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>thousands in merchandise stolen So a single shoe?


A single sock


A single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat.


Really loved their solo careers. “There was nothing in Al Capone’s vault…”


Dammit take my up vote 😂


A single button from a shirt


the zipper from a handbag maybe?


One banana, Michael


In the grand bazaar in Turkey they warned you specifically not to buy Chanel because the local kids fill empty bottles with pee.  Sure enough, before we even go in 10 year olds intercept us wanting us to buy Chanel.  One of them must have had 50+ bottles and wanted us to buy the whole thing for $1k.  Even knock off pee Chanel is ridiculously priced.


Eau de Toilette?


Eww de Toilette


Are you talking about cologne? I’m so confused


The paper bag


LMAOOOOO I’m screaming


Just recently renovated and re-opened too that Chanel.


Might be stupid here, but how does this happen? Any time I have visited Chanel you have to have a sales associate unlock it to try it on and they usually don’t allow too many bags unlocked at once. Are they just ripping them out of the security devices or something? Or waiting for an SA to unlock a few?


Things to either unlock or cut through security racks aren't hard to find.


To be honest- I think we should treat malls like Costco. Costco has the lowest theft rates of any big box. Scan your membership, get a free tote. Every time you shop and scan, earn points to the mall. Don’t exchange your card because we use it to identify thieves.


The difference is Costco is consistently packed across the country. Malls, not so much. If most malls tried that it’d only accelerate their going out of business


Also Costco does bulk groceries which people will consistently buy each week in relatively the same amount at usually the same store. Malls have many stores that usually deal in clothes which I personally go to about 2-3 times a year at most. If to get into a mall id have to pay a yearly membership fee I would simply go somewhere else or follow online sizing charts. once a week at a competitive price is worth it, the occasional trip I can look at maybe doing a new fall outfit or buy my 7th pair of vans, isn't


Honestly- I’m not sure. If I know these stores are being robbed, why would I risk personal injury to shop? And I think the area has enough money to support a beta test with this to be honest.


It’s not fear of robbery that’s killing malls, but the Internet. And honestly, even if a beta were successful here I don’t think it’d translate well to other areas. You’d probably wanna try it somewhere closer to the average retail experience


But if we look at the data even more- those areas that are struggling were going to regardless of a membership. Or even an ID scan. So maybe it’s not the Internet but just people just don’t have money for stuff anymore. And temu. I blame temu for everything.


Temu sucks. Same with Alibaba, Shein, Amazon, and all the other cheapo websites that promote overconsumption and harm the environment.


It's Temu. Temu, Shein, cheap stuff on Amazon.


The future is membership based activities. Keeps criminals out.


It’s probably for the best. The Amazon prime model works.


Well, until it's on your doorstep and then the thieving comes to you!


Oof, yeah that’s a good point.


That doesn’t help when the thieves run through the door and don’t scan a pass.


A major source of loss prevention for Costco is people needing cars to get there. Metro opening near Tysons unfortunately opened up an ugly can of worms there.


Every major crime event in Tyson's had the perps fleeing in cars. Including this one


People don’t rob a store than go wait at the metro on the platform for 10 minutes


It probably also helps that Costco does things in bulk so it’s pretty hard to conceal and steal things from there. Everything is just so latge. I don’t remember the last time I saw someone in Costco who didn’t have a cart.


Just track mobile phones. If someone comes in without a mobile phone, keep them on camera. No id required at all. If a mobile phone is moving quickly pay attention to where it came from and how fast it turns around.


This isn't a new thing. Groups of people are coming together and robbing stores every week. It's a business for some and stores have policies to not get the police or security involved. Its quite the issue that's been happening for some time




No no no... this is a completely new thing. Never happened before and crime is going crazy. I don't care what facts show, I just know its new and a major issue. /s https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/sr_24-04-23_crime_3/


And this is another reason why prices go up, and we, the consumer, pay for it.


It's Chanel. Prices go up there because they can.


Yeah maybe not the best culprit for Chanel prices being high. Let's be real, if prices were low the brand would have no appeal.


