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Damn LeBron gets to play with his son in his final years while KD gets to play with nearly $400million luxury tax.


Evens out for when KD took advantage of the cap spike to create the best team of all time


It’s what happens when you trade for a supposedly 3rd superstar that is too injure prone and average that’s more like a solid role player cough Beal cough


Ahhh yes, LeBron, fabled hardest road taker.


Winning the first sports championship for Cleveland in 64 years is the hardest road


It’s just not comparable lol. The 2 seasons before kd joined the warriors, The warriors won more regular season games in each of those seasons. Than the Miami heat ever did with bron. Warriors were on another level


KD to the Warriors is definitely softer than LeBron building a super team in MIA, then going home out of the kindness of his heart and not because it was the best option with Kyrie and the assets to get a third star, then going to LA and having his best friend help force AD there to him. It’s softer, but let’s not act like some great basketball injustice has been righted because KD makes bad choices and followed flat earth to Brooklyn then forced his way to Luka’s sons.


LeBron could have went to GS in 2014 instead of the Cavs, he loved Steph and that team was much better than Cleveland who was the worst team in the league in 2013. This hindsight bullshit about Cleveland being his best option is ridiculous, did they have assets to get a 3rd star? Of course, but so does every terrible team right now if they wanted to but no one would go to such a team unless LeBron in his prime was on it. He still turned that franchise around from a bottom tier team picking 1st every year to a contender immediately.


Come on, man. A team that was one win away from a back-to-back title (and had an 83% win percentage between the regular and post season combined) was where KD went. A team that was bounced in the first round in 5 games (that had a 54% win percentage with their regular season & post season combined) is where LeBron went. Obviously LeBron built some semblance of a super team and shares some responsibility for what the player empowerment era has turned into with player movement, but all he did was do the player-led version of what Pierce/Garnett/Allen had done a few years earlier via their organizations. KD made a literally unprecedented decision that hasn’t been even close to repeated since in the almost decade since his move.


I would like to just point out that the [“Executive Career”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Jones_(basketball,_born_1980)#Executive_career) section of Suns GM James Jones’s Wikipedia is extremely detailed up through 2022, and then mentions nothing at all after that, which I think is hilarious. No idea why he still has his job. Franchise was in an amazing position and everything since has been a disasterclass.


You can probably thank Ishbia for that. Pre-Ishbia the KD trade was held up because JJ didn’t want to trade Mikal, practically overnight after Ishbia’s purchase Mikal was traded


You definitely can. I like KD, but that trade will haunt this franchise for a decade if the Suns can’t pull a title out of their ass.


The Hardestcap Road


*repeater tax


Most expensive mid team ever, shoutout Beal


They’re about [14M](https://www.basketball-reference.com/contracts/)more expensive than anyone else right now next season it’s wild.


There is a chance we could pass them depending on our own free agents.


I don’t think next season, but yea eventually. The Tatum and White extensions won’t go into effect next season since they’re already locked in next season


I mean youre champions with a couple years left in the window


Longer than a couple. They’ll be contenders as long as they have Tatum/Brown, but it gets harder after next season for sure.


Yeah but you’ll never know what can happen. One bad run with high tensions, or a bad max trade and shit might go down hill. They’re this good because they have 5 legit borderline all star players. You can never know how that develops




A 500m championship team is totally different from a 500m 1st round exit team.


I mean, even if you do, it's a tad different paying that to be the champions vs to be the Suns


Yeah but you guys are good


I think they’re still more expensive than us even when we sign a player (hopefully slomo) to a vet min, since Connely’ll likely just fill out the rest of the roster with 2-ways.


half a billion to win half playoff round


Not even they got swept lmao


And it wasn’t even close, against a team everyone thought they had a matchup advantage against before the series


R/nba just loves clowning teams no matter what - if the owner spends or they don’t spend. Ishbia has his faults but can’t deny he’s trying to win plus he has put the Suns on free local TV (and gave TV antennas to families that couldn’t afford them) and invested in a state of the art workout facility for the Mercury.


