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Clyburn is openly talking about how a replacement process should be conducted, at this point it feels like a matter of time.


Agree. This many leaks and defectors in the last few days almost certainly means it’s over.


It should, they can’t just select a random Governor because people had heard their name before. Also people keep saying “only 4 months until the election”. If this happens, it should become a trend that elections don’t start more than 4 months before an election. So we don’t have to live in an election year every fucking year for how long campaigns have become.


I think this is all showing how these long campaigns just aren’t necessary.


Presidential campaigns are now a two year affair. It’s nuts.


Two year fundraisers


Two years of lawsuit avoidance


Definitely feels like the tide is really starting to turn now. Will be fascinating to see what happens by next week.


There is a documented process in place already. Basically the same thing that would happen if a candidate died between the primary/convention and the general election.


Which, let's be honest, is equally possible


Not equally possible, but more likely than a year ago. Dude survived the Covid pandemic, but he looks pretty frail now.


Maybe even both!


It’s a bad process. I hope they invent a new way.


> 'I'm sticking with him': Rep. Clyburn reaffirms his support for Joe Biden He also said that a few days ago


You need to say you’re sticking with Biden until he drops out. Otherwise you’re just stepping on the heads of your fellow democrats to come off as the hero who got Biden to quit.


Plus if you speak out of line you get punished. And not like normal kid in timeout. We’re talking 5 year old thrown out of the house by evangelical parents for not being obedient enough.


A lot can change in a few days.


A lot can change in a 90 minute debate


Imagine if Trump dropped dead tomorrow lmfao


Every day I hope that he strokes out before the election. 


I honestly hope he loses and continues to run for president, so he can keep the Republican Party in shambles .


I’m not a fan of playing Russian roulette like that tbh…too risky


Are they in shambles considering how successful they have been in forcing their agenda on our country?


From your lips to God's ears


Nice try, dreams. I’ll wake up again, I know it


I hope you’re right


The time shouldbe ASAFP


It feels like if they’re going to do it, they’re wasting time on an old man’s ego.


How about Clyburn runs against trump seeing as he's always so keen to play kingmaker every election cycle.


Exactly it’s his fault we got Biden and we’re in the mess we are in now


Did you forget how Biden won in 2020


No I didn’t but I also haven’t forgotten he basically promised to be a one term president because there were concerns then about his age. Yet here we are in July and the whole world sees the emperor has no clothes. He should never have sought re-election


I’m not disagreeing that he shouldn’t have run again, he seemed fine until he didn’t


His “fault.” Biden beat Trump, my dude.


Wouldn’t have pegged clyburn as one of the first but good.




I can only hope so


Woah Clyburn actually suggested a “mini-primary” if Biden steps down? He supports Harris, but I had assumed that meant he believes that she is automatically entitled to Biden’s delegates. This is huge.


Yeah I was pretty shocked to see that, considering he's the one who convinced Biden to select Kamala as VP to begin with.


It’s the best path. A mini primary should solidify Kamala’s standing within the party for president.


It would, but it’s also risky as she could lose those delegates to another candidate. I had assumed she and her supporters would want to play it safe.


If they want to play the general election safe they’ll not simply anoint Kamala and instead do a mini primary or at least massive scale polling. They could use Biden’s war chest to cover the cost of that.


Yeah, even if Harris ends up as the replacement, they’d be stupid not to do it this way and field test the possibilities a little bit


So the process is actually a small group of elites rubber stamping the selection of a replacement candidate by a smaller group of people. Clyburn probably means to anoint Harris this way, and probably isn’t serious about an open, mini-primary.


Hell no. She’s even more unpopular than Biden is after the debate. Many would rather go with a vegetable over her. Look at her poll numbers


It makes sense that there would have to be some kind of semi democratic process for picking the replacement candidate, or that person would never enjoy any kind of legitimacy.


Bill Maher has an op ed suggesting this would also infuse a lot more enthusiasm on the D side. I agree. And I will do whatever it takes to defeat fascism and accept whatever the results are. I will vote for whatever candidate is picked to defeat fascism.


Fuck Bill Maher but regrettably, he is right. It will be a huge shot in the arm for the dem base that clearly does not want Biden.


I just hope they don’t fuck this opportunity up and pick Harris, who we also don’t want.


>I just hope they don’t fuck this opportunity up and pick Harris Running a career cop for President would be a fantastic way to blunt young first-time-voter engagement -- Which is exactly why I'm 100% confident it's going to be Harris. The Democratic party can't make a single move without stepping on its own balls.


