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Was this meant as a defense of him??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I don't think they were defending him, this article has a somewhat misleading angle. Axios appears to have interviewed aides who are grappling with a reality that may not have been fully apparent to them before. From the original article: > Beyond the politics of whether Biden can beat Trump again, the aides expressed new worries about whether the president can carry out his duties through another four-year term.


It's also not been able to be verified by anyone after the Axios article. It's trash reporting at best until it can be verified.


Why did the debate change how the aides feel? Aren't they around him?


Biden has a big staff. Some probably were not aware of the extent of his challenges, especially if senior staff have been protective of the President's time if he's less effective in the evening.


People fail to understand that dementia signs are transient. As a nurse, my early dementia patients had several good, lucid evenings with intelligent discussions. Former physics professor, a surgeon, a lawyer...ALL of them capable of out performing Biden the night of his SOTU. Doesn't mean that the next day was coherent. People fail to realize that with dementia, you have days, even weeks of lucidity at a time, until that lucidity goes away. He could absolutely have a night like the SOTU, and the next night not remember performing the SOTU.


In your professional opinion, does Joe Biden have dementia, based on what you've seen? Does Trump have dementia? Do you have enough experience to be able to make that call based on the appearances, interviews, and information about either candidate?


I canā€™t diagnose anything, but I spent a decade of my nursing life in geriatric care working in skilled nursing facilities, and Trump and Biden both display characteristics of standard dementia patients. Some are angrier, some are gentle. His stutter pattern is not indicative of where his dementia is. I guarantee they have done a MoCA test on Biden. The silence of it is damning. No one wants to hear this, but going off of ONLY what I have historically seen in dementia patientsā€¦ Biden appears more advanced than Trump. Trump has other issues that can obscure his true level of dementia, but Biden presents as a standard mid stage vascular dementia patient. Notsomuch Alzheimerā€™s. Vascular dementia is a common aspect of aging. Trumpā€™s seems more Alzheimer related, due to behavioral changes as the frontal lobe deteriorates.


Whoever runs his campaign should not be allowed near another dem candidate again, they are running this so badly


Fuck me. It feels like the Dems are basically in on our fascistic takeover at this point.


RIGHT?? I'm no conspiracy nut (I swear) but if - IF - The Democratic Party was controlled opposition, would they be acting all that different? It's brutal


This time, there's no conspiracy... every other time, the major conspiracies turned out to be true. Not this time I swear.


For added context, Business Insider is owned by Right-Leaning German multimedia Axel Springer, which has been described as the ā€œFox Newsā€ of Germany.


Are yā€™all starting to understand what we mean when we say ā€œboth sides are the sameā€? Different faces, same corporate minted coin.


Well one side is all about taking away rights to force people to live according to their hypocritical ā€œChristianā€ opinions and feelings about things such as gay marriage and womanā€™s rights. The other party does the opposite it preserves rights and freedoms, now tell me which party is which?




When they enable the same outcome the only difference becomes rhetorical.


Absolutely correct. They are NOT the same. But, when it comes to allowing the wealth class to brutalize the people of this country, they aren't al that different. On that specific issue - there are plenty of similarities.


Why are we telling Russia and China this??? He is still currently president!!! Biden's advisors at 4:01 pm: "Mr president, Russia just fired a nuke on Kyve" Biden: "Is so to j the if fr the hgdjdebjc this gift to dfbhd the of the ex is jnvf the in, strength our border with Canada"


Itā€™s always 4 pm somewhere. Make POTUS mobile and theyā€™ll never know!


Putin is just waiting for air force one to accidentally fall behind... Hand on the nuke button lol


4pm Biden - Buckle up jack, we're going to save this country. 4:01pm Biden - "I'm running to do the thing with the thing and many times corn pop was the last umm...you know the thing with the ice cream and I umm god bless their country"


You don't think they already know this?


Probably, but they've never had to actually wake him up yet 4pm for a real emergency yet....


Whoever they're waking up for that emergency, they already know it's not Biden. He's got to be little more than a figurehead than the actual POTUS at this point.


There's a real chance Putin decided to invade Ukraine because he knew the President of the United States wasn't all there mentally.


Thatā€™s why Netanyahu is so emboldened. He knows Biden isnā€™t fit, thatā€™s why Bidens ā€œred lineā€ didnā€™t mean anything to him. I like joe Biden I just think itā€™s time for him to step down gracefully






*"Yea I dont know what he just said there, and dont think he knows either"*


During the Cuban Missile Crisis JFK had to stay awake for over 24 hours to try to prevent global nuclear war, I want a president with the physical capability to pull that off if absolutely necessary


Sorry, best we can do is one that will start a nuclear war with a tweet or one that will be asleep during it. That is the cream of the crop from all our expensive Ivy league colleges, world-spanning businesses, first class military and statesmen a 200+ year old republic can provide. Meritocracy.


