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Here’s the full PDF of the inventory from Court Listener, if anyone’s interested. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763.39.1_1.pdf


I'm shocked at the number of books that were mixed in.


Probably all signed copies of "The Art of the Deal," that he was handing out to everyone in the White House like they were Halloween candy.


Ha ha ha ha like that man ever gave anything away for free, including Halloween candy.


I'm willing to bet he would give them out...then figure out a way to charge them to the WH as some sort of expense. Boost sales numbers and get money! Sign my Orange ass up!


It is COMPLETELY not kosher to mix documents of different (or no) levels of security together.


Gee it's tough to imagine Trump doing something non-kosher.


63 empty folders that have a classified banner that is not at all concerning


Don't worry MBS is taking good care of those documents now.


It’s fucking wild that in twenty years Republicans have gone from rounding up every Muslim(or Sikh) that ever looked at them funny to plausibly selling nuclear secrets to the country most responsible for 9/11.


Is it really that wild when they've been shielding the Saudis since 9/11 happened? Edit: To all these folks saying "Waddabout da Dems?", I never said "Republicans". I merely responded to somebody who did. Yeah. The US government is absolutely in bed with the Saudis. That's one of the only bipartisan things in Washington.


Jared kushner got 2 billion dollars from the Saudis even though their own bankers and lawyers told them he wasn't qualified to head up this project. What could be worth 2 billion dollars.


Yes Kushner, whom trump had to personally override as president to give security clearance because he did not qualify due to risks. Kushner who was given one of the most prominent roles in the white house out of nothing more than nepotism. Kushner who was then given 2 billion by the Saudi's the moment trump lost and he became a private citizen again. And the Saudi's which have been openly trying to acquire nuclear technology [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/05/us/politics/us-examines-saudi-nuclear-program.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/05/us/politics/us-examines-saudi-nuclear-program.html). This is treason not seen since Benedict Arnold and maybe even worse given the damage nuclear secrets can do. This is not just US but entire world security that has been put in danger by the treasonous fucks.


Keep in mind, & I wouldn't blame you if you'd not heard this before since both the CIA & the news media seem to be keeping a tight lid on it, but the Intel community HAS LOST "many" intelligence "assets" (as in human beings, agents, informers, sources) in the last 5 years. Publicly CIA is blaming "technology" but on background they're basically acknowledging that the ex-president basically sold out his own country to foreign adversaries for money.


Imagine the president of the country you work for selling you out as a spy so they can a few million extra. Like what the actual fuck.


Now imagine that same president having a shot at being reelected.


Pissing off a community of people who are…discreet…when they want something done but don’t want the blame is fucking stupid.


Trump also compromised sources of foreign allies who gave intel to the US which he then passed on to Russia. I have to imagine other countries are wary of sharing anything with America these days. [article for anyone interested ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html)


Better wording is the cia had to put an alert notice out to all stations due to an unusually high number of agents being captured or **killed** with no explainable cause, (on their end).


I don’t understand why they don’t hammer the Kushner stuff home more. Say what you will about Hunter, but Joe didn’t give him a job in the White House.


Yeah, but Hunter's laptop is senior advisor to the copier so checkmate liberty valance.


Let's not forget that their investment fund people said that his company was a joke and we're worried about the PR hit he might bring. You know, after sawing a journalist up.


Makes one think about just how bad of an investment it must be if your PR team is more concerned about giving money to someone over hacking a journalist into pieces.


When Trump enacted his “Muslim ban” it didn’t include Saudi Arabia even though they were involved in 9/11 because he was too busy selling them “stuff”.


As a Sikh, I appreciate you mentioning us. Thank you!!


Not that my heart wasn't already dissolving but it absolutely hurt me when I heard about Sikh people being targeted afterwards, in the thought that they were Muslims. The tenets of your people are so admirable. Seeing them being practiced is the closest to a belief I may have ever felt.


Every Sikh I’ve known has been really awesome.


That’s what jumped out to me as well. Nobody would take empty folders


And nobody halfway intelligent would be leaving MaL with classified documents in a folder marked Classified. If it were me, I'd want them stashed in something innocuous that most people wouldn't question, like... I dunno, maybe a framed copy of a magazine cover signed by the former president given as a gift? Just spit balling here




Or 16 trademarks.


