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Since 2020 he's been 0/60+ in election fraud lawsuits. 0 people, even in Republican-run states, have been arrested, charged, or prosecuted for the election fraud conspiracy Trump has alleged. 0 Democratic voters were snared with Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick's offer of a $25k cash bounty for tips leading to successful election fraud prosecutions (he had to pay out for some Republicans who were reported voting multiple times for Trump) A few dozen Republicans have been indicted for illegal and fraudulent acts they took to attack the fraud they couldn't find. Millions of dollars have been spent in recounts that added zero states to Trump's EC count. The better part of a billion dollars has been paid by Fox to settle a suit about election fraud lies they knew were bogus at the time (and said so to each other) There is no evidence of a widespread and coordinated effort to rig 2020 for Biden. There is TONS of evidence that Trump and Republicans lied, knew they were lying, and lied anyway about the election. But the denial is strong in MAGA. The grifters at the top are aware of the con, but the red hatstands at the bottom are true believers in the conspiracy theory. I've debated online with some of these people and have been told that the vote rigging for Biden was *really obvious* When I asked them why Bidens people didn't rig the House and Senate too since they were on the same ballots, I was told that would be *too obvious.* šŸ¤” F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, ā€œThe test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.ā€ I think MAGA disproves that idea.


I blame whoever was president at the time of this alleged vote rigging. If theyā€™re incapable of nominating a single judge who can hear their smoking gun cases, and incapable of making sure the country had fair elections after years of claiming thereā€™s rampant fraud and a corrupt system, then I think the first thing we should do is disqualify them from office ever again.


Holy shit, this is actually the best argument. "Donald, you were in charge, and you claim it was a rigged vote, so you were so incompetent you couldn't keep the 'vote' from being 'rigged?'" Say that to his face, he'll say it was the fairest election and hurt himself in confusion.


I blame the previous President because he was clearly encouraging and still is encouraging voter fraud and election interference all along. Normally I'd never blame a few instances of voter fraud on the sitting President because obviously a set amount however small is bound to occur regardless who sits in the Office. Trump deliberately sows division and confusion via lies because it personally benefits himself. This dude is willing to hurt the country for his own personal gains, and yet half the voter population doesn't see a serious problem with that?


Trump is seriously the most responsible for voter fraud out of any candidate ever. More people have been caught trying to prove that fraud wasn't being caught than cases of actual fraud, and that's all on Trump and his lie.


This is so obvious. But so many people refuse to to acknowledge it or do anything about it. Itā€™s a complete upheaval of the constitution, most everything trump has done has been the antithesis of American democracy


Itā€™s so funny, we know there is some voter fraud. But like how much is it really? A couple thousand? And divided across how many states? Thatā€™s not gonna turn an election, and theyā€™re definitely not all Biden votes, especially since Trump told his voters to vote twice. Imagine how complex that would be to rig all of the swing states. So many people would be involved, yet the 60+ court cases canā€™t find any wrongdoing. Itā€™s so sad people believe it.


I regularly troll the newsmax comment section (by troll I mean use facts and logic), and there are people who legitimately think 120% of the population voted in Pennsylvania. Also, we need more soldiers for the cause, so please come have fun over there.


In fact, none of the actual fraud was for Biden. And, as you stated, trump encouraged his voters to vote twice.


> we know there is some voter fraud. But like how much is it really? A couple thousand? The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database with all known cases of voter fraud. The total amount across all time they've collated isn't enough to change a single swing state in a single year, and it's spread out over all states and decades. Voter fraud is statistically nascent, but they keep pushing it to hype fear among the ignorant who don't dig into the data to see it's a rate of 0.000004% https://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2020-pandemic-voting-mail-safe-honest-and-fair-stewart


> I blame the previous President As does the person you replied to. It's an interesting argument, imho: 1. A president nominates a crap ton of judges. 2. Supposing MAGA's claim: There's widespread obvious election fraud. 3. None of the judges are willing to rule in favor of the party claiming fraud. 4. \[conclusion\] The president that seated all those judges is not trustworthy. The aforementioned president is Trump. Therefore, even if you grant the MAGA claim of election fraud, you must conclude that Trump is not a good choice of president.


