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>We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made. FDR, January 11, 1944, on the Second Bill of Rights


This is basically my argument for welfare programs. They aren't handouts given to poor people by bleeding hearts. They are insurance programs to protect the wealthy and middle class from violent upheaval.


This is arguably what led to the socialist programs of Scandinavian countries: immense aversion to bloody revolutions like Russia had.


However... The wealthy (in general) are completely against actual welfare. They just want the bare minimum to prevent trouble, while keeping the poor struggling. It's a fine balance.


Right. And I mean, thats going to be a constant conversation - "How much do we have to give the keep them content?" There's nothing necessarily wrong with asking that, but when you have a generation (or two) of Americans trained to thinking "Socialism = Communism = Totalitarianism" you screw up the balance. You end up having people on all sides agreeing that welfare programs are evil.


Internet throws a wrench in that process completely which has caused a massive generation divide like we’ve never experienced


When are they going to start the free gladiator shows.


>They are insurance programs to protect the wealthy and middle class from violent upheaval. It turns out they would rather risk violent upheaval if it means having more money


No. They think the masses have enough opiates to keep them subdued. They think they can push a bit further. They have no choice but to fuck around until they find out. Here's the real question: Right now, the right has convinced the gen pop that the left -with their limp-wristed "soft on crime" and "equal protections for all" and "social safety nets" and "acceptance of people not exactly like me" - are the problem with this country. What happens when they achieve their autocratic one-party state and the "greatness" the MAGAt's have been promised never materializes because well, it can't; at least not with the Right's destructive fiscal policies? How long will this new order last in a country absolutely loaded up with guns and angry people who have been cheated out of their fair slice of the economic pie? How long for the scales to fall from the eyes of the duped? I wager it won't take 30 years or even 10. They've primed the powder keg, but they don't know how to defuse it, because they are beholden to the only ones who can, (the mega-corps and billionaire donor class, just so we're clear) but are too short-sighted to make *any* kinds of concessions to the lower classes. The investor class MUST have more, always more. If the right wins, it'll turn into their own worst nightmare unless they are conducting Tianmen Square-level atrocities to keep the hoi-palloi in check and I don't think that will work on Americans.


They will. It might.


We already know that answer. Trump was elected and GOP held House and Senate. They couldn’t even agree on killing ObamaCare.


Isn't that what the police are for? Trump wants to use the military for policing.


Historically, that leads to violent revolution. It’s no coincidence that the American welfare state was born during the Great Depression and following a period of global social uprisings.


But Milton Freeman said the government suppresses freedom and the free market provides it. What a dick


Friedman also said you cannot have open borders in a welfare state. He also believed the government should let big companies go under if they managed themselves into a problem. Back then it was the automobile industry Read the book Free to Choose. There was also a documentary on the various economic issues of that time. And the problems they had in the 80’s are identical to the problems today. And I mean identical. Liberal policies have not moved the needle an inch in solving the problems but the deficit is quite a few inches better. Might be time to start doing things that fix problems instead of putting Bandaids’s on gun shot wounds


>We can combat fascism only if we grasp that it rouses and sweeps along broad social masses who have lost the earlier security of their existence and with it, often, their belief in social order. Fascism is rooted, indeed, in the dissolution of the capitalist economy and the bourgeois state. There were already symptoms of the proletarianization of bourgeois layers in prewar capitalism. The war shattered the capitalist economy down to its foundations. This is evident not only in the appalling impoverishment of the proletariat, but also in the proletarianization of very broad petty-bourgeois and middle-bourgeois masses, the calamitous conditions among small peasants, and the bleak distress of the “intelligentsia.” The plight of the “intellectuals” is all the more severe given that prewar capitalism took measures to produce them in excess of demand. The capitalists wanted to extend the mass supply of labor power to the field of intellectual labor and thus unleash unbridled competition that would depress wages—excuse me, salaries. It was from these circles that imperialism recruited many of its ideological champions for the World War. At present all these layers are experiencing the collapse of the hopes they had placed in the war. Their conditions have become significantly worse. What weighs on them above all is the lack of security for their basic existence, which they still had before the war. - Clara Zetkin, [20-Jun-1923](https://www.marxists.org/archive/zetkin/1923/06/struggle-against-fascism.html)


Reaganism killed the American Dream. What was sold as allowing people to succeed or not based on individual merit was revealed to be pulling up the ladder behind those that were already successful, whether they deserved it or not.


