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Does either side get prep time before war breaks out?


Prep time pigs win fs


The pigs obvi. They’re smarter than 40% of the human population of FL


And a pig could win in an 1 on 1.


History favors the animals. Australia declared war on emus not once but twice. The emus won both times. And pigs are very intelligent animals, emus not so much.


I think the other issue with the emus was that they were practically bulletproof and the Australians were given 300 bullets and a prayer. Floridians are also surprisingly feral. The pigs will do some damage for sure, but the people here are psychotic enough to stand a chance.


Whichever side the alligators and mosquitoes are one


It won’t take long for those pigs to become feral hogs again and that’s when the alligators are really not going to make a big difference


Fighting the pigs would be as useful as pissing at a swarm of locusts. There are 1.5 million feral hogs in Texas and that state probably has more guns and ammo than any other place in the world. Look how well they can control their hogs. Now try 784 million.


As a fluffy war bunny, you probably know what you’re talking about.


I'm a Floridian and hell, I'll side with the pigs. 🐖


I agree with NotAnEmergency22, do either get prep time?


Florida man, prepare to meet your maker!


I've met Floridians. The pigs will win but barely. Floridians have some tenacity and they fight the alligators for fun.


The pigs won the last war so my bets on them.


This is it. This is the scenario 30-50 feral hogs guy foresaw.


The important question is "Do the rest of us get the pork and bacon from the pigs?"


Right?! Like, if there was no more bacon I imagine that would be a very good bargaining chip for Florida. Like, half the US would surrender pretty quickly. I won’t speak for the rest of the world.




I, know right?




Heh, heh, heh...


This hurts 😭


Pigs are very ferocious creatures. Just look at pork at the supermarket - almost completely sedentary pigs being fed soybean meal, and still grows that much muscle. In fact, to slaughter a pig, you need half a dozen grown men to hold it down. Imagine getting tackled by one of those things, which is like 300 to 600 pounds. And pigs are omnivores, so they will eat you too. So yeah, humans don't stand a chance. Never did.


Do the Floridians get to use their many, many guns? If so, I don't see how this is a contest.


Do you think they have enough ammo? 700 million pigs is a lot of pigs.


Ok, just looked it up. There are about half a million guns in Florida. Even if we assumed: 1. perfect distribution of ammo (i.e., it gets where it needs to be) and 2. each pig only takes one shot to take down that'd mean there'd have to be 1400 rounds of ammo per gun. That's not unreasonable because there are preppers who probably have crazy amounts of ammo, and people who do regular shooting practice will have a fair bit too, but those two assumptions are not going to hold. So yeah, the pigs win.


Someone did the math lol


You are limiting yourself!!! Hurlburt Field is in Florida so there are no less than a dozen AC-130 gunships in this fight. Additionally, MacDill AFB... which is the HQ of SOCOM. There are probably toys there that have never seen the light of day. I'm not saying you're wrong, the pigs may win but it will be a HELL of a show!!!


You lose that bet


Which side does Florida Highway Patrol take?


Unless the pigs an fly...advantage species that knows how to fly.


Initially, it goes to the pigs. Over time, ruthless and hungry for bacon spring breakers and jersey shore grandkids of snow birds will emerge. It will then become a more even playing field. Heavy losses on both sides, but eventually the humans would reign victorious..but at what cost?


That’s like 35 pigs per person… our population in Florida is on the older side… idk. Do we get the alligators or nah?


Depends if the cops are willing to against their own.


Pigs win


They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


The Floridians will tame the pigs. They will mount them and wage war against Georgia


We have our insanity and guns.


As a Floridian, we probably win. We're talking domesticated raised pigs? Unless they know we're at war they're pretty docile, I reckon I can take a few, eventually get to a second floor and then just start blastin em.


Well the pigs are gonna be probably double the population of the US so I think the side with all the guns and cool toys are gonna win. They have Florida Man


I see many people saying pigs, as a Florida man I have to disagree. The population of rednecks and crackheads alone could fight them. We dream of situations like this so we can finally use our m240b and non osha certified potato cannons of death.