Or a grave on a golf course.


His Ex marks the spot


I’m on here for this




Interesting link. Looks like he had a bunch of boxes of magazines and press clippings / personal items and tried to stuff them full of government documents as he was heading out the door..


Worse than that I think. He visited the resort all the time when he was still in office; I would not be surprised if these were mixed in with his personal shit since all the way back then.


Like a kid hiding nudie pictures in his history textbooks. Jesus Christ, TFG.


I recently read a retrospective article by a reporter who was on the campaign trail with Trump, about the piles of documents around him on his private 757. He complained performatively about "they want me to read so much !", then occasionally would pull out a piece of sports memorabilia or a story about himself from the pile. One striking thing is that she was on the plane enough that she saw him do the exact same thing to multiple reporters: pile of papers, complain about how hard he works, whoops what's this a letter from my good friend Tiger Woods ? There is a nonzero chance that he really did just keep piles of stuff in his office and was so unserious and careless that he mixed classified materials into them. I've been disorganized. I've mixed my tax forms with my passport with my phone bill with my printouts of the sales projections on the Glengarry account. But I didn't do it for a year and a half with the Department of Justice knocking on my door.


Some of the documents were removed from a SCIF though, that's a bit more than bringing home work


You can't count on Donald Trump for much of anything. However, one thing you can count on about Trump is that if initial reporting indicates that he has done something truly terrible, subsequent reporting will show that what he actually did was much, much, much worse.


The number of empty folders with classified markings is disturbing. And those were the ones he didn't dispose of...


The conservative sub is stuck on the empty folders, saying it's proof this is a witch hunt and there was nothing there. They're **completely** ignoring the actual documents that are classified, as well as the fact that the folders are empty, which seems very unlikely that they were empty to begin with. They're literally saying it's a nothingburger again. These people need mental help. There's no way they aren't special needs at this point.


Now I know that if a MAGA conservative checked their pantry and all the candy bars were missing, they'd go to their kids room, see all the empty candy bar wrappers all over the floor and think, "Damn, I can't yell at my kid because there's no evidence that they took the candy bars.".


I wish this kind of cult-level brainwashing was in the DSM.


Thanks for posting this. The empty folders are pretty chilling. The comic relief is that every box seems to contain one single MAGA hat.


It’s part of the deal for foreign agents. Every box of classified docs you purchase, you get a free maga hat


You just know he is trashy enough to do something like that. I will never get the picture of Trump serving McDonald's off of Mary Lincoln's silverware out of my head.


I'm cynical enough that my first thought wasn't trashy but on the "legal" advice from someone he thought that might prevent those boxes from being searched/confiscated. Like some idiot was like, "If you put any personal items in the box it automagically declassifies the rest of the contents and makes it personal property."


48 Empty Folders with "CLASSIFIED" Banners 42 Empty Folders Labeled "Return to Staff Secretary/Miliary Aide" 18 US Government Document with TOP SECRET Classification Markings 54 US Government Document with SECRET Classification Markings 31 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL




That's been my favorite in all of this. Like, did he just waive his hands "this is not longer classified"? Or is there would there typically be an actual paper trial of declassifying something?


"it's impossible for me to steal from you because it became mine the instant I touched it" Makes complete sense to people without object permanence


His emotional maturity may be stuck at teenager, but his mental maturity is 5 months.


"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." - Donald J. Trump to reporter Michael D'Antonio, *Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success*


It's getting irritating that I keep making jokes about him and find out later that he already said almost the exact same thing...only he was serious.


Trump has incredible self-awareness, but the interesting part is he's not aware of that.


ONE Swedish-made Penis Enlarger pump


“It’s not mine!”


This sort of thing IS my bag, baby


One book, “Top Secret Documents and Me: This Sort Of Thing Is My Bag Baby”, by Donald Trump.


One thing that keeps getting lost in the mix of all this is that what you listed is the REALLY BAD part, but the rest of it, except for his fake Time covers and what not, is still not his. He was keeping a lot of government property which, in and of itself, would get the rest of us into trouble.