Nobody’s questioning Ishbia’s desire to win lol. It’s the fact that he can’t help himself, and their roster is completely screwed because of it.


The worst part is that we were screwed regardless. A decade of bad drafting and non-existent player development resulted in four relevant players since 2010. One superstar (Booker), one high-end starter (Mikal) one high-end role player (Johnson), and whatever you want to call Ayton. Past that, a few fringe players/garbage time players and the rest out of the league since 2010. Sarver had a non-existant scouting department, sold the G League team, and constantly meddled. Including nixing a trade for SGA in 2018. That's right, the Suns could have reasonably had SGA, Booker, and Luka - whose euro league coach was the head coach of the Suns at that time. The 2021 team was truly a flash in the pan, but it wasn't sustainable with CP3 aging out and Cam J as a RFA. The result was either blowing up the team, trading Booker, and starting over, accepting mediocrity a-la Dame Blazers, or go for it with the only star drafted in Phoenix since the Nash days.


Did Sarver override his GM and other staff at the last minute to draft Ayton? Because it sure seemed like the Suns were all set to draft Luka, even going so far as hiring his euro league coach. If only what could have been...


Sarver is confirmed to have overridden the SGA trade. As for Luka, having his former coach removes the lack of scouting for every other draft failure. Ayton was the local boy, also a highly touted prospect. I think McDonough was still GM, canned later on, but someone made the choice.


I still think you guys have 1 ring at least if you drafted Luka.


Let's just say if ayton wasn't going to college in AZ they would have taken Booker. It was indeed rumored to be a Sarver pick


You mean Luka, but yeah. Got that UofA hookup from Sarver.


Yeah was originally gonna say they would have Luka and Booker lol


How that explain trading for the most expensive 6th man in history Brad Beal?


Chris Paul's trade value was Jordan Poole. Like said, we were fucked regardless.


The Vivek Effect 😎


I mean yeah, kinda. Clowning on teams that fail is just sports, spend half a bil, mired in whatever the hell DET is, or things like "The Process". I'm glad to see owners not be cheap asses, but he also meddled and caused this mess, so you have to take that into account.


Who are responding to where you're having to argue that Ishbia isn't trying to win? I haven't seen anyone say that.


R/nba members just have that angry energy. Has to be the most bitchy sub on Reddit.




Bro I'm tired of the Dolan/MSG pissing contest whenever their rights are up. You're probably too young but NYC was in danger of missing Linsanity because Dolan and Time Warner decided to fight over fees. I'm glad you're ok with Comcast and whoever broadcasts the Celtics, but I would more than welcome the Knicks on local free TV.


This is like when I go all in on my first hand and lose so I buy back in


It's not even that fun. I'm not sure why we went this route. The fan base is not really invested in players that have been here for 1-2 years.


Suns fans just stay out of r/nba threads about the suns until like 2035


It's been like this since 2020, I don't expect it to get better anytime soon. It's better than being ignored.


Wild how you guys went from that insane finish to clutch the play in and being championed to beyond hated. Life’s a bitch then you die I guess


That's why we get high


Cause you never know when you gonna go


Getting CP3 was the best and worst thing that could have happened to our image. Besides that, the hate mostly comes from larger market teams being insecure assholes.


The hate is mostly because suns flairs spent the 2022 season acting like it was a forgone conclusion that they were going to win the championship and then your sub went private when Luka sonned em


I don't remember anybody being cocky, but I'm sure they exist. Real Arizona sports fans have too much trauma to believe anything good will happen to us. /r/ArizonaSportsHell Those fans exist for every fanbase tho. Dallas and Minnesota fans were some of the loudest and most annoying this year. Are they going to be automatically hated for the next 5 years? The sub went private from a dumbass mod who did it on their own accord, they're banned from the sub now.


