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Project 2025 needs to be blared on tv ads now.


They will. This is obviously the right move to make.


Agreed. Americans are goldfish. Blast the plans for Project 2025 come late September/early October. Doing it now means a)people will miss it because it’s summer. b) people will forget. c) the GOP will have more time to spin how it’s “not that big of a deal”


Over in r/conservative, they are convinced that Project 2025 isn't real, and are calling it "liberal Q-Anon." It's insane.


My mom called me telling me how Project 2025 is the next best thing because the democrats are trying to destroy the country but Trump is trying to make this country great again in a way that honors God. I really hope when I’m her age I’m not insane like my mom.


I'm really sorry you've had to see your mom become that. It is an abomination how the money in our government, information streams and society pits one against another with only a care for how it most benefits the fat cats in the short term.


Same with my dad. The precipitous decline in his mental health is sad to watch. He truly became a scared delusional old man since 2016.




Around the same time Taylor Swift needs to announce her official endorsement and mobilize those 150 million Swifties into action


Different states have different timelines to register to vote. She may need to encourage her followers earlier.


>They will >This is obviously the right move to make Since when are those mutually inclusive?


They aren't implying that at all. They said the media will start covering project 2025, and that it's the right thing for them to do


Ah, I see. My misunderstanding.


biden is already favored among demographics that watch tv


Trump is trying to distance himself from it, they shouldn’t let him!


>Each candidate received 40 percent support in the poll. That’s a 2-point improvement for Biden, who trailed Trump 41 percent to 39 percent in an identical poll in mid-June. A fifth of respondents were undecided. Undecided my ass


I’ve seen a lot of polls even at the state level where there are upwards of 27% undecided. But it’s not generally “undecided” between trump and Biden. It’s undecided on if they will even vote, or vote for one of those two vs a third party. But even a lot of these polls in the last week that break it down further among undecideds, have Biden with about double the “maybe” voters that Trump gets. Trump has a lot more “never will I consider this candidate” voters.


Undecided might as well just be I don’t feel like answering and will make an actual decision in November right before I head to my car to go vote. It’s not that they are somehow these neutral beings with zero opinions they just don’t really care (or want to not be tied to a team for some self important reason). You know how polls have margins of error (that both the public and media readily ignore at all times) treat the undecided or don’t know number in any poll as the margin of error if the undecided number is 10% assume the results could be up to 10% in either direction. All these poll


I can see the undecided as people embarrassed to say donald tho


I have never met a Trump supporter who is even capable of feeling shame. Or shutting up about it.


Yes exactly. The ones that can feel shame are the ones that aren't talking about him, but will still vote for him.


Dude they are loud and proud assholes now. It wasn’t that way in 2016


Being a fascist requires the brown shirts but the brown shirts must always be eradicated due to their present danger to the dictatorship. So, to be a fascist, one must walk the line between pretending not to be and full party membership because, like everyone else, your life depends on it. We aren't so far gone yet, but this is the sort of survival mentality for those who support fascism without openly supporting it. They're just smarter than the useful idiots who get culled in a Night of the Long Knives scenario.


Yeah.  Proud Boys awful quiet since Jan 6.  There is reason for that.  They didn’t go away.  The Heritage Foundation put them on a leash and signals them constantly.  Language of violence below. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5093508/user-clip-trump-calling-opponents-vermin  Trump promising to “root out” political opponents and calls them vermin.    https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5120399/user-clip-battery-electrocute-shark    Trump acting far more like a dementia daddy than anything Biden has done.     https://youtu.be/vYXZ6iJJSgM?si=dwQozA7WLdGNt5bX  What project 2025 is.    https://www.donaldjtrump.com/    Trumps website you will see that Agenda47 and Project 2025 use the exact same language. Project 2025 was authored by the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation.  Here is Kevin Robert’s CEO of the Heritage Foundation threatening violence against anyone who tries to put forward a different version of America than his and by extension Trump and his administration.    https://youtu.be/NE2zfD9_WVs?si=eiQxmraBiRDKTBJD    Done being gaslit,  the rest of you should be too.  We all know how abusers act, you have to trust their word when they use words like revolution and are already laying the groundwork with victim blaming rhetoric, for it not to even be their fault.  Don’t be complacent vote for whoever has the best chance to win against this.  


