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Shawn Kemp, got fat during lockout and changed his entire game as a midrange post up specialist for a 20 ppg season with Cleveland. Became a role player the very next season.


I’m surprised no one has said Deron Williams


Andre Drummond is the first that came to mind


Michael Carter Williams


Andrea Bargnani


Derrick Rose surely is up there. Though the question is obviously more interesting when looking at players not struck with serious injuries.


Chance Comanche


David Thompson, Marvin Barnes, Spencer Hayood, Micheal Ray Richardson, Len Bias, Roy Tarpley, Richard Dumas, Lamar Odom, OJ Mayo etc crack is a hell of a drug


Bias: #2 pick then died 2 days later


Out if line, but you're right.


Ben Simmons is the obvious one


That's Roy Hibbert's music!


Eddy Curry of 2007 was a 19.5/7.0 player who while didn't maybe look like a future franchise player, was still looking like a player that could be an awesome #2 player for team that wants to go deep. Eddy Curry of 2008 was someone that could have signed up for weight watchers and due to his poor shape, D'Antoni benched him. Two years from his near 20ppg season, he was barely seeing the floor and averaged only 1.7ppg. Andrew Bynum is another good one.






I was coming here to say Michael Redd. But Goddamn, he was pretty fuckin good for a solid 8 seasons. How bout Andrew Bynum. That guy was supposed to be the next big thing. He had a few solid years, had a breakout all-star season, got injured and never came back.


Isaiah Thomas - one minute he's a back-to-back All-Star, killing it in the play-offs, playing through injuries, through tragedy, and expecting the "Brinks truck." Next minute, he's traded, coming back from injury too soon to prove himself, and now trying to fight his way back into the league.


Proof karma doesnt exist Celtics did him dirty as hell


Brandon Roy could have been one of the all-time greats. He was on track and then the injuries just stopped him in his tracks.


Benjamin David Simmons


Ben Simmons. From all-star to unplayable after one playoff series.


Grant Hill?




Considering he just retired at 34, I feel like Kemba Walker's fall-off was surprisingly quick


Jordan Poole


Roy hibbert


Danny Granger


Gilbert Arenas. Went from “quirky all star” to “everything about that dude is a dumpster fire.” Entertaining all the way around, though.


Jeremy Lin is the first name I can think of. He was crazy and had everything to be one of the faces of the league and the NBA would gladly market him as such. Then he made that move to the Rockets and everything started to fall apart... Believe or not, we went from Linsanity to him getting out of the league in less than 8 years.


Latrell Spreewell


DeMarcus Cousins


Hassan Whiteside was a beast for the Heat, and then just vanished to Portland.


Hedo Turkoglu was a prize signing at one point..


Not the most extreme case but Kemba Walker peaked in his late 20s being an all star from 2017-2020, and even got an all NBA 3rd team selection in 2019. But he was out of the league by 2023 and retired at 34. Harsh end to a career, with a harsh start as well, being stuck in Charlotte until he was 29. But peak Kemba was definitely a very good player. And incredibly entertaining to watch.


Deron Williams. To this day, literally every time I see or hear the term “fall off” I imagine him. He should be getting royalties or something for it Blake Griffin also went from looking like he could be a perennial MVP candidate into an afterthought over the course of a couple of seasons.


Jordan Poole He's the 3rd best player of the warriors and one punch from draymond made him go complete 180 I really hate that they made max contract on Green


Hedo Turkoglu


Andrew Bynum fell off a cliff




Larry Sanders


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Larry Sanders. Barring injuries, he could still be playing this season.


Deron Williams was "that guy" at one point, and then seemingly overnight turned into a role player. I still don't know what happened.


Probably Russell Westbrook. Though I would say he was always overrated so perhaps the fall isn't that great.


Not that he was ever a star, but Omer Asik lives in my head rent free. Had a good season with Houston, couple years later had a decent season with NOLA, somehow rewarded with a $60 mil contract and averaged 3 points a game the rest of his dumpster fire career


Kenneth Faried was essentially the face of the post-Melo Nuggets and suddenly went from fan favorite to unplayable because the stat-dominated FO's considered him a liability due to his inability to protect the rim and shoot the 3.


Gilbert Arenas.


Oladipo was superstar level that one year


Andrew Bynum


Jordan Poole would like a word


It’s gotta be Simmons


Dion Waiters. I know it's not the most noticabke but he went from a solid starter and scorer to quietly out of the NBA seemingly overnight


Delonte West


Theres been a ton of these guys, but I'm going to pick on the centers today. Andrew Bynum Roy Hibbert Greg Oden


Deng and Mozgov fell off very quickly once they got paid by the Lakers.