Yep, they’ve basically been telling the youth vote to go fuck themselves since 2016. How dare they want to live in a nation that isn’t dominated by corporate interests and has a stronger welfare state!


If the youth wanted that then they would vote


It’ll be 2016 all over. I hate to say it. She’s probably well-suited to the role, but I fear 2016 was less about Hillary and more about her gender. I hope I’m wrong and I could be underestimating the impact of that late-released FBI memo. Either way, I’m planning for the worst, hoping for the best.


I mean people's only real complaint is that he's too old.


Yes… that is the problem lol. It’s not “he’s a little old and he probably can’t finish another term” it’s “he’s so old he can barely fucking talk”


My issue isn't *just* his age or lack of energy. It was lack of leadership. Lack of vision. What are Biden's broad stroke plans for the second term? What is Biden's plan to keep the economy robust? What, if any, are Biden's plans to go after the Targets, Walmart's, and other grocery stores in the US that have been price gouging the most desperate and food insecure people in our country?


That would've been a lot more reasonable take before a week ago. After the debate there is clearly question in ability.




And when people are being rounded up and executed, I hope they feel like they did the right thing.


Not to mention Dems would get wall to wall media coverage instead whatever crazy thing Trump said that day


I’m liking the mini primary idea.


Democrats will start nagging as soon as they decide someone for example Harris will be the nominee. Mark my word. Dems cannot unite like the evil GQP does.


Jesus. This is actually going to happen, isn't it? We're watching history unfold.


We’ve been watching history unfold like every day for 8 years straight. It’s exhausting


When I was a kid I used to find the news so boring because nothing really happened. Now every month needs its own textbook. I'm tired boss.


Yeah, think of how few books are written about all of colonial America, and how many are written about any tiny scrape of time during the American Revolution. We’re in the tiny scrape of time era of history. I don’t like


But that also means it won’t last forever, for better or worse.


I’m tired of living in interesting times boss


I remember when people were complaining about people supporting Kwame Kilpatrick in Detroit.... Now we have it at the national level.... Oh hell I didn't know Trump gave him a pardon..... [https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2021/01/20/kwame-kilpatrick-pardoned-donald-trump-detroit-mayor/4217253001/](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2021/01/20/kwame-kilpatrick-pardoned-donald-trump-detroit-mayor/4217253001/)


Seems like clyburn has been running this shitshow


I prefer the decades where nothing happens, as Lennie boy once said.


Better this then living through the dark ages of a trump 2.0 endless term.


Democrats are fucked either way. They waited way too long for this. Edit: You guys really don't get it do you? It. Does. Not. Matter. Who runs. Once Trump got his SCOTUS and they declared he can't be held accountable it's over. There's no point to it anymore. They will hand Trump the Presidency no matter how the vote comes out.


Nah this is actually better. You don't understand the energy that can come out of this and be sustained in a short period into the election. If a normal candidate was chosen there would be 500 media cycles of tearing them down and why they are bad on X and Y, but now we get to build a short hype wave offering a different path. It's a huge opportunity. The entire republican election playbook has been "Biden is old", "Biden bad". They have almost zero campaign otherwise. Stop with the doomerism and get on board. This offers a huge momentum swing and a lifeline to the people who hated both options.


Of all the reasons to not do it, "there's not enough time" has got to be the dumbest, because there are entire countries whose electoral cycles are shorter than 4 months. I mean really, the UK has an election tomorrow and they called it, what, a month ago? lol I don't know what the right thing to do is, but all I can say is that the possibility that he might be dropping out is the first time I've genuinely felt good about the election, because up until now it felt like 2016 all over again.


You might be right, but if they're fucked either way, then there's no risk in trying something, right?


Yeah there's massive risks lol you run Harris and you're definitely losing the house and senate too.


You may salvage the house under Harris. Biden loses everything. But I think the actual white house is lost regardless. Trump has all the momentum and more cash on hand.


The two sides of this election are fear and anger. Both are powerful stimulants to action. Now.. are those actions the right ones? We’ll know that only when we go down whatever crazy path we set in November.


It's pretty obvious as to what parties align where on this fear/anger metric. This doesn't bode well for the dnc


>The two sides of this election are fear and anger. And then hate, and then the dark side. 