An excellent point that no one ever talks aboutā€¦


These fascists have gone to such great lengths for two reasons. One, their propaganda bubble had them completely convinced that Trump would sail to an easy victory. Two, they've worked so hard for so long to cheat the system themselves with gerrymandering, voter intimidation and direct ballot tampering that they can't understand how Biden managed to successfully navigate their election interference. So the only credible explanation in their mind is that the Dems cheated (even more than the GOP traditionally does).


> can't understand how Biden managed to successfully navigate their election interference. So the only credible explanation in their mind is that the Dems cheated (even more than the GOP traditionally does). Hadn't considered this before! šŸ¤”


It does give the Democrats a lot of credit. Like Will Rogers once quipped, "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat."


69 court loses by my count.






My parents are of the mind that all of the lawsuits were dismissed on procedural grounds, and Trump never got his date in court because THEY wouldn't let him. I pointed out that some of those judges who rejected the lawsuits were appointed by Trump himself. Their counter is that the judges were just too scared to rock the boat by taking the case, an argument which conveniently removes any responsibility for Trump to prove anything. Basically they don't give a shit all the lawsuits failed. To them that's more proof that the election was rigged.


Thatā€™s the scary thing about slipping into a conspiracy theory mindset. Once you have committed to it, any proof to the contrary just reinforces the idea that it is a massive network of deceit. Itā€™s sort of like how cult members will view evidence against the cult as proof that they are the single shining light in a world that is wrong. It becomes a deep emotional investment that has the reward of making you feel like you see the truth that others donā€™t.


When debating a buddy of mine over drinks he asked "do you really think someone like Joe Biden won?" I said, Option 1) Either the democratic party pulled off the most elaborate and flawless scheme in human history to steal the election over multiple states, hundred of counties, thousand of voting precincts, all without any whistle blowers, leaked emails, or recorded conversations of the millions of interactions that would be necessary. Or Option 2) the most divisive, controversial, and scandal ridden president in modern, possibly all of American history, simply lost an election, during a history altering pandemic like hundreds of people do every election year across the country. Which is more plausible?


As a non American... There were 3 main candidates in the 2020 US presidential election; Trump, Biden and anyone who was not Trump. Trump came last.


"Well, we are cheating, so the dems must be cheating as well!" Goes over their head that they are just unpopular sacks of shit. Not even human, just bags of shit that happened to gain sentience


They have been 4D Chess. How the f do we win from this?


Iā€™m going to very likely get downvoted to oblivion for this, butā€¦ I think World War 3 might be the only option here. Russia has taken over the House *and* Supreme Court through Kompromat means, to the point that Russia is practically begging for Trump to yank the country out of NATO if he becomes president again so that Putin can steamroll through Europe and essentially take over the world. ā€œBut heā€™s fumbled the ball on Ukraine!ā€ you say. Well, thatā€™s not stopping him from causing chaos and destruction in both the US and Gaza by paying off both Hamas and Israel to fight each other to the death. The only way to stop Trump and his goons at this point is to take down their main source of power.


The movie Civil War is some Black Mirror shit. If WW3 were to happen, that won't be good for any market. At this point, it'll be over.


> I think World War 3 might be the only option here You don't think war changed as a result of WW2, which was already getting into deep deception and information warfare, with the world [having started fighting it after WW2 and us just continuing today](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_War)? The only thing I'd disagree with most historians, many of them in that very link, is it wasn't between "capitalism versus communism", it was the [global citizenry versus wealthy oligarchy and the oligarchs are winning thanks to their head start](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/123058-there-s-class-warfare-all-right-but-it-s-my-class-the)


That's so unnecessarily kind of you, to call MAGAts functioning


Red hatstands... Bravo šŸ‘


Nothing has damaged America in my lifetime more than that sack of unpatriotic shit. You'd have to truly despise this nation to support such a blatantly perfidious turd.


trump by himself is a racist con man and only poses a danger to the wallets of people who walk into his used car dealership and women who have the unfortunate circumstance of crossing paths with him. trump with a half billion dollar inheritance, 63 million supporters, and the powers of the presidency is a clear and present danger to end the American experiment.