It's all gaslighting. Biden should be running away with this race. People are choosing evil openly because they like it.


It is, I feel them same about many of them too.  But some people are not getting a clear picture from our media.  The dots are not being connected on CNN or MSNBC.  We know the reasons, bitching about them doesn’t help us.  The more level headed we approach this the more people we can reach.  The more dots we connect with evidence the better.  You gotta believe to achieve we got this.  We’re strong!


I cannot even become interested in polls anymore unless it's a poll that divides the people being polled by voting district.


How can anyone be surprised about the existence of undecideds with how monumentally terrible these choices are.


Well, I've been saying Biden should retire after his term since he was sworn in, but all things considered he's done a great job in his first term. On the other hand Trump stands in direct opposition to every principle America was founded on and wants to turn our country back into a Christian monarchy. Other than that though, yea basically no difference at all


Trump’s not even Christian, which makes his attempts to court the religion even worse smh


Because the Republican candidate is so terrible.  Let's see defund public education.  Also oh restrict access to birth control because women shouldn't have "recreational sex". All right there in the project 2025 link on the trump website


Because it isnt really about the overall quality of candidates, and we have all seen their work. One was a pretty decent president, and vows to keep doing what he's doing Other took away the rights of his people and tried to instill faschism vows to keep doing that At this point you either value freedom, or you want faschism, and i dont really see how you can be undicided on that (Or third - you might live under a rock)


BoTh SiDeS


Take 10 years off his age and Biden is a fantastic fucking choice. Yes, we would better served with someone younger now, but come on...


I completely agree that a hypothetical situation that's entirely different than reality is better than our current reality.


My point is that he is flawed choice, but far from terrible ESPECIALLY compared with the actual terrible choice.




They’ll come to Biden in the end


Bro I really hope so


Which is why even someone like Harris, even being disliked, would at least inspire confidence. 


>Undecided my ass 40% of eligible voters in the United States don't even vote.


Some of that is just rational awareness that their vote for president doesn't matter unless they live in a battleground state, plus the fact that most House and Senate elections aren't competitive at all. The US has one of the world's highest gaps between registered-voter turnout and eligible-voter turnout.


I get where you are coming from, but a good example of what I'm talking about is a state like the Commonwealth of Virginia. That state has been "trending blue" for over a decade, but as the election of Glenn Youngkin showed, when rural voters turnout, the state goes conservative. >Youngkin's rural voter landslide sounds alarms for Democrats >It's fine for Democrats to be the party of urban (and much of suburban) America, but they can't afford to lose rural voters by this much. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/youngkin-s-rural-voter-landslide-sounds-alarms-democrats-n1283418](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/youngkin-s-rural-voter-landslide-sounds-alarms-democrats-n1283418) Voter turnout in that state in counties like Alexandria which went for Biden 81.7% in 2020 vs. 17.8% for Trump has a much higher rate of voter turnout than the rural counties, but when those rural counties DO turnout conservatives win elections in that state. In short, it's not just what the percentage of voter turnout is, but WHERE it is. One thing you'll never see is Democrats pushing for higher voter turnout in rural America, because the party knows that those people vote against them. So I agree with you that in places like West Virginia it's basically pointless to vote because that state is going to elect Republicans whether you do or not, but even in competitive states, lots of people in various demographics just don't vote.


Feels great being held hostage by a bubble of selfish uninformed rubes that have never left their hometown.


Yes, undecideds do exist. Right now, Americans dislike both candidates and there's a real issue of turning people out to vote at all. Not everyone pays attention to what's going on, and there are people who can be persuaded, hence the need to campaign.


Nothing crazy about that. A huge chunk of people don’t follow politics and can’t tell you who speaker of house is


No, but they know who these two men are


And they don’t like what they see with Biden a lot more than Trump. Trump’s lead with politically unengaged people is massive


Why do you have a huge problem with people not having made up their mind yet?


Because we have example of both candidates and the job that they will do. This isn't an election like 2028 where we will likely have 2 completely new candidates.


People are voting for the next 4 years, not the last 8. And the fact that it looks like Biden isn't going to last that long actually is a pretty big deciding factor. I mean how can you not wrap your head around that fact?