In the end the people are going to vote with ample time to get to know a new candidate. When it’s Trump and all his insane baggage VS a competent, younger democrat, I feel pretty confident


It’s what it should have been all along. There’s going to be a huge relief and reenergization if it happens


>VS a competent, younger democrat, I feel pretty confident What has the DNC done in the past decade that's given you that confidence?


yes so lets all just bend over and let them ass fuck us, no point in trying!


Please. Our obsession with unending, 24/7 elections is pretty unique. Most countries get it all over with within a couple of months. Replacing Biden would be shocking news for like, two weeks max. Then the replacement would have three months to blitz the campaign trail with a firey message, something Biden is no longer capable of.


I do not understand how anyone can see what SCOTUS did and think anyone but Trump is going to win. They will rule that he wins. It doesn't matter who is running or what the vote count is.


No doubt there will be fuckery, but it will be all the easier if we have a candidate who is simply incapable of trying anymore. We all saw it at the debate, trump rattled off dozens of batshit, probably insane lies, but Biden was too old to process them or respond to them in a minimally competent manner. We need better if trump and his dedicated cult is to be beaten.


I can look at the 2020 election where the same six who ruled that way did no such thing. Even if they were so inclined, there's a limit to what they can do. If Trump suffers a crushing loss, losing more states than last time and having a much larger lead in the battleground states Trump lost in 2020 are they really going to be able to get away with anything? With a clear loss the neither the public nor the people in power would accept it, and Trump isn't sitting in the Presidency this time to try anything. Especially if Democrats regain the House, I don't see any realistic path to installing Trump in the case of a resounding loss even if the Supreme Court were inclined to try a coup, and as corrupt as I feel the current Supreme Court is, I don't think even they'd go that far.


Jesus we're gonna have our head in the sand all the way to the end aren't we? They figured out what mistakes they made in 2020 and have corrected them. There is nothing that will stop them from declaring Trump the winner because 50% of Congress will agree with the verdict.


What are you proposing? It sounds like you're suggesting we just give up and let them win legitimately because it's all hopeless in the end. What is there to do other than voting/donating/aiding the campaigns that could change it? Every option I can think of is far more unlikely than simply winning the election and avoiding Trump being installed in a coup. Convincing people it's hopeless isn't going to in any way make stacking the court or impeaching/removing existing members any less an absurdly unrealistic scenario and could actually harm the effort to win elections. So again, what are you hoping to accomplish?


I'm proposing getting out of danger by any means necessary. Plan your exit strategy and get out if at all possible. I could not be more serious about this. I'm not crazy. Please stay safe and be ready to leave if it gets really bad.


what do you suggest we do?


There is nothing you can do. It's over. SCOTUS has lifetime appointments and there aren't any democrats with the spine to risk their lives to fix this.


ok well im not going to listen to you anyways.


This is what has had me so terrified as the supreme court decisions kept coming. Like you best believe I'm voting blue in every race I can, and am encouraging everyone I know to do so as well. But christ I'm just so afraid that the decision is being made for us, they worked out the kinks from last go-round, and we're full steam ahead on enacting project 2025 regardless of election outcome thanks to the courts. It does not matter what prior precedent is, it's been clear as day that's out the window and it's all in service of the agenda with no regard for justification now. And the kicker is we're all too exhausted from toiling away just to cover our bills that there's no energy left to do anything about it. I am so, so hopeful that I have the wrong read on all this, but every story coming out isn't helping at all.


As a millennial, I’m tired of watching history unfold


Eh. It wouldn’t be history. This Lyndon B. Johnson did this during the 1968 campaign. And then the Democrats did what they do and forced in his VP as the nominee, leading us to the wonderful time that was Richard Nixon.


Well the media rags pushing this narrative *desperately* want it to happen. Think of the clicks! The views! The ad revenue! This bullshit is so fucking exhausting.


Republicans about to catch the car again and find out the "But he's old" isn't gonna work, and that's all they had for 4 years


I like the idea of a mini-primary. What I don't like is: Biden simply picking someone; Harris assuming the nomination simply because she's already on the ticket; backroom deals. The process is almost as important as the pick, and Democratic voters need to be in on the vote. Make a deal where we have some sort of mini primary. I don't know exactly what that looks like, but make it fair. Then the Biden delegates pledge to switch to the winner of the primary,


I would think the most likely “mini-primary” would be at the convention. Biden releases his delegates. Hopeful candidates get a debate. Deals happen and then new candidate. Not sure how else it could be done.