At Chanel, the arrow of causation goes the other way. They got robbed because their products are highly priced.


Not really. I work at Sephora pt and was told we couldn’t get security because not enough ppl steal from us. These companies account for this type of thing. Prices go up because company CEOs need bigger boats. In my opinion -


Everytime I’m in the Eastern Market Sephora (standing around while my wife shops) I see young girls (12-16 aged) stealing all kinds of stuff. They are so obviously stealing and have even made eye contact with me a few times while they look around to make sure no employees are looking at them. Legit every time I’m there, which isn’t super often but the theft at businesses has gotten out of hand.


Oh that’s been a thing at Sephora. I worked at the one in Montgomery Mall over 20 years ago and upper middle class teen girls were the primary culprits. Was part of the training overview.


If we’re doing anecdotal evidence, been in that Sephora a number of times for my partner. Didn’t see anyone stealing, and I have ample time sitting in a corner watching everybody. I’d have the opposite narrative than yours, I’ve noticed a lot of consumerism lately. Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen so many people in neiman marcus or nordstroms.


I’ve been in that Sephora. I have watched you watch them while their friends watch you watch someone else while they steal.


I become a transparent eyeball. I am nothing. I see all. I am part and particle of God.


Eye of Kilrogg hanging around in Sephora


There’s nothing quite like being watched by pee juice in a Sephora


In addition to providing anecdotal evidence, we can also read and cite the article: “The National Retail Federation, based in Washington, D.C., has noted an alarming increase in retail theft.”


Interesting. Because looking at per capita numbers, 2021 was $336: https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/retail-theft-cost-dc-residents-336-per-person-in-2021-survey/3470920/ In 2022, $220: https://capitaloneshopping.com/research/shoplifting-statistics/#dc


Which implies either reporting is inconsistent (making a need for more accurate reporting) or that the trend is downwards between 21 and 22.


They way they measure crime is based on local police voluntarily sending the numbers to the FBI, and by surveys sent out to households. The issue is that a lot of shoplifting goes unreported because nothing happens when it is reported, and the surveys only went over personal theft. I am not filled with confidence on the accuracy of the numbers on shoplifting, just as I am not confident about the sexual assault numbers


I’ve seen that at every store near eastern market. CVS, 7/11, etc. Broken system


So accessory to theft?


Dangerous for the employees not to have security


Dangerous for employees to not have health insurance. Doesn't seem to spur owners to give a shit.


I'd award you if I could. 💜


Not really. Just let the people steal, they don’t get paid enough to stop them and are actively trained not to. These petty thieves aren’t gonna harm an employee that isn’t in the way


Haaaaaa! Like corporate needs to spend Monday on security for their “important” employees. lol. It’s sad that a good employee trying to stop someone from shop lifting gets fired in some stores. This country of ours seems to have gone to shit quite quickly. It’s scary actually


That’s weird, the Sephora that used to be in the Jc penny in Dulles town center had its own full time loss prevention guy who was solely responsible for filling half the girls in the lcps shoplifting class.




The loss prevention guy that worked there looks like dog the bounty hunter, had a direct connection to the cops stationed at the mall and sole job was to look at that Sephora. He caught and they pressed charges on so many teens stealing from Sephora that half the girls in the LCPS shoplifting class, that you can take for LCPS to drop charges, were from that single Sephora. This is ALL of Loudoun.


I'm pretty sure theft is already accounted for in the price. Multiple burglaries will for sure increase price. Stop acting like theft doesnt cost corporate profits. But regardless, theft is wrong and should be discouraged with harsher penalties.


I used to work at Lululemon in college and we were specifically told not to interfere with theft or call the police. They definitely accounted for shoplifting in the budget 


Retail theft definitely affects prices, to an extent. To combat the smash&grab/fencing operations, corporations have insanely expensive anti-theft operations. Don't get me wrong, corporate greed and inflation are the main sources of price increases, but theft is also a factor. I think it was 60 minutes that did a short on the anti-theft ops at Target and the tracking systems in place are ridiculous. My sibling works at Target and management always has a skeleton crew out. Even if they had more people on the floor, I doubt this would prevent anyone from stealing. The thieves don't care and employees know it's not worth risking their lives. I think we see a Costco-esque membership model become the norm.


