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If I were the Bucks, I'd rather have an old brook lopez than a future pick. Who they hell would they start at C if they traded him?


His lack of versatility on defense combined with his age is really starting to hurt the Bucks against some teams. Unfortunately though Giannis is a tough one to build around and they kind of need the stretch 5.


He can also leave in FA next season and we’d still be over the 2nd apron. Best choice is to trade him now


But for who? The Bucks don’t have a C besides him. And whoever it is they out at center will need to be able to shoot. Stretch bigs aren’t going to come to the Bucks cheap.


time to start the Giannis at center revolution


4s playing the 5, so hot right now


Yall like 10 years late on this. Kerr's been bustin' Draymond's undersized ass at the 5 forever.


I have no idea how I didn’t know Dray was 6’6”. I’m over here already thinking Bam’s ass is undersized at 6’9”, my God


one thing to note, Draymond has an insane wingspan for his height he's at 7'1" which is the same as Bam and longer than people like Lebron or Jason tatum for instance crazy ratio for a 6'6" guy


His teammate Moses Moody isn't that far of either, who is 6'6 with 7" wingspan, here's a display of his [wingspan](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fxygj7fm4jx191.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D265b99dd6112f32878704ab517fc773152c625f8) being stretched across from a door frame from top to bottom


I’m 6’ with 6’8” wingspan. Too bad I suck at basketball but I can almost dunk at least 😞


Center of gravity plus his insane wingspan. Dude strong


It only gets worse this year. Warriors don't have a legit and consistent center. Looney is also somewhat undersized at 6'9 and played himself out of the rotation, and Trayce Jackson Davis is only in his second year and still has a lot to develop. He's also the same height as Looney. If Draymond gets hurt, the Warriors are fucked down low.


Draymond is Kobe size that’s insane given his play style


He's Kobe's height but not his size imo, bigger wingspan, stronger frame


Those Warriors teams also didn't have to play Jokic, Embiid, Wemby, etc. Or at least these version of Embiid and Jokic. Like from 2015-2019 the all-NBA 5s were: Marc Gasol, Boogie (x2), DJ (x2), Drummond, KAT, Embiid (x2), AD, Gobert, Jokic. Where that was year 2 and 3 for Embiid and 2019 was Jokic's first allstar year. I loved Gasol and Boogie was obviously extremely skilled but both are considerably worse than the elite bigs we have now. And Gobert, Jokic, and Embiid were also way worse then. Pretty big center hole post-Timmy and then Dwight washing out quickly until Jokic and Embiid's era.


*cough* PJ Tucker *cough* It's not as if small ball is new. Or only run by GSW. If anything Houston was the first to adapt to GSW.


He's 6'11" and stronger than probably 90% of the C's in the league - if not more. He can definitely handle it. Doesn't necessarily mean it's the right over, but if they build around it, he'd be fine there. His combination of speed, agility and strength would be completely unmatched at the position.


I mean I feel like every person who uses the Bucks on 2K plays Giannis at the 5 with 4 shooters and perimeter players around him and then just go 1v1 with him and dunk or kick out every time. I feel like that’s what Mazzulla would do if he was in charge of the Bucks.


Lineups with Giannis at the 5 kill other teams, and every time it happens fans wonder why we don’t always do that. Unfortunately, his body can’t handle an entire season of that. Lopez was the absolute perfect center to play beside Giannis.


Genuinely one of the most underrated moves a franchise has made in the last decade. Splash Mountain had some great years on a terrible Brooklyn team as a force in the post, started a small decline and he was redesignated a role player. The second most important player on the Bucks championship.


If I were the Bucks I'd be trying to get a 1st and maybe Grant Williams (or a similar player) to be my 4 who you can throw down in the block on defense so Giannis doesn't have to be in the post all regular season but can still stand in a corner. Probably has to be a 3 team trade, because I don't know what Charlotte would want with Brook Lopez, but I think with Brook and Khris Middleton getting old, he's a little bit of a luxury the Bucks can't afford any more. When it was Jrue at the point, the idea of building a team that would grind you into dust on defense and get by well enough on offense with Giannis's transition and an okay half court offense made sense. But with Dame there and the others aging, I think a pace and space Giannis at the 5 is the way to go.


I like Grant but I don’t think he’s a starter on a championship contender, too limited offensively as a player. I like DeAndre Hunter for the Bucks if the Hawks are still content to just give him away and shed money. A big two-way wing and you give Beauchamp the starting 2 spot and then you have two big two-way wings around Dame Khris and Giannis.