For a few of those we'd be in a black site and never heard from again.


" No one under investigation by the FBI should be allowed to run for President " Donald Trump




He also said that innocent people don't plead the 5th. Which he just did about 450 times in a deposition.


And he said that people under fbi investigation are unfit for office...


And he said he just grabs pussy.


And then he mocked a news reporter with a disability.


And the democrats had to remove Al Franken. It's so fucking crazy what the MAGAs allow trump to get away with while clutching those pearls.


All while screeching about family values and the rule of law. Insane.


I would love to see a video compilation of him pleading the 5th with a banner of his quote.


Copying from /u/leschaps Last October the CIA reported: Leading counterintelligence officials issued a memo to all of the CIA’s global stations saying that a concerning number of U.S. informants were being captured and executed. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/


Though this is not an isolated incident; similar things occurred in earlier years too, eg https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/08/15/botched-cia-communications-system-helped-blow-cover-chinese-agents-intelligence/




And Trump also increased the years of sentencing for people convicted of these kinds of crimes he that is clearly guilty of. I'm not even going to add "allegedly" screw him.




Do we live in a reality where he's imprisoned and charged with crimes to the point he'll never see the light of day? Because I want to live in that universe please.


Copying from /u/leschaps Last October the CIA reported: Leading counterintelligence officials issued a memo to all of the CIA’s global stations saying that a concerning number of U.S. informants were being captured and executed. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/


33 separate "items"; a bunch with magazines, books and clothes. Empty folders everywhere. Tens of thousands of unmarked documents and at least 100 that have some sort of marking. Yeah, everything is fine.


* [One Swedish-made penis enlarger.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh6kbQnOAg4) * One credit card receipt for Swedish-made penis enlarger signed by Donald Trump. * One warranty card for Swedish-made penis enlarger pump, filled out by Donald Trump. * One book, "Swedish-made Penis Enlargers And Me: This Sort of Thing Is My Bag Baby", by Donald Trump.


I'm telling you, it's not mine!


It's not what you think, he was going to use that on his hands.


This motherfucker absolutely would not qualify for a security clearance if he had to apply for it like everyone else.


He wouldn't qualify for a Kroger's card.


He couldn't get a rewards card at Dave & Buster's.


Jared Kushner couldn’t because he was repeatedly omitting info (lying) on the required forms. Trump pushed him thru anyway because why not? Now billions USD of Saudi money for 666 5th Avenue, for Kushner’s company, Saudi LIV tournaments held at Trump golf resorts, favors from the Israelis to build illegal settlements in Palestine. All it cost was what was in those documents.


>Jared Kushner couldn’t because he was repeatedly omitting info (lying) on the required forms. Dont forget he had foreign debts, which are a huge no-no for security clearance to prevent the possibility of extortion. Granting this guy such high level security clearance was absolute madness. Shit like this is the kind of thing that gets lost in all the hundreds of other major scandals, but should have been a major scandal itself in any normal situation.


How was this ever allowed? What is the point of security clearance if it clearly doesn't even matter and you can be "pushed through" anyway?!?!?!


Because the President is allowed to overrule the decision to not grant clearance because it’s assumed that we wouldn’t elect a President that would sell our secrets to our enemies.


>How was this ever allowed? Owning the libs was more important.


I believe Jared didn't get the security clearance multiple times. After Trump did an override to give it to him, they continued to find information that was not included in the application. I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI/CIA are investigating Jared as well...


e-QIP would straight up break if that fucker even tried to fill out an SF-86 haha


Reality Winner: Winner was arrested on June 3, 2017. When her house was searched and she was initially questioned. She took ONE document that showed Russians were interfering in the 2016 election and leaked it to the press. She was sent to prison for 5 years. *Edit. As u/FUMFVR points out: She gave one document to a journalistic organization. That document was of major public interest, proved the administration was lying and also that US elections systems were vulnerable to attack. She was immediately arrested, denied bail, eventually plead guilty as the government stacked charges, was given a 63 month sentence, rejected a request for home confinement due to the pandemic, got COVID, had lingering effects, and was finally transferred to a halfway house after 4 years in the pen. This country does not hold rich and powerful people accountable at all.