The Apple store in Behtesda got swept clean by a guy who just went down the aisle grabbing phone after phone off the display rack and putting it in his coat and the employees were just laughing at him and as the guy is running out the door you hear them yell "those are demo phones, they don't actually work"


Yeah, but he won't tell that to the suckers that buy them off of him.


That 60 minutes piece is part of a concerted influence campaign to cover for poor post-pandemic financials. Poor financials that were not shared by, for example, Walmart. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/10/retailers-may-be-using-organized-theft-to-cover-up-internal-flaws.html


This is not remotely true when corporate profits are at an all time high. Prices are high because we keep paying them, not because of theft (and especially not because of theft at designer stores).


Not necessarily. In both short and long term, it'll have little to no effect. It's more of a societal issue. Lack of consequences, accountability, and probably some economic disparities as well


While technically true shrinkage is a drop in the bucket. It's like saying leaving an LED light on will increase your electric bill while your AC is set to 55. It will, but it's so minor in comparison to everything else it's not worth mentioning.


idk. well, i don't have the stats to back it up but i feel like that's a marginal factor, if it's even a factor at all






I was there during the year they had a FAO outlet in the Galleria on the bottom floor and the only reason why I didn't get my shit stolen from the back was because I put all my stuff under the cash register when I clocked in.


I think it's past time for these high end outlet stores to become only store fronts with tablets and computers to order from, and have all merchandise locked up in the back, or none at all and have people do order pick up only.


Kind of crazy because, as the thumbnail shows, this store and a few others in the boujee mall have a standing guard outside. The article mentions he was there during the robbery, but gives zero details. I guess 1 vs. an organized 6 isn't going to do much anyway


Some are hired from allied universal, for my first day i was put in tysons galleria as a glorified door opener for a luxury brand store, hated it. They all kiss ass and had to sign a paper saying i wont talk to the customers or employees. I was watched 24/7 by the workers, was super weird


My Dad was "too polite" to the customers when he was a door guard at Tyson's. He would greet people and ask how they're doing, and tell them to have a nice day when they were leaving. I think it was his long hair and goatee that were the problem; he looked like a washed up computer tec. They ended up moving him to an Amazon server farm, he was happy there working with the IT guys at Amazon.


Yeah. As security the job is basically to observe and report. Kinda wack


If you're a mall cop, are you really going to both put you life on the line and open yourself up to battery or false imprisonment charges to save some handbags? I sure as hell wouldn't. Their job is security theater, not interdiction.


I think Tysons has an agreement with the FCPD and there is a team of police that work within the mall all the time.


It's true for Tysons 1. There are A LOT of undercover cops; they're everywhere, and the cameras are insane all throughout the mall. They also have holding cells. Some girl tried to steal my burberry jacket at Fridays and an undercover intercepted her. I worked in the Galleria for years and never really saw anyone until I was hanging out with someone who worked at Tysons 1 (he was visiting me in the Galleria). The undercover at the Galleria was buddies with him, and they started chatting Most of the guards that stand at the stores are paid security guards. However, there is a Fairfax County cop that sits next to the Chanel boutique inside Neiman Marcus


That boutique closed when the one mentioned in this story opened.


Oohhh interesting!




I think thats secondary. Primary reason would be not to get killed by a group of mobs for a job.