I’m just telling you why dude. Suns fans in r/nba were pretty insufferable that year. Tbf the only time I haven’t felt like fanbases became insufferable after becoming good were Milwaukee fans after their title


Shoutout Bojac Edit: ig im just young lol


Actually Nas (technically AZ) but I respect Bojack haha


2021 really was the year to silence all the haters


It seemed like Giannis injured himself, but he decided to have one of the best finals performances of all time instead. Can't even be mad.


Anytime I start to get too upset reading r/nba comments I try to remember to just be grateful I am not the parent that has to house these guys in their basement for the next 45 years


Luxury tax the rich


rofl, you dont think NBA owners have the slickest accounants and tax lawyers ticket prices and merch going up


Maybe, but overall this seems to be a hobby/passion spend for Ishiba and not something he's trying to make a profit on. He made it free to view games in Arizona and even sent out antennas for people that didn't have one. Maybe it's a long-term profit plan or maybe even greedy billionaires have some things they're willing to spend on.


Like Steve ballmer although Steve is magnitudes richer than the others


At that level of money what's the point if you don't spend it on something fun?  Better than throwing it all at politicos.


politicos are depressingly cheap.




imagine spending half a billion as a hobby 


AEW in a nutshell


Imagine having to go into the tax to fill seats or sell merch Best Owner in the League Jerry Reinsdorf would never


Current NBA economics won't support a half billion dollar payroll


The tax should be redistributed to the fans


Yea if things don’t work out this season they are 100% blowing it up and not in a fun way. There is no shot in hell Ishbia pays over $500mill in payroll multiple years in a row


They should’ve blown it up this year because this team isn’t winning shit. Suns fans aren’t ready for that conversation though.


I don’t get why they don’t even entertain that idea. Booker is like 27 and a bonafied superstar and while Beal’s contract is what it is, he’s still a really good player. Like it’s not too late to retool around booker


Why do you think we're not winning shit? Teams take time to build chemistry and our big three didn't get much of that so far. There were games where we looked like the best team in the league last season. Let's see what we do in the next couple weeks to address the PG need, we already addressed the backup Center need and our draft was strong. I like who we've retained and I'm excited to see Bol get stronger and have more of a role on the team.


And even if you do blow it up, you're not going to get the same ROI as before. KD will be older and clearly not the same player he once was, and Beal has a terrible contract that no one wants. Besides Booker, you won't get much return for your assets. This doesn’t even account for the millions lost being over the cap, only to not make it past the first round.


Yeah they could at least get some decent value for KD, but the only way to get off of the Beal contract is to never trade for it in the first place.


I don’t know, Ishbia seems pretty delusional.


Where does Beals contract rank as the worst of all time


Ben Simmons, Gilbert Arenas, Tobias Harris all come to mind. This one is up there.


Luol Deng erasure


And Mozgov in the same off season. People who think the Lakers can sign anybody forget how desperate they got to sign ANYBODY.


Timothy Mozgov getting 5 years/$60 million was an insane contract. Greatest agent of all-time. That agent could probably get a $2,000/hour contract out of a minimum wage job (basically a CEO).


You forgot Chandler Parsons


Don’t forget Mozgov


The OG of the new era


The idiocy is that the suns actively traded for that contract rather than overpaid a player they already had and wanted to keep. Morey actively did not trade Tobias Harris for Beal.. think about how he valued that contract


I dunno, Beal at least has a half-decent resume. Tobias has zero accolades to his name except that he's been the 20th place finisher for the MIP award a couple times. Simmons is a bit weird. In 10/10 cases, you max a guy with multiple all star and all defense appearances on his rookie contract. I don't think anybody could've predicted a complete failure by his mind and body. TLDR is I think Tobias is easily worst if the main criterion is how long the FO was to award the contract.


Rashard Lewis.


He was expected to hit another level after leaving super Sonics and just never got to that potential


Worst for who? Best for him, best for NBAPA, best for his agent


Seriously. Beal’s agent should have “I negotiated Brad Beal’s awful contract” on his business cards, in embossed gold Comic Sans. Oh, you’re the greatest agent in agenting. Nice to meet you.


I'd honestly put that on my tombstone. 


