Oreosonfire was posting about Luigi Chambles and Isoswagger owed us all a dollar. That was probably around 2012-2013. The community was much more insular. There were still a lot of users but I recognized dozens of people by username and from consistent interaction. It’s the problem with growth. Eventually it becomes over saturated and the quality of the discussion goes down.


Yeah I’m sure it was better, but even if it wasn’t peak the 2018-2019 era is better than what we have now. Even the tone of the conversations were much less hostile.


I feel like the tone has been largely the same since like 2016. Only difference is that the collective IQ of the sub has continued to decline


At least the mods didn't shut down the sub during the finals for a protest that went fucking nowhere this year


Yeah fr. I actually feel like the sub has been better in the last year or so. Helps when the league has so much parity, which means great games every night and legitimate stuff to talk about


I'd argue it's more 2018 when even the reporters couldn't help but try and editorialize every little thing into a copypasta-able tweet. Any semblance of discussion that was left was ultimately drowned out by the legions of people trying to get to the "He boomed me" or "We got a team now!" copypastas first.


I miss /u/oreosonfire so fucking much. Dude never failed to have me in hysterics.


> around 2012-2013 damn no wonder i upvoted you 103 times lol. i posted back then but really took off around 2015. we had some good moments back then too. loved that summer of people not leaving the gym until 100 3's.


That's the case behind all large subreddits, especially those dedicated to commercial enterprises. There's still some genuineness to be found on Reddit, but, by and large it's a marketing and narrative control experience now.


That...was a long time ago now, right? I don't remember when it stopped.


Second* *inhales hopium*


Mavs in... 9?


Right where we want you


Laurence Fishburne is going to get his Oscar playing all three roles.


Unrelated, but I thought he should have won for What's Love Got To Do With It


Denzel was better than Tom in *Philadelphia* as well.


Tom Hanks in Philadelphia beating Liam Neeson for Schindler’s List is not something I am ever going to let go.


Emmy, Oscar is for movies but I get your point lol


We’re taking this to the silver screen.


give that man the EGOT


"Lob City: The Musical"


Damnit, you're reminding me that I'm still pissed off for not remembering the movie Event Horizon in that trivia game the other night, even though I knew he was in it and it started with an E.


while doc rivers, the announcer, throws them all under the bus


And Doc Rivers, the fan, pans the commentary




I think he had throat cancer though so we just clown him double hard for everything else


Oh shit I actually didn't know that


It's Doc Rivers' world, we're just being thrown under the bus in it


*Doc Rivers' bus


That’s basketball terrorist Doc Rivers to you


No equipment boi, water boi or basketball court dryer boi would go unpunished


The event horizon line


I think that could be the secret to infinite energy if we learn to harness it


It becomes a perpetual motion machine.


Buses everywhere would be in shambles after the amount of things thrown under them


Fortunately none of the busses would have drivers so damage would be minimal


you know ball. this is nasty nasty work by doc.


“Doctor heal thyself. “—Stephen A Smith, poet laureate…..Probably.


Inception featuring Doc Rivers


All I know is that that owner is FUCKED in the media.


Laurence Fishburne better get ready for a season 2




Are we gonna get a prequel called "Lucked Out" about him failing to win more titles with Pierce and KG?


Prime Rondo, too


More like Buckled Under Pressure


Knuck if you Buck.


Need "Sixed" seasons to come first


Buck don’t stop here






Jerry West couldn’t bare waiting around for another hoops drama. He saw the writing on the walls.


Death, taxes, Doc


Throwing underbus


DocThrowingUnderBus has been used so often that it might as well become its own word by now.


But at that point Griffin was the head coach. Surely he was in shape by the time Doc was signed?


A little later Doc said when you come into the season like that you never really get into shape.


and Dame's doing 2-a-day workouts right now according to Doc, trying to get back in shape for the start of next year Doc said its why its so hard to win in the NBA. half the teams have started working already trying to compete next season while two teams are still competing for the title this season


Luka is gonna be so fucked next season, coming off of his shortest offseason ever and being injured. They'd need a miracle to avoid being the underdogs again in the playoffs next year


He also needs to play the Olympic Qualifying tournament in like a couple of weeks.