A bit from the post: > Contrary to America’s dominant cultural myths about “bootstraps," wealth and income are selectively created (and in many ways directly subsidized) by the state through tax policy and other measures. To wit, Americans in the top 20 percent of income generally receive a much larger return from the federal government in terms of subsidies, credits, and other benefits than the amount of taxes they pay. Political scientist Suzanne Mettler has compelling described these benefits as “the submerged state”, i.e. “welfare for rich people." > > America’s elites (and especially the news media) love to tout the stock market as a barometer for the country’s economic health and prosperity. But that data is misleading: The top 1 percent of richest Americans by wealth control some 54% percent of stocks and mutual funds. Here, the American financier class benefits from the tax and other economic policies that they literally write, which are in turn passed by Congress and the president (who are also members of the financial elite). > >


*”The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it."* -George Carlin


“What happened to the American Dream? It came true! You’re looking at it.” - The Comedian, Watchmen


Yep, the moment Ronnie boy Reagan implemented those tax cuts and waged war on unions, that became the end of the American Dream. His bs gave his rich asshole friends unlimited power and gave them no incentive to keep prices low and pay people more since now, thanks to extremely low taxes, they had the ability to accumulate mass wealth with very little repercussion.


What even is 'Trumpism' ? Just be as corrupt and lawless as possible, and sell out everything to the highest bidder?




Selfishness.    if the economy is really growing fast enough(or if one can find new niches) then people focus on exploring new opps and avoid competition.   If the pie stops growing fast enough... we start looking for ways to ensure our piece keeps growing even at the detriment of others.  I've long since given up on humanity doing the right thing for all.. we're slightly more advanced apes and will act as such at every opp.


If it was only selfishness. Many Trump voters are voting against their own rational self interest. For example, Trump is all about lowering taxes on the 1%, but mathematically no more than ~2% of Trump voters can be in the 1%. Political socialism worked out well in much of Europe because the socialist voters had clear and rational goals, and you could actually give them half of what they wanted in a non zero sum compromise. MAGA seems to be more about cultural and religious identity and belonging, in- and outgroups. About feeling that you are better than the enemy. And driven by the need to have an enemy, to blame for you own personal insecurities.


*“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”* -[John Kenneth Galbraith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kenneth_Galbraith)


Might and wealth make right. Same as all the other rebranded iterations of populist-fueled plutocracy the right has come up with.


Eh I’d argue the US has been on that path since the Regan years, maybe even before hand. The thing is people could pretend that wasn’t the case and things (mostly) chugged along smoothly. We’ve hit point where people can no longer pretend that the society wants to take care of them and Trumpism, too me anyways, is a violent knee jerk reaction to that. Basically the “system sucks, and but it’s not OUR fault, it’s THEIR FAULT. We just need to put THEM in their place and we can finally be well off”


We've been on this path since 1968.


Except a lot of the Trumpers own businesses, boats, big trucks, etc. These aren't just people who are stuck living with their parents.


That squares. They couldn't afford one of the houses, one of the boats, or one of the trucks. Time to build the concentration camps. That's essentially how fascism has arisen in previous decades.


Yes. While also claiming you’re the most Jesus Christ.


And to make people scared.


Trumpism wouldn't exist without Reaganism. Reaganism was proto-Trumpism.


Doesn't help that the last several Dems they've put on the ballot for the election all spoke admirably of Reagan. Hell a good chunk of the democratic playbook has been trying to get the votes of moderate Republicans.


As I've said many, many times: Reagan is the match that lit the current dumpster fire that is the GOP.


It's exactly the same DNA, but a later stage of rot.


Trumpism is realizing you can use fascism to gain minority power through messaging (lying) and fear. Reaganism is realizing you can use wealth to gain minority power through unlimited fundraising and bribes (lobbying).


The DNA in those cases is the Heritage Foundation. Reagan implemented 2/3rds of their ideas after he gave a copy of the ideas to his cabinet. They have been working for over 50 years with Republicans to slowly implement a christofacist state. Project2025 is just the culmination of the last 50 years of dismantling the U.S. The Federalist Society justices on SCOTUS are part of this plan. And they removed settled case law that enables the federal government to regulate corporations. Just one further step to get rid of the FDA, FCC, NOAA, dept. of education, EPA, and more


To a certain extent it's true to say that what caused Trumpism is lower-class and middle-class stagnation. But there's also a lot of *boredom* amongst the upper-middle and upper class. They have been raised on stories of heroism and derring-do, and quite a few of them are stuck in "I am the protagonist" mode, so they seek out ways to become one.


