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Well the POTUS no longer grows as he is 80 years old Your pothos will be fine. Hard to tell what’s wrong but it’s winter. Maybe repot and fertilize in April. Make sure the soil is draining well. Pothos is the easiest houseplant


I’m howling at so many different spellings of Pothos on the plant groups lately. I swore this had to be a prank, lol.


Capitalized to. OP thought they were voting for a houseplant or confused the sub with r/houseplantcirclejerk




Repot in april. Seems very wet to me. You need to water a bit less in winter. Watering is an art


I have just watered it before the picture. Usually, in winter, I water it once a month, when it's really dry.


Maybe pull it out and see if it's all roots on the outside of the dirt. If it is, repot into a container that's 1-2" bigger in diameter and one inch deeper if you can find it, add soil, wait for new leaves. Pothos growth, like most plants, slows in winter, so it might just be that.




Yeah. Small hands orange is just as old and doesn’t grow either


Mr president, you are no longer growing.


All hail the leaf 🇺🇸


🎶Hail to the leaf He’s the leaf and he’s not growing Hail to the leaf It’s both root bound and too wet … 🎶


My husband and I laughed so hard as I sang this out loud to him 🤣🤣🤣






Commander and leaf 🫡


Till death do us part. Or something.


Out-jerked again.


At his age there's only shrinking.


Happy potus day!


😶 what?


POTUS, the acronym used for “president of the united states”, which you accidentally used in your post. today is president’s day, hence POTUS day. the plant you have is called a pothos


Well, good to know :) sorry but in Italy we call it potus 🤷 to be fair, its name is epipremnum aerum


Hey you can call it anything you like 😊 I was just being punny. I figure a lot of times people have autocorrect typos (I know I do) and just roll with it.  I’m calling mine a potus from now on. Thanks for the new name 😆


Pothos is potus in Spanish too!! 😄


Love this!


In Mexico we call it Julieta. Different countries call the same plants with different names, today I learned another name for pothos. Thanks for sharing


Heyy In LATAM we also call them potus. Besides in my country potos means butts 🍑 It would be weird telling everyone hey im scared for my butts because its not growing, maybe it needs more water.


I can’t believe you’re getting downvoted for not being American 🤦🏻‍♀️ The internet is insane sometimes.


Unless they where Australian where giving down votes would be the culturally appropriate way to upvote.


And someone downvoted me for saying that 😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤯




It does seem like a long time to push out a new growth if it is taking months, but the plant looks healthy to me. When I first cut one of my vines it took a few weeks before I saw a new branch start to form at the node right before the cut. For now I would say just keep being patient.


It’s actually POTUS day, ironic.


Nice stealie 🤙


I've seen your POTUS, definitely zero growth.


Not American, myself... But they use POTUS as an acronym for President Of The United States


What do you mean?


Slow growth is usually due to not enough light.


You think I must repot it?


We repot the POTUS every four years


I came here for POTUS jokes and was not disappointed




And made some friends along the way. Life is beautiful like that.


Yay! Sure is!


Sometimes find a different plant entirely


And the other hand, he urgently needs watering


This made me actually LOL




No. It looks good. It is just winter. Don't fertilize until it starts putting out leaves or it's spring time. Plants go kind of dormant in the winter. Less light. Lower humidity in the north. When it warms, and the days are longer, with more humidity, it will grow again.


I don’t know what pot the president would prefer, but your pothos plant is fine. They like it a little more cozy. They thrive on being a little bit rootbound. Too big of a pot does them more harm than good


I thought this was a shitpost lol


🫡🫡🫡 Mr president


It'll grow back. Probably not super active during winter months. When was the last time you either repotted or fertilized it?


That tracks since POTUS is over 80.


President of the United States? I think he hit puberty some time ago


Maybe the soil lacks of covfefe in order to make photosynthesis great again.


That brown bump. Is that a scale insect?


Aerial root


I don't know what you are referring to, but there is no insect on the plant.


They’re referring to the brown node right at the base of the leaf. It looks a lot like scale.