Plus the decades of right-wing political machinations to stack the deck and saturation of the media with unbalanced conservative views and propaganda.


This part cannot be ignored. The Republican Party and their voters were waiting for a Trump. He didnā€™t invent any of this, he only enabled it.


He was in the right place at the right time, the perfect dupe.


The same person responsible for the Brooks brothers riot the convicted felon Roger Stone is the man to self admittedly got trump to be the gop front man.


Thank Regan and his abandonment of the Fairness Doctrine.


I used to listen to daytime talk radio when I was on the road during work hours, and those Rush types of personalities made it seem like the sky was falling every day. I couldnā€™t believe people enjoyed being kept in perpetual states of paranoia. Itā€™s like a real life masochist horror fetish.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to voting Republican.


Coming from people obsessed with forcing their insignias of a martyr being tortured onto the rest of us, without following ANY of the ideals said martyr supposedly represents, yeah Im not surprised that they are all imbecile masochists. Theyā€™ve been literally brainwashed for generations to become a zealous, vengeful sect. This was on purpose and its the same abusive gameplan we humans have mistaken as ā€œtraditionā€ since before the Bronze Age.


Oh, no. He poses a danger to us all in various ways. Just look at what his supreme courts picks have accomplished already.


While I feel Trump has just been the icing on the cake. The cake is McConnell imo.


McConnell is the turtle on whom ā€œAtlasā€ stands/shits.


Newt Gringrich would like a word. I'd argue a lot of this started with his policy on "no compromise with the 'enemy'" as speaker during Clinton admin.


Even Gingrich was just taking marching orders, same as many other republicans, from the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, both active in cultivating extremism and ending bipartisanship by the early Reagan administration.


Or the idiots saying they wonā€™t vote for ā€œGenocide Joeā€ they could hand this election to Trump.


You can't save Palestine by not voting or voting for Trump. Trump will absolutely accelerate the genocide of the Palestinian people. With glee.


I mean he will accelerate the loss of many countries.


Specifically the US.


The US, Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea, Palestine and/or Israel


TRUMP States of TRUMP People think I'm kidding. You want to him to brand a country, let him win.


https://youtu.be/4-KrK7NUMtw?si=h5aHo7IiHXvtobvb Hereā€™s son in law and Middle East peace czar, Jared Kushner, talking about how Israel should push out Palestinians and take advantage of the valuable waterfront property.


"The banality of evil" on full display. Again.


Isn't this the same guy who got 2 billion from the Saudis for selling them our national secrets? Great guy to have in charge of things like this./s


I feel so frustrated, how can everyone not see this point?!


It is mindblowing how people will talk about not voting for Joe when Trump will absolutely decimate Palestine with glee and intention.


He'll also help hostile countries conquer things like Europe. Unless youĀ have nukes, nothing is gonna stop that danger.


He said it himself. He would tell Israel to "finish the job." Unfortunately there are a lot of moderate voters who would be a-okay with that.


Thereā€™s a goddamn Israeli settlement in the Golan Heights named after Donald Trump https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/10CB/production/_107399240_hi054680562.jpg


Biden is bad for Palestine. Trump is bad for Palestine and Ukraine. Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem. That was a huge indicator that Trump does not believe that there is a place for Palestinians in Israel. Trump said in an interview that Netanyahu should "finish the job". Kushner wants to build luxury housing for jews on the beach in Gaza. And Trump would totally hand Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter. That said, Biden is still very very bad for Palestinians and he should change course for the sake of America if nothing else. History is going to remember genocide joe, if that genocide costs him the last American election.


Who would proceed to genocide the shit out of Palestine as he has intimated already


And withdrawing from NATO. I know Congress tried to seal that down but the emperor with no clothes will do what he wants Iā€™m sure.


> will do what he wants Iā€™m sure. he'll do what putin wants.


Itā€™s incredible how powerful that blackmail is when everybody already knows Trump is a pedophile. The guy who runs beauty pageants, walks into the dressing rooms of said pageants, wanted to date his daughter, and is Doe 174 in the Epstein docs. (Im?)plausible deniability is a hell of a drug.