I think in a Giannis-Dame offense he's competent enough to stand in a corner and be the second best offensive forward behind Khris Middleton. I mostly picked him because I think he's gettable and is better in the post than Hunter, which is a thing you wouldn't want Giannis doing in the regular season. Though if they could get Hunter, he might also be a reasonable version of the same idea.


Giannis is legitimately bigger than a lot of centers lmao


I remember the Rockets decided to YOLO with no center a few years ago with Dantoni.


Yeah PJ Tucker at center on defense, and Westbrook as the functional "center" on offense, and they won a bunch of games too


That only worked because they could switch harden onto bigs and he’d do a phenomenal job defensively. While also having to win the scoring title three years in a row and be an all time great playmaker. Harden carried them to a lot of wins but deep in the playoffs their roster just wasn’t sustainable against the actual best rosters. Even with harden averaging 35 against the warriors in 2019 with pretty much no second option or averaging 64% ts in the playoffs in 2020 and putting up 29 ppg against the championship lakers despite being doubled anytime he crossed half court because teams didn’t even bother to guard Westbrook. Hardens best playoffs was 2019, I still think 2020 was his second best, above 2018, he was playing out of his mind while being doubled at all times just so Westbrook could brick them out of games.


 The Bucks need to adapt to the modern NBA and do what other teams are doing. Run a hybrid big (Giannis) at the 5, pair 2 wings next to them, and 2 guards. Outside of a few center matchups, Giannis can handle most centers in the league and can bulk up a bit more later in his career.    Finding a big who can shoot, defend at a high level, and is athletic, is extremely difficult. Even if the Bucks miraculously drafted another big, it would take years to develop a big, as they typically take the longest to develop. Brook was a brilliant fit for years, but it’s clear he’s lost a step and not quite as good as he once was. Once he slows down even more, he’ll get worse defensively. It’s much easier to find a big wing who can shoot and defend, as there are way more in the NBA than centers that can do all of the above.


How tf this guy gonna bulk up some more where that muscle gonna go his elbows


Agreed, the Bucks can't let nightmares of "the wall" box them into *needing* such an exotic piece around Giannis


I agree on paper, but I think you’d have to find a way to significantly diminish Giannis’s offensive workload to accommodate a move to C. Initiating all the face up drives that he does AND being the brick wall rim protector that absorbs contact from penetrators all game long is a recipe for fatigue and injury. Giannis has an all time great motor but the elite two-way back-to-basket bigs of the past (eg Hakeem) played at a much slower pace and with a second paint big most of the time. He’d be an amazing garbage man big who plays D, sets screens, and scores off lobs and putbacks, but it’d be asking a lot of his ego and it is punishing with much less glory.


>significantly diminish Giannis' offensive workload I would have hoped that trading for Lillard would solve this


Bulk up more? Lol... He would be a Arnold Schwarzenegger 


Giannis is 250 currently. For him to bang with Embiid or Jokic, he would likely need to get up to 260-270 to hold his own. He wouldn’t have to put on that weight all at once. But if he does transition to center, having a bit more bulk can help him hold up in the post. 


Giannis can’t play the 5, he will regularly foul out and will get worn out battling against guys like Embiid and Jokic on a regular basis. He’s best suited as a 4.


AD been playing the 5 for us a couple of seasons now. Giannis is much more physically imposing than him so I think it can work out.


Ehhh idk, Giannis has that explosive power and a crazy amount of upper body strength, but I think AD has a much stronger lower body (weird to say with his injury history but hear me out). I've seen AD take hits to the chest from guys like Jokic and Embiid and be able to absorb the contact and still play solid defence. On the other side of the court, AD uses his physicality well, but also relies on his skill and touch when he's tired. Giannis is ALL about his physicality, and I think a lot of the time when we see him truck people going to the rim, it's because he's so big but also moving so explosively. If he's playing defence as a center, he's not exploding into people, he's having to stand his ground and take those shoulders, which is something I think AD does a lot better which is why he's been such an effective center in the past. Just my 2 cents.