The convention is scheduled too late I believe - the party was already planning on voting Biden as the nominee virtually before the convention because of that. https://www.rawstory.com/dnc-moves-ahead-on-all-virtual-roll-call-for-biden-presidential-nomination/


Can’t wait that long. The DNC ignored state deadlines and scheduled the convention for too late. This will require some sort of emergency action.


Welp, sounds like Biden should postpone the election as an EXECUTIVE ACT so that a new Candidate has a best shot at a fair election. This will coincidently allow Trump to clear up more of his legal troubles. No harm, no foul. Biden is President, he can just do it.


I'd be happy with that. Biden's delegates are going to have to serve as a proxy for Democratic voters. Right after Biden steps down, let the prospective nominees make their case over the next six weeks.


Basically that but Biden releases them the day he announces it and they hold town halls as often as humanly possible with the four or five candidates they vett before hand.


Waiting until the primary means losing at least a month of prime campaign time. They need to move faster on this.


In addition to polling about who supports what candidate being publicly known


Basically that but Biden releases them the day he announces it and they hold town halls as often as humanly possible with the four or five candidates they vett before hand.


We can't wait until the convention to know who the nominee is. We have to turn out focus on trump. This is all very distracting, so the quickly we can settle is and move on, the better for our chances. There isn't going to be a mini primary. It's going to be Joe, or Kamala. There are already billion spent and donated on this election, and no other candidate, aside from Kamala, would be able to use that money because she is the only one, with Joe, with their names on the fine print of that those funds. She is also already on the ballot in some states, and there won't be time to legally add a different person.


The mini primary sounds like it would be the normal length of time for other country's elections. We seem to be the only country where people start campaigning 18 months before the election


Ironically, whoever replaces Biden might have an advantage in that they will be running a short campaign.


Agreed. They'll get ton of press, they'll (hopefully) be younger, more charismatic, and have way less baggage than Trump. They can do a huge media run and possibly excite voters who didn't want another rematch of 2020


I THINK that Biden can release his delegates and they can vote for whomever. I dont know the rules nowadays, back when I worked in politics I kinda knew them.


There's zero chance voters will be involved and no one should expect them to be. It is simply impossible, there is no time left to organize actual votes.


There is plenty of time to conduct a mass poll in each state. They could even do it ranked choice format to get a better gauge on voter desires. The DNC hates listening to what people want but hopefully this time they do.


OK, fair enough, then let Biden's delegates serve as a proxy for Democratic voters. Let the various Democratic candidates make their case over the next 6 weeks. Have a debate or two at the convention in August. Then let the delegates vote on the new nominee. I would like Biden to stay out of it and I don't want him to dictate to his delegates. Start fresh.


The public’s vote will essentially be done in polling— which is basically anyone in a swing state with a landline lol


Great. So not a single millennial will be consulted, haha


They never cared for our opinions on anything anyways.


Millennials just became the largest voting block.


By eligibility? Sure. By raw vote total? Nope.


This is the idea that Nate silver suggested as well.


I think logistics also come into play when it comes to Harris. Isn’t she legally allowed to use all of the money and infrastructure that her and Biden’s campaign has accumulated, while another candidate would not be?


Online poll. Suddenly, Ron Paul wins the Democratic nomination in a landslide.


Fuck it, declare Ryan Reynolds a natural born citizen and make him do it. That automatically increases the value of the nation a few trillion judging by his buy company, slap his face on it for a bit, sell for much more strategy


One of the strongest arguments in support of Harris is momentum/incumbency as well as direct access to campaign funds. But she should have to make that argument herself, publicly. And if Democratic voters agree, so be it.


She has no momentum or incumbency. She didn’t even get to Iowa in 2020


Or just go complete open convention and let it all play out in public. Oh wait… the DNC was too dumb to check calendar dates and deadlines when scheduling their convention this year.


If it's Kamala then trump wins. Simple as that.


I think at this point it has to be Harris or Democrats have to accept forfeiture of some states. The GOP will absolutely use the bureaucracy and the courts to to say that anyone else has failed to meet some filing or registration deadline. Thinking of Ohio, where they have always granted a waiver for ballot access since the convention is after their deadline. If Democrats put forth Whitmer or Newsom, they will simply not allow the switch. Look to any state level GOP to find any reason or standing to get into court, especially federal court for the SCOTUS, to block anyone else. The math gets real hard for Democrats if they have to concede out the gate Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona. I am honestly concerned that it might be too late to even swap out to Harris to be at the top of the ticket, since Biden was the candidate on the primary ballots.


Well, dog gone it, if the Republicans pull that type of shit, we should just take it to the Supreme Court!


