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Yeah, I think he’ll be okay


300 million reasons


and a fat diamond ring


You're my 301 millionth reason 😔


Wow he's a million reasons?


Uneducated fella smh. It's clearly "300 million and oneth"


No that guy was a million reasons all on his own


Yeaaaaaah but is he worth it? 90% of this sub last year and this year.


Sure is.


JB's especially gonna benefit from the upcoming discourse cause he'll be the one who media heads use to discredit Tatum. We're gonna see so many "Is Jaylen Brown the Celtics' Real Alpha?" or "Has Jaylen Brown knocked Tatum out of the NBA's Top-6 Players?" takes for the next few weeks assuming the series doesn't change dramatically.


It'd be hard for Tatum to win it unless he has a 40+ pt game that actually saves them. The discourse will be so frustrating since Tatum has actually been playing elite in so many aspects.


Brown won’t be ready for the Buffalo 40 piece to seal the Series tho..


White winning it over Brown would be a hate crime.


In all seriousness I agree. Brown is winning there’s no Iguodala narrative for Derrick White


Im a hardcore Tatum being our best player fan and even I can't see Brown not winning it. I just hope people can put bias aside and give Tatum his credit. He has been fantastic at trying to play the right way despite his shot being off.


The way the Mavs have played defense on Tatum is all the respect he needs. Especially the first 2 games, they sold out on making sure Tatum was going to have to hit hard shots.


It's been happening since the series against Miami.


40 piece buffalo tenders the real GOAT. You can feed the whole starting 5 with that!


I don't think it's unfair to say Tatum was very poor in games 1 and 2 and has not played up to his standards in the playoffs so far. They've been fairly equal in this playoff run overall, and Jaylen has been better in all 3 finals games. If the Celtics sweep, I don't really see how Tatum wins it even with a great game.


Exactly. He’s playing well overall but he’s shooting terribly.


I don’t think yall realize how close Tatum really is to brown for stats. 22/9/7 vs 24/6/6. It’s gonna be whichever guy scores more tonight if they win


Efficiency does matter.


Maybe to you but if Tatum drops another 30 ball and brown doesn’t then Tatum will probably get fmvp. If brown goes for 30 and Tatum doesn’t then he probably wins. It’s not that separated


The fact that you and others consider the idea that JB is the best player on the Celtics as only driven by hate is every bit hte problem. You all are in just complete denial of how much Jaylen Brown has closed the gap between the two players based on the improvements he's made to the game and the fact that he's been vastly better player on the big stage now with a pretty large sample size. Tatum going into last game was historically bad NBA Finals performer when it comes to offensive efficiency. And even in his best ever Finals game, Jaylen Brown was better. Tatum was still 1 for 5 in the 4th quarter that game. Still only 2 for 12 in the last 2 fourth quarters. And abysmal 9 for 40 overall outside the restricted area shooting in the series. And not only is Jaylen the one who is counted on to make the game winning plays, but also be the best defender on the other team's best player in the big moments. So literally clears Tatum on both sides of the ball in the big moments, and more consistent throughout the course of the game during the Finals.


Exactly. Are people watching these games? Jaylen Brown is one of the best players in the NBA. He’s outplaying not just Tatum, but also Luka and Kyrie. He does everything well, he’s a superb athlete, he’s brilliant and he’s fearless. This guy should be on the Olympic team.


Well he certainly looks like it right now.


Batman and superman mentality is what they need!


i honestly think jb is better. that isnt such a crazy take right. nor disrespectful towards tatum iv just seen too many good jb playoff games thats who id take. 




A cost-of-living raise


With WFH Wait...shit


Brown, from way down town!


Hitting buckets from Charlestown


That's embiid you're thinking of


He will since the value increases each year. More than cost of living!


Finals mvp.


Remember this dude in summer league couldn't finish a layup lol, what a player man


Some redditors weren’t around for it but when he was drafted I remember “Celtics DUNN fucked up” being everywhere


In a horrifying alternate reality we draft Kris Dunn and Josh Jackson, fuck knows what we would be looking like rn.