As a Bucks fan who has watched Giannis most of his career, he definitely can. The Bucks were running Giannis as a small ball 5 in 2021 playoffs in stretches and in the finals, which was a huge key to them stopping CP3/Booker in PNR. He’s the same exact size as AD, who has no issues playing the 5, but he is stronger and more athletic than AD.  No center in the league can guard Embiid or Jokic in individual coverage, so that shouldn’t be a knock on Giannis. Giannis is larger than most modern day centers and is defended by most teams opposing teams centers anyways, so he can adjust. 


Giannis can close games as the 5/play small ball lineups at the 5, he just can’t play it full time for the reasons i listed above. Lopez averaged 30 minutes per game during our title run.


Except AD DOES have issues playing the 5? The injury memes, the fact that he ASKED Nola to get him centers, his best play being in the bubble next to Javale/Dwight?


Giannis is the best transition player in the league putting him at the 5 defensively hurts their offense


Also not having a C to play around hurts their defense and offense. I think it’s a pick your poison situation but you make a good point


Also, while he certainly can play the 5 and while our best lineups probably will feature him there, he as a defender is at his best when he gets to play help defense rather than strict rim protection. He's still a damn good rim protector, don't get me wrong, but he's "only" great at that, whereas he's arguably the best help defender in the NBA. In an ideal world, we have a proper 5 on the court at least some of the time to make sure that he gets time in that role.


As a 5, Giannis would be faster and more athletic than any other 5 on the court. Even if Giannis is a bit deeper on defense, he’ll still be able to outrun any center on the run, or he can instantly grab the rebound and initiate  transition.  Also, I think the trade off for worse transition offense would be worth it. Come playoff time, teams limit Giannis’ transition opportunities anyways.  The Bucks could play faster on offense, with another shooting wing next to him in the lineup.


>It’s much easier to find a big wing that can shoot Fwiw the Knicks just had to trade 5 first round picks and send out a mega deal to bring in their two 3&D wings that are good but have 0 combined all star appearances. KCP is on the smaller side of wings but just got a pretty big deal at age 31. Two way wings are probably the most sought after players in the league rn aside from straight up bona fide all NBA players.


Despite what this sub will tell you you can contend fine with a traditional center as long as they’re a great rim protector. This sub acts like any team that doesn’t play 5 out is in the dark ages and it’s just not true at all.


Has Doc Rivers ever coached a team like that?


Is there any realm where they could trade for Miles Turner?


Miles Turner can only be mentioned in hypothetical trades and trade rumors, he can't ever be traded IRL.


Mostly agree. I would only argue that it hurts the Bucks when he is forced to play big minutes. If his minutes could be reduced to 20-24 instead of 28-32, then I think it would help minimize the negatives and maximize his impact when he is on the court. It's not so much him, it's the load he's required to carry. The problem being there's really only 2 other bigs on the roster. Bobby is also defensively limited and Giannis being a full time center isn't a viable plan. It's not worth arguing for because it's not happening and he shouldn't be asked to do it anyways. I'm specifically saying not 30 minutes a game, every single night. 8-10 min max most nights and break glass in case of emergency situations. He could be similar to what Horford provides for the Celtics the last 2 years, but there's no Bucks version of Timelord or Porzingis walking into that locker room to help him.


They need a valenciuonas (spelling?)


Ah close. It’s Valenchewnus.


Ya with no replacement. Its hard to trade him. Shoulda drafted a stretch 5 to mold under him.


Idk still definitely too early to move on especially considering he’s integral to that teams defense with how they’re currently constructed. If you trade Lopez there’s essentially no way that team can cobble together a good defense even with a DPOY on the roster. Also idk that the bucks defensive problems stem from a lack of versatility. I think they’re just a team with a lot bad/older defenders on the perimeter last year.


I agree he isn’t very quick to deflect passes. But he’s a good defender at the post and can block shots quite well


Giannis, the guy who basically covers the entire floor on defense and gets to the hoop at will is tough to build around? I think it's just tough to build something when you've traded away your picks, have no good young players and most of your good players are nearing the end of their careers.


Obviously you take the chip every time but I feel like that 21 chip was the worst thing for giannis development. Everyone on the bucks was like yeah one offensive move of dribbling towards the rim and charging at it like a linebacker is fine, we won a championship. He didn’t even look good in those playoffs until after game two of the finals where the refs started calling breathing on him a foul and the suns were down their backup center and had literally one player close to giannis size. Old Blake griffin was giving him fits defensively, he looked straight up lost and was an inch away from losing to kd plus scrubs. And every time he goes up against a playoff defense with the size and personnel to just collapse at the rim his efficiency plummets. Like there’s never been a top 15 player that has only one reliable offensive move. How hard can it be to be 6’11, stronger and more athletic than everyone else, and just develop some semblance of a post game or at least be able to hit open midranges. No one is saying you have to be a sniper from three. Even Shaq, who was more physically dominant, didn’t just try and dunk over everyone (that’s just what everyone remembers), he had insane touch anywhere in the paint and a beautiful post game.