The central part of Article 5 says > will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, **such action as it deems necessary** It would be within President Trump's power to say "I will deem any invocation of article 5 to require no necessary action". That is close to the same thing as a US withdrawal from NATO, and is not precluded by the no withdrawal law. I suppose that Congress could still mandate Trump to take specific actions helping NATO partners, but it would not look pretty. The effectiveness of the NATO guarantee depends on everybody believing that the US President (=Commander in Chief) will do a good faith effort to follow the spirit of the treaty.


If this orange turd wins, there will be no congress.


Of course there wonā€™t be a Congress, because the Kremlin will be running the country while this orange dumbass goes golfing 99.9999999999% of the time.


Thatā€™s the most frustrating thing about this. Israel consults with the US but ultimately they donā€™t have to listen to what we want. Weā€™ve already seen that. How is that Bidenā€™s fault?


Plus in my opinion there is no really good solution to the Gaza issue. This has been a major issue in the area almost from the time the Brits finally gave up on the area. It's terrible what Israel is doing to Gaza, but it was also terrible what Hamas did to start all of this. There really isn't much that Biden can do to change this situation.


The guy in charge when it happened. That's the only excuse they need.


Oh theyā€™re even worse because theyā€™re willfully idiotic


I'd argue that his enablers and media outlets (Fox News) are as much to blame. He's just doing him, others helped put him into a position of power.


Not just fox. Ā The mainstream media too. Ā For three election cycles now they have basically allowed him to run a shoestring campaign by airing all his craziness and treating him like a normal candidate. I wonā€™t blame fox when he wins. Ā Their dumass audience is already lost and has been for 25 years. I will blame the New York Times and WAPO.Ā 


That sack of rancid unpatriotic shit and his brainless cult.


He makes Nixon (and even Agnew) look like an absolute saint.


Just like Putin hired him to do. Or blackmailed, more likely, into being a cruise missle launched at the Constitution.


I think about Bin Laden and Putin, and I think this idiot did more damage than both of them to the way Americans think and feel about their country and their fellow Americans. It's depressing.


It is shocking that trump supporters don't seem to understand that the quality of life built up in america over the past 100 years relies on the world viewing us as a credible, respectable, super power, and their relentless efforts to undermine this will hurt us all.


I mean, the Republican Party as the institution has done the most.


Damage to America?




It's so crazy that, worldwide, he is objectively one of the most famous people of the last 100 years. Nobody doesn't know who Trump is. It's stupid.


I mean Stalin and Hitler were one of the most famous people of their time. Infamous is a type of famous


Not only that, but he's likely to be the harbinger of the end of our democracy later this year. Far too many idiots are either not paying attention or are willing to throw it all away over the Gaza conflict, wanting to punish Biden for their own mind-numbingly stupid idiocy.


Cia fucked up urban America pretty bad with that whole crack thing...


Gary Webb was right all along. Shame on the US media for discrediting him when the story first came out. The drug war has never been about health. We donā€™t put diabetics in cages for not taking insulin and last time I checked Virginia tobacco fields are not being sprayed with cancer causing herbicides by paramilitary forces.


Except if it was just Trump then he wouldnā€™t have gotten anywhere. Itā€™s a vast majority of his entire party who have decided that since they canā€™t win on regressive policies that the majority despise, theyā€™ll just steal elections and put them in anyway. Trump is a useful idiot being ridden by some truly fucked up people.


And particularly THIS point has been the most damaging by far. It isnā€™t even close. When we made it through 4 years of Trump I honestly thought ā€œIt could have been way worse.ā€ And then it got worse. Undermining our elections has scarred us in ways we will not fully understand for some time. In fact, weā€™re still sustaining injury thanks to all the republicans in this country who would prefer getting their way no matter what to having a democracy.


I generally hate these type declarative statements like "Most Important Election in our Lifetime" but I honestly cannot see how either isnt true


If he "can't accept" unfavorable results, why is the fat piece of shit allowed to run in the first place?


Because ANYONE meeting the very basic requirements can run. This may be a good addition to those requirements...


Right?? It should be a requirement that a presidential candidate must accept the outcome. Guess itā€™s never been a problem before 2016.