Because you not only vote for a president, you also vote for an administration. Trump doesn't even have an official VP candidate and will surely during himself with nothing but yes men. People know what they're getting with both of these candidates.


The way Biden looks the real point is you're ONLY voting for an administration and not a president. Why can't you see that this is a huge issue?


Ya, I prefer a Biden administration over whatever clownshow Trump drahs along with him


Biden looked fine during his speech in Wisconsin earlier and he looked fine tonight in his ABC interview. If you're looking for an out, just admit it. Fact of the matter is I would elect someone that's a little older and slower if it mean I'm not electing a wanna be dictator hell bent on burning the damn country down 10/10 times.


Undecided just means “Embarrassed Trump Voter”


Some, definitely. But I also think people who are attentive to politics don't realize how little most people care about it. 40% of eligible voters in the United States don't even vote. Of the 60% that do vote, a lot of them have no real allegiance to a political party or philosophy. I know that's hard for most ideologues to believe, but it is true.


It doesn't... We should really acknowledge and plan an outreach campaign to these undecided voters. Yes, Trump is absolutely garbage... But for all the people who don't pay attention, we need to be out there explaining things and winning their vote for Biden/against Trump. All this hand wringing about Bidens age is playing right into Trump's favor. Instead of communicating all the ways Trump is awful.. we're spending time and energy tearing down our own candidate.


I wish I could give more than one upvote to this comment. I could not agree more. I’m just so frustrated and upset with how much of the media is not covering Trump and his scary agenda.


The problem is that the hand wringing about Biden’s age isn’t unjustified. That’s why he needs to go. We don’t need extra baggage in this election.


If you spend the first 90% of your energy working to champion Biden & the Democratic ticket and 10% complaining about Biden's age, that's ok.. I get it, he has a major flaw (too old). I just hope people aren't spending 90% of their time/energy complaining about the existing Democratic campaign, because that's not going to get us a victory against Trump.


13% of Trump's 2016 support came from former Obama voters.


They been decided since the round in 2020. This are the same 2 guys as 4 years ago. That debate just reminded us how much we are generally pissed about our choice of candidates as we have been since 2016.


I remember a family guy clip in which undecided voters were referred to as “the biggest idiots on the planet” and that has always stuck with me because it’s incredibly accurate.


How the heck can anyone be undecided? It's democracy versus dictatorship.


Bad polls may actually now start helping Biden. People with their voting intentions may use it as a way to protest or demonstrate concern with Biden - but now that Trump is leading and starts feeling real, people get alarmed and go back to Biden


If Biden has another major feeble moment in the next 5 months it will sink him. That is a hell of a gamble. It's like betting that a boat full of holes won't sink. I know there are people that think removing Biden helps Trump but I squarely think keeping him helps Trump and that sucks because Trump is a lunatic.


If they try to start trotting Biden out in public a couple of times a week to counter the problem, this is gonna take care of itself pretty quickly. But the longer it takes the worse it's gonna look and the more time it steals from someone else. They need to get it over with. Waiting also increases the risk that the calls will start being for him to resign now rather than just say he's not going to continue to run. Which I don't necessarily think would be a good idea.


>If they try to start trotting Biden out in public a couple of times a week to counter the problem, this is gonna take care of itself pretty quickly. The only appearance that holds any weight in reversing the narrative of cognitive decline, are press conferences. He needs to do lots of pressers of decent length. This isn't about doing the bare minimum it's about countering a very strong narrative that has been building for awhile now and is backed up by a ton of sources.


The more he's in public, the faster this is going to be over. Press conference or BBQ, doesn't matter. Although I agree a single press conference could end it. If they really wanted to avoid this, they should have kept him mostly out of view like they did in 2020. He wasn't in great shape even then, but it's so much worse now. It'll be interesting to see if any scuttlebutt leaks out about the interview that's supposed to air tonight. ABC is supposedly going to air a clip on their network news show first, which comes on at 6:30 EDT in my market.