Yeah with more guards emerging as pull up threats in the east it would be nice if they had a guard like Jrue holiday who could render screens useless, allowing brook to drop


Not really, Lopez’s lack of versatility is only damaging when Giannis is hurt + the opposing big is fast and a good 3pt shooter. Otherwise he’s a perfect complement.


He's 36 the perfect age for Doc's preference


How is Giannis tough to build around?


Because he’s the worst shooter of any star in the league.


Can't shoot 


It might be due to most 4s can shoot nowadays and don't need the offense center around them.


I guess they would make a Portis-Giannis combo which isn't bad. The problem is that the moment Antetokounmpo goes to the bench the opposing center will turn into Threepeat Shaq.


Giannis-portis would be a disaster defensively,


We've seen it for well over 1000 minutes now. It's not a disaster, it's just below league average. Problem is that when championship is your goal "just below league average" is no where near good enough.


I have a feeling if they started that duo over the course of a season it would be even worse but I get what you mean.


Which is why I think this story is probably more Horst is willing to listen to offers but is not going to give Lopez up for nothing, but reporters wanted to make it a bigger deal than it was. Horst is known for talking to everyone about options.






Shhhh let them cook


Not a salary cap expert, but it’s my understanding that: A. Dropping Brooks salary gets them under the apron and opens up the TPMLE. B they can take whatever picks they get to to attach to another player to try to get an upgrade Perfect scenario - Trade Brook for a first. Sign Gary Trent with the TPMLE. Trade Pat C + first for a younger undervalued center and hope you hit a home run. Sign a vet min to replace Pat C. This would let them turn Brook and Pat C to somewhere between 1-3 players that could help a playoff run. This seems like the best path forward. If you’re 100% certain Brook will be unplayable in the playoffs this year, then you’re just holding him for regular season play which is not worth it.


if that's the scenario, I'm sure Darvin Ham is already on Doc's ear about Taurean Prince taking all of Pat C's minutes.


You've got the right idea. If only all other fans (including some bucks fans) were as knowledgeable before spewing their takes. We already have the Pat replacements in the young guys/ taurean prince/ delon wright. Obviously Brook is still helpful, it's just that he is the only real piece that has value to be moved so the bucks can get below the apron this year while still getting value for an asset


They know they are in a bad spot and are panicking


Eh, not in a bad spot. Just not a great one. I'd say we still have like a 5% chance to win a 'chip this year. That's higher than 24 other teams in the league? Worst case right now is to roll the dice that often injured guys just catch lightning in a bottle and stay healthy and we got a shot. It's the same place y'all are at. Really no reason to panic, even if we just stay put. Just as a reminder, our starting 5 had the best plus minus in the league last year, and last time both Middleton and Giannis were healthy we won a chip. Middleton is far from washed, his numbers were career highs for playoffs last year and Giannis is Giannis. Dame I expect to bounce back as he's even come out and said he was going through it personally a bit last year and was distracted from giving his all on the court. We're in with a shot. Edit: Vegas pretty much agrees with what I said, ~8.5% chance (calculated with the vig), and [only slightly less than the other 6 non-Celtics contenders.](https://sports.betmgm.com/en/blog/nba/finals-odds-championship-nba-betting-bm05/)


>I'd say we still have like a 5% chance to win a 'chip this year. That's higher than 24 other teams in the league? This was an absolutely amazing eyeball of the probabilities, bravo. Given that Vegas odds are 8.5% and have Bucks above 22 other teams.


the source is a clown


Doc Rivers doing wonders lmfao in less than a year


Is this like the LeGM thing where any bad FO moves get pinned to a non-FO guy on the team people don’t like


Woelfel's (i.e. Woeful) not a legit source fyi


Gerry Woelfel is not a reliable reporter, does not have sources within the Bucks, and should not be listened to by anyone ever. He had one in with the team years ago, it was Jabari Parker, and he has just managed a blog where he gets mad about Giannis ever since Jabari left. There is a reason why, if you search his name, obituaries show up before any of his writing and despite carrying himself as someone who reports/writes on the Bucks he has never showed up to any media for fuck knows how long. Edit: This is the front page of his website as I opened it; https://imgur.com/a/ZHb1zLQ


Didn't the bucks media team ban him too?