This is just another example of processes that the GOP post 2008 showed us were somewhat to mostly reliant on good faith. For example, cloture was originally established by the ā€œprevious questionā€ motion. But (and hereā€™s why my memory of prior reading might be a tad fuzzy) Aaron Burr abolished the motion in 1806 because it was superfluous as no gentleman of the senate would do something so dastardly as hold up the nationā€™s business for such frivolity. After that, the filibusterā€™s use as a cudgel was mostly confined to race related legislation (abolitionist and civil rights movements). It wasnā€™t until the 21st century that the filibuster has been used so aggressively (with a commiserate drop in legislation passed, I think around 90% in 50 years)


Another reason to dislike Aaron Burr


They should make a rule or something. You know, if the answer to "will you accept a legitimate Democratic result" is anything other than "of course", you can't participate.


i mean, politicians just lie. we need to *actually arrest and incarcerate* people who actively commit treason against the united states. promises of good faith won't solve this. consequences for bad faith will.


Or, why would he think heā€™d win again if the game is so ā€œriggedā€


I'd really like to not get on this stupid fucking ride again. But.... here we go. Insurrection 2, electric boogaloo.


The same people who cry about participation trophies donā€™t have enough character to admit defeat


Wow, so spot on.


V true


Iā€™m feeling people are less pumped to throw away their freedoms this time around for that guy


Heā€™s not going to have the cash to run all the evidence free lawsuits again


Yeah, and deluded boomers like Pillow Mike can't help him either, because they blew all their money.


That is actually a good point. Unless he has big money backers or foreign nations (canā€™t believe this is even being said) footing the bill, his reserves are dry.


If he finds a way to liquidate the 1.8 billion worth of DJT stock (even if at a reduced price) he might get some of it. ā˜¹ But we can hope all that money is already gone into his hordes of other creditors/lawsuits.


I say bring it on, let the MAGAts get violent again to show the nation once and for all they have no business being elected officials or free citizens of this country. It's sad, but I think I'm convinced it has to get so utterly fucking horrific for the general public to be offended and appalled enough to get active. This 50-60% voter participation rate is abysmal.


The difference is that Biden is in charge and would make sure the capitol has police/national guard ready.


I truly hope that the current administration is preparing for this shit show. Itā€™s going to be worse this timeā€¦theyā€™ve had four years to fester and prepare.


Of course not. Heā€™s headed straight for dictator donā€™t pass go donā€™t collect $200. If he gets back in ainā€™t nobody accepting election results again until after the next civil war.


ā€œDo the rules say you *canā€™t*?ā€ https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1988/01/24


Dictators have always taken issue with voting


No, they encourage as much voting as possible.Ā  Just that they're the only name on the ballot.


He didn't even accept the election he won. Why is this a surprise. "Guy who has never accepted a result still won't accept a result."


Even before he won he was [saying shit like this.](https://www.npr.org/2016/10/20/498713509/donald-trump-says-hell-accept-the-results-of-the-election-if-he-wins) He was laying the groundwork for complaining about his loss as illegitimate so he could save face. He's been riding that train ever since because it's a win-win for him personally no matter the results.


We don't need him to accept it, but we should make sure he's held accountable for crimes he commits in his attempts to override the results this time.


How about we hold him accountable for the last time first.


Works for me


If you can not commit to something as little as the opinion of the majority of the US, you should not be allowed to run.


If only it were that simple. Trump has never won a popular vote.




if you commit insurrection against the united states, you shouldn't be allowed to run.


Does this blowhard think anything will actually happen if he doesnā€™t accept the results? Another Jan. 6? A civil war? No, heā€™ll just throw temper tantrums on Truth Social while his trials wrap up then hopefully he goes to prison.


We can hope that's the outcome, but there's people on the right who are so psychotic at this point that I don't think we can count them out. I'm hoping that the FBI has their ear to the ground on this one.


At least the difference here is that Trump doesn't control the national guard this time.


He didn't accept the results from 2016 either. His thin skin couldn't get over the fact that he lost the popular vote. He and his cronies claimed they had evidence of 3 million illegal immigrants that voted. They kept delaying releasing the "information" until everyone just kind of forgot about it.


He knows he's losing, bigly.Ā 


They don't care. If it's close then obv the Dems tweaked things just enough to win. If it's not close then it's very obvious the Dems cheated. Losing big would probably go over really well with his base.