I don't think some people full grasp what is happening. We are seeing a cover up. A hiding and insulation of Biden to limit the amount of interactions he has. He is being handled because he randomly can go borderline catanionic. Eventually the floodgates will open and this will end up in one of the saddest "tell all" books ever. Right now it's anonymous sources because they work for the administration but once that ends it's open season on the cover up. It will probably prompt rule changes that require annual mental acuity tests for all candidates going forward. This will be mega shit eventually mark my words. I think it already is but there is still so much more.


He did a Waffle House stop directly after the debate and a big campaign rally the next morning, not exactly hiding.


I was thinking town halls where he can talk directly to voters and people can see exactly what they need to.


Town halls are good too.


He was great in Wisconsin today


At this point the whole Biden campaign isn’t even promoting Biden, they’re framing it as a vote against Trump. If even the campaign doesn’t believe in their own candidate then that’s fucking bad. If this is the frame of thinking I don’t understand why we need to keep Biden, anyone could run a vote against Trump campaign. So why not get Biden the fuck out of there?


The best I can tell, it's a combination of historic precedent (dems have never won when replacing a candidate) and fear of absolute chaos. Who gets to be the nominee? Who gets to decide that? Whoever it is, the people didn't vote for that person, so how do you sell it? Kamala has all the baggage of the Biden administration plus she probably would struggle to win the more culturally backwards swing states, but how can you realistically step over her? All the more reason to be pissed at the people who got us to this point.


1968 vibes. Meanwhile, Nixon runs on "law and order" because of the Vietnam unrest.


And he was the motherfucker subverting any attempt to put an end to the war. My disdain for Republicans and their bullshit is indescribable


>Who gets to be the nominee? Who gets to decide that? Whoever it is, the people didn't vote for that person, so how do you sell it? This in my opinion is the reason that there isn't more pressure for him to step aside and why this is such a terrible situation for the DNC. *How do you pick the nominee without a primary?* Multiple people are going to want it to be them, if it comes to that. The DNC just picks somebody? There's no way


The people *did* vote for Kamala Harris. We voted for her for vice president, a heartbeat from the presidency. It's not a Gerald Ford situation. I don't think "cultural backwardness" is Kamala's problem. If she wins all the states Obama won in '08, it will be a massive Democratic landslide. Her problem is that she's a terrible public speaker, and an indifferent campaigner except when she's on the attack. You're right about baggage from the Biden admin, too, especially about the border.


This is generally what you do as an incumbent. You focus less on it being a referendum on your administration and more on a choice between a much less appealing alternative.


I've never received more poll requests than the last week. Most of them were asking about whether Biden should drop out.


No offense but this is such a funny hot take. Your unstated premise is that everyone hates Trump and doesn't want to see him elected.


I think you actually may have a valid argument... If you remember the news during the 2022 election cycle... The news all had headlines of polling saying a red wave was going to crush all dems and the house and Senate are NO QUESTION going to the GOP.... We all know what happened.. no red wave.... and those polls may have been what caused that surge of young voters that defied that narrative.


Ipsos/Reuters is generally a good polling outfit, but this poll is an outlier: [most of them](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/) post-debate have Trump with a 3-5 point lead.


I find it very interesting that this sub's trust in polls, Democratic party donors, and delegates to the convention has inexplicably been renewed since the debate.


We don't what is actually true. We know that the likelihood of Biden not being the candidate is diminishing. A poll like this signals that the base is behind Biden, even if not completely accurate. Many including myself think that anti Trump sentiment is being missed in polling. So a poll like this is useful because in this scenario Biden has received a cue to continue.


>Many including myself think that anti Trump sentiment is being missed in polling. We know for a fact that something isn't being figured into the polling, because since the Dobbs decision polls have consistently underestimated Democratic performance. I think Democrats need to start getting used to the idea that they can rely on ideology to motivate voters and don't have to be eternally worried about personality.


A direct the to the people approach. I'd argue they need you tube policy channels and the like.


Seriously. Everyone's shitting on the DNC and blaming them for all this shit, but they seem to conveniently forget that they're calling for the DNC to pick a replacement. No primaries, just whomever the DNC sees fit. Everyone's pretending this is a chance to get their preferred candidate, but it'd almost certainly be Kamala if it happened, and nobody's stumping for her.