This is a joke, right?


A sad one, yes. I shoulda added the /s


You're good. I just have a hard time telling these days.


Harris is even more unpopular though. Guarantee you’d lose swing states with her. She’s downright despised in the Midwest. Biden’s thought of as senile, but Kamala is viewed as terrible.


Clyburn fully saying "I brought you into this world and I can take you out"


I wonder how much of the Supreme Court ruling on immunity is playing into this. It got 100% more serious to not let Trump back into White House. Like there is no room for mistakes now.


There is no difference between Trump's "Only I can fix it" attitude and Biden's "Only I can beat Trump" -- They're both driven by copious amounts of hubris.


Blue MAGA has really been proving this point this week too.




Didn’t you hear? Kings are back.


Ahh gotcha


If whitmer is our nominee, she wins by 3-5 points and dems sweep the blue wall states. I think she’s gotta be it. Pennsylvania governor or Andy Beshesr as VP


Whitmer is the only credible name I’ve seen floated. Harris would lose to Trump


Yes! Don't anoint Kamala. She left the race in 2020 with 1% of the vote.


Put Whitmer at the top of the ticket. 


I think it’s happening


Whitmer at the top of the ticket would actually excite is people imo, moreso than Kamala




Nah, Whitmer has appeal. She got a trifecta in Michigan in 2022. Beshear only won in KY because Bevin was godawful and Beshear’s dad was a household name in state politics.


It's astonishing how the standards applied to Democrats versus Republicans are so different, often fueled by manufactured scandals


Nothing manufactured about Biden’s clear and obvious decline that the DNC has been gaslighting us about for years.


If only people didn’t grade Trump on such an insane curve.


Drop out


A bit or exaggeration in this title.  Did Clyburn endorse Biden at just the right moment to nudge SC into play and domino effect through the election? Yes.  That makes you a “Democratic kingmaker” as much as one strike would make you a 300 bowler. Yeah you did great, but I’d say making him a de facto kingmaker of the party over it is a bit of a stretch. 


Question - if Biden is replaced, is there any risk to the replacement not making it on the ballot in all 50 states?


I think Ohio is the contentious one, but as far as I know it isn't an issue in any state that matters. Republicans not letting Dems on the ballot would be a terrible look that would probably benefit Dems anyway.


Please don't give this to Kamala Harris.


Put Whitmer in right fucking now while every one in the country is hyper focused on this. Fucking do it NOW.


To me the thorniest question here is if GQP Governors will engage in any fuckery and refuse to allow a "new candidate" on the ballot for some bullshit reason that will be appealed all the way to a 6-3 SC ruling that says we should just not hold the election this year and Trump will rule over the newly created Southern United States for life. There's already that chatter that the convention is too late to keep even Biden on the ballot.


Nominate Kamala Harris and vote how the democrats will utilize the Eastman memos and alternate electors as a mechanism to place Harris into the presidency as Biden’s official act allows him to do so.  Watch how quickly the republicans want to shut this entire facade down 


I have no influence on this. All I can do is continue preparing should Trump win and plan to support whatever the Democrats put forth.


Can they do like a special election or something?


Kamala be like “I’m here guys”


Newsome, he should have been the damn candidate this time all along. He’s got a strong following and can still persuade the boomers. He might not be perfect but he’s young enough to battle the orange lard.


Problem is the Midwest has a hate boner for California and he’s the face of it. Only swing states matter.


Did he finally get the rest he needed?


Wow, it's like dems shouldn't have let Biden and his team completely suppress an actual democratic primary in the first place. The complete lack of self-awareness and the fake posturing that dems believe in actual democracy is mind boggling. Leopards ate my face much...


Them calling Trump a threat to democracy while not holding Primaries is peak irony. Trump absolutely is, but Jesus Christ the irony.


As a non democrat this is all hilarious.


I don't even blame you for thinking so Though it doesn't seem quite so funny on this side of the aisle


I'm glad the impending political doom of America is providing you with entertainment. Please, continue to feel entertained during the fascist takeover. Just hope that those pesky leopards don't end up eating your own face someday.


They will.


Just watch how much more enthusiasm is brought to the fight if Dems go this route.


Could go either direction. Whichever faction doesn’t get their preferred presidential candidate could also have sour grapes, and there won’t be much time to get them back. Will be interesting to watch.


If anyone pulls "I'm sitting this out then!" at this time in our history, I will be furious. This is no time to F around and find out. We are dealing with fascism in present time.


First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you...

