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Russia has been trying to exploit America's divisions on just about everything. 


They're not just exploiting them, they're also manufacturing them.


Probably not far-fetched to say Russia had Iran call it in to Hamas to start this whole shitbag. Pressure off Ukraine invasion- Check. Internal division of U.S. - Check. Influencing a Republican win in November - Check. Compared to an army invasion, a strategic terror attack followed by widespread internet astroturfing/misinformation is such a great bang for your buck, and lower risk too. Total no-brainer. We are missing the forest for the trees.


>Probably not far-fetched https://www.google.com/search?q=Putin+birthday


Holy Shit. They don't even try to hide it and yet people still don't know it. Social media has literally created an alternate reality.


This is what I’ve believed since this happened.  Russia playing geopolitical chess to help elect Trump while America eats checkers.


Russia had been developing Trump as a Manchurian candidate for 30 years


Yup that was my first assumption as well, it’s not a coincidence.


Damn, someone linked me to this. I feel like I'd heard it before, it just didn't hit home until now that the escalation is kicking in seemingly to plan. https://www.google.com/search?q=Putin+birthday


There will probably be another big terrorist attack of some form or another before the election. Probably stateside. Mid October I bet.


Damn, scary to think about. Wonder if it’d have to be mild enough to get the R’s ‘fake’ worked-up and win some votes but not big enough to be declared a national emergency. Biden isn’t going to strong-arm his way through attempts at using emergency powers the way Trump would, but god forbid it’s 9/11 status, maybe he would try to use executive orders. That makes me think they wouldn’t overplay their hand. I might have been worried about some big plays involving proud boys, national patriot front or whatever the neo-nazis go by, but now I wonder if the path of least resistance would just be Hamas hitting Israel again. Just enough to get everyone worked up enough again before the election and distracted from all the real issues here. Divide and conquer is the strategy. Anything too big of an issue runs the risk of inadvertently unifying the U.S., and Russia won’t be having that. My guess is domestic terror would more likely come after the election from the right whether they win or lose. They’ll have some excuse or another since they always do. If they lose it’s justified retaliation, if they win they feel emboldened to be more likely to dodge prosecution. Also, Trump will be itching for an excuse to declare emergency powers even if it’s over minor protests. That’ll be guaranteed as it gets the ball rolling in a legal fashion to then illegal retain those powers in perpetuity. It’s the slow creep of gaining power.


Strange that conservatives like to do the same.


Not just “trying”


Yep and we are letting them


This, it has always been their policy to foster divisions within the US. For decades those divisions were focused on race and guns, now it is more straight up white supremacy and replacement theory.


Now we China’s help.


no shit


So much astroturfing.


One of the two tactics they use is picking fights with people in the comments section, then reporting. Mods in some subs just nuke entire comment chains over it along with the informative posts that were the original target. Thanks to reddit's API changes, none of it is recoverable to normal users.


yeah, I got suggested content from r/latestagecapitalism and got permanently banned when I said I voted - didn't even say for who, lol. we're going to see this exponentially get worse each election, as we rely more heavily on technology and internet platforms, for sure. if we thought 2016 was hazy (as to if people we interacted with were even real or not), I'd bet a good portion of that [50% of internet traffic being bots](https://cybernews.com/news/most-internet-traffic-comes-from-bots/#:~:text=Almost%2050%25%20of%20all%20internet,highest%20amount%20observed%20since%202013) is going to be weaponized around this time, every 4 years. further, we know for some reason, the most ["reddit addicted locations" was the largest Air Force base in the United States, Eglin Air Force Base, back in 2010](https://web.archive.org/web/20160604042751/http://www.redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html). Who knows where the activity epicenter is now - and it's not like these platforms like reddit and X are going to out the bot activity and squander their profits


yeah its important people be aware of the tactics being used and to realize that things online aren't actually all that representative of the real world. The question that I keep coming to is why people seem to care more about a country retaliating against a terror attack done by a neighboring country compared to russia's unprovoked multi-year invasion of Ukraine. That's not me being anti-palestinian. There is a very real humanitarian crisis going on right now. The US is trying to address it through airdrops and are in the process of setting a port to get aid into the area.


It used to be that only r/politics was so astroturfed as to be unusable; now the whole site is.


Yeah it's literally everywhere on reddit, new subs popping up, old subs turning into obvious Russian disnfo (see r/COVID19_Pandemic ).


Youtube is far worse and they do literally nothing to clean up the comments.


Thankfully I see more and more people waking up to it on all kinds of social media nowadays. I think it's finally gone too far.


Literally my first thought upon reading this headline, no cap and all


They’re pretty easy to find. Like when they tried the Texit thing and flooded Twitter with post about how they’re totally Texans who are so proud of their “warm water ports” and want Texas to be free to utilize its “warm water ports”. I have never met anyone in this country who has referred to any of our ports as warm water ports…because they all are. Except a few in Alaska but that place is it’s own beast and Russia says it’s theirs so…


They always go south, too. You'd have an easier time convincing Michigan to join Canada than a bunch of southerners joining Mexico.