A 3-5 point lead for Trump is fine. For all of the hysterics, these polls are actually showing very little movement. The difference in polls from pre to post debate ranges from nothing to a typical post-debate bump that people don't freak out about when they happen in *October*. And it's not really surprising. If you looked at the debate focus groups and instant polls instead of the pundits, those viewers were saying the same things they did before: "Trump is a liar, Biden is old". They saw Trump's poor debate performance too.


Trending towards trump *of people that answer unknown phone calls*. It's very important to note that most intelligent people don't answer calls from callers they don't recognize. Also important to note that most intelligent people don't vote for fascists.


Reminds me of the (apocryphal) Adlai Stevenson quote when one of his fans told him he had the support of "every thinking person": "Yes, Madam, but I need a majority."


Yeah polls are not even worth caring about since 2016. The entire lead up to the election in 2016 had Hillary winning easily, but somehow everything that every poll said was the exact opposite. This is the conspiracy theorist in me talking , but I feel like these recent polls and all of the media outlets hyperfocusing on Biden's age and not even talking about Trumps issues with age and the newly released Epstein info screams desperation to me. Specifically CNN and MSNBC, they have both been losing tons of viewers since Trump left office. He's their ratings cash cow and they know it. They need him to be relevant so they can make money, and Biden isn't going to do that for them. So, they will do all that they can to get Trump back in office. Remember during his term, I would wake up daily and while the Today show was on as I was getting ready it was "BREAKING NEWS!!! President Trump say/does some dumb shit" and then they'd talk about ti for hours on end. People tuned in because it was a fucking circus.


This reddit groupthink about polls beeing only unsolicited phone calls is just wrong and is dangerously dismissive.  The reuters/ipsos poll cited here is conducted entirely online.  "Participants are selected through a postal address-based sampling method that includes all U.S. households. They are polled online. Respondents who do not already have internet access are provided with internet service and a tablet at no cost."


You do know they adjust polls for that right? They don’t just publish the raw data. “Polls are bs” is not a winning argument


Either way, you can assume whatever bias exists for each pollster is fairly consistent for each poll they do. And pretty much all of them show a direct dip after the poll, so depending on the margin of error, it's probably an outlier.


Not all polls rely on unsolicited calls. Many pollsters have been starting to include web responses in recent years. YouGov, which is considered to be a fairly reliable pollster, runs polls online and they have Trump in the lead. I know CNN has a mix of phone and web responses in their polls as well. They are fully aware of who may respond to their polls and weigh the responses accordingly. Dismissing polls because you don't like the results is just burying your head in the sand.




flat out is a bit wrong, but probably skewed is most likely


Or it’s the leading end of a trend of going back to the norm of them being tied? Only way to find out is to wait and see.


These polls have been back and forth every day for the past year. It's all nonsense. All the matters is how the swing states look.


It'll come down to WI, MI, PA, and VA. I wish this were a referendum on Trump and not Biden's age.


GA? If VA is in play then it's not going to be much of an election.


It's VA. Biden is tied: [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/virginia/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/virginia/) This is why Biden needs to drop out now.


Tied? Biden wins VA 75% of the time on their election forecaster. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/virginia/


538 has definitely had the most favorable projections for Biden compared to other sites.


I was saying the polls: [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/virginia/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/virginia/) of the 2 polls biden was +1 twice and Even twice. The 538 model says that Joe is currently favored to win it 75% of the time compared to 85% April 30th. Here's Nate's blog post: [https://www.natesilver.net/p/joe-biden-should-drop-out](https://www.natesilver.net/p/joe-biden-should-drop-out) it's not looking great for Joe.


Biden has been leading the rust belt swing states


Yeah but swing states are looking like Trump.


Can the media just stop for 1 minute


In this case, this is positive news for Biden since it’s an uptick from the last poll and shows a huge chunk of voters are still undecided.


I don't trust any polls. No one should pay attention to them.


No, they have been given their orders to take down Biden . This is who they are


Just go and touch some grass before they install ads and news outlet in lawns too


No, remember they are there to make money off your attention, not to actually give you useful information.


