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I mean she really does feel like a wasted character, dude didn't even try to do anything with her before shelving her


I think Gege can write characters well, he just doesn't want to. He just wants to go "pow! pow!" for 100 chapters. It feels like he added Nobara because the editors at WSJ wanted him to, and since he can write interesting characters she was pretty interesting, but as soon as he got so big he didn't need to listen to the editors anymore he just dropped her.


Wall street journal publishes manga?


They published Dragon Ball, dude. Where have you been?


Weekly Shonen Jump


The (((coastal elites))) are trying to make manga woke by putting women in them /s


shame, Nobara hentai is peak less manga presence -> less hentai


Gege have hidden talent, but he keeps it hidden


Can't let others find it


# "Best female character" dudes when someone asks them which other anime they have watched: https://preview.redd.it/yl359c5556bd1.png?width=155&format=png&auto=webp&s=3db61b0c3d3b7348c4ffee9be05e487e003c585f


It’s obvious they haven’t seen Humanity Has Declined


watashi was a cute character but that show actually made me die of boredom (i am writing this from beyond the grave)


That’s a shame. It’s a personal favourite of mine.


ub/ fair the show is definitely not for everyone. rb/ ☝️🤓erm actually the show relies heavily on allegories and most references are from classical literature and philosophy rather then pop culture . maybe if you payed attention you would see how each episode is a microcosm of a specific piece of society that if left unaddressed will cause the decline of humanity. ☝️ 🤓


Life was wasted on you. Hopefully the maggots that nourished on your flesh will have good opinions.


What anime?


Humanity Has Declined, its a quirky dark comedy.


Dark comedy 😋😋😋 my favorite


Why did you have to remind me the greatest anime of all time exists and I've already watched it 5 times? Show should be called Humanity Has Already Peaked? Why even live anymore if it's all downhill?


Bubble guppies mfs seething rn


Lmao, the kid’s show on nick jr.? My son loved it when he was growing up!


#Waifu wars never went away #They're just competing at each other over this




No, some opinions are so absurd that you have to question how much they've watched. Nobara is possibly my favorite character in JJK, but better than *every* shoujo heroine ever? All of them? That means there are a lot of mangaka out there (most of them women) who need to sit down and study at the feet of the mighty Gege to learn how to finally write women.




What kind of kindergarten-level copium is this? Nope, some opinions are wrong. One is "No opinion regarding fiction can be absurd". Another is "Nobara is the best female character in all of anime and manga." Sure, taste is subjective, but some opinions show so little engagement with the material or genre that we can safely call them wrong.


opinions aren't necessarily based on facts, rather on feelings and preferences, and in that case they can't be wrong a priori. saying they are wrong implies that there are objective truths which contradict said opinions


Sure they can. "Nobara is the best female character in anime and manga" is a pretty good example of someone being wrong. As an aside, when did it happen that so many people formed the opinion that it is *objectively true* that no one is right or wrong when it comes to aesthetic judgements? This is has been a controversial opinion since Aristotle, but people recite it like it's in their local church catechism.


can you prove to me that "Nobara is the best female character in anime and manga" is objectively a false statement?


Dude, I can't even prove to you "Paris is the capital of Mongolia" is objectively a false statement. I can't convince a flat Earther that the Earth is round, and there are pictures from space.


then let me rephrase the question - are criteria you're using in determining who is the "best female character in anime" objectively true, and if so, what are those and how did you conclude they are objective?




Have you seen Attack on Titan? Imagine someone said that Mikasa is "the best female character in all of manga and anime". Mikasa is a perfectly fine character, but if someone seriously thinks that you would have to wonder how many female characters they are familiar with.


The idea that Nobara is the best female character in manga history is deranged. "Best female character if you've only read Dragon Ball and JJK," maybe.


Bulma solos


Bulma can handle Vegeta in bed, she solos the entire jjk verse


Hey, don't compare midbara to the likes of Bulma, it's disrespectful


Bulma balls


Bulma is iconic and very well used in DBZ, the movies and Super, but no one talks about the original Dragon Ball where she’s a teenager who got sexually used by Master Roshi and his gang at times.