Just one of many examples. The laws and enforcement of those laws are different depending on your tax bracket or political connections.


Political connections and tax brackets seem very intertwined


The lady with one of the world's most ironic names.


And makes for a very confusing headline. Which reality winner? Ohhhh. That's her name..


Holy shit, that's her name!? I'm not American but I've seen this name pop up on Trump-related posts and I thought it was a nickname for someone who won the Apprentice then got arrested. At one point I thought it was that Omarosa lady and Googled her but she's not imprisoned. So I figured it must be some other Apprentince winner. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why there was so much superstition around she-who-must-not-be-named that everyone only ever referred to her as Reality Winner. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it was a person's name. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this comment. It's genuinely been low-key bugging me for weeks.


Reality unfortunately and foolishly trusted *The Intercept* to share her docs with, thinking they were real journalists. They didn’t even attempt to protect her identity and sloppily posted docs with identifying info that led investigators right to her. *The Intercept* deserves a lot more scrutiny. They are not a legit publication and too many people think they are.


Holy shit!!!!There were 43 folders that were marked as privileged, and the folders were empty. That's right, everything from those folders was gone! What happened to all of that material, all those documents?


“But her emails!” The hypocrisy is unbelievable.


I mean, the insanity is really hard to put into scale here: *During an interview with the Wendy Bell radio show, Trump spoke about the recent raid at his Florida residence and said, "I think they were looking for Hillary Clinton's emails."* *Trump continued, "I think they thought, and who knows, boxes full of stuff...I think they thought...there was something to do with the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. They were afraid that things were in there, part of their scam material because that's what they are, they're scammers."* [https://www.newsweek.com/trump-claims-fbi-raid-mar-lago-looking-clinton-emails-1739160](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-claims-fbi-raid-mar-lago-looking-clinton-emails-1739160) This was from two days ago. Trump himself is trying to push the 'but her emails' angle in the most absurd way possible.


If you read between the lines, he's telling us he stole documents related to his many Russia-related scandals


Why in the world would anyone think Hillary’s emails were at Donald’s House? It gets more and more incoherent by the day, man.


My brain refused to even comprehend this for a full 10 seconds easily. These people have absolutely gone completely off the deep end, have been swallowed by Cthulhu, and will never be seen again. Except they’re really, really loud so we can still hear them




US Gov "Ugh fine, heres some secret shit. Give it back when done like it says on the folder" Trump "How about...no 😈" *2 years later* US Gov "We're here to take our shit back like it says on the folder." Trump "Why are people so mean? 🥺"


So, it sounds silly, but that is probably about how it went down. There is a weakness in our system that Trump exploited, and we need to fix it. When it comes to the president's access to secret information there are rules, not laws. If you tell the president he can't leave a secure facility with a document, he can tell you no. Trump took a picture with a cell phone inside such a facility, one that you or I would not be allowed inside until we surrendered our phones and were patted down at least. If the president wants to take his phone into a sciff, no one technically has the authority to tell him he can't. He is no longer the president, and the rules that once applied to him no longer do. He never applied for security clearance after leaving office so Trump doesn't have any legal basis for even being allowed to read the stuff he had, much less keep it.


It is frankly shocking how much of our system relies on good faith. When it comes to at least some of these things, we have to get over the idea that the President has absolute power over anything. Running the executive branch shouldn't mean there are zero accountability measures. A president should not be able to go outside the security protocols without demonstrating a truly extraordinary circumstance.


It’s shocking how little his bad faith troubles Republicans.


There is an accountability measure of impeachment, but it's useless if the president is also the de facto leader of a political party holding either house of Congress. Congressional investigations have no teeth either when helf the country will disbelieve the results no matter what. You're right that restoring good faith and decency (if possible) is the only short term fix - all of business, relationships, society etc rely on good faith. In the long term, we probably need a new Constitution (or serious amendments) for our government to survive a tyrant that's savvier than Trump.


We (the people) have been sold a government that is fully secured by a system of checks and balances to make sure that no group of people have unchecked powers. Trump exposed to us all that all of those checks and balances are actually gentleman's agreements and all that it takes is a person with flexible (or none in Trump's case) morals to simply not abide by those agreements.