The Democratic Party somewhere along the way gave up fighting against corporate elites that the Republican Party used to coddle. Trumpism was born out of people who likely used to be Democrats with solidly middle class, union jobs that were outsourced or automated. These people now work for wages that don’t even afford them rent, if they work at all. They feel the system screwed them (it did) and they turn to someone like Trump who knows exactly how to appeal their emotions.


I think a lot of the resentment also comes from the fact that mainstream Democratic messaging doesn’t seem to take in account, many (if not a majority) of people are unhappy with their lives. Especially in this modern society, where we are all consumers, being targeted with psychological warfare to make us feel unsatisfied…that we need more, that our lives our worse than our peers. I think this fuels the resentment of the other. So an obvious example of how this manifests itself is Critical Race Theory, how that swung elections for the GOP last election cycle. A white man working full time shush to get by doesn’t want to get they are privileged….even if it is true. Many Americans now lack the critical thinking skills necessary to even grasp that concept (sadly). To understand that takes a level of empathy, higher order thinking, projecting, assimilation and accommodation many are simply incapable of. And if in their mind, they do t see privilege, they see what they have as earned through hard work, they project and get angry at any perceived “handouts” to others. Especially since most government programs aren’t actually understood by the public. It helps the GOP that they have a more homogenized base. It becomes easy to message, speak to the core. To place blame on the “other”…and there’s multiple other factors, but I’m already typing a bit and rambling. Hopefully I was able to convey some of what I intended….it does not excuse it, but if I’m being honest, there are lots of times I see the attitudes and strategies from liberals, combined with our current time and society, and I can see why a portion of the country feels neglected.


In other words Reagan 2.0


Clinton and Obama loved the "celebrity" status they had and failed to enforce what needed to be done. Voted for Bernie because he doesn't give a fuck about popularity contests.


> he doesn't give a fuck about popularity contests. And that's why we are finishing up the second term of the Bernie enlightenment! I love Bernie. I wanted him to be the candidate. But... can you turn down the "grumpy old man" bit for, like, 20 minutes straight sometimes? Most people don't vote with their brains, unfortunately.


Yup. It’s almost like the parties are flip flopping on corporatism at this point. Trump Republicans have no problem slamming their iron fist down on corporations they don’t agree with. And while I hate all the reasons they’re doing it since it’s all culture war bullshit instead of actual consumer protections, it’s refreshing. It’s the proverbial brick through the window of the little capitalist utopia they built on our backs. The brick that people are literally begging for but the Democrat Party just won’t give them. Democrats need major reform at this point to counter the reform the Republicans have already gone through. No one fucking wants the slick ass big business 1990’s Democrat attitude anymore. And if leadership can’t see that then the party is toast.


The *murder* of the American Dream, you mean. Committed by Reagan, you mean.


I'm glad to see more people waking up to the fact that Reagan and his administration are directly responsible for the mess we have today. So many have parroted for years and years that he was the best president ever and worship him. Yeah, maybe if you were rich. The rest of us got screwed, hard. And his policies (which continue to this day) have destroyed at least 2 entire generations and their ability to ever move upward financially, so far.


The American dream was turned into an illusion by the Republican party's trickle down economics. Trumpism is a feature not a bug.


It is impossible to overstate just how much damage the third-rate B-movie actor and HUAC stool pigeon did to the US. He hosted the TV show Death Valley Days in the 60s. That name, Death Valley Days, is a pretty good metaphor for what he did to the country. You don't get Trumpism without Reaganism.


I’ll say Reagan’s Shining City on the Hill speech is much better than Trump’s American Carnage speech.


And the Southern Strategy birthed the death of the American Dream. (Nixon and Reagan were the midwives.)


Why blame corporate greed when you can blame Mexicans and trans Americans?