RFK Jr 2024!


I struggle to function after 4:20 pm or soā€¦


Okay, so they are making another case for why he should get out of the way and let someone younger take over.


This is such an absolute, unmitigated shitshow.Ā  Does anyone have the number for the governors mansion in Michigan? No particular reason.


Pretty sure sheā€™s heading to the White House rn


Very normal and very cool for a President to act this way


Good thing nothing serious happens after 1pm Pacific time


9/11 happened in the morning so


Get him tfo


We defeated Medicare at zero dark thirty.


Phew, it's a good thing presidents never have to do anything after 4 PM.


If this turns out to be a simulation, when I get unplugged and wake up, Iā€™m going to fucking *throttle* the dev team


I want off this fucking ride


The next ride might have boxcars.


Well in a little over six months we can get off this one and hop on a scarier one, if you like


I thought it was jet lag from the Europe trip.


You're telling me they knew this, and yet they still decided to drag him out onto the debate stage? Wtf.


Maybe he should've proposed a "daybate"?


Classic cold symptoms right guys.


Thatā€™s not good. No debateā€™s gonna happen before 4pm lol


And a lot of Presidential work/emergencies are gonna happen after 4pm. Unlike what some people on this sub have been trying to argue, the Presidency is not just who you hire for your administration and surround yourself with. The president has actual duties and is on call 24/7. It is incredibly taxing and demanding job.


Right. And I am so tired of hearing how Biden has smart advisors. Advisors should advise. Presidents make decisions. Biden is clearly not capable of making decisions because of his obvious and profound cognitive decline. The American people didnā€™t elect his advisors to make decisions while the President is sun downing. So much for ā€œdemocracy on the ballotā€. Unelected advisors running the country.


Next debate is at 9pm as well. I still doubt itā€™ll happen but yeah, if this is true heā€™s smoked.


STEP THE FUCK DOWN god damn it


Phew, that makes me feel better


LOL. What is goin on behind the scenes. This sounds like self sabbotage


This is some extremely strategic leaking.


Well that's fine, seeing as the president's duties typically end around 4 p.m.


Phew! Good thing being president isn't a full-time job then. /s


Is that supposed to make anyone feel better? JFC, this is Dianne Feinstein all over again.


1) he is no longer fit to be president then 2) why on Earth would they agree to do a debate at 9:00 p.m.?


JFC. This ainā€™t good explanation man. Wtf


The DNC is gonna fuck over Democracy to spare an old man's feelings


This was literally in a Seinfeld episode. Get a geriatric coworker to quit by scheduling meetings after 4pm.


No problem. Just schedule all world crises before 4pm.


Are they describing "SUNSETTING" !?!?!?!?!


POTUS is a 24x7 job. That isnā€™t reassuring information. If they knew this why did they have him campaigning before the debate?


I wonder if they thought this would comfort us, or if theyā€™re trying to push him out.


This canā€™t be real. If it is then his internal team is turning on him.


POTUS is a 24 hour job, if he struggles to function after 4:00 PM he shouldn't be POTUS.


what a garbage article that is a gross mischaracterization of the Axios article it pulled the 'quotes' from. Axios article : "Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios." Apparently to business insider, being more likely to be tired = struggles to function


It's called sundowning and is pretty common in dementia patients.


Heck I do too. I need a nap in the afternoon.


You're not the president


You act like heā€™s the only one making decisions past midnight šŸ˜‚


I didn't say past midnight. We're talking about a president being able to stay awake in the afternoon


So, we're fucked if Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea attacks us at 5 pm Eastern Daylight Time.


Well they didn't specify time zone so who knows.


Might explain why all our allies are arming themselves.... USA is closed after 4pm.


It's called "Sundowners" and he is obviously suffering from it.


I thought he had a cold?


After 4pm. Every day.


"Business Insider couldn't independently verify the reports." You don't say šŸ™„


This is sundowning, a very common symptom of dementia


The state of the union speech was at 9 pm. He was fine for that.




Teleprompter *months ago*. It entirely believable condition has deteriorated to more frequent bad days and shorter periods of time during which he can perform.


Yea reporters have said itā€™s gotten worse over the last 6 months. The job is extremely stressful and ages everyone.


Every little thing is so much worse at that age. There's a reason so many old people can appear fine, suffer a fall, and be dead within a week.




You don't see a problem for a candidate using a teleprompter during a debate?




Because someone who canā€™t communicate without looking at a teleprompter shouldnā€™t be president. Yes everyone uses it to read speeches. They shouldnā€™t need it to debate ideas


The sole purpose of a debate is to hear the candidates train of thoughts without any help. Why would we want to listen to Biden read off someone else's words. It would defeat the whole purpose of a debate.