I don't have access to trial court-level documents where most of these issues resolved, so I have to rely on news articles (which are usually about charges, not convictions) but here's a few: [https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/06/26/royal-farms-security-guard-fatal-shooting-verdict/](https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/06/26/royal-farms-security-guard-fatal-shooting-verdict/) (general rule -- don't shoot people) [https://www.koat.com/article/security-guard-arrest-battery-albuquerque/45840659](https://www.koat.com/article/security-guard-arrest-battery-albuquerque/45840659) [https://jmarshlaw.com/excessive-force-harvey-police-security-guard/](https://jmarshlaw.com/excessive-force-harvey-police-security-guard/) [https://beverlypress.com/2024/05/guard-charged-for-assault-and-battery-in-weho/](https://beverlypress.com/2024/05/guard-charged-for-assault-and-battery-in-weho/)




That seems needlessly pedantic as the same rules apply, but here's some: [https://www.chicagotribune.com/1995/11/14/a-22-year-old-security-guard-for-venture-17/](https://www.chicagotribune.com/1995/11/14/a-22-year-old-security-guard-for-venture-17/) [https://nypost.com/2023/05/01/walgreens-guard-arrested-for-stopping-shoplifter-to-sue-papd/](https://nypost.com/2023/05/01/walgreens-guard-arrested-for-stopping-shoplifter-to-sue-papd/) (NY Post, so beware the source) [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/century-21-security-guard-charged-with-assaulting-shoplifter/1676822/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/century-21-security-guard-charged-with-assaulting-shoplifter/1676822/) I think that some states have laws that partially prevent these claims in certain cases, but it's a real concern, as even if charges are dropped, you're going to drop tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees, which most security guards likely can't afford.


Sometimes security at stores or at the mall are involved. Sometimes employees are in on it. They let thieves know when break time is. 


This. I wouldn't be surprised if the employees were in on it.


Chanel ain't the CVS. Employees know Chanel is going to do a bit of recon on big thefts and also, the Chanel job is probably one worth keeping.


My babysitter worked at Chanel after she finished college. She really didn’t make much.


Employees are almost always behind retail theft. Retail theft of any kind.


Yeah you’ve never worked retail before lmao.


I mean. You could just mace some of them. Just mace and walk away. Don’t touch them. Let them fumble around. The ones who didn’t get maced are slowed down and have to help and if they dip on their boy their boy might rat them out later. The only issue I foresee is one of the maced ones panicking and brandishing a gun and that’s the last thing you need a scared blind idiot with a gun.


no way a security guard is going to be asked to stop something like this. imagine the shit-show on your hands as the security company if your employee tried intervening and it escalated to gun violence and regular customers got shot as collateral. over some clothes and bags. the security guard is more of a deterrent against lone actors.


It’s a deterrent not for when a robbery goes down


Yeah, all those stores have guards outside now, with vests, and they allow limited people inside at a time. This is not the case at the Galleria stores I frequent, but it's interesting to note walking past. Also, Neiman shoe department on a Saturday is a ZOO.


Broke boy activities


Yup, bunch of losers


Time to check FB market place for mad discounts


I wish they would hide trackers in the merch. Because either you track them or they stand around trying to remove it.


They do. Well not trackers, but UHF RFID inventory tags that can be read long distance. EPC GEN2 is the standard. The tag stores a global trade item number (product code) and unique identifier number / serial number. You can totally track someone with this. Much like you can with knowing their phone wifi Mac / bluetooth Mac. You can read them 10 to 40 feet away. 3-15 meters. Which... Saying that out loud, it's basically an airtag. All you are missing is the network of phones reporting on it's location. But yeah, you can manage it.


I was at that mall on Saturday morning. They had a person stationed outside the doors and those line guides across the entrances to control people going in and out. Maybe it’s different during the week?


They still have it during the week in terms of Chanel alone. It’s only the stores with barely any customers that don’t have the security. 


Or the stores I go to, like J. Crew


Maybe it's an inside job and the guard tipped them off that Tuesdays are dead?


It’s like that every day of the week. I sometimes work from the food court during weekdays and it’s usually dead other than lunch time, but there are security guards and stanchions outside most of the stores daily.


![gif](giphy|NwkYPLmQSLmhy) 🎼Let’s go rob the mall, today. 🎼


Are the robbers from Maryland?


I love how everyone just normalizes this behavior here..