Donā€™t count on it, sadly.


and in other breaking news, Sun rises in East


This is the only take. He didn't even accept the results in 2016 because he lost the popular vote. He has never accepted the results before, why the fuck would he start now?


Right? He said he wouldn't accept the primary results back in 2016. It's been 8 years of this shit, he's against democracy.


He needs to build an excuse just in case he loses. But it's a really dumb country, so pretty sure he's winning


Yeah, well. Biden controls the DOJ this time. Letā€™s see how far the gravy seals get without Trumpers in the Pentagon refusing to send in the national guard


This is going to be the new thing on all levels isn't it. Refusing to accept the rest or questioning election integrity. Trump is doing it for his ego, others want it so they can bring in laws limiting voting


To the surprise of no oneĀ 


Then he shouldnā€™t run. If he doesnā€™t care for democracy or the law of this country, he should leave.


This should be disqualifying. Period.


As far as this American is concerned, he disqualified himself when he intentionally incited a violent coup with the express goal of staying in power despite knowing full well that he'd lost the election.


I was not surprised in the slightest by this when I saw that snippet of his interview. News pundits should really be doing a better job of highlighting the obvious danger of a candidate who is currently on trial for attempting to overturn the last election, once again making it known that he will not accept defeat in the current election. Every time they start comparing Biden to Trump on their shows they should be mentioning the pro-dictatorship plans that Trump has indicated he plans on implementing if re-elected. Let's hope most inhabitants in the 'Land of the Free' have a problem with a narcissist taking away even more of their freedom so that he can escape jail time and exact revenge on his supposed enemies. The simple fact that Trump and his GOP buddies made it so that women in many places across the land can no longer make health care decisions for themselves, should give everyone (including men) pause. If something as insane as that could happen, then who know what other supposed rights are on the chopping block?


Plenty of prison cells for his idiots who will take up his failed cause.


He doesn't have to accept them, he can just fuck off and be ignored.


Duh. This is the opposite of news. We know he is unfit, and we know the fact that he is still an eligible candidate for the presidency is an affront to the constitution as a whole. So we can also surmise that if an entire political party is backing him regardless, that they have no reverence whatsoever to the constitution or the principles America was founded under, either. We know exactly what we are marching towards. Please, somebody stop this madness before it's too late.


I think the headline should read "Trump only accepting 2024 Election Results if he wins"


He hasnā€™t even accepted the 2016 results and he won that one. Of course he hasnā€™t. He never will. Even if a the impossible happened and he wonā€™t 99% of the vote he would keep insisting the last 1% was a scam and he really won it. Narcissists canā€™t handle the fact that even one person doesnā€™t like them.


Trump didn't even accept the tallies of the election that he *won.* His ego cannot handle the fact that most Americans didn't want him in 2016, and it certainly can't handle the fact that he lost in 2020. No matter what the results of 2024 are, I don't see his attitude changing.


On this episode of ā€œYouā€™re a mentally challenged loser if you want to vote for this ass clownā€


He hasnā€™t accepted the 2020 results. Why would he accept his loss this time?




Actually, they did find some evidence of voter fraud. It just all happened to be Republicans that were doing the fraud.


Ugh. I hate reruns


No shit, he didn't commit to the 2020 results either. Thankfully whether or not he commits to accepting the results doesn't make a difference, all that matters is what the results are.




How could anyone confuse this drama queen for an alpha male? He has the worldā€™s most fragile ego and itā€™s completely obvious!


Accepting 2020ā€™s results would be a good first step


Except it'll be a lot tougher for his deplorables to try to overthrow it this time since he won't be in charge of the military and national guard.


Heā€™ll accept if he wins. Itā€™s the standard GOP playbook now: if they win, thereā€™s no problem and the voting system is airtight. If they lose, clearly thereā€™s massive cheating.


Oh...ok...that's nice grandpa. Let's get you back to bed.


Even Trump knows he's going to lose. He won't abide by the will of the people he would serve. It's sad because it's brought American politics to a stunning low. The founders weren't prepared for the effectiveness of toddler tactics supported by rampant propaganda.