This sub loves overreacting and shitting on the Beal and the Suns, but he had some damn good games for us last season; it was just an issue of him staying healthy and for our team to get some experience with each other. I'm looking forward to this upcoming season, and I hope he does well and can play 80 games for us. He seems like a good dude. It's not a situation like Tobias Harris or Ben Simmons where they seem like douchebags that don't give a shit.


This might be the first time I've ever seen someone call Tobias a douche. To my knowledge, people shit on him because of his contract, not because of his character. Just like Beal. Similar to Simmons too. Made some mistakes but he's not a douche like Booker.


He's Boban's best friend. There’s no way he's not a good dude.


So what!? I don't know how teams are going to guard us


I’d imagine half the battle is only allowing them to use one basketball at a time


Just you wait until multiball


"We got swept, Devin. Someone was guarding us."


>I don't know how ~~teams~~ owners are going to ~~guard~~ pay us


29 owners are getting paid by them lol


Probably the same way they did this year lol.




First round exit?




Devyn whatever is overrated


I've rooted for teams with "broke" owners who hate spending money and now a team with a rich guy who apparently burns money for fun. Give me the rich guy willing to burn his money every time.


People complaining about Ishbia definitely weren't here when Sarver traded a first round pick for cash in his first season as owner.


He traded his first round picks for cash in 2004 & 2006… the picks that became Luol Deng & Rajon Rondo


That is hysterical


Exactly - give a the guy who burns money over the cheap spendthrift every time.


Counterpoint: Dan Snyder.




*sighs* yeah


Suns fans just stay out of r/nba threads about the suns until like 2035


Tbf, if it's your team in discussion, you can't win. Reddit is full of memes and trolls. Logic isn't their strong suit.


This site is only good for making Roman/Napoleon references. Everything else does not work. Like asking a Barracks Emperor to govern or Napoleon to not fight in Italy.


SMH Napoleon wasn't even that short. The British measurements were in shoes while the French measured barefoot. He was at a perfectly average height for a starting General.


Playing big head games with the opponent here


Feels weird, because of the way the new CBA works this is the only thing the Sun's can do to hold together a semblance of a competitive squad, even if we didn't resign the players we have, it'd still be vet minimum guys at best, and you lose tradable contracts into the mix. Clippers and GSW were going to be similar but because PG and Klay don't look like they are resigning right now theirs' go down and it's in the same ballpark as Milwaukee I think? It's just hit the second apron and hope you've picked your players well, because it's damn hard to retool once you get into it, without taking a season's pain.


> a season’s pain Oh boy. Phoenix will be lucky to emerge from this 2nd apron disaster class by 2040. The Stepien Rule will be probably be joined by the Ishiba Rule in the next CBA because of how bad it’s going to get in Phoenix over the next fifteen seasons. The 2nd apron was designed to punish teams doing what Phoenix is doing, and with Beal’s albatross and no picks, it’s gonna get _dark_ within four seasons and rock bottom won’t arrive until the relegation of picks has begun in the 2030s. Win a title. Fail to do that and … it’s Yucca Mountain for a decade-plus.


Not really, they can get under the cap with a lot of draft pick/young prospects and flexibility if they decide to break it up and trade KD and Book but you absolutely have to run it back for now


Excuse me you're ruining the circlejerk


People are just salivating over the thought of us becoming the mid 2010's suns again


Book is probably the only untouchable player right now.


I guess remind me in 16 years, genius


Yep. New CBA is awful and the only move suns could Do was re sign guys and accept the brutal 2nd apron


Sounds like it’s working to create parity 👀


Yes technically. But it also rewards owners who are cheap and don’t want to spend, while also punishing those who do want to spend and give their fan base a team back in.


Nba figured out how to tax the rich, can we implement that the rest of the world?


By trying to reign in over spending? It’s not taxing the rich, it’s adding reasons for them to not give more money to players. It’s good for competitive reasons, but players ultimately suffer from this. Suffer is a strong word, given player the current salaries, but it still benefits owners.