Might keep him in shape lol


Won't help him build new good habits though which is what he needs. He should be doing clinics in the offseason to hone his game instead of competing more and wearing himself out.




I 100% agree with that


He's gotta stop playing Overwatch lol


Being able to try out new stuff you lab against lower level comp is pretty good for that. Comes down more to his mentality.


The Hoop Collective this week: 'Might be worse things for Luka in the summer than being forced to run up and down the court for Slovenia'.


No that’s good, you give him 2 weeks off he’ll gain 15 pounds


But an actual offseason for the roster to gel will pay significant dividends. Just likely having a second year alone will be huge growth.


As a Celtics fan I agree 🤞


Some intermittent fasting will help him out


The NBA dietician I know recommends against intermittent fasting. She favors caloric restriction


Likely because of the massive workload these guys are taking on. If someone's in the gym 4 hours a day it's probably best to not be super low on food and energy all the time. For Joe schmo intermittent fasting is just fine and probably optimal if they enjoy that approach more.


Yeah exactly. An athlete probably wants to have 4-6 meals throughout the day to maintain a consistent level of energy absorption (for lack of a better term). Eating as the energy or fullness wears off so that your body is being consistently fuelled. Even works in a deficit, just have your daily calorie goal divided fairly equally between each meal with the bulk of your carbs coming before and after a workout and you will likely see the best results on energy


Isn’t intermittent fasting a form of caloric restriction


It is, but I think the point is to not get empty and start burning muscle


Not necessarily, depends on which foods you're eating during your hours.


Luka chose the hard path of burgers, beers, and becoming the sports despot of slovenia.


Glances over at bron who went to 10 strait NBA finals.


8 straight finals*. Bron has gone to 10 finals in his career overall but not consecutively. 2007, 2011-2018 and 2020.


Basketball is the best way to get ready for more ball


Pour one out for the Banana Boat Squad.


Yeah, in the east. /s


There was an nba trainer who said the general public would be shocked at how lazy a large majority of pro athletes are in the offseason.


Feel like fans forget it's still a job. Very exclusive club, takes a lot of work to get hired, but once you are there, not everyone I imagine cares about being employee of the month or winning awards at work. They're happy to be paid and do the minimum to keep that rolling. Guys showing out in their contract year after coasting for the prior 2 has always been a thing.


this is basically the jeff teague podcast lol


Jeff had a long career and won a ring. He was putting the work in and reached his limit. He just calls himself a bum for laughs, but he was hooping.


Oh for sure. He had a fun career with some great moments and stories: my fave lol is the Indiana / CLE series where he was hot in Game 1 and he was like NOT THIS YEAR BRON… …but it was that year lol


His story on that is what got me into his podcast. His cohost asked him why he hard fouled LeBron in that series and dude said "we have never won a playoff game against his ass, I was just mad". It's the way he says it, like he was just salty and defeated lol


He jokes about the participation trophy thing but there were a couple games he showed out on the Buck's title run.


That’s exactly what I thought of reading that comment lol his podcast is great for jokes but he does open up on the little things on the NBA that we don’t know as viewers Like coaches telling players you won’t be getting minutes due to higher up’s decisions or some of the wild shit refs say to players


The Tony Brothers “who dem hoes” story had me HOWLING


(he’s trying to relate to us!)


😂😂😂😂 extremely out of pocket but hilarious story


Bruh that shit was so fuckin funny lmao. Teague and his 2 homies have one of the best pods out. There are so many ex/current nba player pods popping up every damn month and where most of them are all very similar, Club 520 has its own feel to it. The chemistry between those 3 is as good as you could possibly get. Such a great listen every pod.


Agreed. Just because you're one of the best at it doesnt mean you love it. Hall of Fame, 300-400 million, retire at 35 and enjoy what life has to offer. Sounds pretty ideal.


People say all the time that when they turned their passion or hobby into a job, they lost some of the love for it. It makes sense that this would happen with basketball too.


