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Nordic protection rune.


It's an icelandic sigil, however please be careful about using it in public as it has been coopted by a number of fascist/alt-right groups


Ah I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know!


The Christian cross is worn by them too... no one warns people not to get that though.


The Nazis have stole from Tibetan and Hindu culture as well, and continue to do so today. Symbols sacred to my people cannot be used by the original people because of Nazis. If you wanna flash shit, go ahead. But me with a swastika is not “Hindu man expressing intent through Aryan symbology.” It’s “Aw shit he might be a Nazi.” No one’s policing symbols, but it’s helpful to know which symbols those dirty trash drinking ass grifters employ so we’re not caught up in the same energetic pathways and what not. That being said, the far right with Nazi leanings love pandering to Hindu folks like “we use so much of your belief system.” Right, to justify anti-semitism, ethnostates, and racial persecution. Me and the people are good on all that, since we’re not fucking Nazis.


It's a magic stave from an Icelandic book of magic 600 years ago... its not cultural its bullshit... the Christian cross is worn by many white supremacists who claim they are the chosen pure race of God... the symbol isn't even viking.. white supremacists are morons and we need to keep them represented as such.


The symbologies have a performative side that definitely plays into the meanings caught up in them. Like the swastika. Those Nazis were into a lot of shit occult related (Thule Society, Vril Society, Theosophical Society, etc). So symbols you use in a rightful manner will get caught up with their use of it as well. While I agree with most of your points, I think it is very much a cultural thing, in that Nazis have created a culture where they take shit, use it, and people have to find ways to keep their culture as distant from theirs as they can. My bad, I thought you were doing some classic far right “whataboutism” rhetorical tactics. My mistake, friend


There has to be a line where stop letting them take. And if we keep playing the submissive and warning people not to use something because they use it then they win.. also I'm not sure they are wearing them to symbolize their cause but more because they are actually dumb enough to think they are vikings.


As someone with mala beads with a swastika on it, you will get your fair share of "is that a Nazi symbol". Those who know,know.


I hear this warning a lot on boards about occult stuff. I understand that it might give the wrong message, but I think that its important to not give into the fascists. I openly wear runes as an affirmation that not all Norse pagans are Nazis. The more people see decent folks associated with the imagery the more acceptable it will become. Of course I'm not a member of a vulnerable group, so your personal safety comes first.


I understand where you're coming from, but as a member of multiple groups targeted by the Nazis, if I see somebody walking around with runes, staves etc., I am more likely to assume they are a fascist than I am to think they are a Norse pagan. It's heavily unfortunate, but I would avoid anyone in public with these symbols, in the same way that I would assume anyone with a swastika was a Nazi, and not a Hindu, Buddhist or Jain. There is no way of telling whether you are a 'decent' person in public, except for the image you give off. I'm not saying don't wear symbols of your faith, I'm giving a warning that wearing them in public will cause a number of people to avoid you or to be afraid of you.


It's the helm of Awe or at least a simple version of it. It does have it's magickal links since it is a stave but i wouldn't use it since it's meaning is terror. It might have been used for protection but that's only speculated. We only know historically that it was used to terrify the living crap out of the norses'/vikings' enemies


No we do not. The helm of awe mentioned in the eddas is literally a helm. We have no idea what it looked like or what it actually did. This has nothing to do with Viking. This is a 13th century Icelandic creation and is closer to Solomanic magic than Northern paganism.


I didn't say it was only a viking symbol. Regular norsemen were warriors too. And it wasn't a helmet but rather on the helmet. Sure we might have no actual clue what it may have looked liked since the blood from the remaining norse helmets we have left are gone, but it could have looked liked this since it resembles other staves




And that is why I wear it on a necklace, not because I am white supremist (ew) or because I want to install terror or evil on anyone, not even because I believe its from the viking period - but because with all the shit on my life, my health and the daily battles just to stay alive, I will take any sigil that instills myself with a feeling of strength or victory. I hate that people don't realise that yes, sigils and symbols are adopted with ignorance by groups of hatred and intolerance but at the heart of any type of "magic" is inner strength and wellbeing, if a symbol gives you that strength, then everyone else be damned, you wear that logo with pride and you win your own battles. That is my tiny rant for the month, apologies.




That's a common misunderstanding. Björk has the Vegvisar tattooed, not Ægishjalmur.


thank you for this specificity! i love this sub


Looks like a snowflake bit it is probebly not that.


I believe it is viking or icelandic; can represent dreams or Ginnir.


Icelandic, but not Viking. It's 17-18th century sigil magic derived from continental renaissance grimoires like the Key of Solomon.


Thank you for the correction. My memory was a bit fuzzy, so appreciate you helping me dust off the ol' noggin.


I've seen it before, but I'm not sure. The symbol for chaos is most similar, with eight arrows pointing from the center.


Pitchfork wheel.


Is close to helm of awe but the actual one has these dashes. It actually looks pretty scary with the dashes. It reminds me of an eye looking at you. This one kind of looks like it’s doofy cousin. That’s just how I feel


Umbanda symbol


A Wisconsin barbecue sauce I had in 1974. Something fire wheel or helm of awe or a cross?


eight fold path to the center




Thank you. This is nothing. It has the foundation (sorta) of a stave but it's someone's very inaccurate attempt at something that was someone elses attempt at a Nordic stave.


My uncle owned an Icelandic wizardry museum.(yes he was a little weird) This was its logo but I dont know what it means




The outside reminds me of the Psi symbol in Greek, whereas the inside reminds me of the symbol of Chaos. Combined with the circle it gives me hints of some versions of the Coptic cross. All this to say I have no idea but it’s a beautiful symbol. 🙂


Protection symbol