I was the one on the Celtics sub driving the Markelle Fultz train lol


... I wanted Dragan Bender. Mistakes were made


Scouting honestly takes luck. If I wasn't from Missouri I'd have thought Josh's tape looked better. But Tatum showed up for tryouts and Jackson didn't. Things would be so different right now. I think Tatum even had the flu when he showed up.


Move over Jordan flu game


Haha me to man.


We would be like shittier version of the Kings


They'd have Wembanyama.


In this horrifying alternate reality, Dunn turns into Rondo 2.0 and Josh Jackson turns into DPOY Kawhi leading the Celtics to a championship


Many people including myself wanted Dragan Bender instead of JB due to the liability of bigs the Celtics had the previous season. Glad to be proven wrong by him.


Oh please, be real. You only wanted Dragan because of his sick name.


It's an awesome name, but I was really hoping Bender could become Porzingis-lite. And I really wanted Porzingis during his first couple seasons.


Yup. The Celtics from when Smart came into the League always had a decent back court with bigs always being in my opinion the reasons for alot of gaps and inability to make playoff runs. Was hoping Bender could be similar to Vucevic or Al Jefferson and give some length to the rotation but glad that never happened.


Dragon Taco dual threat !


If your Dragan is a Bender, it could be Peyronie's Disease.


It is crazy how strong some opinions are on college kids. They are all half-baked and playing against crap competition.


i mean reddit straight up tried to cancel him like kyrie


Couldn’t even dribble too. Now his handles are awesome.




I went to the summer league in Vegas when JB was there with James Young and crew (what a time…) I got to sit by an old head who probably saw the peak 80-90s Celtics and this dude was borderline about to have an aneurysm every time they touched the ball lol


That man’s name: Tom Heinsohn


Loool nah I woulda been fan boying, this was a legit old geezer lol


Remember in the finals a few years ago where he couldn’t dribble without losing the ball or not fall down while driving? He puts in the work


It’s really noticeable how much that’s improved.


As a Cal fan I love this. He has signed so much shit for me when I attended and I have so much signed memorabilia from him, very awkward though since my family is all Pacers and Warriors fans...


Your username 💀


I was doing cart wheels in my living room when he won the ECF MVP even though I watched my team get massacred


You're not alone! Really think he's great, and I hope he keeps progressing. His ceiling is higher than even this


Finally, been waiting to find a Pacers flair all day. Just wanted to let yall know that if we sweep the Mavs, yall officially put up the best fight against us and are thus the second best team in the league! Bright future ahead for yall!


Haha I feel you. I'm a Cs fan (growing up favourite player was garnett, then I moved to Boston a year before he gets traded and have been all Boston ever since) but most of my family have been lakers fans since the 80s. My cousin was the physiotherapist for Odom during his lakers run. So yeh things get rough at times


> He has signed so much shit for me […] and I have so much signed memorabilia from him


Do you think the shit is worth more than the memorabilia cuz it's more unique, even if it has the obvious downside of being poop?


Have you figured out how to get cal JB jerseys anywhere? I super regret not getting one back when I was in school


I said JB would be better than Tatum during Tatums rookie year and my entire English class called me stupid.


It’ll be interesting to see if he can keep up this type of production for a complete season next year after winning a FMVP. I can see his game and confidence going to another level after leading his team to a championship this postseason.


There's a possibility the chemistry with this team gets even better


I think both Jays understand that they're most successful together.


They just wanna win


But according to the mainstream media that doesn’t matter, because Jayson Tatum is not dropping 40 every game. lol.


That's right


They know they’re better together. They can win a Finals if one of them is shooting poorly because there are two of them.


They're jay for eachother


100%. I also think they do care a little at least about there personal awards. Sure they both care about the chip way more but when the dust settles they'll look back with a speck of regret. And hopefully that'll propel them to get better and better.  I am a JB Stan but Tatum has shown incredible poise while playing very well despite his shooting. I have faith he will use this as fuel just as JB used the all NBA snub. 


