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The fact that his reaction is more "wow I can't believe she's talking about this so openly with everyone" rather than "holy fucking shit she killed a puppy" is pretty on point for The Donald.


Trump, quite famously, hates dogs. Which tells you everything you need to know of him.


> In June, Trump was interviewed by Sean Spicer, his former White House press secretary, and argued that the impeachment charges against him were ***"thrown out like dogs."*** A year earlier, the president boasted to the world that ISIS founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ***"died like a dog"*** -- a phrase Trump liked so much, he used it twice. > The phrasing seemed familiar for good reason. As regular readers may recall, shortly before his State of the Union address in 2019, Trump told a group of television anchors that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) ***"choked like a dog"*** at a press conference a few days prior. > A few weeks before that, we learned of an anecdote from Cliff Sims' book in which Trump told then-House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), in reference to the closing days of the 2016 election cycle, ***"You were out there dying like a dog, Paul. Like a dog!"*** >It's clearly one of this president's favorite metaphors. Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal, for example, was ***"fired like a dog."*** According to Trump, so were conservative media figures Erick Erickson and Glenn Beck. >Egypt's Hosni Mubarak was ***"dropped like a dog."*** Steve Bannon was ***"dumped like a dog."*** Mitt Romney ***"choked like a dog."*** Ted Cruz ***"lies like a dog."*** Brent Bozell allegedly went to Trump's office ***"begging for money like a dog."*** >"Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart," the future president wrote in 2012. ***"She cheated on him like a dog."*** >Asked why he went after Arianna Huffington's appearance, Trump wrote, just two months before launching his presidential campaign, ***"Because she is a dog who wrongfully comments on me."*** >After Omarosa Manigault-Newman left the White House, Trump called her "a crazed, crying lowlife," before adding, ***"Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!"***


Goddamn, what kind of dogs has he met?


Dogs can get a good sense of people, and Trump's soul is some foul shit. 


Hot dogs it seems.


He's not disgusted that she *did* it, he's disgusted that she let people know about it.


Exactly. She was apparently being seriously considered as his VP candidate too, that's 100% over. As dumb as he is even he knows there's some things you don't admit to in public.


> As dumb as he is even he knows there's some things you don't admit to in public. Or rather, he sees that the public reaction is bad and that Noem is not getting away with it. Narcissists tend to put people either on a pedestal or in the toilet, and there's not much in between. In Trump's head, Noem just went from the former to the latter. Trump himself very well might get away with shooting a dog, like he has gotten away with a litany of things. He certainly did things a lot worse than kill a dog as president.


"I like candidates that don't get caught murdering animals."


If for some reason killing a puppy had increased her popularity, Trump would have been making a post about all the puppies he’s killed the next day.


Bingo. If the public thought she was "being tough", he'd be lying about this too.


He already hates dogs too


Dogs hate Trump more than he hates dogs


Dogs know an asshole when they see them


He does not and has never had a dog. He thinks they are dirty. Of course he won’t publicly admit that this is why, but others close to him have said as much.


And he generally doesn't have much of a filter. But even for him, it could be social or political suicide to admit to hating dogs.


He uses ".....like a dog" as a derogatory slur constantly.


> He already hates dogs too He has never had a pet he can care for. Like not even the emotional care, but the act of caring for an animal. If there's one absolute red flag of all things trump has done or said it's that he's never had a pet he cared for. Even Ted fucking Cruze has a pet poodle. Sure, he ditched it while he went to cancun while the power was out so his 'security' could take care of it, but he does have a pet.


He’s the first president since Andrew Jackson, and only the third ever, to not have any kind of pet, let alone a dog, in the White House. If you knew nothing else about the man, that would be enough.


Supposedly, John Quincy Adams had a pet alligator that lived in one of the White House bedrooms


Jefferson had grizzly cubs, Coolidge had a hippo and a raccoon, Theodore had a one legged rooster and a hyena, Buchanan had an elephant.


and Bingo was his name-O. This is exactly it, if conservative voters had heard her dog story and done a collective shrug, like they do whenever Donnie boy says something stupid or psychotic, she’d still be his golden girl. The public didn’t react that way, so she’s toast.