I get it because they are millionaires at the end of the day but the general disregard for common work attitudes among players is really eye opening lol. Players will say they don’t watch games and fans will be like what???? Like when you get home from work do you immediately start up a YouTube video on Excel skills?


Some people don't want their job to become a part of their home life too.


I think those people are well balanced. I've seen multiple people who make their job or their hobby their identity, and when they get fired, laid off, quit from their job or they can't continue their hobby because they are getting older, it's a tough transition. At least most of them didn't turn to drinking or drug abuse.


Most fans think watching games, or replay of games is “watching film”. For whatever reason I think there is an assumption of players arent watching the games to “scout” then its a negative


Like people at work who suddenly start being visibly helpful when a senior role comes up, and then immediately start being lazy AF again the moment they don't get the role


jj redick said he retired due to all the work in the off season, regular seasons were easy. probably different for a role player guy always fighting for a spot


I'm not going to fucking lie to you boys I was like that in my sport (Swimming). If I liked it at some point then I don't remember but I did it mostly because I was good at it and people paid me to do it. Otherwise I fucking hated it. It was means for me to get into a better life. People I trained with would spend all off seasons working on specific shit to improve. They would work out like it wasn't the off-season while I mostly chilled, played other sports and video games and did enough work to not look out of shape at the start of the next season and don't give away the fact I did fucking nothing. Funnily enough when the time came to qualify for London Olympics I suddenly decided to take shit seriously and worked my ass off in the off-season proceeding it, to the point I showed up to the beginning of the season overworked. Despite being a decent favorite at making it I missed the team completely and had one of the worst qualifying meets of my life all because I suddenly decided to care and grinded myself to the point I couldn't recover in time lol. It's actually how my career ended (not making Olympics in swimming is kinda like not making Major in CS, without that sticker money the opportunities dry the fuck up) which was kinda fitting.


Do you still swim? 


Very very very rarely and only if I have to.


Holy shit are you me? Man I still maintain to this day that I've been so much happier in life after I stopped competing. I still love to be in or on the water, it's still my zen place, even though I barely swim anymore. But competing at the highest level killed that love, and over a decade later after my final year and I still barely find the drive to lane swim, even casually for the exercise (even though my gym has a lane pool).


People expect these dudes to be doing two a days because Derrick Henry and LeBron post a few videos on instagram.


I don’t believe that for a second unless you have a major ligament injury. Hell Zion turned it on at the halfway mark and looked so good later on in the season running the point Edit: this seems to have generated a lot of opinions, was speaking about in game shape/shedding pounds. I don’t believe or think it would be rare for guys to be bulking up or putting on muscle during the regular season.


Needing to “play yourself into shape” is something for bigger dudes. I could see a guard like Dame, who probably wants to be as strong as can be heading into a season so he can maintain as much of that as possible, being negatively affected.


Zion is 10 years younger than Dame


I mean Zion also has a way longer way to go to “play himself into shape” every year. Dame may not have been in mid season playing shape coming into the season, but a few weeks into playing full ass NBA games and all their team workouts and practices, he would’ve been fine. Certainly not to the point it would impact team success by the end of the year.


Shaq would play himself into shape in time for the finals runs with the Lakers too


Shaq had a power game that didn't depend a lot on him being in shape, and was mostly reliant on his size (at least in his post-Magic days). Dame is a very athletic guard who has a lot of finesse to his game - not being at peak performance is going to hurt him a lot more than Shaq.


You say that but if you try playing in the post at your local gym you'll see that banging bodies, posting up, jumping to grab boards, guarding another big guy takes a lot of energy. You still gotta be in shape even if you only play down low.


Completely untrue. Shaq when he had quickness (was in shape) versus not was a huge difference. Dude ran the court when he was in shape too.


If his game depended on him being in shape, then he would have needed to start the season in shape. What Shaq probably did during the season was lose weight he put on in the off-season, rather than put on lots of muscle or reach peak physical performance. He was absolutely a freak athlete on the Magic. But Lakers Shaq was much more of a mauler.


But Zion is not in actual shape, that’s why dude is always injured. He can exert a ton of energy because he’s young but he hasn’t figured it out yet.