Oh, yeah, no. It's a part of the plant, I think a very young root?


https://preview.redd.it/53ofgpgdmkjc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ee32f2b3c3ff1d86d20f271a58484fe578a2a4 [https://gardenerspath.com/how-to/disease-and-pests/scale-insects/](https://gardenerspath.com/how-to/disease-and-pests/scale-insects/)


Okay, no. It's a very very young root.


Was gonna point out the same. Scale insects always ravage my plants. Op, this. See if there are more and just pluck them out, tiny little A's draining your plant


For all the very fun guys who made jokes about the "potus" instead of "photos": neither of them are scientific names of the plant. Potus is simply a more Italian way to write it down, which we use often in Italy 🤷 Now, I know it must be funny for you, but you should consider that I spent several times trying to find out what the hell you were talking about! And I'm sure I make a lot of other really silly mistakes writing in a language I only learned from school (sadly, Italy has too few colonies and didn't exploit the world enough in order to make every native tongue feel like everyone must understand their wits), but for the ones who took the time to give me real advice, thank you, I will keep you posted. Stay tuned, for more news about POTUS 🤗


It was a funny mistake. You can either get all up in arms or laugh along. I was calling an animal “chichi” because I thought he looked a little like Cheech Marin (an American celebrity) and got laughed at cause that means “boob” in Spanish. I laughed cause it was funny and now I’ll never forget that Mistakes are how we learn


Yeah, that's the point: potus is not an error. It's simply our way to call it in Italy. "Photos" is an error (🤣). Saying potus is an error is the same as saying "colors" is an error, "colours" is the right way. https://preview.redd.it/ia44f1li1pjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93da6e2dc93eb1dcaf42fe1f8c32a37d30b2f739


Tbf, OP got little advice and mostly people making lame jokes. OP asked if it should be repotted and the unhelpful answers are just cringe actually.


I think it's terrible when people take photos of the potus pothos


I'm absolutely dead between the photos of potus the pothos and all the other fun puns on this post. Happy cake day and thank you for the laugh


I just propagated mine 3 weeks ago and they are happy as can be… is the soil lacking nutrients?


Maybe, even if I repoted it less than a year ago, so it should be okay. Anyway I'm starting to add nutrients because spring is coming.


Good call, when I lived in cold areas my plants needed lights for the winter, now that I live a much warmer climate, they seem to need the soil to be my focus. Best of luck!


Dust the leaves and fertilize. It will grow when it comes out of dormancy


I have many types of Portlands growing wild in winter.


So is potus the pothos's name?


dormant months slow growth rate


I think your plant will be fine. I would replant it in a pot 1-2" bigger pot. No need to rough up the roots. It is a big misconception to Not fertilize in winter. Indoor plants should be fertilized year round with at least a slow release 10/10/10. I saw a study done by Soil Botanists. The study revealed that while the top of the plant slows down or can be dormant in winter, the roots do not. The roots are in a massive root growth phase in Winter! So I would not water it and would gently set it in a bigger container , add new soil with a bit of slow release fertilizer mixed in and then sparingly water the dirt around the plant. The reason it is essential to fertilize in winter is to help the plants store up energy for Spring. Nearly all houseplants are putting out the massive root growth in Winter you just don't see it. Then come Spring they need to push out growth right? So if you have starved your plant all winter your plant will have very little energy to push out tons of new growth in Spring and it will suffer greatly. You won't see the good growth you really want. I water my houseplants every 1-2 weeks in winter. For my Pothos, depending on the type I may water only every 4 weeks in winter some every week. Some I grow in just water with slow release fertilizer in the water . People wonder why their plants are so slow in Spring or not putting out tons of new growth and the reason is because you starved the darn things all winter. I fertilize my house plants year round. Mine grow all year long. Your plant is just dormant right now but since it has had all that root growth this Winter as I explained....Well now it needs to be lightly fertilized and your plant will bounce back in a few weeks to a month and will start growing again. It just needs energy. People please stop starving your plants in Winter folks. It's not good for them. Even outdoor plants are supposed to be mulched. It isn't just for cold protection. It's also for slow release nitrogen and minerals during winter. Your plants will greatly reward you by Spring & Summer when many of them bloom. 😊💚