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Whitmer turned Michigan into a blue trifecta. Not only is she popular in Michigan but her influence would also help in the other rustbelt swing states like PA and WI. That's what she'd bring to the table immediately. Not even Harris or Newsom could do that.


If there is a replacement Whitmer needs to be on the ticket. At least as VP. It pretty much locks in Michigan and helps us in the rust belt.


Whitmer / Shapiro would basically lock an EC victory. I have a sneaking suspicion Harris will be thrust into the position instead, but I can dream.


All I know is this: whoever is at the top of the ticket, we must enthusiastically vote for them. The risk of Trump and Project 2025 are too high to quibble about the nuances of our candidate.


As a Californian and Gavin Newsome supporter, Gretchen Whitmer is the better choice for this moment. California is going blue either way, Mewsome on the ticket doesn’t change that. (Plus his ex is in some kind of unholy relationship with Don Jr, so expect salacious slander). Whitmer on the other hand is crazy popular in Michigan and could probably lock down the rust belt. Plus she’s competent.


If we are ditching Kamala too then why not to with Whitmer/Shapiro? That gives you two swing states right out the gate.


Liked Gavin. Cannot convince my independent-registered loved ones that he has an ounce of good. This isn’t his moment. I thought about how he might be as VP but seems like a step down.


Let’s go Newsom-Whitmer, Whitmer-Newsom I don’t care who takes what, but that is the ticket! Kamala, while qualified, will not get it done.


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🙏 Just DO IT 🙏


Now we're talking!


Man, that would be one hell of a ticket. I'm sure they were eyeing 2028 already but hey, we need you now!


Gretchen Yes. Newsom No. Harris. HELL NO. If it's not Gretchen, then just let Biden keep going.


No way in hell they are going to throw Harris under the bus and alienate the entire black vote. Besides, Biden can’t just transfer his massive war chest of money to any candidate, only Harris since they share the same ticket. Any other candidate would be starting with a massive cash on hand disadvantage with only a few months to campaign and raise money. It’s a fantasy.


What is the love of Gavin Newsom? I dont get it.


Please do it!!!! for the love of god we need this right now


Don't you fucking tease me with these articles, I'll be ecstatic if Whitmer is the nominee


Why not rfk? You all are crazy wanting to switch to someone that the majority of casuals have never heard of 4 months before the election. Rfk easily wins. Newsome probably wins. Kamala and others that the mainstream aren't familiar with probably loses. Biden definitely loses.


A Whitmer / Shapiro ticket would include two swing state governors generally popular with their state constituencies. Both states are absolutely necessary for Democrats to win, and California is already a lock for Democrats. Why is Newsom even in the picture here? Anyway, I watched these two recent interviews with Harris and Whitmer today, and the choice is blindingly obvious. [https://youtu.be/CMBmrW6LzV0?si=OM0CKPR0WQftgDgZ](https://youtu.be/CMBmrW6LzV0?si=OM0CKPR0WQftgDgZ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MInADxfeZxU&t=942s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MInADxfeZxU&t=942s)


Hope they get a good running mate and Harris' assistance if it is so.


Whitmer would be a better pick than Newsom, but both would be infinitely better than Biden, Harris, or someone from The Squad.


Gavin newsome..why elect someone into office who is governor of a state everyone is fleeing from? We need a good economy and stability and he offers none of that. The other lady looks like a real housewife lol. Neither of these ppl stand any chance


Gretchen Whitmer and Elizabeth Warren!




Yeah leapfrog the first black female VP, that will surely turnout the black voters we need /s


That’s more like it!


Good call. Democrats aren’t pushing Joe out because he’s old, or because he can’t do the job - they are pushing him out because he cannot win Michigan Wisconsin and probably Pennsylvania. So his replacement should be the person most likely to win those states, which is clearly Whitmer.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. The majority of voters have no idea who Whitmer is, never mind the huge financial disadvantage her campaign would be in versus the Trump campaign - Biden can’t just transfer the money he’s raised to any candidate, only Harris.