Sex figure aside, she literally created the dragon radar, her being a sex figure helped some situations in the og db, and she called general blue a fag (based, Nobara would never)


Actually, the more I think about it, I think we should definitely give Bulma more “time-adjusted” credit. She felt very close to being the co-protagonist of Dragon Ball in the 80s, and back then, I assume Manga were either heavily targeted at males (with Manly Shonen like FotNS) or females (with Shojou and romance). Nowadays, it’s become a norm to make Shonen Unisexual in terms of important lead roles, but Dragon Ball did it decades back.


Nobara was so fucking cool though il loved her fighting style and attitude


I’m honestly happy gege is the way they are. JJK fans were out here saying “she’s sakura done right” just for Nobara to be even more wasted lmao


They are right. She is Sakura done right cause the author actually killed her annoying ass off instead of letting her live like Sakura.




Be careful in calling Sakura annoying bro Sakura has actual fans now 😭😭😭 and they’re the reason why they put her number three in the popularity poll 


I'll rather die standing, than live kneeling.


Gege said he supports euthanasia


Only watched season 1 of jjk. U mind telling me why Nobara is annoying? Was she good in season 1 and became untolerable later on or the jjk fanbase always found her annoying?


She's not annoying. It's just after a season of build up, she gets one cool scene in season 2, and then exits the story.


I, in my personal opinion, find her completely irrelevant to the plot, and just irritating. She's comparable to Sakura in a way her main interaction with the protagonist is only making fun of him, or looking down on him. If you take Nobara out of the equation, not much is lost on terms of the story progressing. Which is completely true if we look at later chapters of the story.


Not like she is remarkable compared to the rest of the cast but she is an incredibly boring character. I guess if you're a fan then it might matter that she is pretty weak compared to the rest of characters. I hate JJK btw.


Maki is better


Take that back before I take you to the back of the shed. Do not disrespect Dragon Ball like that.


She’s definitely one of the most well-written. Just doesn’t have a lot of content. Most other female characters I can think of are either fan-service or just male personalities that they draw as women.


Nobara was possibly my favorite JJK character, but the tweet claimed *all* manga and anime. Not "all WSJ hits", or "all battle shonen", but all manga or anime. (Though even there it's debatable. Is Nobara better written than General Armstrong from FMA:B? Is she better written than Kagome from Inuyasha?) If you think that's credible than you are only reading series that are aimed at teenage boys. I mean, there are hundreds of shojo. There are lots of seinen that have female characters that aren't fan-service or just male personalities that they draw as women: Frieren, Chise from Ancient Magus Bride, Kaguya from Kaguya-sama, Maomao from Apothecary Diaries, etc., etc.


Gege isn't even interested in writing females. With the exception of Maki all of them are either dead or become irrelevant


Maki is Toji 2.0. so it makes sense he just keeps her lol


y’all be parroting that statement a lot even though Maki’s cursed-energy-less-monkey-ass has been around since 2017 in JJK0, before Toji was even conceptualized. Toji is male Maki, born solely to become a goal Maki can reach (he also attracts horny fans and sells merch too I guess). https://preview.redd.it/5nvbkr3pc7bd1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c24a96d68adfedf9b430c4433f3327c4973fb4


Damn Geto 💀


yeah we know maki came first, but she was a jobber before copying tojis zero cursed energy god mode


Maki is the biggest offender imo, after the "incident" she's way more boring


dying doesn't make someone a bad a character


Yes but it puts them out of the current picture, nobody except Maki and Kirara actively participated in the Sukuna showdown, Utahime and Meimei as a one trick pony is the max


Uraume isn’t a woman


Wait what???


Yeah, they’ve exclusively been referred to with gender neutral pronouns.