It is pretty wild when you think about it, whites first year with a bigger role starting every game, bring in 2 new starters with jrue and kp, JT and JB another year into their prime, there is a chance we have another level to this.


Remember when we were begging for Derrick White to be in the closing lineup regularly? Lol


I think about this often.


I think there's levels to this we have yet to unlock. This team is lethal.


He averaged 26.6/6.9/3.5 just two seasons ago lol He just played a bit less minutes and took a couple less shots a game this year.


Yeah but his efficiency has gone to another level these playoffs. He's shooting close to 55%, compared to two seasons ago when he scored those 26.6 on 49% shooting. If he keeps up shooting 55% next year or even like, 52%, that would be huge.


Yea this. He did *a ton* of work this past offseason on his game. His left hand especially. And it *shows*. He was one year on Tatum, I think JT needs to do the same work this offseason and solidify his offensive game (as a scorer, not distributor). If they both reach that level of comfort in their bag, a ring next year is on the table. This whole team is basically coming back.


Defense too. He was always a good on ball defender because of his athleticism, but he is *all over* guys this season. He defends big or small and is tenacious with both steals and blocks.


Probably not unless they’re hit hard by injuries. Efficiency can be good but the overall points don’t have a reason to go up much


There's absolutely another level that Jaylen Brown can take his game to. He actually has a higher ceiling than Tatum as a better athlete giving him more upside on both sides of the ball. He vastly improved his handles last off-season and if he takes another step refining them even more, refining his jumpshot, and adds some post, he could really end the debate in his favor on who the best player of that team is. His ceiling is a prime healthy version of Kawhi.


he might become the first player in league history to win Finals MVP with one hand


I know you're being facetious but a lot of his insane drives for dunks have been going left this year. As was his game winning assist to white against the Pacers


He does go left successfully. I notice he likes to two hand gather and dunk with his right hand more than finishing lefty tho


Dunking with your offhand is so much fucking harder than with your dominant hand. You truly have to have monstrous hands or a fuckton of practice to be consistent, and if you can elevate enough to get a second hand on it you should


He had a few great finished using his left today. But the problem was always the handle, not the finishing


His handle has always been fine. He has a few big moment flubs that people over reacted too. His problem was always his decision making, especially when driving into the paint and at the rim. He would so often put blinders on and bull his way into a double or triple team and miss the open kick. But now he is more often than not making the right play, and finishing better, not to mention he can create his own shot almost at will now.


Eh he had a high dribble that made him susceptible to swiping when he drove


I think there was some rumor a while back (which easily could've been made up by a redditor) that he had injured his left hand on a play involving Lowry and Lowry found out and told the Heat to force him left and that's how that whole thing happened the way it did.


How many players even qualify for someone who plays with one hand? Jaylen and Manu?


Could win Finals MVP, has a max and made all-nba without being able to dribble. Insane man, insane.


Should’ve made it over Halibum


This is wild, given your flair lol


It be your own fans


Nah Haliburton deserved it. Booker didnt


27/7/4.5 with 49/36/89 shooting on a team that won 49 games. That's pretty deserving. Brown is obviously the much better defender but does his defense make up for 4 points, 3.5 assists on worse efficiency?


Check the per 36. Jaylen played less minutes than Book because of so many blow out wins.


Even when adjust for minutes and per 100 Booker’s numbers are still much better. 


By barely though, there’s another side of the floor that JB is borderline elite


Brown per 36: 24.7/3.8/5.9 on 50/35/70 with 2.2 3PM and 2.6 turnovers. Booker per 36: 27.1/6.9/4.5 on 49/36/89 with 2.2 2PM and 2.6 turnovers. Brown per 100: 34/5.3/8.4 Booker per 100: 36.7/9.4/6.1 That's not really that close. I do agree Brown's defense blows Booker's away, but not sure if makes up for 2-3 points and the 4-5 assists.


I think the 15 extra wins make up for it


it’s not a team award


To me yes. I dont think anything of Booker other than a slightly worse 2021 Lavine or Beal. And we were hardly giving Beal all-star nods for that so to call Booker the next Kobe is so baffling to me


Slightly worse than 2021 Lavine? That might be the most ridiculous thing I've read today and I've read news stories on Trump.