>Trump himself very well might get away with shooting a dog, That might be the one thing he can't get away with. Animal cruelty, particularly against dogs, is not something that even the most hateful people are willing to overlook.


Trump org steals from dog charity and they still donate to the same event


Even most republicans like dogs. 


Hey whoa, he recently walked back calling Bill Barr "lethargic", so I think he's capable of seeing a middle ground. /s


The paradox about that tweet is that if you wanted to roast Bill Barr, there's rather a lot that you could say, but Trump actually agrees with all the truly evil stuff he did, and during Trump's term, he did it on Trump's behalf and for his benefit. So Trump is left with "lethargic" and such. And, of course, a narcissist will often put a person back on the pedestal if they need something from that person. Barr might be in that category one of these days, since he's still kissing ass. And then it's back into the toilet, if he happens to cross the narc again.


> In Trump's head, Noem just went from the former to the latter. Precisely. Her "ratings" are way down. "So weak".


Yeah I have seen zero evidence that he likes or even gives one flying fuck about any animals whatsoever. Has this super wealthy person ever in his life had a pet dog or cat?


Apparently not. Ivana had a dog when they were married, so he was likely forced to put up with some of that.


I'm starting to think Trump will attempt to argue he doesn't need a Vice President or that for all intents and purposes Donald Trump is his own VP pick. Then there will be a lot of pushback and he'll relent but only if he can choose one of his children.


Something Dwight Schrute would do.


"The Hay King is...ME!"


Also: Jim: You know, Dwight, this whole search for the assistant thing, none of these people are good enough. Dwight: I know. Jim: What I'm about to say makes no logical sense, and yet it might be the most logical thing I've ever said. Dwight: Jim, this is gonna come as no surprise, but I know exactly what you were gonna say. The only possible assistant to my assistant... Jim: Is... Dwight: Me.


He is going to pick his VP based on who can bring in the money. I don't think anything else matters to him anymore.


Or someone who can carry at least one of the swing states.


I’ve been saying for a while that he will pick one of his kids. I really can’t see him making any other choice


The interesting thing is that with all the blood and gore in the Fallout series, they didn't show the dog being stabbed.


They also immediately saved it. Left it "dead" just long enough to jerk some tears from the audience


He may be dumb about a lot of things, but PR and media manipulation are things that he is actually very talented at. It's the reason he's been able to maintain the charade of a great business man when failing over and over again. Calling him completely incompetent is dangerous because his ability to control the narrative and media is second to none. This is why his fans don't believe anything negative about him. It's not because they're all idiots. It's because he knows what the fuck he is doing.


Is he good at PR and media manipulation though? Or is it the media gives him the attention and spin that he needs to be successful, and they're good at those things.


He's a massive idiot, but I do think he's good at manipulation. He knows how to signal to his audience that he hates the same people and things they do. He steps over the line regularly but then claims he didn't say that, or that he was misunderstood. His supporters hear it all, though, and they feel emboldened that the leader of the GOP openly says these things. He's skilled at stoking hate and fear, which is what the modern Republican party is built on.


Both things can be true. He may be a master at manipulating idiots.


Without a right wing media ecosystem, Trump would have failed at PR long ago. It isn’t rocket science.  Trump expresses hatred towards the right people and the conservative media cleans up or ignores his blunders.


She was never under any serious consideration because she fails the white Republican man test. But yeah, as soon as this came out, I said "Well, now he REALLY won't pick her because he can't stand to be upstaged, and killing dogs gets more attention than Trump and he can't accept it"


I think he might consider a woman for vp - he won’t be “threatened” by woman, he’s got to know the abortion issue is costing him women voters and this would save a little of that, and the gop has always been smitten by a pretty face to look at.


See, I'll respectfully disagree for a few reasons. * As stated here, Trump knows PR. And a woman could help shore up a weakness in his image. (What with Roe and the sexual assault conviction and all...) * I can see Trump getting off on a subservient woman as his VP. As long as she's attractive and knows how to PR. And grovel at his feet. (yuck) All this said, I do agree that Vance is the most likely. Because holy CRAP is he a sniveling little suckup... and Trump loves that.