I feel like a lot of US government (this includes pretty much any electable office) runs on the *presumption* that elected officials would always act in the best interests of the country at large. We may disagree on domestic and foreign handlings, but always within the constraints of America's best interest. At the very least, I don't think any of the founding fathers imagined that the highest elected office in the country would ever sell sensitive domestic intelligence to a foreign power... much less a foreign *enemy*. The idea is utterly laughable. If America ever got to that point, it would already be past the point of redemption. Why create laws for such an utterly outrageous scenario? Surely, someone would come along and prevent something like the from happening beforehand, right? Certainly there would be *someone* who would act with integrity before that could happen... right? The problem is, a system that runs on "integrity" isn't sustainable.


Wife and I call this the "It's simply not done" rule. Works ok until you have someone who literally doesn't GAF I guess but it seems like a really bad system. Like any normal person would have had the good grace to resign after the "grab 'em by the pussy" thing. Not Trump.


There are mechanisms for removing such a President. Half of our elected representatives let his behavior go unchecked. They were fine with it.


I was discussing this with my wife the other day... when Trump is like "Hey, I want a list of every spy we have out in undercover positions" it's crazy that the CIA can't just be like "Look, there's literally no reason you'd need that, there's nothing good you can do with it, so no". At the very least it should go to a judge to determine a requests merits.


It's an overall indictment of a failed system. It relies on the electorate having the country's best interest in mind. The candidate who wins the presidency is presumed to be the best person for the job who is chosen over an equally qualified opponent. It doesn't account for 40% of the country choosing bluster, fascism and ethnocentrism over a functioning democracy and squeezing in an unqualified meat puppet to weaponize the presidency.


There’s about 100 other weaknesses in our system that trump exploited that need to be codified into laws.


It's the "TOP SECRET-CI" ones that'll get him. Those don't get declassified until 50 years later when everyone involved is dead and the country doesn't exist anymore. TOP SECRET CI means it's records of conversations of foreign adversaries. Conversations of Xi Xinping or Putin. If they're leaked, then these people find the bug/mole and get rid of it and you never hear from them again. There is no reasonable explanation anyone can come up with for "TOP SECRET CI" to be in that photo on Mar A Lago's floor. Worse yet, Trump admitted they were his on a Truth Social post replying to the photograph, claiming he had "declassified" them. There's no way out of that one. He tried to steal American spy secrets.


Last October the CIA reported: *Leading counterintelligence officials issued a memo to all of the CIA’s global stations saying that a concerning number of U.S. informants were being captured and executed.* https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/






Speaking of which.... have you heard of the interesting sudden up-tick of CIA informants "going missing" starting last year; like a quantity that says something is leaking identities.


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html link for those unaware






He stole them and either sold them to our adversaries or gave them to them for free.


> He stole them and either sold them to our adversaries or gave them to them for free. I doubt free is one of the likely reasons, more like repaying a debt. Hence the whole reason why so many people were screaming about Trump's ability to be compromised before he even set foot in the office.


>11,000 non-classified government documents. 11,000 FUCKING THOUSAND NON-CLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS that were the property of the U.S. government and probably presidential letters and documents for a jackass who wouldn't read anything that his aides wanted him to, clearly breaking the presidential records act.


There's a bunch of empty classified cover sleeves. This is nuts. And it also shows the DOJ still has a lot of work to do. Are those documents just gone, or were they haphazardly separated and strewn about randomly?




But, like, is it even a crime to have some folders if the documents aren't even there? What's so bad about having some folders? /s


I am not at all a fan of the /s usually, but in the case it was absolutely required. You know there's a whole bunch of people who would seriously write that and mean it.


I'm pretty sure that's going to be the main defense from the right, who at first insisted that the FBI didn't find anything, then insisted that everything they found was planted, then claimed Trump declassified everything that was found.


Conservative sub is already saying it’s empty folders so doesn’t matter.


If they walked up on a crime scene where Trump murdered someone, they'd ignore the shell casings because they were empty.


‘How could he kill anyone? his gun doesn’t have any bullets in it’ *nearby bodies filled with 18 bullet holes*


Like Trump's attorney in their next filing. The empty ones don't count. Why are they even on the list? They're just trash.