[Its over... so long to the American Dream](https://youtu.be/eM3XyivYPYI?si=tPBBiviy5z4RKNyT)


For those who haven’t seen the documentary of how all this shit happened, and how these nut jobs got into office… [Bad Faith Documentary - (Tubi)](https://tubitv.com/movies/100020971/bad-faith?link-action=play&tracking=google-feed&utm_source=google-feed)


It goes back to Stone/Manafort/Nixon


Reaganism, Trumpism, they're all the same. Project 2025, same goal: To kill the American middle class and have the country run by rich, white people.


**"they share the same DNA"** I can see it.


GOP moved away from service aspect of the Public Service part…


This is largely a pleasing explanation for those that think economic situation largely or mainly dictate ideology. Under emphasizes the self identity through culture (religion, esthetics, art, etc). A simple look at exit polls from Trump's election years shows he loses lower income votes but wins the higher income.


This is more of the "both sides are the same" lie that far left publications like Salon like to use to attack Democrats. Presidents Clinton, Obama and Biden all raised taxes on the wealthy, expanded government programs to help those that need it, decreased inequality, decreased crime, improved the economy, decreased unemployment and decreased the deficit. Democratic presidents consistently improve the lives of average Americans, but publications like Salon prefer to attack Democrats and blame them for the actions of Republicans, rather than actually attacking Republicans.


No, the election of a black man birthed Trumpism. (A HALF black man ffs.) The day after he was elected, I was watching a press conference of completely distraught elderly white male politicians howling about getting the country "back". As they were turning away from the press, one of them dropped "If they think that n**er (hard R) is getting anything passed..." on a hot open mic. Not one news outlet caught it or ran it. I was appalled but not shocked. All because we dared find a blissful few years of happy with a black man. Right after that was when the Tea Party rose up with their rallying cry to "Make America Great Again." And then Trump jumped on that boat. His validation, repetition and amplification of the Right's hateful rhetoric is giving the boat steam. I just hope that his weight and ignorance sinks it before it takes out the rest of the country permanently.


There is an episode of the “Landslide” podcast (really great podcast, btw) that highlights Ford/Regan and then Regan/Carter races. There is a direct tie between RR and Trump - economic disasters, culture wars


All roads lead to Reagan…


The American Dream is not cultural software, it’s a cultural virus. We have all been duped and are fighting over the context in which we are born because fighting is as immersive as fucking and we care about babies; reasonable people will always have disagreements. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE - MOST OF US ALONE AND SAD. What are we going to do about it? When are we going to talk about it? Oh wait, we won’t because that doesn’t sell and all our media outlets only care about what sells, not what is important. How do we unfuck this situation?


I haven’t heard the bad part yet


The "American Dream" isn't dead. The old white fat rich powerful Republicans just found vehicles like the internet and Faux, NoozeMax and OAN to repeat the lie enough times that the poor dumb fat MAGA cult gathered together to worship their new shiny orange jesus would buy hook, line and sinker. And the poor white fat rich powerful Republicans and the orange jesus could live off of grifting their own MAGA cult members pretending that only they can solve the lie.


If Reagan was alive, he would be disgusted to see today's Conservatives/Republicans being so hateful and divisive. he would denounce Trump and his policies.


I know that this is terrifying, but can we talk about Biden’s debate instead? - this sub


The dems won’t let us have our liberal candidates who could actually change things, so people are going far right.


I just realized why I should never get on this app. A bunch of losers with to much free time acting like if they read an article and comment on Reddit they’re opinions matter lmao


I appreciate how right you are, yet hate myself for still being on this app.


I only come on here to ask questions other than that I stay far far away from the hellscape that is this app


Got any tips on ways to stay off it? I could use some.


Ya delete the fucking app lol


😆 should have seen that coming.


I’m not legal counsel at all but I feel like that’s the best advice I can give you for the mental health side of the coin


I don't know what started it, but what got me to support him this election was: 1. The rampant anti-Semitism that's been going unchecked in blue states 2. The massive increase in crime and lack of punishing criminals that's been in blue states 3. The unchecked illegal immigration, especially when blue sanctuary cities suddenly changed their tune when they were the ones that illegal migrants were winding up in. 4. Massive inflation compared to any other president in my lifetime, especially Trump's presidency. https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/CUUR0000SA0L1E?output_view=pct_12mths 5. Biden's constant forgetting what he's talking about and starting conversations that are nonsense. 6. Weak response to helping our allies, i.e. Israel, and hindering them in ways we've never done to anyone else. I'm no 'Trump is the 2nd Coming' shouter, but I'm picking him.