I think that's what happened, but I'm not 100% on it - I just know he's not been there for a long time.


I love when fans of the team absolutely roast these random twitter posts lol


what a beautiful website


its like what i thought a website would look like in 2063, amazing




He was so unimpressive the last time they brought him in that they didn’t think he was even worth putting on their G-League team.


His website look like it was made by someone who just learn html/css for the first time and watch some 2 hours bootcamp video


The sidebar 'Posts from @GeryWoelfel' first showing a tweet about Jabari Parker from 2018 is my personal favourite touch of the website jank, even though it's hard to beat giant stretched out jpeg of Jabari Parker's face.


The ultimate stretch 4!


That is so good, you should be legitimately proud of that lmao


He’s also a sex offender.


He’s not worth a 1st at that contract, but also not worth it for the Bucks to trade him for nothing either. They don’t even have a Center outside of him.


I mean, if you're a contending team in need of his skillset, it is probably worth it considering your pick is closer to a second than a top 10 anyways. In the NBA, unlike other sports, a back half first round pick vs a first half is wildly different in many cases.


We give you one slightly used Brooke Lopez, you give us one brand new player in return


For a win now team it’s more like We give you a potential key piece to win a championship, you give us likely late 1st rounder who can be anybody in terms of level of skill For a team that has prime/aging stars and expiring contracts soon - taking risks and benefits account it might be worth it to swing on a player who could increase your championship odds 5-20% (my personal rough estimate of Lopez). From that perspective, a possible ring for a late 1st rounder is worth it.


The thing is, Brook is hardly a "key" piece now, he really regressed since their chip in 2021. It's why teams are apprehensive on trading for him.


22-23 was his best season in years, he admittedly was meh this season, but you can attribute a decent amount of that to him not gelling with AJ griffon’s system and then switching coaches mid season. It’s well known he was not a big fan, esp on defense. Coaching scheme plays a huge role in optimizing players like him. Take Marc or Pau or Horford for example - they all had late career rallies when they were put on the right team with the right coach.


We will see, I just don't see him being that impactful as before now. He seems slower than he used to be and it hurts that he really isn't a good rebounder despite his size.


Ya no thanks. He’s useful for this season at least, but I didn’t realize he’s that old. Would not trade a first. Unless the bucks wanna do a salary dump I doubt anyone trades much of value 


My man BroLo is so old he was Drafted by the New Jersey Nets. Brookie was on the Team so long the Nets moved from East Rutherford to Newark before the move to Brooklyn. Sucks that he didn’t make it 10yrs straight but my man Splash Mountain is the Nets All Time Leading Scorer. A record that was held for like 30-40yrs before he broke it weeks before being Traded to the Lakers for D’Lo.


I’ve watched brook play at izod center here in NJ. Dude is an OG New Jersey net


He might be worth a late first rounder for a team that has the cap space and needs a serviceable center who's at least decent at shooting.


Worth less than a 1st round pick to everyone but the Bucks cause the Bucks need him lol


I refuse to believe that we’d be asking for a draft pick. That would do nothing to help us and would leave us with only Giannis and Bobby as the only bigs on the roster


You can package that pick with some stuff for a young big


Brook is on an expiring contract and he can’t defend like he used to but can still shoot 3s well. A shooting big still has some value around the league and a contender might trade for him. But I agree that a pick isn’t necessary for the bucks. They should look to get a player in return


Give us a young athletic players and you take out old farts thank you


The Knicks could use Brook at this price imo


Ziaire Williams for BroLo straight up would be a wonderful deal for the Grizzlies.


IDK why the Bucks want to get off of him. He's still a great rim protector and he spaces the floor for Giannis. If Giannis played next to a center who can't shoot 3s, his life would get so much harder on offense dealing with a packed paint. Unless they want to move Giannis to center I guess, but then they'd need to trade for a starting forward.


There’s no way giannis is gonna wanna play center for his full time position


He looked so slow defensively against the Pacers


Which wouldn’t be as much of a problem if Giannis was playing that series, sounds like bucks overreacting to age concerns without thinking ab the possible ramifications. He’s slow and old yes, but he def holds value to contenders and letting walk essentially for free is effectively closing their window imo


Keep Brook at this point. He 36 but you aren’t finding a rookie in future drafts that giving his level of production any time soon. Let him be the old vet like Horford going forward.