Remember when they [arrested a Chinese woman at Mar-a-Lago](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/chinese-woman-arrested-mar-lago-had-device-detect-hidden-cameras-n992301)? How many others do you think walked through that place and didn't get arrested?


Literally just last week a woman in the circle of people he mingles with at Mar-a-Lago was outed for using a fake identity posing as a Rothschild with a fake Florida driver's license and fake passports registered to a mansion she owns, but does not live in. Documents indicate that she is potentially tied to the Russian mob as part of a human trafficking operation bringing Russian babies into the US.


How many do you think were INVITED IN?


Not just that one in the news https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/27/fake-heiress-infiltrates-mar-a-lago-trump


Time to raid all his properties and seize everything, including electronic devices.


They were probably sold to a hostile government.


It’s really disconcerting the number of folders that were empty. Why were they empty? What were the contents? How is this orange shit stain still walking free?


Literally anyone else would be in custody.


Mate literally anyone else would have a bag over their head at a CIA blacksite


This is definitely how people accidentally fall from hotel windows too.




So he had empty folders that were labeled to indicate that there were supposed to be classified documents in them. If the FBI found such things in my house, had reason to believe that they really did have classified materials in them at one point, and couldn't find the materials that belonged in those folders? I'd be in FBI custody before they finished counting how many folders. And I'd never be seen or heard from again until they found out exactly where the documents had gone to. And then I'd be going straight the fuck to federal prison for a very, very long time with a short stop over at Federal District Court where the judge tells my lawyers and their traitor client to fuck right off. They need to take the kid gloves off and treat Private Citizen Trump like the spy and traitor he is.


You and I would be at Gitmo with our families wondering what happened to us. He's at home, bullshit-tweeting.


Nah, any of your friends and family that had been over to your house, and might have seen them would be in gitmo with you.


Yeah. I figure if I got caught with that shit I would just be praying I stayed in the Federal judicial system and not shipped off to a CIA black site for "debriefing"


Well you may have read some of the most secret shit the government has records of... Black site it is. Then... well, probably a quick death without the chance to relay what you've learnt.


It’s really looking like this dude sold secrets to our enemies and we still got people cheering and saying but Hillary’s emails! Absolutely wild timeline.


Copying from /u/leschaps Last October the CIA reported: Leading counterintelligence officials issued a memo to all of the CIA’s global stations saying that a concerning number of U.S. informants were being captured and executed. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/


This is exactly what lead to my comment! Thank you for citing this, it’s absolutely wild and although nothing has been proven yet… it looks really bad.


Fuck, I saw someone had spray painted “Trump 2024” on a building today, like one of those buildings in a strip mall with small restaurants on a Main Street. I’m tired of these assholes.


FUCK REDDIT. We create the content they use for free, so I am taking my content back


https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/22274264/read-full-list-of-documents-seized-from-mar-a-lago.pdf Item #1 — Documents from Office 1 US Government Document with SECRET Classification Markings 2 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings   Item #2 — Box/Container from Office 99 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2017- 10/2018 2 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings 15 US Government Documents with SECRET Classification Markings 7 US Government Documents with TOP SECRET Classification Markings 69 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings 43 Empty Folders with “CLASSIFIED” Banners 28 Empty Folders Labeled “Return to Staff Secretary/Miliary Aide”   Item #3 — Documents from Office 2 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #4 — Documents from Office   26 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2020- 11/2020 l US Government Document with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings 1 US Government Documents with SECRET Classification Markings 357 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #5 — Documents from Office 396 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #6 — Documents from Office 640 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #7 - Documents from Office 1 US Government Document/Photograph without Classification Markings     Item #8 — Box/Container from Storage Room 68 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Anicles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/2015- 05/2017 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Item 1 Book 2 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #9 — Box/Container from Storage Room 91 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2019- 09/2020 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Item 65 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings …he took a lot, they took a lot. The list goes on.


Didn't they come earlier in the year and collect a shit ton more, then were told that's all there was?


