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That's a recurring gag on Family Feud that always seems weird to me. The premise is you're supposed to guess what other people said. But then Steve Harvey always acts scandalized as if your guesses are your own personal answer to the question. "We polled 100 people asking them 'who's one person you don't want to talk to?', guess their answers." "I'm going to guess 'my mother in law'" \*Gasp* "You hate your mother in law!? You're gonna be in trouble in the next thanksgiving dinner for saying that!" Like, what?


That's the show's underlying premise though. It's like a high school drinking game but without the drinking where people say mildy embarassing/controversial things and everyone gasps, oh my!


[Relevant comic](https://imgur.com/uj0QN7L.jpg)


Thank you, I was just talking shit about Steve Harvey the other day for either being a complete doofus or being good at the acting shocked shtick to let conservative people have fun being pretend offended. I wish the show would go away entirely.


I watched the video - he clarified multiple times he doesn’t agree with the answer, he loves his wife, but he thinks the answer is saying i do. When you consider divorce rates i think it’s a great answer. I don’t think he seemed mad with her at all


yes, it's a dumb show for dumb people


Think it's just old fashioned. My grandma likes it. It's not the worst thing to watch with her. A lot of boomer humour. Like the question from the article "What's the biggest mistake you made at your wedding" is clearly just setting them up for "marriage sucks" banter. Ball and Chain, bridezilla, fighting over the bouquet, all that noise. A lot of edgy stuff, but like fifty years ago edgy. Like "Ooh, he said 'face sitting', can you say that on television?", meanwhile family guy has been playing on basic cable right when kids come home from school for the last twenty years.


steve harvey is also an insufferable piece of shit who believes a womans place is in the kitchen.


Apparently the episode was filmed in 2019 and the article says that the couple had separated several years prior to her death. I wonder if they were already considering divorce at the time of the show. It would somewhat explain his answer, but that's still an incredibly fucked up thing to say on national television.


He was answering the question of the game, not having a casual conversation about his marriage. I'm confused why people can't grasp this...


Thank you for clarifying this, I was more confused than I should have been.


Rather explains why the split occurred. Even without the murder this guy seems like a jerk.


I mean, he said "not his mistake" meaning he didn't mean it for himself, and the answer was worth 20 points so it was a good answer. Now if he killed his wife, he's still a jerk just adding more context.


I am Steve Harvey’s befuddled mustache.


The Family Feud clip on YouTube for the curious https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xCNtBTmp5NI




He misunderstood the game, its a feud with the other family, not your own