Brown’s better than either of them.


why didn't booker? he had a much better year than JB on a much worse team lol


Booker isn’t close to the two way player brown is. Not even remotely


And Brown isn't remotely the offensive player Booker is. Brown's offense is better than Booker's defense, but Booker put up 4 more points, 3.5 more assists, and was more efficient. That's a huge gap.


No one said he is, he is a better offensive player and can actually be somewhat of a first option though


JB is absolutely a first option. Celtics just happen to have two first options.


no they don't lol this the reactionary stuff I am expecting to be fair, but he has shown no ability to be a first option. The team currently has all 5 starters over 15 PPG and the best offensive system in the NBA. How can a fringe top 20 player be a 1st option? Unless you mean on the Pistons or Hawks or something


>How can a fringe top 20 player be a first option First of all, there are 30 teams. So just by your definition he would be a first option on at least a 3rd of the league. Second, he’s not considered higher because he hasn’t needed to put up crazy stats this year. The playoffs have shown he’s definitely capable and can play above his averages when needed.


Bc Brown and Haliburton are better players


on no planet is brown better than Booker lol, this stacked Celtics team with the best spacing in the league is gonna start making a lot of players very overrated


These clowns are saying that JB is better than Booker because of one playoff run not being in Tatums shadow lol. Before this playoff run everyone had booker over Tatum, let alone brown. These people are a joke, you are totally right. Brown is solid but he’s on a stacked team and would fail as the #1 option. Guy is acting like brown and Tatum are a curry and Durant type of duo (two ACTUAL #1s)


I can see the argument between Brown and Booker. But who the fuck was saying that Booker was better than Tatum before this playoff run? Nobody other than Suns fans would be saying something so dumb. Isn't it weird that Tatum was 1st team while Booker was 3rd if "everyone had Booker over Tatum"? I've read a lot of stupid reactionary shit the last couple of weeks, but this one might seriously be the dumbest.


It’s a fantasy take.


Booker over Tatum is wild Booker over brown isn’t crazy but questionable. Brown is a legit two way player


I say it because he plays much better D, he goes to the rim better, and he’s a pretty good outside shooter himself.


Yeah no lol


Go off, king. Your an all star in my eyes🌟


Well he was an all star.


I was just being cute


Hey now.


He has been really really good all playoffs. He took all the criticism from the last couple of years and turned them into strengths. Such an improved performance


He got clowned for both his rookie extension (which wasn't even a max) and his supermax, and now he's a game away from finals MVP Doc on Simmons podcast pointed out how many of his highlights plays this playoffs he's been dribbling left, almost as if he's proving a point


He has a bunch of left-handed finishes all year too. It was 100% something he focused on after last year.


I will say, I was one of those who thought his rookie extension was a gigantic overpay. I’ll admit I was wrong 😂 


Not just to prove a point, it's smart strategy. Everyone gameplans to give him the left because they think he doesn't have it, so he just takes what the defense gives him.


When it happened i said giving Jaylen brown that contract was a disaster. I have no idea tf I’m talking about.


Same but im also a certified Celtics hater


Couldn’t be happier for Jaylen. What a deserving ECFMVP and FMVP performance. Stepping up at the biggest moments, and even elevating to outplay his co-star Tatum.


he outplayed Luka, actually


He got it when it mattered. Making all NBA is getting increasingly hard, when you look at the numbers players are putting up. If this was the 2000's he could of been 2nd team with those stats.


He deserves the praise dude is fucking balling out right now to my chagrin


Should be illegal to say someone was snubbed and not say who they should replace. So go ahead OP.


Tyrese Halibum or Devin Booker


Do it in the regular season when it matters u bum!


I don't know if anyone has their mind changed about Tatum or Joe Mazzula this playoffs, but Jaylen Brown has changed everyones mind about what level of player he is.


Soon to be finals MVP Brown


Worth every penny


the formatting of the stat line is annoying.