It is a mistake to keep talking about this. The fifteen minute window for a candidate to step up was yesterday, both of these names were floated, and nobody stepped up. Get behind Biden, or do something worse.


I’d love Whitmer. The only thing that makes me nervous about the replacement saga is whether the good candidates will want to roll the dice. People like Whitmer may want to wait until 2028 - if they think whoever takes the reins is set up to lose, they may not want to hurt their own stock by losing to Trump. I don’t get what others see in Newsom. He comes across as sleazy and self-important and the logic of people getting behind California’s Governor is confusing to me. Seems like someone who probably impresses the professional class in NYC, but someone who is seen as a bit of a douche by midwesterners.


Whitmer only at 6% on Predictit :(


Has anyone asked Michelle if she changed her mind today? I'm sure Joe would step aside for her.


Joe Biden should have never ran for a second term. Trump is his own worst enemy but it’s completely abhorrent the Dems have failed to come up with an actual good candidate without baggage. Not in 2016, not in 2020. Replacing the front runner 4 months to the election feels like something they’ll look back on and realize fucked them over even more.


I’m looking for someone with actual foreign policy experience. Someone who has been outside of the US or met with a foreign leader or something. These two are in their own American bubble and now isn’t the time for amateurs to gain experience with this presidency.


If you went to central casting and asked for someone who looked reassuring and presidential and up to the job, you'd get Newsom or Whitmer. For disengaged people they just look like someone you'd want to vote for. Obviously you'd hope they are also competent but the reality is at the moment even just getting a candidate who looks and sounds the part would be massive upgrade. I think if the democrats put up someone who is not geriatric or crazy and not directly connected to the complete omnishambles that is the current campaign, there's a chance it might totally change the race. The current polls reflect the lack of recognition of anyone except Biden (and Harris) but as soon as someone else is the nominee their recognition will be bumped. And If you look at the horrific approval ratings of both biden and trump it's pretty clear that what people want is just a return to normality.


Kinda sad that the donors need to get involved in order for things to happen but please go ahead. Whatever it takes.


Do that and you end up with an absolute war at thr Convention and likely lose the election. If Biden were to drop the only person you could 'cleanly' hand the nomination to is Kamala Harris. She easily inherits his war chest and infrastructure, she has been thoroughly vetted already, and she avoids a intraparty war.


It’s actually be great. They’d come with little baggage, popular in swing states, youngish and energetic. I’m not sure I have faith in The DNC, or Biden himself to help this happen though.


Honestly. I think we should give Biden one week and see how the polls are doing.If he's doing bad. Then just pick the only winning ticket. He deserves that for saving the world from Trump once. **Gretchen Whitmer and Harris as VP.** \- Gretchen Whitmer won Michigan with 10 points in 2022. Important state this election.- Females are a good contrast against Trump. Even better, if Trump chooses another white male as his VP. \- Abortion is big in the election. Sounds better coming from an actual woman. Or two. \- Keep Harris on as VP, since it looks bad kicking her off the ticket altogether. Also pleases the Black voters. Or at least pisses them off less. \- Gretchen Whitmer looks good, young and strong. Presidential. \- Not sure about the current Biden war chest, and how it works if Harris stays on the ticket as VP. But I assume it's going to be better to keep her on the ticket rather than kicking her off it.


No way in Newsom, he’s a private equity rubber stamp, the Blue Romney, but I’ll support Whitmer. She will bring the Midwest and should show some smart leadership.




I honestly couldn't vote for Whitmer. Newsom is a sleezeball politician, but at least he could play dirty with Trump.


If it’s going to be done get on with it. If Trumpolini is successful there won’t be another chance.


It's not happening


It’ll be Harris or it’ll be nobody


Biden isn’t going anywhere stop this stupid narrative


If we’re gonna explore this I have to point out how awesome it would be if the governor that MAGA had a kidnapping plot against got revenge against them in the best way possible by ending their leader’s political career.