On the one hand, good for the representation, on the other, it kinda makes me mad because it just reinforces the trend of enby characters just looking like "woman/androgynous but leaning feminine with no tits" which is just a huge waste of potential


They were reincarnated into a female body(or at least someone with a female name in japanese) but their actual gender is unknown. A good form of representation is kirara, who isn't explicently stated to be trans (proabably because of shonen jump) but instead not so subtely implied to be, and has a boyfriend. https://preview.redd.it/pqyeco3nk7bd1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=484282ffd00ace550dbe6a88bbf4836081d76751


We have always had more male to female characters in jjk. The ones that died were all written well, except for tsumiki because she just wasn't written in the first place. What people like about JJK is the female character aren't treated as pure eye candy, can fight as brutally as the male cast, aren't just damsels, and have their own story and agency. People saying JJK has the best female cast in anime is wrong. People who say jjk has the best female cast in shonen are also wrong. But saying that Gege isn't intrested in writing any female characters when Mai, Riko and Nobara exist is wild.


Wait for real now. She got killed because she was hard to draw????? SERIOUSLY?


Not just that. Iirc Gege didn't want to make a trio and was convinced by his editor that adding Nobara to Yuji and Megumi would make the manga more popular. So Nobara was already "forced" into a story she wasnt supposed to be in. It's clear that Gege didnt know what to do with her because unlike Megumi and Yuji she has neither a goal or a connection to other characters. She barely knows Gojo and Gojo doesn't even mourn her.


It’s either the editor convinced him, or it is hiding the fact that the publisher forced him (which sounds more likely to me). Manga industry is not known for the creative freedoms of the artists.


> gojo doesn't even mourn her I mean he gets sealed before she dies, doesn't he?


that's not the reason why. Gege never explicently said anything besides the fact she was always planned to be killed off in shibuya. Imo she was an intreresting character but she was very straightforward and not too much more could be done with her character wise.


I mean I'm anime only and so far it doesn't feel like he has a plan for a lot of the characters he introduced.


He killed them off a lot and only keep a few. And if we're lucky, he brings back some characters that he and the audience forgot, like >!the curse voice dude in the latest chapter!<


He didn't forget about inumaki 😭he's been around since the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, appeared in several flashbacks and had foreshaowing for his return. https://preview.redd.it/mfw8icunl6bd1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=3025c5e55cb0dd18caeecef70d510190c8b2dadd






Just unsatisfying conclusions to characters. The principal getting off-screened just left me with a "ok I guess". If there was a good reason for it I'll probably forget about it when S3 comes. Mei Mei having an irrelevant fight and fucking off. Touji being reintroduced because he's cool, but there's 0 satisfaction to his conclusion. Megumi doesn't know him, and it rings hollow that he cares for his son now when he fucking sold him. Maybe he does some cool shit with characters later, but so far I am not connecting to any of the characters.