The big news here is that accurate or not it does show that Biden's support is solid, in spite of the meltdown of the chattering class, the beltway, and the oligarch constrained for profit press. If his support had dropped out it would be apparent in even inaccurate polls. Many big media players tried to wag the dog in a major flex, especially the likes of NYT, and they got handed a massive fuckoff. Shows the limits of the pundit class to shape major stories. Bots and bad actors are everywhere, trying to guide opinion. They are failing too. Bad news for Trump and maga.


Fascism is on our doorstep. Vote Blue.


Jesus this shit is getting ridiculous how about no more polls until exit polls in November. Every day it’s up and down and so many polls you could say something new every hour


How is it this close again? Either it actually is or like someone else suggested, the media is pretending it is for more clicks 


the only poll that matters is on election day. fucking vote.


Who actually fills these surveys out? I'm nearly 40 and have never filled one out or even been asked to. I have never heard of any of my friends completing one. Who?? 80+ yr olds on their recliners in florida?


Let’s just ignore the Dem’s internal polling numbers for this one single survey guys. This should give us all the hope we need to keep Biden as the candidate! Said no real human ever.


Idk it seems like a lot of people are saying exactly that on reddit at least. Pure insanity. Single polls should not necessarily be a huge concern... but when they all, except one, are showing a trend we should take heed.


Tying trump on a national poll means an EC blowout for Dems 


Is this facts or opinion?


Opinion and wrong. Dems have beat repubs in the national vote counts for 20 years. Repubs have still won because the EC is much more republican favored than the popular vote. Dems basically need 5 pts up in the popular vote to tie. Neck and neck is terrible


I'm guessing you mean a blowout in favor of Republicans. Just pointing out your wording leaves it ambiguous what you're saying.


The fact it’s a tie against a convicted felon who incited an insurrection is a huge indictment on Biden and our country should be ashamed


Sounds like a buddy comedy where they live together and tie stuff


Half of America wants a felon/rapist/pedo? I wasted my youth on the military, y'all were not worth it.


At this point, you are voting for either Biden or tyranny for life. There isn’t much to think about beyond that.


This country is fucked. How is this a tie? Trump literally has everything negative a candidate could have against them and this is a fucking tie?


Was it the (alleged) rape of a 13 year old girl that made the poll move? Asking for a scared nation


It would have moved the numbers much more if the media actually covered that instead of "EHRMERGERD BIDEN OLD" every day for 2 weeks.


I think this election will have low turnout (but not a record low) if Biden and Trump are the two candidates. They both seem to have a solid 33% or so voters that will vote for them no matter what out of party allegiance, but I can see a lot of independents either sitting at home or casting a protest vote because of the two choices. A lot of people will not vote for Biden because of his mental acuity and a lot of people won’t vote for Trump because of massive character issues. 




The last two elections have been bizarre outliers. The Covid year election because of obvious reasons and the Clinton year election because polling was catastrophically off. 


One thing I suspect from Trump’s win against Hillary is that polling can show who people *want* to vote for and who they will *admit* to voting for, but people can cast their votes however they want when behind the curtain. Against Hillary, Trump had admitted to sexual assault, had some dirty laundry with Russia and had publicly been a complete asshole for months. I think most polling underestimated who would vote for him because people who didn’t *want* to say they would vote for him *then voted for him* because they didn’t want Hillary. We could see the same thing this election, with younger voters, women and minorities who aren’t thrilled with Biden not indicating they will vote for Biden but then ultimately deciding that he’s preferable over Trump, the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025. At least that’s what I hope.


It's been proven that Russia had a hand in election interference back in 2016. My biggest issue is Hillary not even campaigning in swing states because the polls showed her winning easily.


These polls mean absolutely NOTHING these days. The old model for polling relied on landlines (or people at least answering calls from unknown callers). The bulk of America do not do that these days! So these polls are relying on a small segment of people they've likely relied on for years. At the very least, the sampling pool is skewed to not be an accurate reflection of the population no matter how much they want to rely on statistics. Sure, by pure math the numbers work - but when the sampling pool is already compromised BEFOREHAND, that puts in a definitive bias. Meanwhile, these polls come out day after day showing exactly what the media want in the first place: a horse race! "A is up today! B is up tomorrow! Stay tuned for more updates on A (or B) to hear what WE think is important!" The media are selling a product and using these polls to do it. How about putting out actual information and letting the people make their own decision? Nope! There's product to sell! Tune in at 11 to see why this is bad for (insert current target here)!