I don't know, if Trump endorsed it, it would probably get some traction.


Not so sure about that. The only thing he's managed to sell them is digital trading cards and Patriot Bibbles. He's been surfing a wave of preexisting conspiracy theories, bigotries and resentments, religious fervor, and gullibility. He can't even get them vaccinated. It's one of his few genuine accomplishments and they boo him whenever he brings it up. He's not a salesman. He's just a grifter.


True, they flipped on him over masks, and he hard pivoted against his own administration when he saw the wind change. It's so frustrating that you can't just say "we don't know but we are trying to figure it out and trying different things". Everyone expects the government to be the answer to everything while simultaneously not wanting any perceived influence on their lives either.


I'd be cool with Michigan being a new province! They are decent neighbors and make good beer. 


They made it happen. They accurately predicted the fallout based on all the players. In some respect it's the most effective operation they've carried out in the last 2 years.


So is Trump and the GOP


That's why Russia started the conflict in the first place via Wagnor group who helped train Hamas while Bibbi stood by idly because he too like Trump is a Putin stooge.


Bibi is facing a similar circumstance to Trump. He needs to stay Prime Minister in order to avoid jail so he'll do that at all cost. He even tried to change the power of the judicial branch.


Is there any actual proof that Netunayu actually was somehow responsible for this other than the whole, "they were given a vague warning a few days before the attack "? Or is this just more on a conspiracy side? Like how a bunch of people believe that 9/11 was somehow an inside job.


Among other factors, big reason why the border with gaza was so poorly guarded was because Bibi moved a large portion of the IDF off the gaza border and into the west bank because that’s where he thought shit was going to pop off due to all of the settlements/land stealing his right wing base is doing there. 


But the insinuation is that many of the protesters are making is that Netunayu is responsible for the 10/7 attack. Much like how a lot of conspiracy people believe that 9/11 was somehow an inside job by the Bush administration. It looks like Netunayu made a poor decision but that's not the same as deliberately causing it.


Hanlon's Razor should be applied first. *Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity*. Ultimately 9/11 could be attributed to stupidity, but things like the Iraq war couldn't. This is what ultimately caused a lot of people to start questioning the initiating event. But the conspiracy theories were all hot garbage.


I'm not even talking about that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Benjamin_Netanyahu The crimes he's facing occured well before 10/7. He's been trying to get the U.S. into a ground war in Iran going back to the Obama administration.


Even if Bibi wasn't responsible for the attack (and I don't really think he was), his conduct in the war and direct defiance of the US and other allies has been insane. Bibi took a situation where everyone was sympathetic and supportive of Israel and turned them into the villain. He undoubtedly took Hamas's attack as an opportunity to destroy the Palestinians, and there's really only been one beneficiary of his conduct, himself.


Please don't make excuses for Bibi and his intentional ignorance. He knew more than an year out https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html And then continued to ignore his own people a month or so before. https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-border-troops-women-hamas-warnings-war-october-7-benjamin-netanyahu/


> Is there any actual proof that Netunayu actually was somehow responsible for this other than the whole, "they were given a vague warning a few days before the attack "? According to the [NY Times it wasn't very vague](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html)


They had the actual attack plans the year before, warnings from multiple nations, and IDF intelligence stating that an attack from Gaza was likely imminent. It could have been incompetence, but given that it aligns with Netunayu's personal goals and has since been used to pursue the goals of his ultra-nationalist supporters, it is naïve to assume that.


no fucking shit. let's keep America out of the clutches of an insane dictator, AGAIN, this fall and sort out a 1000yr old religion fueled war later, okay kids?


Absolutely no surprise there. I found it odd that Americans would suddenly care about the latest chapter in a religious war with no good sides involved.


Israel is not a religion and neither is Palestine. It's not about religion. It's about taking land and valuables, the same every other war.


That's why Putin had Iran and Hamas start it.


This is obvious but the people protesting are just as dug into their position as the “but her emails” crowd in 2016. They don’t care if they are Russia’s useful idiot because they know in their hearts that they are right. These “anti-genocide” ideologues have been absolutely absent over the past 10 years of the crisis in Yemen that has also been perpetuated by US weapons in SA but are everywhere now that they have Russia, Iran and a global push towards antisemitism to help them organize.