He won't because he's a rank misogynist, and he knows that what wins Republicans is white men. He will pick a white man. (He already picked J.D. Vance)


I think he might think he can control a woman VP better than he controlled Pence though. If Pence hadn't refused to be kidnapped by the secret service, or hadn't gone behind Trump's back to deploy the National Guard the coup might have succeeded. Trump might want a 'weak' VP that he thinks he can dominate and force to do whatever he wants this time.


There are plenty of men who could do that for him. It's the only reason Tim Scott is still on the list. Of course, he also fails the white Republican male test, and that whole unmarried thing...


Tim Scott also fails the Republican purity test, for two reasons actually.


That's what I said, yes.


I think so too. Look how he tried to control fence and didn’t get away with it.


_Linndsey Graham enters the chat_


J.D. Vance? His face looks like a chode.


Which is perfect, he won't upstage the orange clown


Vance isn’t good enough looking for him. He hires people who look like they’d play that role on TV.


He has time to hit the Ozempic and stop chugging whiskey by the gallon


This is what I’ve been saying. Vance or Burgum will be the choice.


Burgum I thought was an absolute *are you fucking kidding me?* until someone reminded me that he's insanely loaded So, yeah, I can see it for sure.


He's a billionaire, but only $1 billion. He'd have to spend at least half that to make a substantial impact on the election. Do you really think he'd do that? Also, his home state is ND, which is tiny and guaranteed R. So he really doesn't help the ticket much. I'd be shocked if he doesn't pick an evangelical from a big midwestern swing state, like WI, MI, or OH.


If he had any reason to believe that a woman would make him more likely to win, he would choose a woman. He's in the fight of his life and he'll do *anything* to stay out of prison. I just don't think at this point that there's a single Republican woman on his list who isn't a creepy psycho.


I think he can't get out of his own way (what else is new) and even if a woman would help, his misogyny wouldn't allow it.


He’s going to pick his daughter.


He won't. But it's a funny thought. I suppose she has a better chance than Stefanik or that one loud cro-Magnon with the dick pics


She’s hoping beyond hope to be reaccepted into NYC society. She’s not going to jeopardize that by being his VP pick


If he picks JD Vance, he's definitely going to get impeached. JD Vance is 100% owned by Peter Thiel, and he'll replace Trump with this lackey the first chance he gets.


Vance is like the mouth of Russian propaganda in Senate. So it's Thiel who's in cahoots with Putin?


JD Vance, a junior senator whose only contribution is sucking Trump's chocolate starfish his entire campaign. And that's why rural bumfuck Ohioans love him.


Wouldn’t Vance’s celebrity as an author overshadow him? I can’t decide.


No, that's what got Trump's attention - "Hey didn't he write that TV movie? I like a man who is famous from TV." Vance is a toadie, he'll do everything Trump asks him to.


Yeah, I can see a Herschel Walker type move. "Look, we woman too!!!"


Yes, but can a woman kill a vampire?


He might actually feel ego-threatened by a woman that has demonstrated (in fictional writing) that she knows how to shoot a gun and claims to have actually killed something. The closest Donald has come is the staged safaris for his sons’ and his 5th Ave remark. And his alleged violence against women young and adult…


He met with Desantis last week ,to see if his wife wanted the job.


Every woman on his shortlist is a staunch pro life person though. I guess some people might be dumb enough to vote for Trump simply because his VP is a woman, but I can’t imagine it being that many people.


> fails the white Republican man test. so did whats her face from Alaska. and she GOT the spot. 


And it is seen as a historically bad choice.


one, that doesn't preclude Republicans from doing it again...  two, it wasn't a bad choice because she wasn't a man. it was a bad choice because she was a moron from Alaska. 


If she'd been a smart person from Alaska she'd have been a good choice honestly. McCain was on track to get his ass kicked with the economy spiraling, so he threw a Hail Mary to shake up the race. And then Palin started speaking in front of cameras and it all went to shit.