Item #10 — Box/Container from Storage Room 30 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/2008- 12/2019 11 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings 21 US Government Documents with SECRET Classification Markings   3 Articles of Clothing/Gift Items 1 Book 255 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #11 — Box/Container from Storage Room 116 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 06/2019- 08/2020 8 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings l US Government Document with SECRET Classification Markings 2 US Government Document with TOP SECRET Classification Markings 104 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #12 — Box/Container from Storage Room 39 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2017- 03/2020 71 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #13 — Box/Container from Storage Room 62 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 09/2018 -08/2019 2 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings 1 US Government Document with TOP SECRET Classification Markings I Article of Clothing/Gift Items 708 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #14 — Box/Container from Storage Room 87 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2018-11/2019 2 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings 438 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #15 — Box/Container from Storage Room 65 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/2016-11/2018   1 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings 4 US Government Document with SECRET Classification Markings 2 Books 78 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings 2 Empty Folders with “CLASSIFIED” Banners 2 Empty Folders Labeled “Return to Staff Secretary/Miliary Aide”     Item #16 — Box/Container from Storage Room 76 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 11/2017-12/2017 60 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #17 — Box/Container from Storage Room 67 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 7/2016 — 3/2017 5 Articles of Clothing/Gift Items 2 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #18 — Box/Container from Storage Room 4 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2018 — 12/2019 1 US Government Document with SECRET Classification Markings 1 Book 1571 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings 2 Empty Folders Labeled “Return to Staff Secretary/Miliary Aide”     Item #19 — Box/Container from Storage Room 53 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 05/2016 — 01/2020 1 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings S Articles of Clothing/Gift Items 236 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #20 — Box/Container from Storage Room   121 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 08/2017-12/2017 16 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings


Item #21 — Box/Container from Storage Room 2 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated 11/2020 1406 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #22 — Box/Container from Storage Room 109 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 06/2020 — 10/2020 29 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #23 — Box/Container from Storage Room 67 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 11/2016 — 06/2018 1 US Government Document with SECRET Classification Markings 1 Book 70 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings 8 Empty Folders Labeled “Return to Staff Secretary/biliary Aide”     Item #24 — Box/Container from Storage Room 1 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated circa 2018 1603 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #25 — Box/Container from Storage Room 76 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/2016 — 11/2017 1 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings 1 US Government Document with SECRET Classification Markings 20 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings 1 Empty Folder with “CLASSIFIED” Banner     Item #26— Box/Container from Storage Room   8 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 12/2017 — 3/2020 3 US Government Document with TOP SECRET Classification Markings 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items 1 Book 1841 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #27— Box/Container from Storage Room 1 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 07/2016 — 9/2020 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items 23 Books 52 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #28 — Box/Container from Storage Room 2 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 2/2017 — 3/2017 2 US Government Documents with CONFIDENTIAL Classification Markings 8 US Government Document with SECRET Classification Markings 4 US Government Document with TOP SECRET Classification Markings 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items 1 Book 795 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings   Item #29 — Box/Container from Storage Room 86 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/1995 — 05/2019 1 US Government Document with TOP SECRET Classification Markings 35 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings   Item #30 — Box/Container from Storage Room 29 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 05/2020 — 09/2020 82 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings   Item # 31— Box/Container from Storage Room 111 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 06/2015 — 04/2019 41 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item #32 — Box/Container from Storage Room 94 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 02/2008 — 04/2020 1 Book 88 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings     Item. #33 — Box/Container from Storage Room 83 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 02/2017 — 02/2018 1 Book 44 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings 2 Empty Folders with “CLASSIFIED” Banners 2 Empty Folders Labeled “Return to Staff Secretary/Miliary Aide


These documents didn't just somehow fall into these boxes, intermingled with innocuous items. It's like someone disguising a shipment of cocaine as a shipment of teddy bears.


I saw Asha Rangappa post on Twitter something quite chilling. She noted that if Trump actually had declassified these things while in the White House, there would have been steps taken to ensure no damage is done. Like spies would be removed or governments would be notified about some piece of intel that is possibly about to become public. Which then would mean that information is no longer of value, there's no potential for leverage/harm. The fact that he took then and didn't declassify them meant he wanted them to be valuable...wanted them to be useful for leverage/harm. Now some are apparently missing. We're watching potentially the largest intelligence scandal in US history unfold right in front of our eyes.