I have a lot to say to that. Yaga's death was kinda impactful to me. The fact that he cursed gakuganji with the knowledge he held was intresting and led to some character growth in the future. It also made a certain moment more sad. Mei Mei left because she is a selfish money hungry asshole who was more worrried about her stocks than her companions. It isn't bad writing or even really a conclusion because Mei Mei doesn't have a character arc. She serves the more thematic purpose of showig how corruption exists in the jujutsu world. Toji's death was one of the best written in the series. Yap session incoming. For "the man who escaped fate" toji is a truly tragic character. The truth is, beneath all of his muscle and violence, Toji is an insecure, unhappy man, lashing out against the world that caused him so much pain. He gambles his money away and lives without any form of respect for himself because he still believes himself to be the worthless monkey the zenin clan ingrained in him. At the same time, he is a prideful man, who wanted to become a sorcerer killer to spite the clan that caused him so much anguish as a child. His sense of insecuiry so ingrained in him that when Megumi was born, he named him "a blessing" in Japanese, despite the fact that it was a girls name because he felt that it was a miricle that he could create someone so gifted. It's so ingrained in him that when he met gojo as a child he could only feel a sense of rage looking at someone who was one of the most blessed people in history. When his wife died, he lost his last bit of self confidence and became a sorcerer killer again, this time without any real sense of conviction or purpose, angrily lashing out against the world without care for anything. And when he met gojo for the first time, he eliminated him using as many dirty tricks as he could find. His only mistake was trying to toss in one last piece of pridefulness by stabbing him with a regular knife. Finally, when Gojo seemingly came back from the dead, instead of running away, he chose to fight, his pridefully charged insecurities flaired preventing him from running away from what he viewed as the peak of unfairness. But in doing so he deviated from his true self and was compeltely destroyed. Right before he died he decided to do one last selfless action, asking Gojo to stop Megumi from entering the clan that he was tormeneted in. Now for Toji's second death. Toji's entrance is shibuya was descibed as the appearence of "a puppet of carnage". He acted exactly as he once used to, lashing out against anyone blessed with the power of sorcery. And when he came face to face with Megumi, he initially did much of the same. Once he realized it was his son, he quickly regained control over his body, remebereing when he sold Megumi off to the Zenin clan, shortly after his wife's passing. Toji didn't have the conficdence that Megumi could have been happy with him as a father, and despite his hatred of the Zenin clan, he figured someone who was as blessed as Megumi with his 10 shadows could have been treated well. He is still torn up about selling Megumi, but his pride kicks in and tells he that he doesn't care anymore, before cutting back to the present. Toji, is preparing to kill himself to protect megumi, but before he does anything, he asked him what his last name was, hoping that he never had to expereince the Zenin clan. Luckily, Toji recieves the correct answer and replies with relief before offing himself. Toji is a great character with a great death(s). His first death was him succumbing to pride, and his second death was him dying peacefully as a result of his pride-free decison.


You actually turned my opinion around on Toji's death. I already knew most of the stuff you talked about, I just didn't buy his conclusion. I guess it's just the way it was told for me personally.


Happy to help but yeah. JJK's biggest strength and weakness imo is it relies on the audience connecting the dots a lot for the depth. Good for people who are nerds about the series like me, but bad for the people who may have forgotten a few details since last week.


I don't know, I wouldn't say Mei Mei is corruption. She's just more like a mercenary. In it for the $$ and not the feels of protecting people from curses and whatnot.


Ironically Mei Mei is still more involved in the story than a lot of other characters.


There's a Nobara copium theory that the principal's technique will be used to bring back Nobara.


the root of the problem is Gege's unrelenting mysogony


OkBuddy Baka having a civil discussion in the comments because of a JJK post? Truly the moments of all time.


she got the neji treatment


No shit Sherlock Happy cake day


Tbh I can see why someone would think that if the only anime they watched prior had female characters that only exist as fanservice, but come on now


I don't know what it is with shonen anime that dominate the charts for years and female characters that are made of cardboard.


People act like Nobara was some incredible female character, when she's the same basic character that Gege like to write. That is, characters that are both hardass and badass. All it takes is a line about how women can fight and look pretty in the anime, and you've got weebs writing essays about how cool of a character she is lol.


It's funny how you can stop the Internet from hating your female character just by saying she likes to look pretty. That's like the "it must have been a rat" of gender politics.


She is a great character. She is well written but not well developed because she is a mostly flat character.


Holy shit, if Nobara actually is dead, that's a fucking terrible death scene for a major character.


Even if she is alive somehow and came back in the most recent chapter it will still be shit. Gege missed the chance and Nobara is stuck as a wasted potential character no matter what happens from now on. Even Todo gets the same treatment that I can only forgive because he is the goat.


It's fine as a death scene, she got a full episode to her. The only issue I have is it wasn't clear that she actually died.


No, giving a character a lengthy sob-backstory moments before said character gets killed off is not good writing.


better than trying to make me feel sad about a rapist getting sliced in two


Which character is this bruh


daddy greyrat raped Lilia when she was a young teen, it traumatised her unsurprisingly


At least they put “best in manga” asterisks. Attack on titan fans still call aot the greatest piece of fiction ever written and isayama better than Tolkien. Anime fans gotta read and watch shit outside of Japan someday fr.