Ivanka is back on the ticket


Oh god...Imagine if Trump is re-elected and passes away and Ivanka is the first woman to be President of the United States. Just the thought makes me want to vomit.


Mob boss rule 101. Never leave any evidence linking you to your crimes. Unless it’s trying to cover up the fact you banged a porn star, in which case leave a massive lurid paper trail.


Crap. "Not Puppy Killers" would have been such an easy campaign slogan to run on.


Elise Stefanik is probably ecstatic about it.


The funny thing is that I doubt she "admitted" this. It's not like she said this in response to a question. She put it in her book. I think she made up the story for clout. She just misunderstood Republicans. While it's true that Republicans enjoy the infliction of pain on the weak, they still like dogs. She thought it'd make it clear she's a badass but it just showed she's a puppy killer.


She didn't make it up, there were witnesses and the story has been floating around SD politics for years


And she still thought it was a good idea to put in a book??


Some think she was trying to do a controlled release of the information and take a first crack at framing the narrative in the public eye. It did not work, clearly


I don’t think she misunderstood, exactly. She just overreached on the bonkers scale. They’re nuts; they’re just not *that* nuts.


If that’s true then the metaphors are strikingly obvious: “Dog” = “D’emocrat, and some of them are going to be put down. These are the mischief democrats who don’t behave and presumably anyone on the Squad. So her story is really a dog whistle, no pun intended.


exactly, he himself is known to dislike dogs so that's not the issue


The man lives and breathes appearances She’s out as VP front runner


Not to go off topic, but this is the same exact way he approached the war in Gaza, when he told 2 Israeli journalists "[Go and do what you have to do. But you don't do that [showing videos of destroying buildings because it's bad PR.]](https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/03/25/trump-to-israel-hayom-only-a-fool-would-have-not-acted-like-israel-on-oct-7/)" We know he is morally vacuous and only cares about the publicity of the situation.


That’s because to a narcissist the only morality is what people think of you.


That is the thing about Donald Trump. He may be dumb as a post, but he is a brilliant self marketer. He knows what people want and need to hear about him, and he knows that what Noem did would harm his brand.




There was a farmer had a dog


Replace the refrain with M.I.A.'s *Paper Planes* and we're set.


can we pretend that GOPers in S.D. don't like shooting dogs?


🎶 All I wanna do is 💥💥💥💥 and a [racks slide] shoot your puppy 🎶


And Cricket *WAS* his name-O.


I expect her to double down and claim it was locker room puppy killing talk


"I've murdered many many dogs, beautiful dogs, very expensive dogs, dogs that came up to me with tears in their eyes and said 'Please Sir, Please murder me', but Double Tap Kristi had to go and talk about it in her new book, which we hate, don't we?"


Exactly, he's disgusted with her that this became a huge story


I don't think he cares about even that. He's mad she *explained*. When caught, you're supposed to lie, demonize accusers, and (eventually) triple-down on the wrongdoing. That's what he does and what he expects.


Yes. This is the same guy that said having pets is for low class people.


Bingo, that's Numberwang.




I think he’s also disgusted that she had a dog to begin with


Can't forget her absolute insanity in being proud that her 2-year-old grandchild had already been provided with guns. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/15/south-dakota-governor-kristi-noem-grandchild-guns-nra


Yep. If it had played, he’d be fucking psyched to have her around.


Yup, not the cruelty part, but rather the (politically) stupidity part that he has trouble with.


Yeah I mean Donald has probably choked out a hooker or two in his time. NBD


Trump always loves it when he can publicly proclaim there is a more reprehensibly appalling human being in the world than he is.


And even dumber.


Which is terrifying in and of itself. Because he's actually not wrong. As bad a person as Trump is, there are people who are arguably *even worse* Trump is a narcissist but Noem is a fucking psychopath.


Trump is a psychopath, too.


Trump is also a rapist.


“If she had just committed fraud and had affairs, she’d be fine!” - Trump, probably


It's a rare treat for him. Very rare.