Everyone of your points is incorrect and simply models disinformation. But hey, if you admire a wealthy real estate developer that commit frauds right and left (and unlike your list, this is documented), lies about elections, spurs a riot by their supporters to remain in power, calls opponents toddler names, and otherwise acts like a barking carnival huckster and whines and deflects blame when things don’t go his way - that’s on you. I think you need to look deep within yourself and see if you understand what a republic is and what the rule of law means. Because I don’t think you do. Trump is clearly inappropriate to hold any position of honor, trust and decency in our republic. You know that, but you just don’t care. Which is horrible.


Ignoring the frequent and confirmed lies told by Trump, advocacy for violence against his political opposition and clear evidence of a willingness to sell his loyalty to foreign and domestic private interests. Think carefully about the actual evidence behind the items you list and consider the the provenance of many of your concerns is possible linked to your chosen candidate.


Sometimes, I wish the internet wasn’t real. I can’t tell if this post is ironic or not. And it is giving me a massive case of BSoD.


Blue screen of death?


I feel like this is a joke post. Most of these things are not grounded in reality.


Reality is the cure for Trumpism. They are way far away from it. Our social media needs a giant overhaul.




Your first three points are strictly in the “it feels true” category. There is no rampant anti-semitism in any state. Sure there are examples but I can find examples in red states too. Crime rates decreased in 2023. It is not increasing. Illegal immigration is being cracked down on harder than even Trump did. 4.) The whole world is experiencing inflation due to a pandemic. President really doesn’t matter here. 5.) Trump spouts nonsense every time he speaks. 6.) We have done a lot for Israel under Biden. What hindrance we have never done before?