It's not "normalized" but what do you reasonably expect a single security guard to do vs a mob of 6 people? Security is mostly there to dissuade people from shoplifting and handle single or partner actors. The best way to combat this is to invest in a good array of security cameras and to have the police track down the fence for the stolen goods.


who is normalizing? what do you want an underequipped staff and lone security guard to actually do?


They need to put exploding ink packets on that shit like banks and money.


Don't bring that ghetto shit here in Tysons


Lol this has been going on in Tysons for a while now. A thief robbing Ray-Bans out of Nordstrom got shot dead by the cops last year.


>>Shoppers at Tysons Galleria expressed their surprise, having heard of such incidents on social media but never expecting it to happen at their local mall. Like, do these people not realize how close Maryland and DC are? lol


The criminals ran outta stuff to steal in NY and are now moving down to VA.


weird FCPD doesn't shoot and kill suspects from Galleria, only Tyson's Corner 1


That really blew up and now they probably treat these incidents with a lighter touch. We are all worse off for it. Police went overboard, reaction went overboard - everyone loses.


Were they from MD or NYC?


One of those or DC, almost certainly.


Or PA. They’ve been caught here, too.


Did they take the silver line out of Tyson’s?


What brokies, get a job.


We have no public healthcare, no free higher education and barely functional public schools , barely any infrastructure, and mass retail theft. this is the land of opportunity


With all the armed security at every store..howwww??


yikes why cant the riff raff go away eww


I work security a few doors down and we believe they were watching me because I’m the only armed guard on that part of the mall and it happen legitimately 1 1/2 minutes after I had gone to lunch.


I’m assuming people saw faces right? Or did we let in 6 masked people to a Chanel store?


Exclusive boutique robbed of unguarded merchandise. Who could’ve guessed?


The high end stores at the mall all have security inside and out


it is really brazen to do this right in the middle of a mall. malls are going to have to hire more security.


4 snipers in the parking lots would crush this kind of behavior across the state in less than a night.


OK meal team 6, just don't get cheeto dust on your airsoft rifle or mommy won't buy you another one. Edit: 338 lbs.


Why not using the teachers that we are arming up to defend shopping malls


They're underpaid, so these are their second shift jobs? OK - good brainstorming sesh


Great solution...let's pick people off in some COD fantasy because they stole a Chanel bag.


Yes corporate greed is a huge problem, but I’m more sensitive to the price of food, basic clothes, and medical care than luxury goods. Blaming a coordinated felony theft of Chanel goods on broader economic trends is a cop out.


It’s a culture of crime. Japan is way poorer than us and doesn’t have this crap. We basically encourage miscreant behavior by giving excuses for everything. No accountability.


I would have thought Tyson’s had its own security force.


Ever since they built that Metro line that goes to Tysons, is when crime like this became rampant. They come from (SHOCKER) D.C and Rob and get on the train and right back to D.C No surprise.


Nothing in this article points to it being a robbery by definition but of course they could be leaving things out. Definitely a crime but likely a Grand Larceny. If they made threats, used force, displayed or threatened a weapon then it was a robbery. EDIT: Quick definition if interested.... Robbery is defined under Virginia Code 18.2-58 as the act of taking an item or property that does not belong to you, by use of violence (force) or intimidation, and with the view of depriving the owner of the property's ownership permanently.


This is how AP style tells you to use "robbery." If there was violence or the threat of violence, you call it robbery. 


lol what a strange “um akctually” deflection, were you one of the six people haha? It’s okay, we can say it got robbed because it did. 


It may have but I'm surprised the article showed nothing indicating this.


It's Fox reporting... so I assume they don't know the difference between theft and robbery. I do agree on your statement, there is a drastic difference between the two, especially in who or what was harmed. Not a weird flex, just a potentially poorly written article.


Agreed on the "poorly written" part. I found, during my career, when reporters quit coming to the crime scenes and started reporting from other means the articles became more and more inaccurate. Papers, before the internet of course, had some very good reporters who developed relationships with detectives and police officers making it easier to obtain the needed info. I know of one particular NOVA paper (no longer around) who reported on two crimes that happened the previous night. They were horribly inaccurate and we later learned the writer sat at a scanner and listened to both cases on the police channels. Then wrote the two articles mixing up the facts for each case. That was near the end of this kind of reporting.