Of course he won't. If he loses, he is 1000% going to deny the results and attempt Jan 6 2: Electric Boogaloo Boys.


If I win itā€™s legit. If I lose itā€™s rigged. Thatā€™s how a childā€™s brain work.


Said like a person already expecting to lose.




SCOTUS: Yeah, so?


Of course he won't accept the 2024 election results. That's who this orange cancer really is. Really fuck Donald Trump forever!


Well, why the hell would he? He wouldn't be able get an army of dipshits to attack the capitol again if he did that.


Only things that shitbag commits are crimes and fraud.


The 14th Amendment really is the solution. He is an unrepentant insurrectionist.


Who would have thought that exactly zero lessons have been learned since he did this the last two times he ran for president.


He said the same thing on 2016 - he wouldnā€™t accept the results as legitimate if he lost. Heā€™s like a spoiled middle schooler who blames the PlayStation controller when he keeps losing video games.


Dude has done this every fucking time


Good another ad for Biden


He didn't even accept the 2016 election results because he was angry that he lost the popular vote.


What else would u expect from a professional loser


Of course he won't commit.


I am so sick of him.


Gee where have I heard this before? šŸ¤”


Truly amazing that we're even in this position. To the people who still support this man; Fuck you.


I mean he said the election that he actually won was rigged. He said Iowa in his first primary was rigged because he lost. He said the Emmys were rigged because the Apprentice didnā€™t win. At what point are people going to realize the ā€œcry wolfā€ situation here.


ā€œman that led a violent insurrection after losing election promises to do it againā€


There should be a disqualification if you can't commit to proper acceptance of the results ahead of the election


Trump has a lot in common with my toddler: ā—They both whine and yell to try to get what they want ā—They both agree McDonald's is a very classy eating joint ā—They both wear diapers ā—They're both sore losers if they lose a game ā—Their go-to's in an argument is "nu-uh, I didn't do it!", "Not me..." even with obvious evidence, and "NOT FAIR!!!!" ā—They think they deserve a pat on the back and a "good job" for doing the most minimal thing


Prepare for Jan 6th II: Electric Terrorism


"We'll see. I'll accept it if I win, but not if I lose..." That's some third grade bullshit. To be honest, he's not looking too healthy at his trial and November is a long way to go. Best thing he can do is just fade away and let someone more aligned with the country run against Biden.


No surprises there. But will he commit to not commit treason this time around?


Unless the coin flip is ā€˜heads I win, tales you loseā€™ heā€™s not interested.


Who the fk is asking him that and what the fk for? It's not up to him to accept it. It's OUR FKN VOTES. WHY IS SO MUCH TIME WASTED ON WONDERING WHAT THIS LOOSE STOOL DIAPER WEARER THINKS? If you want attention and clicks and you are looking for gross shit to get them, just post videos of dogs vomitting. Jesus H fkn christ!


So what if he doesnā€™t accept it..he will lose the election and he will throw a tantrum and get his goons to protest.. and I hope every single one of them get taken down by the military and he gets charged with inciting a riot and sent to prison


This precedent will go beyond Trump for a long time


He refused to accept the election results in which he *won*. He refused to accept that the popular vote went to Clinton and not him, even though the electoral vote was his. Even when he wins he refuses to accept it!


He'll accept the results if he wins. He won't accept the results if he loses. 2020 clearly showed us that.


Nothing more unpatriotic than refusing to participate in and accept the peaceful transition of power. But Trumpā€™s motto is ā€œAsk not what you can do for your country, ask how you can exploit the fuck out of the country for yourselfā€


Too many people prefer lies, no matter how dangerous or absurd.


From my experience, if youā€™re flipping a coin to decide if Trump is going to act like an asshole, your best bet is just to assume that he will, historically speaking.


I'm not surprised but whenever I hear this I am surprised that more people aren't outraged. He is basically saying that our vote will be discounted if he has anything to say about it. As a fairly new citizen that is infuriating to me.


He didnā€™t even accept the results as free and fair when he WON.


He will if they are fair ā€¦ I mean he will if he wins. Anything else is unfair and bigly corrupt.


Commenting because I don't like the number 88, Fuck Hitler


We know


Good I hope he gets more of his disciples put in jail!