100% correct. It really is as simple as this.




What's the chance Trump is dumb enough to says that those empty folders were full of documents before FBI search?


Ha I didn’t even think about that, but that’s for sure his next defense.


>What's the chance Trump is dumb enough The answer to that question is "100%" no matter what follows.


Any chance they have a way to tie the folders back to the documents that belonged in them? i.e. is there a case name or id number or anything on the folder, or just the word "classified"?


Apparently, yes. Very much so. Separate inventories are kept of what is in each folder. https://twitter.com/bradmossesq/status/1565722827784847360?s=21&t=nkDwFhfDZYkaSOwKlR_5bA


People still want to re-elect this guy.


And not just some radical group on the fringes of society. *Tens of millions* of people want him to be president again


Tens of millions of people think he still is the president and the election was stolen from him


And Reality Winters is spending 5 years in Federal Prison for taking one report. Kristian Saucier, spent a year in prison and 4 years on supervised release for taking pictures of his work space. ( it was a submarine reactor compartment) This people were dumb and wrong but the caste system we live in is becoming very apparent.


This lady is a completely corrupt Federalist Society hack who cares only about two things - what Trump thinks of her and what FedSoc thinks of her. She gave no push back during the hearing to anything Trump's lawyers said but repeatedly questioned DOJ in laughable ways from wanting to rejudicate Nixon vs GSA which even our ultra-conservative Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed. She even pushes back on DOJ calling the documents classified - something Trump's team never argued. She is clearly watching a lot of Fox News. She also drove an hour to switch her courtroom so the hearing was only a few miles from Mar-a-Lago. Really disappointing but not surprising.


She was appointed by Trump


The republican Reddit is going in to melt down, never seen such a pit of morons spitting bile. You’d think it was a political sub but it’s just slander and anti Biden memes. Good luck sorting this mess out America, the cult of personality seems to have taken over rational thought.


Just thinking about all the outrage after one of Hillary Clinton's aides emailed her a link to a public NY Times article, and that email got retroactively classified.


right? You notice how the MAGA dipshits never actually say what sort of classified stuff was on her server? Because it's all dumb shit like this!


Is he going to jail today? Like hurry the fuck up


My very conservative dad already wasn’t a fan of trump, but since he works for the feds himself this stuff makes his blood boil. He keeps saying “if I did even a TENTH of what he did I’d be in jail!” And he’s right. Which is the frustrating part.


"It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You and I are not in the big club." George Carlin


He has demanded that people get executed for less than this.


This is genuinely terrifying. Trump needs to be in handcuffs by 5 pm. This is intolerable and cannot go another day.


I was wondering if Biden’s speech was a “hold on to your hats kids, the MAGA republicans are about to go ape shit when this indictment comes” warning/preparation/peptalk


Everyone should keep in mind that it’s a felony to steal ANY government documents whether they’re classified or not. Nick Cage doesn’t get off of stealing the constitution just because it’s also declassified. Trump being a criminal doesn’t depend on whether they were classified, so it doesn’t matter if he claims that he declassified them. The fact that they were classified just makes this that much worse. But the crimes listed in the warrant don’t all depend on whether it was classified material or not. I feel like the media has really buried that point.


Criminality laid bare.


So just to clear things up: he illegally removed hundreds of documents, improperly stored them, lied about having them to the DOJ, got raided and caught with all the documents he allegedly didn’t have, and there’s some “odd coincidences” about our agents being compromised in the field. To his base and other GOP politicians, this is a-okay.


It is not as bad as people thought it was... It is way worse.


43 empty “classified” folders. **43**… **EMPTY**… **”Classified” folders**. Why is Trump not in handcuffs right now?


Because he’s a “former president”. But I thought he is currently a private citizen, no?


We wouldnt want to ruffle feelings before an election. /s


Longstanding DOJ policy not to indict Republicans within two years of a federal election.




So he's actually been covering for Hillary this whole time!


You know what’s worse than biting into an apple and finding a worm? Finding half a worm. You know what’s worse than finding a classified folder full of documents?