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They really need to stick with the original story that she was under an NDA and being pressured by the president of the united states that she had to sign it. That makes way more sense.


Oh fuck, are we gonna quibble over the meaning of "romantic" in the context of an intimate relationship between adults? Fine then. Both are correct. It was romantic in the sense that sex was involved, but not romantic in the sense of emotions.


I think it's fair for her to contend it wasn't an affair. It was a sexual encounter. Would anybody claim all of her sexual partners in her porn career were "affairs?"


Could have been rape. After all trump does rape


He certainly does. But in this case, she has stated that it wasn't rape, as she was a willing participant. She says she didn't really want to have sex with him, but he was in her room and it was just easier to do so and be done with it. She didn't say no. And as a result we now know that he has a weird, small mushroom and Yeti pubes.


So essentially.... rape. She didn't want to, but she knew no wasn't going to be taken by someone like him. Remember? They just let him do it.he said so himself.


They were only together for 3 minutes, including foreplay, but in those 3 minutes, they loved a lifetimes worth.


idk, I think the average adult can understand that romantic doesn't mean sex and sex doesn't mean it was romantic.


I think you overestimate what is "average". I do too.


I think most people have experienced sex that wasn't romantic and also had a romance that didn't become sexual. This seems to be a common human experience so I am not too worried about people understanding that those two things don't always go together.


Only if we ignore the “or”


It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is






Among professionals in her line of work that's probably a routine distinction. Context matters.


He's really using the Clinton defense? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman . . . Miss Lewinsky"


"Depends on what your definition of 'is' is."


Mr Hutz?


"No, money down!"


My favourite part of the Clinton deposition was when Clinton asked “Define the word NO” Nice attempt to dodge Slick Willy.


It wasn’t? I bet it involved violent emotional feelings though.


Photocopier moment this. Edit: [Verbatim: What Is a Photocopier? | Op-Docs](https://youtu.be/PZbqAMEwtOE?si=q7HHxMtBVO99Ug9u)


It wasn’t an affair, it was a transaction. He paid, she fucked.


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