Please!? I’m tired too, Joe. We need more fight.


Whitmer is the best pick: she’d bring a swing state, is a midwesterner, has little oppo narrative on them, and provides a strong rebuke to Roe v Wade being overturned.


America doesn’t vote for women, not sure how many times you want to lose against Trump to get it. Put Newsom as the candidate and Whitmer as the VP


Seems a little out of pocket for the donors to start sharing their bright ideas


Like I was saying minutes after the debate, it's either Joe Biden or **Vice President** Kamala Harris. Pick one. I personally think that while Joe Biden is not in the best of shape, it will turn out he is a lot better in a national campaign than Kamala Harris.


Pete Buttigieg!!!!


Either would be great. It should be an open convention, which was the standard up until the 1970s or so. As time passes since the debate I become more and more convinced that Biden needs to step aside and let someone (anyone!) with a fighting chance take over. He continued to make verbal gaffes even today in multiple events and interviews. It's absolutely maddening to come onto this subreddit and see so much gaslighting and deliberate ignorance. I've voted for Joe Biden in every election he's run in since I was 18, but my God - it's time to be done.


Harris Buteggig will be the ticket


Let the narrative die. Biden isnt dropping out.


Republicans wouldn’t turn against their candidate even in the face of multiple felony charges. Just stick the fucking course and vote blue.


Big Gretch 2024!




If I had to choose one of these I would go with Whitmer. CA has a lot of baggage.


Is there anybody that could be a good VP for a Whitmer ticket who might help be popular with rural and working class voters? I think the she has a lock on suburban, college educated, and urban voters, but the Democratic party as a whole has a whole lot more to gain outside those areas.


I’ve been saying IRL that I’m pretty sure Whitmer would be the strongest choice for winning. She may lose bidens money, but she’d practically win the rust belt by default and that’s basically all the dems would need. Potentially would even get a post Roe boost too


Will never happen, the Democrats have become the party of Complacency


No to both. What is the benefit of running these 2 over Kamala Harris?


These two would be my preferred options. I want someone new (to the executive branch).


3rd and 4th best choices, respectively. Pritzker and Beshear win easier.


Roy Cooper would be so much better than both of them


No they don’t. Republican operatives push news stories about Democrats wanting Biden to leave the race so that Democrats become disillusion and don’t vote so Trump wins the presidency


Anyone who wants Newsom needs to take a strong look at what he did first, to San Francisco, and then, to California. Take a good, hard, honest look at the condition of that state and ask yourself, is that really who we want in charge of the country? California has been burdened with some of the highest taxes, regulation, and corruption in the nation. Gas prices nearly unaffordable, crime and homelessness are the highest in the country. Vehicle registration costs skyrocketed when he took office, and he locked the state down while wine and dining like the mask-less hypocrite he is during COVID. Their roads are in such disrepair, and can’t even get large scale projects like their high speed rail done without spending SIGNIFICANTLY more than what was projected. Stay away from this slick-talking fool!!!


Well Biden has to drop out first and I'm not sure he will


I really don't see how whiplash is supposed to be the cure here


Living in a fantasy world.


Sanders is the only other democratic with enough name recognition and juice. Not that I think Biden should drop out, but replacing him with no names isn't going to help.


Headline should be Russian Operatives …


Ptitzker billionaire kid vs billionaire kid


For 2028. Not now


We need Pete Buttigieg. He is fantastic and I don’t think that gay shit matters anymore.


Push them for 2028…assholes.


It'd be political suicide for both to try to run in the 4 months or so there is left and try to salvage this campaign instead of prepping and running in 2028 free from the baggage of this disaster.


This shouldn't even be something we're talking about. The very notion that Trump is running again and that there is a realistic chance he could win even against an older slower Biden just blows my mind.


What on Earth is happening here?