I sometimes wonder if players are floated to give them an ego check by their front office. “You aren’t as hot shit as you think.”


Brook isn't looked at this way by the Bucks. But teams do this all the time, in all leagues. 


I could see it but Brook is not the guy anyone would do it on. He’s been happy to do everything the team has asked of him in his time here.


I wonder if something with a general framework of Barnes, Huerter, or a combo of the two going to Milwaukee/New Orleans, Lopez going to New Orleans, Ingram going to Sacramento, and a Sacramento frp going to each of Milwaukee and New Orleans would work.


Send us another pick and I'll think about it.


Both Sacramento picks could go your way and a protected New Orleans pick could go to Milwaukee. Given the market and the apparent desire to move Ingram and Lopez, I feel like that could be fair to everyone.


Might do lottery protected. I'm not a fan of giving up a first for Lopez at 36, and I have a feeling he'll fall off by the trade deadline.


The biggest hurdle for the Bucks in any kind of deal like this that I see is that even if they found a team to agree to this deal, they don't have an alternative at center. Giannis is not going to be a full time 5. Bobby cannot fill that role either. And that's all of the bigs on the roster at the moment.


Gery Woeful is NOT a reliable source of Bucks information.


If you clear that space who do you even go after at this point ?


Brook and Pat for Wiggins and Looney


splash mountain with the splash bro and splash bud. collect all the splashes


Like the looney part of it for the bucks. But Wiggins is just too inconsistent, plus he would be redundant with Middleton in the starting lineup, Wiggins would most likely have to come off the bench


Looney isn't what he used to be


Gary has half the bucks fanbase on Twitter blocked. He even has the team blocked on Twitter. The worst "insider" in the NBA. This report doesn't even make sense. They'd definitely want players back after having no center post brook.


I would never spend time believing anything this man has to say guys


You'll attach a few seconds and get back Bruce Brown and you'll like it.


Gery Woelfel has as many sources as he has bitches…none.


Kangz- do your thing and get brolo!! He’s a perfect fit for Sabonis who can’t shoot from the perimeter.


After the Bucks traded away Jrue Holiday only for him to end up with the Celtics, I think they owe us one. We will take Lopez for Gabe Vincent, JHS, Cam Reddish, Hayes. We can throw in 2 second rounders but that's pushing it. I know Darvin wants his sweet Reddish back.


If the Bucks can find a good deal for Brook Lopez that benefits the team's future without sacrificing too much, it might be worth considering. His experience and defensive presence have been valuable, but at his age and salary, it's understandable why the asking price could be a sticking point for potential trades.


Bucks are old as hell


Not worth it for first round. Maybe for a team that’s a championship contender that needs to win NOW and they’re vulnerable at center or lack of depth.


I'll sell my dick for few million dollars and another dick of my choosing in the future.




Even if he was a free agent with no compensation, is there any team out there offering a 1/23? Highly doubtful.


This doesn't make a whole lot of sense for us. Why would we want a first round pick when we realistically have a 1-2 year window here?


Lumbering and slow. Will only get more lumbering and slow. 


Fuk outta here.


Let me tell you what will happen if he’s traded. It’ll be the worst first round pick ever or it’ll be like a clippers 2030 second round pick. This is pure lakers leverage since we’ve been linked to wanting him on our roster again, and everyone knows we have a big hole in our roster construction


If pelinka gives up a first for brook Lopez, he will literally be fired on the spot


I mean he gave up KCP, Kuzma and 1st for Westbrook wonder why he wasn't fired for that trade


because ownership sucks?


Cuz LeGM pushed it to happen


Did the Bucks forget Brook Lopez is 36


Shooting bigs are still valuable in the league regardless of age (I.e. Al horford). But I agree that he isn’t worth a first round pick.


Giving up a 1st for a guy that is more than likely about to fall off a cliff athletically would be something


Max they get back for him is a second round pick, or a bench player. I don’t see a team giving up a young player or early pick for brook


I have to say, all the comments about Lopez not being worth a first rounder are absolutely baffling to me. And he’s not worth 23 million? He’s a top 10 player at his position, and plays a style that maybe 3 other players can. Myles Turner and Porzingis aren’t available. This requires the right marriage of player and team, but if the Pelicans aren’t trying to trade for him and draft a 3 point shooting center behind him they’re dumb as shit


Just because we haven't traded for him doesn't mean we haven't tried. This isn't 2k.