Itā€™s strictly against the rules that the Biden campaign agreed upon. It could be viewed as a prop and it is.Ā 


*blinks* this isnā€™t a normal accommodation for a stable disability. He ainā€™t gettin any younger.


Lol so Hillary gets the debate questions ahead of time, Biden gets those plus he gets to read his answers off a teleprompter. Might as well just have the moderator read them.


> Lol so Hillary gets the debate questions ahead of time... I'm not typically one to defend Hillary Clinton, but that was essentially Donna Brazille telling her that since the debate was in Michigan, they would ask the candidates about the water crisis in Flint. Hardly earth-shaking. But I agree, we shouldn't be having teleprompters in debates. I don't know why anyone would find that acceptable.


That was in March. His allies have noticed a decline in the last 6 months. It doesn't happen all at once, and he isn't getting any younger.


As a nurse, my early dementia patients had several good, lucid evenings with intelligent discussions. Former physics professor, a surgeon, a lawyer...ALL of them capable of out performing Biden the night of his SOTU. Doesn't mean that the next day was coherent. People fail to realize that with dementia, you have days, even weeks of lucidity at a time, until that lucidity goes away. He could absolutely have a night like the SOTU, and the next night not remember performing the SOTU.


So do I


Not reassuring!


The leaks are quickly causing it to become a sinking ship in


Business insider needs to hang it up. Clickbait trash with no substance


They just started monitoring him post 4 oā€™clock since the debate?!?! What a joke, just stop


I would get fired, or at least wouldn't get hired for my next job if I couldn't function after 4 pm. Just saying.


Good thing being president of the worlds largest economy and strongest military means nothing bad happens after 4pm when its bedtime.


Compared to Trump who struggles to function 24/7.


"I really donā€™t know what he said, and I donā€™t think he does either" is going to burn for a long time. It doesn't matter what he did for the other 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 55 seconds that day.


>"I really donā€™t know what he said, and I donā€™t think he does either" That, to me, was the kill shot. Of all the painful things that happened on that stage, after those words were spoken and Joe continued his 25th amendment stare... that was it. That was the end.


Odd he had no issues at the debate with speaking or walking on his own.


So why did you suggest a debate then since you knew it likely would be after the "eagle eye dinner special" time frame?


Except for reading a teleprompter. He can do that.....


Holy shit Bidenā€™s bettings odds are tanking in the last 90 minutes, now only 15% chance of him winning, is something going on behind the scenes?


Jesus fucking Christ... How did we get here?


So much thoughtless commentary today. Yā€™all need critical reading skills. The article indicates the aides were anonymous and they canā€™t independently verify the comments were even made. Good job getting fired up over a worthless article. Donā€™t get me wrong. Biden is a wet noodle and hardly my third choice for this, but we have what we have and Iā€™d rather choose my wet noodle for dinner instead of a 4 year facist hamberder. Want it to get better? Quit complaining, deal with whatā€™s in front of you, encourage others to face the choices we have and vote for the one that will leave at least the opportunity for positive change down the road as opposed to 4 year revenge tour.


The name for that symptom of dementia is sundowning. And yes, before anyone whatabouts me, Trump shows it too, but not that night.


Bed-wetting haters need to chill out, everyone knows that nothing important ever happens in the world after 4pm Eastern.


I learned the term, "sundowning" from Trea Crowder, who was using it to describe Trump's incoherence. This is from the Mayo Clinic: "The term "sundowning" refers to **a state of confusion that occurs in the late afternoon and lasts into the night**. Sundowning can cause various behaviors, such as confusion, anxiety, aggression or ignoring directions. Sundowning also can lead to pacing or wandering." Joe and Jill Biden have the audacity to tell us that Joe's senility was caused by his staff over-preparing him. That's insulting. Joe and Jill only care about themselves. That's why we need to get rid of Joe yesterday! Western Civilization is being threatened! Time is being wasted! [https://www.newsweek.com/michelle-obama-chances-becoming-president-surge-1920131](https://www.newsweek.com/michelle-obama-chances-becoming-president-surge-1920131)


Looking like Trump may be the only option, very disappointed.


There has never been, and will never be, any reason that would justify voting *for* Donald Trump. Abstain from voting if you must, but please don't actively work to inflict Trump on this country or the world. We've done nothing to deserve that.


Reasons are personal... I've never voted for Trump before, but millions of people have in the past for their own various reasons. To say there is no reason is false.


If you say so. For eight years, I've been looking at Donald Trump the exact same way that people are now looking at Joe Biden. At some point I'd like everyone to catch up to the reality that neither is qualified but one is infinitely worse.