For 1, wish that I was making it up. Here's a very long list of events I've compiled since October 7th. Keep in mind, I LIMITED this to what was anti-Semitism that couldn't be gaslighted with "They aren't saying Jewish, they're just saying Zionism/Israel." Also, keep in mind that, at times when the anti-Semite is surrounded by a group of pro-Gaza supporters, those supporters don't tell the anti-Semite to leave their group or berate him/her. One Nazi in a group of ten, as the saying goes. Also, this is going to take more than 1 reply. But I can only reply to your comment once, you'll have to see my replies to this comment. ========================================= 8 men assault a Jewish boy just for being Jewish. https://x.com/HenMazzig/status/1809695756619514302?t=XEm58q0aisxuOmRXJ18C5A&s=19 Lucas Gage calling Jews demonic rats. https://x.com/NiohBerg/status/1809345425347908037?t=wuNLWPsd-NKCPNq362W3Kg&s=19 Over 150 gravestones vandalized in Jewish cemeteries. https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1809054696440582520?t=a3heWDVUe4hAt4yl-QgceA&s=19 88-year-old woman attacked in Paris for wearing a Star of David. Called a dirty Jew by the attackers. https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1808951575651430666?t=JOhXfRpWkWwFGs6fyq1-kg&s=19 List of vandalisms, harassment, and attacks due to people being Jewish. https://x.com/HenMazzig/status/1808913341441544542?t=A1OM2pAl88a-09sAG6YNTA&s=19 College admins mocking Jewish students over concerns for antisemitism. https://x.com/RitchieTorres/status/1808556202915475516?t=mI72rSX93t0zGHvMoC7xew&s=19 Former KKK grand wizard sides with Gaza and says Gaza needs to save the world from Jewish supremacy. https://x.com/KosherCockney/status/1802320825141322027?t=6EZMNQlbT85pC0KxUME-JQ&s=19 One more man at a pro Gaza protest praising Hitler and wishing he was still here. The rest of the protesters do not kick him out. https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1800476885740347537?t=fBdQ_BTH6uJN3akrsn8nSw&s=19 Another person at a pro Gaza rally praising Hitler and giving the Nazi salute. None of the other members actually try to stop him and no one kicks him out. https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1793015593349607550?t=fWCzaZvLUSEXr_8r8meWAw&s=19 Man tearing down hostage posters while ranting about Jews. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1767347001933414699?t=Ytgs80c5-iWV-oMf7nwi4g&s=19 The Nazi salute at a pro Gaza protest. https://twitter.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1767896621444911218?t=FH90NhFFWxnCnrKpoQz-aQ&s=19 Protesters outside the Holocaust museum shouting death to Israel and death to the Jews. https://twitter.com/Anthony__Koch/status/1765127118227165655?t=1AA70qKi7cTlUJMx2LO6Eg&s=19 Teachers harassed for being Jewish. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1764744703403049131?t=vnKxxqsQ4Ma3djYvqsUR2Q&s=19 Bus stops vandalized with messages against Jews. https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1764393895759110242?t=ipoX-YPK7mmboDUgcyXxTw&s=19 Jewish woman called a murderous k*ke https://twitter.com/HeidiBachram/status/1773629450632020012?t=LR-x4efqbtRAaj-RdMoShw&s=19 Nazi flag in the West Bank https://twitter.com/realMaalouf/status/1753565901712936990?t=AivxBCu02jXoUTcFA88aRA&s=19 Crowd cheers for normalizing massacres https://twitter.com/emilykschrader/status/1746270282757644686?t=AS8O5L5B1YjNcSJ94GhoQA&s=19 Mosques cursing Jews https://twitter.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1773471399794888862?t=CbEPcjSDERGY6fsze8jdpw&s=19 Synagogue vandalized with a swastika https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1774477407698796781?t=ip_GZkQ3-U1relOUtgBr7w&s=19 Pro Gaza harassing a synagogue and telling them to go home. https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1774950241097117893?t=cRyAC4DL4yS-dUKNWrWzaQ&s=19 Vandalizing the home of a holocaust survivor and putting the swastika there as well. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1775607059452473623?t=RuerZ63BaFl0hP0GaA9nsg&s=19 A woman tries to redefine anti-semitism and bar Jewish people from defending themselves. https://twitter.com/AdamInJersey/status/1775332777589715006?t=vGLnoa3HTJNb3bd6CvhZgA&s=19 Streamer shouting down with Jews. Not down with Israel or zionism. https://twitter.com/Acts17David/status/1776195200026546242?t=f0kdR5JxG9z-0IuXkiwFnw&s=19 Tik tok user saying Jews are the devil. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1776300805328404862?t=0qHhRc4SN9eNKSadpAZdLQ&s=19 A man using the Nazi salute while threatening a Jewish man. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1776759460486082605?t=pHYN9Yc5M_5nwhgHC8aAQg&s=19 Woman harasses a bunch of Jewish people just because they speak Hebrew. https://twitter.com/ShahdAbusalama/status/1776367250997395600?t=6e0lywzD7UAKhRG_n3NCOg&s=19 Muslim man fantasizing about trees telling him where Jews are hiding. https://twitter.com/Acts17David/status/1776641019225743542?t=Q0QNuecv7eBNafR0TEeKaw&s=19 Man yelling anti-semitic remarks towards crowds of Jews. https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1777057557091070165?t=oSvv52qhQqre1Kwl-bfayA&s=19 Swastika on baby Kfir and Ari https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1777738199709692398?t=WyTiMkZ2AxdtAutZvtip9w&s=19 Woman saying she won't go to a restaurant because Jews own it. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1777856073631719634?t=fRMGF8wPHS1mixV8Mh2Ehg&s=19 Man hoping for 6 million more Jews to be dead. https://twitter.com/jaffarjaffaroff/status/1778471357317038381?t=zym2T8S0wpOmkjRbezza3w&s=19 Gaza supporters interrupting Jewish services https://twitter.com/HananyaNaftali/status/1778890813939880444?t=LwAmOibbSavjAFEcr5ShJA&s=19 Antisemite in Canada praising the Ayatollah and giving the Nazi salute. https://twitter.com/RebelNewsOnline/status/1779680737081618474?t=weZmmHzYcK0YisamWNFfRw&s=19 https://twitter.com/TheMossadIL/status/1779952221871870375?t=ICVEBSGTM-YEZTFGUaOxQg&s=19 Man shouting in a council meeting that the Jews are here to destroy us. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1779919054112805309?t=qPUCqUzvUonffAxMxRSCIg&s=19 Woman making derogatory statements to Jews and telling them to leave. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1780642468762902912?t=2frGkM0A3-YCYP7EFmOHuw&s=19 Anti-semitic sign at a college. https://twitter.com/Vandalay_Inc/status/1781332205337292969?t=N0JvwUOGPZQGRhG5wPoarA&s=19 Man wanting October 7th to happen again and again. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1781579024277311777?t=H5lsALb9YiKGGkBeFTC0OA&s=19 Man holding a sign that says Jews run the world. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1781716034807808326?t=cNqx21w4XXXqbdn3ZQT_EQ&s=19 Synagogue vandalized in Toronto. https://twitter.com/JesseBrown/status/1781664723424956510?t=Jee0nRz8Ik6qFm33BAvtpg&s=19 A Jewish student's route is blocked at Columbia University https://twitter.com/sahar_tartak/status/1782061307182596279?t=T1JJR5WIdDWerSHqZO3v_Q&s=19 https://twitter.com/natalie_Zion_/status/1782094572383834149?t=XRej1aPTVau65zEMG9MpJw&s=19 Anti-Semitic insults at Columbia https://twitter.com/KassyDillon/status/1782142875435733128?t=IqXrWQsFqGHbAzyybIbsVw&s=19 Columbia students telling Jews to go back to Poland. https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1782154171250012237?t=hfI9NrjcD-pafl4NMArcWw&s=19 Students form human chain to block a female student from entering the school. https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1782226949173026843?t=OcNj3xP4obMFGQg3SwSnmg&s=19 Woman in Paris is raped and tortured and the asshole who did it says it was to avenge palestine. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1782869586913673626?t=XpQoCETLhRVPr-dBHCcygA&s=19 Man holding up swastika image at pro-Gaza rally https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1783116390330687687?t=yfOTMJEqMi4tYgQX6Cdjtg&s=19 Jews being told to go back to Poland at Columbia. https://twitter.com/MarinaMedvin/status/1783511838010819025?t=duHzIEwq6GvSRFQUE6pIfw&s=19