Pete. Michigans hate Whitmer for COVID and Newsom is too polarizing. But stop this nonsense and get behind Biden cause the ticket ain’t changing.


This just isn’t happening. It’s Harris or Biden. The more these donors and writers fantasize about impossibilities, the worse it becomes


They. Can. Not. Receive. The. War. Chest. This wish casting completely neglects how the funds are tied to the campaign and only $2k of it would be transferred if it’s not Harris.


If not Biden then it must be Harris - that's the way it should be and any other move is suicide.


Whitmer and Newsom are 2028 contenders. Harris and Biden are toxic. DNC should look elsewhere for a reasonably popular upstart. Someone that could ONLY win in 2024 (counting nomination process and general election cycles.) Pritzker might be the best fit for this timeline.


Don't care if it's Whitmer or Newsom or Biden or Kamala or the guy who mows my lawn on Saturdays and does an excellent job, what's absolutely critical is that the democratic coalition stands united behind the eventual nominee. I'm not voting for Biden because he's my god king, I'm voting for him because I believe in his policies and his team. If another candidate has a better chance of implementing those policies and stave off project 2025, so be it. This is a group project. Bernie bros, Hillary stans and Biden fans need to stand together and be mad at each other in 2025 while still living in a democracy.


It's too late for shit like this. When you're already half-way through a tunnel, you aren't going to find a better route. Save your lamentations and get the fuck on the train. It's rolling on, with or without you.


I’m sure division in the Democratic Party is really going to ensure victory in November!


Wow. I can see how easy it is to start a post that pulls every coward, panty waste, easily jittered mother fucker in America right to it. Just suggest things are too hard. Fuckers. The people in this thread are literally the weakest, weak kneed pants pissing pussies ever birthed.


Absolutely not. Not because they are bad candidates but we’re only 4 months away from the election. That is not enough time to pump up the support for replacement candidates. I wish Biden didn’t run for reelection but I would still rather him be elected and pass in office than allow Trump and Project 2025 to whittle away at everything this country has had to overcome in the last century.


I want Newsom for 2028


Fuck all this. Replace Trump. He’s the crazy asshole who is dangerously unfit for office.


https://www.npr.org/2024/07/04/nx-s1-5029510/josh-green-biden > "If the president doesn't think he can beat Donald Trump, he will hand it off to Kamala [Harris]," Green said during an interview on Saturday with NPR. > "The president has to make this decision with his life-long colleagues from the Senate and his wife. Jill Biden is a superstar. They'll make the right decision," Green added. The choice has always been between either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris heading the ticket. No one else.


I don’t remember a past election in which donors decided the nominees. I’ve always voted “democrat”, but this is starting to give irony to the name.




This should be done behind closed doors. Decide on one and release the name when everyone is lined up behind them. Stop leaking information! The worst thing would be to have a civil war among dems.


Why do people not understand that the only alternate is Harris? She’s the only one that can use the money that has been donated so far.


If this election is as important as the DNC keeps shouting about, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING running Biden?


I really like Gretchen, but Biden isn’t dropping out.


Every time I mention them to people I get the same response. "Who?"


Gavin please! He is a ⭐


I don’t expect this to get any traction here, but being from the Midwest you’re not going to flip ANY votes from right leaning minds putting Newsom on the ballot. If anything, that’s just an easy target to run commercials saying, “You want the rest of the U.S. to end up like California?” and show clip after clip of the homeless situation. From a fairly middle-of-the-road voter, that looks so bad… Hundreds of millions basically missing that should have gone towards combating the homeless situation with nothing to show. Witmer still has a lot of negative views in the rural Midwest for how things were handled with Covid… I can’t say whether what she did was 100% necessary, but folks don’t forget that unfortunately. Same with Witmer’s state policies on renewables. Pissed off a lot of Michiganders by basically taking away their local jurisdiction. Are these far better candidates than Biden? Absolutely. Is the goal to bring Republicans back across the aisle with this ballot? If so, I don’t think we’re doing any favors here.