Aot fans maybe not the smartest but they are right about aot being peak.


Although I don’t like the ending it was peak for most of its run, but it’s not the greatest thing in fiction, not even close.


AoT is pretty good, which isn't that weird bc it copied 80% of Dune.


it was never about her being hard to draw, she was planned to die to mahito already and people are really still hard coping about it. like i get it, nobara was a good character but nah bro she was not the best female character in all of manga. that goes to yuki actually 100% not biased https://preview.redd.it/cdb49vuf56bd1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b587f9990a5598ce71863e5907c2e77cc45a9e9


Yuki but she doesn't die to the most blatant ass pull ever conceived in manga.


It's been weird to realize that I've been reading JJK for all of the things that Gege put in there that he doesn't care about. I liked Nobara. I thought Yuki would be an important "third point of view" about cursed spirits. But both of them were really just fodder to build up the enemies, which is what Gege really cares about.


It's not the worst asspull ever. It was revealed that Kenjaku's technique was anti-gravity, not gravity meaning Kenjaku had been using a reversal of his technique the whole time. Not an asspull as much as it is unsatistying writing. Like, it might even be forshadowed considering Mahito was suspicious of Kenjkaku saying he had to stay near the prison realm. https://preview.redd.it/h24uhtere6bd1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c79bf93fe4fb8c6559bdeb601b36c1b1e0c3c90


That gotta be the most forced "foreshadowed" I've ever heard. Both the writting was shit and it was an asspull.


It wasn't an asspull considering it was already present in the story. I agree it was unsatisfying tho.




And the bestest of girl in jjk also >!died to bs!<


I mean, her death is still dogshit, legit one of the worst I've seen in any competent manga... and funnily enough not the only in JJK, must be something in Gege's water


I love Yuki


If it was planned, surely she could have gotten a backstory **before** it was time to die. And also the death scene is ambiguous, which heavily suggests that the author wanted a chance to bring her back.


from what ive heard, gege did an exhibition recently and said nobara was planned to die. Tho I 100% agree her death scene is ambiguous and really did leave the door open for her to come back


clearly they haven't seen nyamo https://preview.redd.it/b76qwwwgx8bd1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d72d0a9807621926b01cac43f2d4cd168b51470


Twitter users when hyperbole: https://preview.redd.it/6n5lhgzsv5bd1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e25143ebd792d5bf4bff351044b611caa08e06


From his account it seems that he was serious, and it has 53k likes😭 https://preview.redd.it/886td50qw5bd1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53dded3e20af563e30f078cab720159c1fe0c915


Also, those likes are because everyone hates JJK, not because they agree with the “best written female character” thing


how does that make it not hyperbole


Tbf, he has a point, Gaygay glazing for Sukuna knows no bounds


I mean she really was a decent female character then yeah gaygay wasted it


This guy acting like Osaka from Azumanga Daioh doesn't exist.


osaka isnt even the best female character ***in azumanga***, let alone all manga




"Best female character" mfs have never watched Violet Evergarden.


She isn't even the best female character in her own series. (She is great tho and people forget how good she actually is just because >!she died!<)


She easily had the most potential out of the entire cast of jjk. But people are confusing potential to good writing


She is written well, but she really had no potential as a major character besides a background role. No grand motivation No personal connection to a villian No overaching narritive connection Maki is the person who fufils the main female character slot.


interesting CT though


Based Monogatari fan hating on JJK. A true brother in arms 🤝


Wait, why is everyone being so serious? Discussing bad writing this or good writing that? Where’s all the baka?


Talking about JJK in terms of writing is in itself comedy.


I'm not saying this in a sinister sense but I hope the government has a list of all JJK fans with their addresses.




Bro never watched Bocchi the Rock smh


atleast there is great porn about her


Next you are gonna tell me Sakura was the best female character written in manga before her


Best thing Nobara did was to die


its a joke/bait. i follow this account, her whole bit is coping about nobara returning