What the hell do your examples have to do with blue states? Ohio cemetery is vandalized? How is that a blue state issue? Neo Nazi Lukas Gage on Twitter posts anti-Semitic posts? Wow, thanks for providing me examples of right wingers doing it. Supposedly left wing people in France beat up a Jew? That has to do with Biden how? You think the KKK grand wizard supports Biden? Hell one of your posts was people attending a Biden fundraiser being attacked! None of these examples show anything related to blue states or Biden. Random flags and mean words? What is your point?




Continued again Man attacking Jews and screaming he's going to kill Jews outside of a Jewish school. https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1796126576951656950?t=EnD52NjM715JG9ZfUGgLAw&s=19 Muslim women stops a guy from buying water just because he's Jewish. https://x.com/OliLondonTV/status/1796880008901759274?t=LlB1wYMIfe6fAgK68ZY1AQ&s=19 Lost of synagogues attacked since October 7. https://x.com/HenMazzig/status/1796946551610179713?t=MvCuZrBG9Jf3ziE5fH7kzg&s=19 Jewish person getting chased down and attacks while the person who films it laughs and giggles. https://x.com/ShirionOrg/status/1797016402706006104?t=uWTZNQz5uabB-TgQ276bjg&s=19 A New Brunswick high School erases all the names of students in the Jewish Student Union in the yearbook and replaces it with a picture of the Muslim Student Union. https://x.com/ShirionOrg/status/1798140899576217934?t=kylmNg_To-RWXQCftLwqJA&s=19 London tattoo artist has people canceling appointments with him because he's Jewish. https://www.thejc.com/news/london-tattoo-artist-has-bookings-cancelled-because-hes-jewish-mvurf0u0 At 1:54 mark, anti-semite calls his Jewish neighbor a fucking Jew and that he's going to shoot him. https://x.com/KassyDillon/status/1798774883641594082?t=mZK4f9QdnAen5WeFgC9Vaw&s=19 Pro-Gazan mob marches through London screaming that they will kill Jews and spill their blood. https://x.com/MarinaMedvin/status/1800225299877306824?t=kxf4GvvswHYdBaxuexq6xg&s=19 Pro Gaza people walk through the streets carrying signs with swastikas on them. https://x.com/OliLondonTV/status/1800682139526279360?t=aysy8wShV26i6Pvgodixjg&s=19 Pro-Gazan goes on an anti-Semitic rant. https://x.com/StopAntisemites/status/1800954728479646040?t=0deJoDm7MxPT3Ud3l90bPw&s=19 Twitter comment where it's pointed out that a woman is Jewish. https://x.com/ApostateProphet/status/1800581961901056137?t=q_RkZS77PUjUl5jFjbRVnw&s=19 Jewish man attacked in London. One of the attackers shouted, "You fucking Jew" https://x.com/NiohBerg/status/1801674612826137008?t=4vZ0WL5IfJij8-1CkowgjA&s=19 Anti-semite blames Jews for canceling his flight, flipping over a truck, and making it rain. https://x.com/NiohBerg/status/1801744474088894480?t=WhchpYmLtdrY2LQMvaA54g&s=19 Maldivia specifies that they're only banning Jewish Israelis. https://x.com/Osint613/status/1802377270817911042?t=7dcC3TQY5UFx3ycFT6CUvw&s=19p A Turkish store has a sign on it that says Jews are not allowed. https://x.com/NiohBerg/status/1802435830876979311?t=2GKPkinFsUIx9jHBpRDGug&s=19 Belgium theater cancels Jewish school event because of what's happening in gaza. https://x.com/MarinaMedvin/status/1802184722233078165?t=oTrBaG-2ugftv65QbqpcpA&s=19 Jewish 12-year-old girl raped while being called a dirty Jew. https://x.com/EllaTravelsLove/status/1803119502911045743?t=AttUAHM-kaYMRj4LOgruHw&s=19 Pro Gaza mob harasses a Jewish school in LA. https://x.com/JakeWSimons/status/1804112851755257956?t=eXBmOLptBLPQf6QX_JvWog&s=19 Muslim preachers ask Allan to give them the ability to kill Jews. https://x.com/VividProwess/status/1804101960632504748?t=Rrf13buWWsYxZmRQqM7YDw&s=19 Pro Gaza assaults against Jews. https://x.com/MarinaMedvin/status/1804834041457209822?t=rCpDWFAihS1juYDjdbwGxg&s=19 Attacks on Jews and broad daylight in Los Angeles. https://x.com/NiohBerg/status/1805007140664578493?t=EJOks40viWqzYpbzRNOzUA&s=19 https://x.com/OliLondonTV/status/1805001932941172956?t=rQixuHI6hJ6JFJj1l9Ni5Q&s=19 Houthis giving the Nazi salute https://x.com/MOSSADil/status/1804869165938778135?t=0wkkSw5yo8D16QB11USzpA&s=19 Pro Gazans drive through a Jewish neighborhood shouting to fuck the Jews and rape their daughters. https://x.com/NiohBerg/status/1805167074383159333?t=ADlheVDi1HB3GirSuQgCSw&s=19 Twitter account that tells Jews to leave the country if they want to leave breathing. https://x.com/fck_antisemites/status/1805400356026741090?t=hFkZdvUf4HYqjEyoLoO6Og&s=19 Pro Gaza gang vandalizes synagogue. https://x.com/KosherCockney/status/1807442337284383099?t=3X64huK5Gh6JnidTfyrMqw&s=19 Muslim man prays to Allah to kill Jews and Christians. https://x.com/MarinaMedvin/status/1807630696610935174?t=cBcgz6PZmafBxh5RWf3-vA&s=19


Again, half of these aren’t in the US at all. So, again, anti-Semitism running rampant in blue states is not shown here. Also, weird that you just have this huge list of saved tweets. Do you get all your news from Twitter? Also, who do you think lets anti-Semitic posts or Neo-Nazis run rampant on Twitter?


Look at you. Look at how you're nit-picking a huge list of anti-Semitic events. "Half aren't in the US" so half of this huge list is. "You're getting your stuff from Twitter" I'm showing you videos that were posted on twitter. "It's weird you saved this" It's documenting it so people can't deny it happened. You want further proof of how much anti-Semitism has spread? If these videos were about racism towards black people or bigotry towards transgenders, you'd be foaming at the mouth with rage. But, because it's Jews, you're nit-picking all the ways you can ignore this huge list.


lol. I asked you where you are getting the idea it was specifically blue states. You posted a bunch of twitter links from all over the world. Even in the US you didn’t post anything about blue states. You justified voting for the horrible person because of it. Elon Musk specifically unbanned a lot of Nazi accounts. I don’t think Musk is supporting Biden. The funny thing is I do know antisemitism is on the rise and attacks have increased. I just disagree it is specifically democrats or Biden stirring it up. I disagree that is a valid reason to vote for Trump. You seem to just want to have a silly reason to support the person you want to support.


Reagan- the best president we’ve ever had