The vast majority of voters don’t know who the hell these two are nationally. This beyond dumb and would lead to a 1968 situation. Just really stupid for a myriad of reasons


I'm in. They got my vote. Whatever. Not Trump? sounds great.


Neither of those two people has national name recognition, the ability to use Biden‘s campaign war chest, or campaign operations even set up to go. The only viable replacement would be Kamala Harris. Screwing her over for one of those other two would destroy Democrats credibility in the black community.


This is so fucking stupid


Yes to both


Whitmer means locking up the blue wall again. She is a safe bet and, with the right cabinet, would be a great POTUS.


I like Whitmer, but this is stupid. It's not going to happen. So stop.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure anyone that reads “the financial times” is already a rich/ wannabe rich Republican.


Please please please! Who better to stand up to fascism against women’s rights? Big Gretch does not fuck around. She is no bullshit while being likable. She is not afraid to create policy, stamp her name on it, and stand by it even against heavy opposition. And she would tear Donald Trump to shreds over Woe V Wade and Project 2025


I mean I was hoping for a Newsom/Whitmer or Whitmer/Newsom ticket for 2028. I’ll take them for 2024 if they can truly win.


Holy fuck no. No one east of the Mississippi want this.


Man the narrative went so fast from "college students criticizing BIden are going to cost him the election", to "I think Biden is senile and should be replaced, this will definitely win us the election".


fuct yeah, and in that order, that'd be a great ticket and Whitmer a great POTUS




CA fucking hates Newsome, Dems would likely lose the state for the first time in decades.


Democrats need to stop sabotaging themselves! It’s to late in the game to switch


Whitmer has a better chance to beat Trump than Newsom but she would lose too because she's a woman. I don't think any woman or minority can beat Trump.


Republicans are pushing the most I'd say.


No Gavin Newsom please. California should not be the model for the rest of the country.


The DNC's actions are so utterly incompetent I am genuinely convinced this is intentional. No one is voting *for* their candidate, whoever that ends up being. Newsom, Whitmer, Michele, or Grandfather Methusalem... I mean Joe Biden. It doesn't matter one bit. People are voting *against* Trump. That's it. That's all that matters. Anyone with eyes can see that and yet the DNC are incapable of leaning into that. To hell with trying to make the democratic candidate look good, whoever that ends up being. It won't work unless they nominate a golden retriever (which I am sure would win by a landslide). They have to make the Republican candidate look bad. That's how Trump is running circles around them. And it's so easy. All they have to do is blast Trump's lies, his infidelity, the interview where he cannot name a single Bible verse, the rape allegation super-imposed on the picture of Ivanka seemingly giving him a lap dance when she was all of 12. The DNC ran a terrible candidate in 2016. Now they run an old guy during a time where anyone with half an ounce of sense on public perception could have told you that most people are sick of boomers running the USA. This is not that hard. I am convinced what we are seeing is them deliberately losing the game because the people with the money told them to.


To me the logical solution to both the money thing, the image thing, and the ballot thing with Harris is have Harris and Whitmer run a joint ticket. Position her as the natural replacement after Harris, while also keeping Harris on the ballot. It also allows the Democrats to use this as a talking point. In an election dealing with historic attacks on women's rights, having the entire executive ticket for the Dems be women running against the living embodiment of toxic misogyny would be huge.


Newsom is not likeable. Half the country hates California. Whitmer is great though.


Can we not just get Pete Buttigieg?


Dems will fuck it up again. Whitmer is clearly the choice but they won’t move onto her.


If Biden steps down the democrats will absolutely lose. Stop pushing the idea


No they aren’t. They all want the money they have given to be used. That means Joe or Kamala.


The best play is to let Biden run, win, then resign. Let Kamala finish his term then she has to fight for the nomination in 2028. The worst play is to try to replace Kamala You will piss off your most loyal supporters,Black women.