Idk why Danny Granger was the first to come to mind but he did for me. I know he dealt with injuries and then Paul George became the star, but he just disappeared.


John Wall


Linsanity. Jermey Lin had like one week where he was amazing.


Kemba Walker? The moment he left Charlotte, he became essentially unplayable


I gotta say Roy hibbert like he was really good for such a short period of time (go ask Lebron and the heat) and then all of sudden he forgot how to basketball and played with the lakers meaning if you aren’t good your value and confidence is gone lol but in his prime maybe not a star but was definitely seen as a top 30 guy in the league. No injuries and no explanation


Ja Morant. Whatever happened to that guy? I don’t see his name on any Asian team roster.


Andrew Bynum all nba, nba champ then out of the league


Chris Paul even though he’s not trash gets tossed around the nba like he’s worthless… after the clippers he’s been everywhere..


Latrell Sprewell.


Markelle Fultz- wasn’t a star, but was the number one pick who was supposed to be the last piece for the 76ers…his fall as a #1 drafted guard was unprecedented


Not a star but Jeremy Lin was all the talk for like a couple games then fell off


Michael Carter-Williams, dude won ROTY and then slowly fell into mediocrity never being able to find his role on a team


Andrew Bynum


Yao Ming, he seemed to be just phased out. Billion people watching him, to simply gone.


AK 47


Victor Oladipo gotta be up there


Stephon Marbury


Rashard Lewis anyone? That Orlando Magic team that made the NBA Finals is still sneaky underrated in terms of could have should have teams who should of won the chip(that missed Lee layup is probably the greatest out of bounds play I have ever seen).. Lee makes that layup.. whole different series.. & different legacies for a lot of people…


Gilbert Arenas. Danny Granger dropped fast too.


I know it was due to injury (his knees went bad faster than mine did, and I'm in a wheelchair) but Harold Miner was being sold as being JORDAN NEXT and then he was just GONE.




Dwight Howard is so disrespected that he doesn't even get mentioned on a thread discussing most disrespected/fallen from grace players lmao.


Dwight Howard dude was the next Shaq. He had it all back then he was an MVP candidate, 3x DPOY, Numerous 1st team all-nba, and at one point, ammased more all star votes than Lebron in his prime then he suddenly became a Tyson Chandler in his Lakers & Rockets tenure then went on as a journeyman to out of the league to getting beaten by Sim Bhullar in Taiwan.


Ty Lawson was a wild one. Especially considering how active he was on this subreddit at the time.


Jeremy Lin burned out quick.


Russell Westbrook


Darron Williams was a monster (IMO arguably the best PG in the league at one point) then just one day woke up and decided to be ass. Literally like night and day in half a season.


I swear Andrew Bynum was a top 5 center at one point and out of the league within two years


Larry sanders isn’t the answer but I think his name should be in this thread


Ben Simmons. Some stars fall due to lack of usage. Thomas and Tobias unlike DSJ and Bargiani for example has usage rates for a star but cant deliver. While MPJ and is like Lauri waiting to be unleashed.


Roy Hibbert Consensus "best defender" in the league at 27. Basically unplayable 2 years later. No injury excuse.


Chris Copeland looked like he was on the verge of being All-Star and then disappeared completely like that Radiohead song


LeQueen after 2011 🤣


I want to say Drummond but was he ever good?


I do not know how Vucevic made the 8th seed and took a game off the Bucks as the first option.


Recently: Tim Hardaway Jr.




It’s Roy Hibbert. 100% the answer to this question forever. Dude went from almost dominating the paint, to out of the league in two years. And not even due to injury. He straight up forgot how to play


Lamar Odom. The minute he got traded to the Mavs he completely fell off


Whatever happened to Tyreke Evans after his ROY season?


Ben Gordon


Westbrook went from an MVP to being a massive liability/not even a starter in the span of 4 seasons


Josh Howard and Michael Redd were two guys from the 2000s who made an all star team or two then immediately fell off. Ben Simmons is definitely the quickest though, he literally lost all of his confidence in the course of a single playoff series.


Bubble TJ Warren.


Russ. Went from triple double machine carrying teams on his shoulders to Lebron's second sidekick.


Jermaine O’Neal comes to mind.. More so when he was at the top of his game I thought he was the 3rd best PF in the league and then he fell off much faster than Garnett and Duncan. Andrew Bynum also comes to mind. Dude had his best year when he was only 24. He hasn’t been in the league in a decade


Dwight fell off fast


Ball brothers were meant to break the NBA. Sadly a parent who thought they were the next magic.


Tyreke Evans


Dwight Howard


D Rose. If it weren’t for injuries, he would’ve easily been a top 10 player


Surprised no one mentions Steve Francis, legit nicknamed the "Franchise", was outta the league after a fews years getting traded for T-Mac.