Notice Trump is talking about her poor grasp of public relations, and not her cruelty. They are both reptile sociopaths.




I've never once heard of a reptile shooting a dog!


A large enough reptile will simply eat a dog if it's hungry, but otherwise be indifferent to one. They're practical, instinct-driven, and just trying to survive. They certainly wouldn't get off on some sadistic "I had to execute a puppy and goat because I hated them" killing spree. Also, most reptiles are illiterate, so they can't gloat about it in a book later.


> Also, most reptiles are illiterate, so they can't gloat about it in a book later. You are assuming that she didn't use a ghost writer. I don't want to offend the herpephiles.


A rapist and insurrectionist who cheated on his pregnant wife, allowed kids to live in cages, insults military officials, sides with a dictator over his own country, is for the arrest of women who have abortions, etc., is disgusted that Noem killed her dog.


He's disgusted that the story got out.


He's mad that her story is taking screen time away from him.


Nothing can escape or “get out” if you willingly publish it.


Nope, he's mad that she thought it was a good idea to make it public. He knows you gotta pay good money to suppress these things. He infamously hates dogs.


Trump is one of 3 US president's that didn't have a dog. The others being James K. Polk, and Andrew Johnson.


I was gonna say wasn't trump like the first president to not have a dog in like decades.


Last president without a pet was 1875 iirc


The guy who frequently uses the phrase "like a dog."


you think trump gives a shit about the dog?


> ~~allowed~~ kids to live in cages forced. after separating them from their families. You know that, I'm sure, I'm just spelling that out for anyone who may have forgotten amidst the litany of failures and cruelties from TFG.


Agree. I should have worded that better.  


Some of the worse people have the smallest amount of decency regarding animals. Hitler was one of the worst humans to ever live. Also a vegetarian and animal lover, but also loved coups and mass murder and genocide


To be clear, he isn't angry about her murdering a puppy. He's angry that she doesn't understand that it isn't good optics for his brand. He absolutely hates dogs.


Any conservatives/Republicans in this thread who see this please stop and consider the following: What is it about "your side" that made Kristi Noem think she was safe publishing and then doubling down on this story? Don't get me wrong I'm glad she's receiving backlash from Republicans but at some point she did the calculus. She thought publishing this story wasn't a big deal. She's not writing for Democrats/liberals she was writing for you. You are her target audience. Just think about it.


In the Republican eyes, women are weak. This showed her resolve. (To kill an innocent animal)


Nikki Hailey was afraid to say that slavery was the cause of the Civil War.


I'm not conservative in the slightest... but my guess is that there was no risk assessment, and this was a blunder. She's some kind of sociopath that didn't realize even her own supporters would be disturbed by this. Even hardline lunatics don't like animal cruelty.


Ha! I'd be willing to bet that he had already decided on choosing her as a running mate and is now pissed that he can't.


Too bad she didn't shoot Kim Jong Un in the noggin; you know, that time she met him, instead of the puppy. Trump would be inconsolable.


I know they blamed the ghost writer, but she really channeled the great Olympian/ Pianist/ Philosopher/ Athlete/ Philanthropist/ Ventriloquist/ Physician George Santos for a hot second there.


I had to do a double take when I read the title, but now it makes sense. He is literally incapable of empathy.


The best part of this, she was sure that this would make people like her. Wtf


I still think this was an allegorical attempt to float the idea of extra-judicial killings of American citizens. Specifically, protesters. I can't see any other reason why the hell you would brag about shooting a puppy in the head. Also, apparently a "mean' goat needed to be put down in the same way.


Fun fact: 3 Presidents have not had pets in the White House: James K. Polk, Andrew Johnson, and Donald von ShitzinPants


Bill Barr said he wanted to start executing people that have them problems.


If you've managed to disgust Trump, you're pretty damn low.


It's not the dog. It's that she made a huge miscalculation, got major bad publicity and wasn't slick enough to get out of it.


You’re right. He could GAF about dogs. He’s just disgusted by her lack of judgement in putting that out there and thinking people would respond positively. Which, as much as I hate Trump, is a fair assessment on his part.