If Kamala is ever passed over the Dems would lose a majority of black supporters which is a key demographic for them.


JB from Illinois and Whitmer


Ditch Harris and pick someone people want as VP and likely POTUS like G. Whitmer, Newsom, or Transportation Secretary Pete B.


Both sound great to me!


The fact that no one is asking for Kamala is hilarious


To everyone whose been feeling defeatist over the previous weeks, and letting the deluge of bots and bad actors get to them (I'm sure you've noticed them working overtime). Don't. Don't succumb. Vote Democrat (whoever it ends up being and in every election). Tell everyone you know why they must, and buy this teetering country of ours some damn time. Every one is needed even in safe blue states to eliminate chances of contention in the final result. Especially those you reading this in swing states. Nevada. Arizona. Georgia. North carolina. The whole Midwest. You are at an inflection point in history. Those of you who are considering voting for Trump, you need to think long term. Even if trump were the thing you *think* he is, and not the thing he *actually* is. The mechanism for a dictator to take power is in place. The gun is loaded and against the country's head. Trump has an expiration date. Period. Even if he's "*your guy*" the person after him might not be. Or maybe the person after that. And the powers bestowed upon the president now have made it impossible to be rid of that person. You don't know who are you getting. You will never know. And you have lost the ability to check them or hold them accountable. We all know which of the two parties would at least attempt to mitigate this issue. And it wouldn't be the one who put this plan into action in the first place.


Whitmer, yes. Newsom, no. Whitmer is a strong candidate across the board. Newsom is a blue state governor who is vilified daily by Fox News. We can do better. Plus, in our first post-Roe presidential election, we should be amplifying women’s voices — it’s not only the right thing to do but also genuine.


Was this the lady that faked her own kidnapping?


Speaking as a Californian, we don’t need a Californian on the ballot. It is divisive (unfairly I think, but it still is) and frankly only like 6 states matter, so let’s go win those states.


Oh goodness please! Dems should switch now and go Hail mary


No shit!!! Better all around I say


This duo would destroy Donald Trump. Newsom/Whitmer. Let's do it!!!!


I'd prefer Whitmer over Newsom but I'll take either of them at this point.


Non story.


Buttigieg/Klobuchar 2024!!!


This is a game like anything else. You have to make calculations and go with a strategy. I don’t trust donors. They have money on the line and thus are panicking. They aren’t going to have the rationality to make the right call, to take the appropriate level of risk that’s needed. 


FUCKING GRETCHEN WHITMER!!! There is no way in fucking hel that god-damn cow should be going be a replacement for biden & at this point i rather See a KKK leader be president then these clowns.


Ask us in Cali about him and trust our answers


I don't think Whitmer wants the job though. In past interviews she has said pretty explicitly how she likes being involved in State politics because she feels that is where you can have a real impact on people's lives. I can't see her wanting the job.


The Midwest and rust belt isn't going for a candidate from California. So that's Newsom and Harris out. 


Jon Stewart


Whitmer for the win.  Simple but true.


Whitmer comes across as normal and likeable (not as slick as Newsom, and not as phony/weird as Harris). I think a lot of "moderate" and "undecided" voters would go for her, especially suburban women. She'd carry the Midwest and seal the deal.


I think it’s strange how everyone is suddenly so comfortable having insiders choose the Democratic nominee. Even if you like the candidate, shouldn’t they be chosen through a democratic process? It’s like everyone is waiting on baited breath to find out who our next presidential candidate is (assuming Biden drops out), while forgetting that we should have a say in the decision.


I wish they would just stop this nonsense.


Newsom has had very questionable policies in Cali. I wouldn’t say it is recall worthy, but they are certainly not reelect worthy. you don’t want that guy


The voters have already picked his replacement when the time comes. Its what the VP is.