I remember when Klay Thompson returned after the championship he didn't hit his groove for months and Steve kerr stated along with Klay it was because Klay didn't really work out in the summer because he had a fear of injuring himself like he did the two times before.


We see this all the time but then Doc says it and all of a sudden it’s not true.


Lol people really dislike doc


Tbf Doc does have a history of throwing players under the bus. What’s he’s saying here is a fact though 


Doc was an advisor for the Bucks at the beginning of the season 


you could tell most of the season he wasnt in shape, his 3s were constantly bouncing off the front of the rim


he had one of his worst shooting years ever and i think tired legs are consistent with missing your jumpers


Starting the season out of shape can throw your whole season off. It’ll get better as season goes but the off feeling you start with can still stick with you.


It's kind of crazy how often Doc comes on Bill's pod given how tense their relationship was initially and Bill hating on Doc so much before the Celtics got KG and Ray Allen


Bill was heartbroken that Doc went back to coaching since he was such a good guest lol


Doc the guest is so much fun, I was also bummed he took the Bucks job.


Doc is straight up a good guy to talk to. I’m convinced that he’s been employed for the last 3 jobs mostly because he’s a likable dude. It makes him a good podcast guest too


But deep down he was happy Mr 3-1 was coaching his team’s biggest threat in the Eastern conference.


I guess it’s a small circle of rich older guys that play golf and like basketball in LA. 


Yeah apparently they both hangout with Larry David too.


Both that and Isiah Thomas appearing on his podcast but when people kid Bill about those rivalries he says it was patched up a long time ago. He cleared the air with Isiah when they worked on a 30-for-30, according to him. He implied there was no beef between him and Rivers anymore several years ago, too.


He mentioned him working it out with Isiah in his book I think. Like they were in a jacuzzi or hot tub together and talked hoops for an hour or so, and discovered they had similar interests.


I think Isiah was the person who talked to him about the secret of basketball being that it is not really about basketball.


It’s a really good look for Doc that he comes on anyway, and the pods are good. They have the definition of a difference in their business relationship and their personal relationship.


Both journalism and coaching is for dudes with thick skins. Lots of negative feedback. 


Doc probably understands how toxic the average Celtics fan is


Dame was really just minding his own business, watching the finals, and Doc starts telling the world he was out of shape.


This isn't new news. Dame talked about this right after we got eliminated.


Yea I don’t think people realize Dame literally said this himself in exit interviews.


Doc said it so it’s *obviously* blame deflection /s


/r/nba discourse on Doc is cable news political discourse levels of bad


r/nba discourse is cable news political discourse levels of bad FTFY


every bucks fan that pays attention has known this for like at least 6 months


Come on man, Dame said it himself publicly. This is not bad for Dame. It was a lost season anyway.


And this will let Bucks fans get more jazzed for next season. They have a reasonable excuse to point to for why Dame will be notably better next season.


You could tell by looking at his face. Hate to say it but it's obvious Lillard was kinda chunky last season


Ummmm what? He doesn't get the "lost season" excuse. He knew he was going to a contender whether it was Miami or Milwaukee. You can't just retroactively say it was fine because his co-star got hurt. That's a worse mindset than Luka blaming the refs last night.


But he also got hurt


This is old news, this quote came out when the Bucks got eliminated


Naaah giving him cover and trying to minimize the failure of a season they had. Their top 4 guys are 30, 33, 34, 36. Yikes.


Tbf if we didn’t make the Dame trade it would’ve been the exact same in terms of ages (jrue is a month older than dame). It’s just a really old roster, and it’s been that way for a while. Main thing next year is somehow managing to build some wing depth, but Doc hates playing young players so I’m a bit pessimistic about how much Ajax and marjon can develop. Plus idk how much portis & connaughton would get in a trade.


Preemptive strike. Nice. Reason why Doc Rivers is the GOAT of throwing people under the bus.


The bucks are in a tough spot, but most teams would swap. We can’t all have brad Stevens


lol y’all have Giannis most teams would definitely swap


It sounds more like Dame making excuses for his shitty season, with Doc delivering the message to the media


Dame already said this to the media himself after the season. Doc’s not saying anything new.