Let’s be clear he is not disgusted that she blew the brains out of her puppy and goat he is just worried it might make people not like him


Too bad the story didn't blow up AFTER naming her his running mate lol


Well, she’s not getting the final rose. I still can’t understand how someone can proudly proclaim to be a puppy murderer. Like, she really thought she was going to be lauded over this!


Trump: "I am disgusted by this thing that people don't seem to like!" We all know he doesn't give a rat's ass about it other than clout chasing.


Yeah make no mistake, he doesn’t care about the puppy.


Doggone it, she's thinking


I call BS. Trump hates dogs and loves pigs like Noem. Maybe he's pissed because Lewendowski tapped her before he could.


Sick to death of Trump “news” Who’s give af what he thinks. Jail is appropriate for him


He's disgusted by her poor grasp of public relations, not her lack of morals.


Tell Kristi I want her to know it was me -Elise Stefanik


Yeah right PR person, nice try. Trump could give 2 shits about the puppy or Noem.


He doesn't have pets for a reason. He would kill a puppy if someone gave him a dollar. He just thinks she is dumb because of the bad press.


He's disgusted she was stupid enough to say it publicly. He doesn't give a fuck that she murdered a dog.


Wait till he hears the whopper she told about Kim Jong Un…


Well, this backfired on her in every possible way. She repulsed pretty much everyone by attempting to put on a "hard as nails" image for killing an innocent puppy, then the very person that she was so desperate to impress shuns her and blows her chances at higher office. What an idiot.


"Poor grasp of public relations", coming from him. Pot, meet kettle.


He asked his advisers if he should be disgusted and they said yes because that’s the way the wind is blowing with the voters


I wish I were there to see her read this, damn


PR opinions from the digital rapist are an interesting concept.


God she looks like someone wearing a mask of another person face


Trump has the PR skills of an overcooked rotten egg and even he's judging this one


Geez - if it is a “bad dog”, just find someone who will adopt the dog, properly train it, and make it a family member….ya don’t need to kill the animal… Btw - who the fuck shoots/hates dogs? Even evil Hitler loved dogs…


“She needs to be punched in the pussy”


The clown just goes with the wind. He can see it's unpopular, even with MAGA, so he pretended to be against it. The irony is that she likely put this story out there to curry favour with Trump. It probably would have worked too except for the public backlash.


If he won't stop talking about it he is actually fascinated by it. He certainly talks about killing people, executing rivals, and worship dictators who can get away with those things enough.


On the other hand, he is thrilled that people are talking about a dog killer and not a man sleeping through his trial.


He doesn’t give a shit about the dog or what she did. He cares about the optics


She’s so physically ugly too, caked on make up, fake eyebrows, weird smile with eyes never even moving even slightly, weird perma frown even when smiling. She’s a weird ass person desperate to impress her handlers.


If the story had been met with approval or even indifference, Trump would be singing her praises. Whatever gets approval.


He had sex with a porn star while his wife was at home with a new born child. He cannot criticise anyone.


To be clear, his issue is not with the killing of things but rather how the PR was handled. Trump has been clear that he looks down on pet owners as a whole.


This is a guy who constantly denigrated people by saying "So and so did this terrible thing... like a dog" So I call bullshit on that action. Just like literally EVERYTHING HE SAYS.


Trump doesn’t have a cat or dog. Tells me everything I need to know about him. Nothing good.


If there was a witness there would be hush puppy money.


He's sure one to talk. Wasn't she in the running as his VP? He's only mad this blew up into a bigger thing. I bet if he knew about it without the uproar, he wouldn't even be bothered by it.


"Kicking a dog" is literally a term used to indicate that someone is being excessively and overtly malicious. She shot a dog and then bragged about it. Even Trump has enough braincells left to realise that's just dumb.


He just shits on everyone at this point. Loser


Not for a single second do I believe by trump was “disgusted” by the dog story.


He doesn't care about her dog, he's playing to the crowd to gain favor.


She should have just grabbed the dog by the cat, then she'd get a glowing endorsement from him.