> in 2026 Well maybe... A lot can happen in 2 years. Also almost half of that is luxury tax too. Disingenuous headline.




Man, remember the bubble suns?


Damn they're paying more money than there are suns in our solar system


Huh? We only have 1 sun in our solar system.


There's more hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water than there are stars in our solar system


Technically, they're correct


Thought I was trippin for a second lmao


Well, they're definitely paying more than 1 money's.


That's the Texas public school system at work


Apparently AZ public education taught you that 500 million is less than 1?


Yup, that's the joke.


I still don't get it after reading the title again. Is it like a non sequitur?


fuck the other comments this is hilarious lol


Phoenix downfall is fuckin beautiful


Wouldn’t it be called the Sunset?


I do not think we fall more, everyone who was half decent last year is back for next year, so we will be a similar team, we might even be slightly better, lol.


as are the lakers'


Except they won a ring and they didn't have to pay $389million luxury tax next season.


Only one of them has won a ring in the recent years to add to their ring gallery. That’s a nice downfall the other franchise wont be experiencing ever


Lakers at least have options and flexibility


And championships


At least the Suns will always have the Crowder salsa dance to look back on


And the apology letter after g7 vs Mavs


Lol. Thanks for the reminder


As are the Clippers


Suns are still better than LeWashed and the nepo-babies.


Expensive payroll is bookers father




those suns picks are about to be worth a gold mine once the owner realizes how much repeater tax he has to pay in a year or two for a mid team


The memes for next season are literally writing themselves...


NHL is still a ways from 100m 👀




Woooo we’re #1


How much do they make in revenue? Is it like the nfl where it’s basically impossible to lose money because of the shared league revenue?


Doesn't the NFL have hard caps and thus no luxury tax? That would seemingly be the reason why the NFL teams can't lose money.


Ya, I'm wondering this, too. How long can Ishbia keep this up for?


Really hope the wolves get them in round 1 again


That’s wild. Especially since, realistically, they’re good enough to probably at least make the second round (depending on the matchup) but the west is simply too stacked for them to get any further.


The Sun's have unattractive contracts on their books , interesting to see how they get out of this situation


1 unattractive contract. The rest are normal


The only way this makes sense is if Mat Ishbia views this as a fun side project and plans to sell the team in the next 3-5 years. It wouldn't be surprising if he's spending his billions, going all-in for a couple of years, and then decides to sell once he realizes it won’t work and the team has no future.


Mat Ishbia is probably the second coming of Mikhail Prokhorov, yeah.


As a comparison, Skechers Inc has a labor force of 12k and its wage bill is 490$ million. Insane


Suns be like fuck your apron.


All that Jelly and no toast


Does anyone think the Suns will be a better team than last season?


Suns are built so horribly.


Well, at least you can't say Ishbia is a cheapskate like Sarver was. Of course, at this rate, either he's going to run out of money or the "cheap" seats at games are going to be like $100.


A tale as old as time. A new NBA owner trying to throw way too much money at a roster to get a championship fast. He will get bored and frustrated very soon and will end up dismantling this roster like next summer. I do get some satisfaction that this billionaire is just throwing money away and will never get what he wants no matter how much money he shits away.


Does that include Monty Williams salary


First no because these types of things only mean players. On top of that, unless he somehow had no offset language in that contract Detroit paid him more/year so they wouldn't owe him a dime.


Detroit took care of that.


Ishba: How to burn money and get away with it.


4 year 44 million for Royce O'Neale? Yikes, that's a huge overpay. As a jazz fan who was watching almost every single game when he was with the team, I can confidently say he's gotta be one of the most consistently overrated role players in the league.


he had them over a barrel


Far from it. Thats 11 mil per year? Thats not even a full mid level. Salaries are getting higher. For a starter who can hit the three and play ok defense that’s actually a decent deal.


If you look up second apron rules, this is the only choice the Suns have to maintain flexibility apart from blowing it up. If anything it benefits them to pay Royce even more than this, because the alternative is getting nothing but minimums in a trade.