Im shocked his bus can still drive with the amount of bodies underneath it


I don't think he was throwing Dame under the bus here, but he DID throw his staff under the bus in this same podcast. Completely unprompted.


I heard it as “this is the first time I had to work with a staff I didn’t hand pick, and that was harder than expected.” Honestly seems like a pretty normal thing.


Dame literally said this at his first press conference lol this is not new information


Doc, bro you have to stop throwing your players under the bus. This is some shit a player tells you in confidence lol. That's a quick way to lose your player's trust.


This is nothing Dame hasn't already said in public. He said this exact thing right after the playoffs. I swear people just come up with any excuse to hate on Doc.


Quote is cut in a inflammatory way too, in the context of the podcast its just conversation about how hard Dame is currently working not a knock at all.


Yeah I love to clown on Doc as much as the next guy, maybe even more, but this is a reasonable thing to say IMO and he’s not throwing Dame under the bus at all. If anything he’s giving a pretty valid reason for Dame’s subpar play


Certainly a better reason than Doc just letting people think he just sucks now.


The Doc here is crazy in here lmaoo


Gotta here the doc here


Hear hear


This sub defaults to lazy narratives and memes, and will gladly beat a dead horse until there's nothing left but a wet stain on the ground.


>This sub defaults to lazy narratives and memes *defaults to a lazy narrative and meme*


He was actually defending Dame in the pod but because it was a spicy headline and people here NEVER watch or listen outside of headlines, they think Doc is throwing Dame under the bus lol.


A lot of us never heard that from Dame while some have.  If this is new to you, it sounds really bad and fits a well established pattern for Doc.


Yea, well one of the many problems with NBA media is that everyone reacts strongly to quotes they see without context. Doc is too candid, and he continually gets burned by it even when what he says really is quite reasonable within context. The smart people give non-answers, because the hate you can get for an innocuous comment always far outweighs any benefit.


If you listen to the pod, Doc proceeds to praise Dame, noting that he's working his ass off this summer. But everyone is ignoring that part for some reason.


Doc wasn’t making excuses and Dame even said this publicly. None of this is a big deal.


I’ve just been watching the finals pretending doc isn’t my coach. He’s forreal about the ruin the end of giannis prime isn’t he? 😭😭😭😭


I don’t understand why he keeps getting hired. He hasn’t proved he’s serviceable in…idek


Me and my dad (both bucks fans) we’re talking about it and if this was the outcome we should’ve just kept bud. It also kills our hope for next year. And it’s not enough he’s incompetent it’s that every week there’s just an unnecessary at best stupid at worst quote by him


Carried by Garnett and pierce


This was posted a couple months back, except from Dame, and people were like "wow, he's taking accountability". Now, that Doc says it, it's "wow, fuck Doc for throwing his players under the bus". All of you are idiots.


Yeah, FUCK context!


Even this "out of context" quote doesn't come across as him throwing Dame under the bus. People on this sub just see Doc's name and all reason immediately goes out the door. I'm not a Doc fan (or hater, for that matter) or anything, but it's a bit ridiculous.


in a couple months I'm expecting the tweet about how dame is in the best God damn shape of his life with 15 lbs of muscle added at 2% bodyfat




How is this throwing him under the bus? lol dame has said this all season Y’all just see the word doc and say the same 3 comments over and over


I agree with you,which is hard for me to admit, but this is Doc covering for his player I for one am very happy Doc is the head coach of the Bucks though


This is pathetic. Not docs quote but all the replies here. The doc hate cycle is so irrational at this point that, like, do you guys even think about what the post says? Or do you just see that doc said something and shoot right to “DOC EXCUSE LMAO” like do you really not believe that a professional athlete going months without working out wouldn’t have any effect on their performance? Be fucking serious for a second 


Excuses from Doc? There's a first time for everything I guess.


Doc rivers should’ve played himself in the clippers tv show


This sub has the weirdest, most irrational hate for a man that his own players respect. It's extremely trendy to hate on Doc, even though he's one of the few active coaches who have won a championship.


JJ was right


Doc is a clown ar this point.


Doc throwing excuses around like he about to go to jail