If Tatum is the main reason they're a 64 win team, Brown is the reason they have dominated their opponents in this postseason run.


He’s really stepped up and become the player we hoped he could be. He fixed his dribbling issues, he’s been locked in all year on defense, and he’s playing with an attack mentality this postseason. I honestly don’t know that I’ve ever seen another Celtics player as willing to drive and throw down on guys’ heads as much as this kid. I was leery about giving him the max contract, but he’s earning every penny and this could be the best signing the Celtics ever made.


He's also become really, really good in the mid range now too


He’s a baller. I hate it.


Deserves to be on team USA


He really improves a lot, physically and mentally for sure.


It's such a control of his athleticism. You can tell everything he does is purposeful and reading the game. Where as before it was a little more chaotic and just trying to use raw athleticism to get a bucket His passing has also gotten so good even through this playoffs. First time ever having consecutive 7+ assist games, and having that happen in the finals, is nuts


Wouldn't snubbed mean he deserved it? It's a regular season award.


The only times in NBA history where a team had this many wins and only 1 all-nba player was when that team had the MVP


So funny to have an All-NBA snub be the best player in the NBA Finals.


It happens more often than you think Finals MVP who were not all-nba that year 2015: Andre Iguodala 2014: Kawhi Leonard 2007: Tony Parker 2004: Chauncey Billups 1990: Isiah Thomas 1989: Joe Dumars 1988: James Worthy 1981: Cedric Maxwell 1979: Dennis Johnson 1978: Wes Unseld 1976: Jo Jo White Cedric Maxwell and Andre Iguodala are the only players on the list to have NEVER been on an all-nba team


He wasn't snubbed. Other players were more deserving. I'm tired of people trying to rewrite history because they refuse to understand how anything works.


It is like All-NBA voters don't have eyeballs, they are statwatchers because if they followed the games at all they would clearly see that Jaylen Brown has had his best regular season yet, far better than last year when he was All-NBA. I feel like the Celtics players are suffering from no individual awards because of the sacrifices they have made this season, but I suppose an NBA championship is a good consolation.


🖕 all NBA voters, I reckon this is what JB thinks


Lol, all the shit talkers suddenly quiet as they should be, but I do wish some of ya'll would at least man up and show face. I had like 4-5 Celtics fans chew me out for saying we had to sign him and he's going to get better. Idiots don't understand how the cap works at all.


Which is funny because it's like the exact opposite of what happened last year.


Haha 100


Haha 100


trade him to the lakers pls


There’s no way Hali should’ve made that team


But... Reddit told me this was the worst contract of all time?


Nobody said that. There's so many obviously worse contracts even after he just signed it




All NBA is a regular season award.


Yup. His regular season was all-nba worthy.


Who does he replace then


It was, there were more than 15 players who had All-NBA worthy seasons. Someone had to miss out. You can't definitely say Brown was better than the guys who ended up making it over him. He has a case for All-NBA, but he certainly wasn't snubbed.


When the team he's on was having a historically great season it was absolutely a snub exacerbated even more by all defensive snub. REgardless probably wont happen again after this playoff run and after Im sure he takes his game to even another level next year


It’s far more likely he has a similar season and people here rip him for his passing and weak left hand. Fans are so reactionary on both ends. Look at the Luka love a few weeks ago to what’s the common comment now. 


There were definitely 15 better players in the regular season, though. I understand that more casuals will be in here during the Finals, but that's something NBA-followers can agree on.


OP since being snubbed by the meat riding hall of fame:


I don't think he was snubbed of All-NBA, but he's certainly been playing at All-NBA level throughout the playoffs. Edit: Yall need to understand what snubbed means.


I mean it was close. He was 16th in voting, and a team lapping the field in the regular season I think should get 2 guys. My point really was just that it definitely affected his play (positively)


Exactly. If he made it on I wouldn't said he was undeserving, he was a borderline case and didn't get it. That's not a snub.


I respect the hell out of Jaylen brown but it wasn’t a snub


Celtics best player


He's their best player. The only one who comes close is Jrue.