I wouldn't want to ruin their chances at winning elections by being looked at at being replaced at the last minute as some kind of ploy to squeeze them in. Newsom is an excellent candidate who I think should get an entire cycle to run, and I think he'd win easily. Right now with all the talks by right wingers as Newsom being some monstrous champagne socialist who hates freedom and america as they've been his entire tenure in California would be helped by adding him without a primary. Yes adding people without a primary is not a great move for optics, and bolsters other arguments against them believe it or not. Whitmer is solid as well but also has similar fear mongering by republicans but I am less familiar with her, and the campaigns against her because I'm not from her state. I'd support whoever is the democrat ticket at this point, unless they somehow had Trump's platform since his platform is particularly abhorrent, but I don't think talking about it continually is doing anything. Seems like it'll be Biden/Harris so I'm going to remain being comfortable with that until something changes.


History of doing this shows Switching candidates throws a race into disarray which means we lose. So no.


We had a primary season All of these people could have challenged Joe Biden in the primaries and all said, Joe was the right candidate. Now Dems are selling Biden down the river because he’s old and had a bad debate. Where were y’all in 2020 when he was ALSO old and flubbed the first debate? Circular firing squad. Liberals are literally handing the election to Trump.


They start from Scratch raising money. Not even sensible at this point. Democrats are letting trump win by throwing Joe out.


I don’t understand the Gavin newsom hype.


Gavin Newsom can’t win


Trash and trash. Neither names are national names to anyone but there minority that follow politics


Hurry up and decide


It’s not happening, and neither Governor would accept the job. These articles are just another way to demoralize Democrats enough to stay home from voting when their favorite fantasy candidates don’t actually replace the President on the ticket.


If we're talking about replacing Biden why not Sanders? He's the only candidate that has really made a movement, and has gotten people excited


I highly recommend studying the 13 keys they have correctly predicted every election since 1860 it’s based on the theory the candidate doesn’t matter elections are primarily a vote in favor or against the party holding the White House there is only 1 key about the traits of the candidates that being incumbent party candidate is charismatic, inspirational or a war hero Biden is clearly none do those the only key about the challenge party candidate is uncharismatic to quote Allen Lichtman who help create the system and is the only person who predicted both the 2016 and 2020 election correctly trump is a great showmen but his showmenship only appeals to a fraction of the electorate he doesn’t have the overwhelming charisma of FDR or Ronald Reagan Biden has so far only lost 2 keys those being midterm mandate key and incumbent charisma key there are 4 keys up not called yet 2 lean in bidens favor and two don’t those 2 that don’t being the foreign policy/foreign military success and failure key fi we replace Biden we lose the incumbent party candidate is a sitting president and the inner party struggle key since if we replaced Biden there would be terrible inner party struggle so we would lose 4 keys with both the foreign policy keys leaning against Biden unless there a permanent cease fire so we would lose 6 keys which is the number you need to lose the election if Biden doesn’t run I don’t like Biden at all but I trust the 13 keys theory it is always correct the only plan other option and this is still less preferable of an option is Biden resigns from the presidents making Kamala the incumbent president and saving the inner party struggle key we can only go with either Biden or Kamala if we want to win in November sadly we lose if Whitmer and Newsom run save them for 2028


I have no idea who Gretchen Whitmer is but this definitely needs to happen.


I like Whitmer, Newsom is too polarizing. But overlooked is JB Pritzker, quite possibly the best orator in any position in government.


Random non democrat here, have Biden resign as soon as possible. Harris becomes president and hope she does a decent job as president for the next few months and that it makes more people willing to vote for her. Hoping that by some miracle it is enough to beat trump. I don’t think it will be.


Bobby Kennedy Is our best choice


Yes more white people!! Gotta love the USA!


what about Andy Beshear with Whitmer


Not up to the billionaires. Wrong party


Please no Newsom. The last thing this country needs is American Psycho.


Fuck the donors. I donate too , but I’m not a billionaire so I guess fuck it.


Don’t care, but I’m sitting this election out if it’s Biden.