Boxing out for others / going for blocks will hurt your numbers Source: Myles Turner


Yup and although I'm not sure about Myles on this, Brook has also always deferred to tapping the ball out whenever someone's open instead of grabbing the board - seems like a decent % of r/nba has never watched him play much but I guess that's to be expected lmao


Who do they have to replace him? He was always the toughest spot on their team to matchup and play against in the playoffs.


He still has first round pick level impact as a player if you look at the numbers. But picks with this new CBA are a team's way of adding cheap(er) talent without having to find it outside the organization. They have a lot of value. Bucks wanting off Brook seems like a grass not always being greener on the other side deal.


If I’m the bucks, I run it back one more time with this squad. It’s pretty much the same as the championship roster (replaced jrue for dame). A healthy giannis and dame pairing for a full season before they blow it up


Uh, in English... How you say... Well durrrr


It seems like the Bucks have had issues with the Brook Lopez succession plan for years and haven't found anything viable. I wonder if we're gonna see Giannis full time at the 5.


What changed from two seasons ago? I remember Bucks fans raving about him and he was a DPOY candidate if I recall correctly. Did he lose a ton of mobility? Is his rim protection falling off?


He’s 36 and on the verge of retirement. He’s still solid but his play is bound to fall off soon and they’re gonna lose him for nothing if he walks in free agency because they won’t be willing to pay him what he’s worth at that age. They have to try to flip him for something.


he’s only playable against the sixers ,Denver and Minnesota if you are looking at the good teams.


If I remember correctly, I keep seeing brook more and more along the perimeter on offense. He doesn’t defend bigs like he used to. His value is in his 3 pt shooting which isn’t terrible for a big man. Bucks might be looking for a more rim protecting big to put next to giannis so he can roam around more freely on both sides


Splash mountain is respectfully not worth a first rounder




Get Wiggins, cam J, or Jerami Grant for Lopez. Trade Bobby for olynek as a stretch big replacement, but can bench and play Giannis at the 5 when it’s winning time


Stretch 5 tho send him to detroit


vuc swap incoming


What about Wiggins for Lopez, straight up?


are the bucks just completely gutting the team that won them a title? expecting to see giannis traded next


Look at the Bucks' defensive numbers with Portis at C. That is not an answer unless they really are just looking to outscore everyone. And people were concerned about their defense before.... I understand the argument though....wanting to spread the court, wanting to play more aggressive schemes, Brook being old and exploitable on the perimeter. I do understand it. But that's also not entirely his fault. Pelicans don't have the contracts to trade for Brook and I don't think the Grizzlies are super keen on moving Clarke. Clarke isn't good at C anyway. It is really difficult to find fits that work. Rockets have Adams coming back. Spurs are a team though that can make sense although Wemby at 5 was far better than Wemby at 4, but I also think they're in a position of looking to put Wemby in a lot of different roles/scenarios and looking to upgrade however they can for respectability this season. That can be a fit. Lakers also are a fit.


Come home you glorious goofy bastard ❤️


The Pelicans should do this


Woelfel has not been an accurate source of bucks news for a decade


Lmaooo ain’t nobody offering an FRP to take on Brook. Maybe a early 2nd


A year ago this time, they might have gotten a late first fro ma contender for him. He was coming off a borderline DPOY season. This last year was not that. They really shouldn't be expecting much of anything back at all.


Why can't Portis play the 5?


That pick for Brook is part of a bigger trade to get a legit upgrade with other players involved. That first round pick could be added with PATC for like Grant Williams. Besides the salary of whatever we get back from Lopez and pick rerouted.


If you're a team that needs championship DNA then for me he makes the most sense there. Houston/Kings/Memphis feel like those type of teams.


Your front office must really love them some Lopez if they trade any first round picks for him with that contract.


All it takes is a first to get Brook Lopez? Kings should be all over this.


Almost every team in contention should be all over this lol


Brook worth more than SRPs lmfao


Can the Lakers trade DLo for him again?


I wish the Celtics found a way to pull this off just for the memes. Two firsts honestly


If Mikal Bridges is worth 5 first round draft picks, Lopez must be worth at least 2, right?