You would think that at some point every registered voter would be polled considering they are conducted what seems to be weekly at the very least. I have never been called or have ever received and email asking me to participate in a poll. No one I know of has ever been polled either. I'm 41yrs old and have been voting for 20yrs, never polled once.


I’m unsure why anyone is giving credence to polls when we know the numbers are goosed by money.


People need to prepare themselves for what happens when Mike Johnson doesn’t certify the election even if Biden wins. I don’t give a shit how you feel about Biden as a candidate, we have to turn out in such an overwhelming majority they don’t get the chance to try to nit pick a sliver of a win. 43k votes won Biden the election last time. I have a feeling that won’t do it again.


Seriously Kevin Roberts did the Democrats a favor in publishing his blatant attempts at dictatorshipping


Please, if can, consider virual phone banking for swing states. https://events.democrats.org/event/569897/ In an election that will likely come down to 10-25,000 votes per states, every bit helps.




Virtual* It allows you to volunteer and phone bank for a state you don't live in, namely swing states.


National polls don't matter.


Every time they make fun of old Joe, Trump loses a nursing home of votes.


Polls are meaningless. Just vote.


Yawn. Wake me up, when September comes.




Not according to Green Day^tm


I got the reference. Was trying to turn it into a joke.


Polls are next to useless this far out.




Its very simple. are you voting for democracy or a criminal


Joe should start rape’n and blasting!!!!


I have a weird feeling that there's a protective effect to going full dementia on TV. Reagan, Bush the Younger, Fetterman all basically acted like stroke victims (true for Fetterman), and the electorate backed away from punishing them for it. Simple Jack and I Am Sam may not have won the Academy Award, but Forrest Gump, Rain Man and others did. Americans feel it's mean to pick on someone for being mentally fogged.


Do you prefer an old looking dude or to transform your entire culture to a fascistic hellscape under the dogmas of christian nationalism? It’s a tie.


It's almost like liberals don't answer the phone and especially don't poll Idk why that would be a thing though, i too am a gen z who won't answer said calls, polls are just not reliable in the current political climate this has been proven to us time and again but press about bad polls is actually good for a candidate it seems as it ticks up fundraising Makes you think


this poll reflects 1,000 prople who picked up the phone ringing with an unknown number


Who cares? We need a real fighter who’s going to not only beat Trump, but reform the Supreme Court and restore our de


2024 going off brah


You just can’t trust the polls. Nobody has any real reason to truthfully tell a stranger who they’re voting for unless it’s for Trump.


Recent averages +/- an appropriate error margin are a pretty reliable predictor of election results. How much depends on the voting system, 5-10%. Electoral college is a 10% one, which is of course a pretty hefty margin. A single poll with slight changes doesn't say much tho.


How the fuck can a Dem candidate lose New Jersey? This is supposed to make him look strong?




i’m so frustrated with biden for deciding to run again and for those around him letting him. Fucking hubris wins again


I mean, that's some good news, at least.


Tie, leading, it's all moot. Trump will accept no result other than his win. His mob is waiting for the signal. Steel yourself.


Seems like a lot of people thought that while Bidens age is a factor is has little to do with the successes of his administration. People also know Trump was lying and did a good job alienating black and Hispanic voters. Many who were cooled off from Trumps anti minority rhetoric but this last debate stired all that. Top this with the spreading of project 2025 and the Supreme Court ruling and its clear people are beginning to wake up to how much of a threat the republicans party is to Americans 


[U.S. economy added 206,000 jobs in June, unemployment rate rises to 4.1%](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/05/jobs-report-june-2024.html) --CNBC


Yes, keep thinking that. Repeat the line


>Yes, keep thinking that. Repeat the line Biden moves into tie with Trump in new survey


Remember, polls showing Trump ahead are legit. Polls showing Biden doing well are bullshit. I have concerns but surely we would see a total plummet if the debate was determinative?


> Polls showing Biden doing well are bullshit. Where are the polls showing Biden doing well?


Headline is literally one of them


In what world is a 40-40 tie with Trump good news?


Pssst, polls and surveys are 100% fabricated by the media.