>It occurred to me that his star has fallen pretty quickly This is such a weird quote, on such a random post by a random account.....


I don’t see anyone else saying Kwame Brown


Isn't a better question, who signed a big contract only for it to be untradeable overnight? Joakim Noah went form DPOY in 2014 to not starting in 2016 (played in 29 started 2). Yes he got injured but not until partway through the season. His stats cratered. That seems like a pretty far fall from grace in a realatively short period of time.


Without considering injury definitely Stephon Marbury, he went really quickly from the point guard every team wanted to "China Mvp". Also Latrell Sprewell tanked and revived his career like 5 times.


Tyrese Evans and Brandon Jennings are 2 guys I’m surprised didn’t take it to the next level after their amazing rookie years


Yall forgot about andrew bynum.  He's gotta be in there lol


Please stop the culture of trashing athletes if their performance changes. Just because someone doesn't work out in the NBA or they have a sudden drop in production doesn't mean they are a less valuable person in society. I know this sounds soft but some of the content online describing people's athletic careers is totally disrespectful in their wording.


Markelle Fultz. #1 pick to ass in a few weeks.


Crazy that he's still a little bitch 8 years later.


Roy Hibbert. Verticality was all the rage and then he was unplayable within a year


Carmelo Anthony must be a contender.




Jordan Pool had a legit falloff, not from injury but from getting KO’d on grainy CCTV security video. Dude was heir apparent to Steph and was the next Splash Brother, had played well in pressure situations and was ready to become the next sensation. Until Draymond Green took exception to being called an expensive backpack and punching the skill outta JP. End of a Warriors Dynasty and the beginning of the end for Jordan Pool becoming a superstar.


Nick Anderson free throws


I want to talk about this era of fall-offs... Hassan Whiteside hurt me after his fall. I saw it all unfold in that 2018 series against the 76ers. Ben Simmons (who dominated that series against Hassan) had the most insane fall-off in NBA history. From the best perimeter defender in the NBA, one of the best playmakers, and considered a TOP 20 player in the NBA... to potentially being a decent role player if he can play is insane. He was meant to be an MVP. Gordon Hayward (aka White LeBron) earned that nickname because he was like that in 2017. He changed that offense, could shoot the three, manhandled defenses on the interior, and could pass... He was like that. But he only had ONE true all-star season. He was never as efficient again. Never scored 20 PPG (without rounding up) before or after and took that Jazz to the postseason and showed us that he gets better in that role... (That injury set him back for years) Isaiah Thomas is another player who peaked in 2017 and fell off soon after. Not to sound old... but I don't think that Younger Fans who got into the NBA around... Idk, 2019-2020-2021? Can fully comprehend IT in his prime... This 5'9 (175 centimeters) player damn near scored 30 PPG and led his team to the postseason without another superstar. He got injured in that postseason around the same time he discovered his sister passed away and still played through the injury... And THAT is what ended his career. He could never move the same again. He was already tiny when the Celtics traded him and... in the long run, it worked out... but that was one of the most heartless moves I've seen in my entire life. He deadass gave up everything. I could mention John Wall... But he was good for a decent amount of seasons. His biggest problem wasn't just injuries. He wasted his career carrying the damn Wizards. One of the best players I've seen never get the true recognition he deserved because he was surrounded by Okay or terrible players...


Brandon Roy?


Agent Zero. 


Surprised not to see Ben Gordon on here. Went to Detroit and fell apart.


Latrell Spreewell was offered a $21 million dollar contract by the Timberwolves after they reached the 2004 Western Conference Finals with him being a major contributor. He felt insulted since it was a decrease over his previous contract and turned it down saying "I have a family to feed". He never signed another contract. 


The rapid shift in the NBA saw a ton of guys out of the league over the span of only a few years. Hibbert, Fareid, Greg Monroe. Quality low post guys that could defend the post and score, but couldn't move fast enough to defend the PnR or spread the floor on offense. But the biggest fall off has easily been Ben Simmons. Decided to never learn how to shoot, froze at the line everytime he had to take a FT, suddenly had a major back injury after not playing for a year, and hasn't touched the floor since


Reggie Lewis


kevin martin


Roy Hibbert comes to mind. Shawn Kemp also


Derrick Rose. From MVP to bench player


Kobe Bryant. A lot of people today might not realize how completely reviled of a person and a player Kobe was in the mid-2000s. Even before Colorado.


Roy Tarpley


Demarcus Cousins


Shai Gilgeous-Alexander. Averaged only 30.1 ppg this past season. That's a huge dropoff from the prior season when he averaged 31.4 ppg. OKC should just cut their losses and trade him to the Pistons.