Honestly how is Chanel robbed? Don’t you need an appointment to get in?You’re monitored like a hawk in that place. They used to require appointments at Chanel (well I can’t speak to this location, but other locations)


anyone want to bet on the profile of the robbers?


I liked how it was appt only during Covid


Didn’t Tyson’s corner get his like 5 times in 2 weeks last year 




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I was just in the Chanel store last week and the security guard was strict about store capacity so I’m surprised that a group all came in together (with masks on too) like that…also when you shop there you have an SA hovering over you while you shop. I get that security is more of a deterrent and can’t really intervene but all those stores should have intimidating, armed security and not old men that look like butlers. Some other Galleria stores do. Either the store was dead and no one cared or this was an inside job 👀


Always the same looters outta da ghetto. This is prob. the 4th time Chanel Tysons got hit 


New tactic: Shoot on site.


Well well well


Like a cancer spreading from DC, the crime is only going up now in NoVa.


I’d say I’m shocked, but I’m not.


What happened to the other group of ppl who tried this a few months back?


Oh no! It's like you marginalized people and get surprised when they get desperate. How could they? Oh no!


Where are the people that are still in denial that crime is up? Yes, social media reports it more than before. But you can’t deny this crap is getting out of hand.


James Inhofe? What are you doing here?




Didn't you know that the wokes and Joe Biden invented crime when they banned the police


Property crime is down 15% so far this year. Crime overall is down. Crime has been at historical lows for quite some time even with some blips where it increased in 2021/2022---it was still lower than it was in the early 2000s, 90s, etc. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/10/us/us-violent-crime-rates-statistics/index.html


Crime is completely down in almost all segments over the last 10 years. Where TF are you getting your bad data?


Yes, in general, crime is trending down. But it all depends on how you define it. There are recent upticks is some areas that we have not seen for a long time. Again, depends on why kind of crime and how you define it. Having said that, it is not like crime of any kind is "sky rocketing" or "off the charts" or any of that other doom language. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/myth-vs-reality-trends-retail-theft


That was a very interesting read!




This isn’t entirely accurate. Post-2021 data standards has led to an increase of 2k agencies reporting. About 2/3 of the nations LEOs report data. NYPD and LAPD have said they’ve completed data certification requirements and will begin reporting. LAPD is expected to report starting January of this year. Both NYPD and LAPD produce independent crime statistics.


> you can’t deny Well there is a dead giveaway you post conservative bullshit. Crime in general is about the lowest its ever been. One larceny doesn't fulfill your doomer prophecies.


* clicks Pumpkin04 profile * Clicks active subreddits Oh. Yeah. Lmao


oh my...


People please ORT has been a thing for far too long and cops/courts are doing little about it. Increased metro access to the malls in Tysons is not the reason this happened. Increased public services would cut down on this kind of thing


Can you explore that a little further? Because the metro provides low cost and convenient transportation for many high-crime areas. However, I’m not sure how “increased public services” would help. Please tell us.


But wait, I thought it was different in NoVa, thought VA cops don’t play and all that? Obviously this sort of thing could and would never happen in NoVa. At least that is what I have been repeatedly told in the r/washdc subreddit.


DC and MD are leaking, unfortunately. Can’t stop them all.


TBF. It’s less than a year since this … https://wjla.com/amp/news/local/fairfax-county-police-officer-involved-shooting-tysons-corner-center-mall-virginia-nordstrom-designer-sunglasses-timothy-mccree-johnson-parking-garage-woods-mclean-vienna




If they catch them they don't play.




Only blacks shop at Chanel ?


Damn you’re racist as fuck! I hope they ban you from the app for saying shit like that.


I remember last year when they amped up security at Tyson’s galleria over a failed jewelry store robbing at the main Tyson’s corner mall. I’m not that shocked over Chanel. 


“Branded” luxury items sold at retail. How tacky.