The difference in popular anti-genocide support in the US for Palestinians but not Yemeni's has nothing to do with Russia. It has everything to do with the length of the Israel-Palestine conflict Because the conflict is decades old there are established groups like Jewish Voices for Peace and Students for Justice in Palestine that have been organizing for Palestinian support for our entire lifetimes. There's also disproportionate media coverage of the two wars because the 8 million Jewish Americans are far more tuned-into Israel's foreign policy than average Americans are to Yemeni or SA politics


It can be (and is) both. To say that it has nothing to do with Russia is to blatantly ignore the work they (Russians) do sowing discord on social media platforms to further their causes. Unfortunately the authentic crowd protesting against US arming Israel is doing Russia’s bidding, whether they acknowledge it or not. They feel exactly as righteous as the “but her emails” crowd did in 2016 and are doing just as much damage by undermining electoral enthusiasm for Biden as the other useful idiots did 8 years ago. The Israel-Hamas war is a complex and nuanced topic, and there is no reasonable, unified position taken at these protests.


They attacked on Putin's Birthday. That's not an accident.


Marjorie Tylor Greene and MAGA (Moscow And Greene Again) have been doing the job for Putin.


Did you see the Trump rallies vs the protest. This election is fucked.


They are succeeding. See the college protests.


That was the whole purpose for it.


Wouldn't be surprised if Russia had a hand in the October 7 2023 Hamas terrorist attack too


As is China.


I am sure that Russia and other countries are gleefully helping ramp up tensions in any way they can. Just like we would do in reverse. But I am also sure that the vast majority of Gaza protestors are good, honest Americans who are sickened by the images they’ve seen. A lot of these reports suggest that the protests are because of Russia or Hamas, and therefore worthless - but I think that’s highly disingenuous and incorrect.


Well no fucking kidding


Really? I'm sure everyone's shocked! Honestly, it seems like multiple entities are engaging in intense online agitation and propagandizing on nearly, if not all, social media.


As long as there are politicians looking for advantage by jumping on opposite views, there will always be a Russia producing these opposite views.


I just don’t understand why they’re taking such a little amount of money to do these things. There’s no way these people are getting laid F-U money to do this.


This is news?


Of course they are


I think it's great that people are trying to protest for the war in Gaza. But it's wild to think that Americans out of all the issues domestically occurring choose to make a foreign issue the focus of their protesting activities. We've had so many events domestically that I would expect have just as strong protests from university students but haven't heard of them ending up on the news.


The whole reason the war was started in the first place. Putin has proved he's terrible as a military commander, but he was a good KGB officer back in the day.


No shit. Them and Qatar. Doesn’t feel coincidental that all the tents across the US are similar makes/models/colors.


It's obvious but like everything they push people are buying into it.


No shit


No need, Russia. We can do that ourselves.


They’re succeeding


Ya think????


Ya think?


To funny Americans don't need any help exploiting their own divisions over Gaza. Does it occur to anyone as soon as something starts to go wrong in the US, it's always because of Russia ?


Does it occur to you that Americans don't need help being divided AND Russia, China etc are actively trying to exploit those divisions and make them worse? You think you're being clever painting this as black or white, when in reality it's grey, like most things are.


And yet this thread is very black and white about Russia and Republicans exploiting wedge issues for their gain but refuse to acknowledge Democrats do the same any time it's to their advantage, as they should. Roe v. Wade being the prime example. Only Catholics gave any shits about abortion in the US in the first half of the 20th century. Slowly Republicans beat that drum into a wedge issue to their advantage over the last 50/60 years. Now that it's overturned, Democrats will and should beat that drum to their advantage in turn. Like you said, most things are grey.


Difference being, that's just internal politicking over legitimate internal grievances. Whereas Russia is exploiting and inflaming our internal grievances to destabilize the US, wreak havoc on our politics, economy, and ability to influence international affairs. Ultimately they would love to see a literal civil war break out. They've been busted instigating protests by fomenting both sides simultaneously. The guy who tried to foment Calexit literally moved to Russia. They even created a town for American conservative ex-pats to move to. The closest thing I know of on our side was Hillary imploring Russians to vote out Putin in 2012, and that inspired massive protest events there. Putin was furious, but it was said in her voice. She wasn't acting as an anonymous troll. She was merely attempting to inspire Russians to have a functional democracy. Putin's ultimate desire is the destabilization and destruction of democracy, here and in Europe.


Head back to r/ conservative… you lost magat


I rest my case


Speechless? That’s first for a magat


It would be dumb not to.


'Tarnishing Washington' s global image.' Russia literally has to do nothing, your leadership does it all by themselves.


Yet many GOP members and leaders seemingly have a lot to do with Russia in both words and actions.


Divisive debate? If I say "Genocide is bad", the answer would be "Well, duh!" in a sane world. 


Yes, and that's why it's weird when the Hamas-led genocide is mentioned, instead of "genocide is bad" people rush to say "the conflict didn't start in 10/7" (read: "even if Hamas are guilty of genocide you gotta understand they were *very* upset")


Why can't Russia leave the United States of Israel alone?!


if you are against the protesters, what are you for? additional indiscriminate bombing? violent protestors? deemed unacceptable even within the actual protests


Exploited, past tense.


Biden’s doing a good job of that himself.