Post up bigs like Greg Monroe and Enes Freedom, and they essentially suffered the same fate as Roy Hibbert. They were high lottery picks and both out of the league by age 30, even though they were skilled offensively in the paint. Neither could shoot 3's or offer rim protection.


Blake Griffin went from AllNBA to end of the bench player in one year


This thread brings back a lot of memory sigh


I've never seen anything like Roy Hibbert's rise and fall.


Starbury. One day he’s eating Vaseline and broadcasting for us to see


Rose if u count injured players.


Delonte West, realistically


Im going to go with OJ Mayo with his gambling and injuries after being successful up til his last year in Milwaukee.


darko milicic


Ben Wallace after he left Detroit for Chicago.


Delonte West


What does the article on sleep deprivation have to do with players star falling? Yes it mentions a few quotes on the importance of sleep by Hassan Whiteside..was that it?


Lamar Odom




Andrew Bynum. Once thought he and Dwight were the best two big men for a season, one broke his back and the other had a bowling accident. Monta. Don’t ride a scooter. Lamar Odom trade. Laker six man of the year and a starter on any other team to drugs. Michael redd and Brandon Roy. Broken legs. Greg oden. Looked grown men look like children for a the short time he played before injury. Klay thompson robbed of his prime. Tim Duncan. Go watch his rookie year and athleticism. We don’t mention this because he recovered well to be a top ten player. He started playing an old man’s game after the leg and did it well for the next 15. Last but not least, Derrick Rose. You all say be Simmons smh. MVP to role player in a season.




roy hibbert was an all star and out the league in a season


Penny Hardaway. Man was the second coming of Magic as a rookie and never got better, then career just fell off a cliff with the injuries after Shaq left. So sad.


Kobe. R.I.P.


Enes Kanter didn't have the fastest fall off but he self-destructed pretty hard.


Tyreke Evans


Johnny Flynn


Monte Ellis The forgotten Warriors legend before Curry, I truly believed Steph + Monte would be a problem. Not only did that not happen, but Monte disappeared very soon after


Andrew Wiggins and Jordan Poole


Tyreke Evans. Maybe doesn't qualify for "fastest", but rookie year averaged 20/6/5 and then never averaged 20 again. Steve Francis comes to mind. He fell off pretty quick after leaving Houston. Tracy McGrady hung around in the league as a shell of his former self, but he went from all-star to unplayable in like 2 seasons.


delonte west


Gilbert Arenas. Dude went from dropping 40 a game to be busted with a gun in the locker room. Went from all-star to rubbish overnight. Made a fortune though so good on him.


Danny Ferry 2nd overall in 1989. Did nothing in NBA.


Richard Dumas, during his rookie season, looked like he was on a path to become the next elite SF in the league.


Rajon Rondo. The second he left Boston his leaguewide reputation went from a champ, one of the best point guards of his generation and a basketball genius to an ornery coach killer who had no business being on the floor because of his terrible jumpshot. Passed around the league like a pipe after Dallas and never lasted more than 2 seasons with a new team.


Lonzo Ball. Dude was “the next big thing” when drafted and now he’s not even an afterthought.


I mean Kobe fell pretty quickly


Isaiah thomas


Dwight Howard? His image never really recovered from his interview in Orlando, after SVG said he knew he tried to get him fired, then D12 immediately shows up on camera, hugs him, denies the rumor. Was an MVP level player and talent before. After, just looked like a disingenuous brat, and that completely overshadowed everything, and probably self inflicted some psychological doubt. The super Lakers team failed spectacularly.


Steve Francis was once traded straight up for Tracy McGrady. Then he kinda just fell off a cliff




Roy Tarpley?


Grant Hill went from All NBA with the Pistons to rarely playing to solid role player all because of an injury. What a shame. He could've been great.


That dude on the wnba who is attacking CC


I think we should not count stars who dealt with health issues as ‘fall from grace’


Roy Hibbert is not only the answer for the NBA, but every sport ever. I don't know if it was a voodoo curse or what, but his talent just vanished in 2014 over the playoffs. Most baffling thing I've ever seen.  That Pacers squad in NBA 2K12 with him, George, and Granger were SO overpowered. 


My vote for fall from grace goes to James Harden. He went from the guy who could only be stopped by the Warriors to becoming a toxic piece.


I honestly thought Ben Simmons was the next Magic. I was so wrong with that one


It was either his 37th or 38th birthday but Chris Paul fell off a cliff after that and never recovered


Any answers that aren't Ben Simmons or Len Bias are just contrarian answers.


How has no one said Jeremy Lin?