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how is this already deep fried. or should i say brat-ified.


De Earth


I love Kesha so much


Left Shark would never.




Does he work for bad bunny these days


and shes rumored to be a guest star in the next season of RuPaul drag race. i really hope they deny her a$$


Cause RuPaul is known to care so much about women’s rights 💀😂


I don’t get why she’s so out of touch, but she is


I’ve said it in KP posts before and I’ll say it again: She proudly posted on IG about voting Rick Caruso for Mayor of LA. If you live here, you know that basically only ultra-wealthy and conservative republicans voted for him. Says a lot about her views.


People are all "why is she making terrible choices??" .. uh.. it seems pretty obvious the answer is because she's become a terrible person over time.


Or she was *always* terrible and the mask has been slipping at a glacial pace


Yeah it's likely both, she could have started off terrible, but studies have shown that increasing real wealth isolates people from normal people so much they lose empathy, so even if she started out terrible, she likely became even worse as she got wealthier and more insulated from reality.


Seriously. I’ve always hated her. For I kissed a girl as well as the time she said she wished she could wear the skinsuit of a Japanese woman. She’s been predatory to underage celebrities too, Justin Bieber and I think Miley Cyrus as well. She’s been rotten from day 1.


I really don't think she's ever changed. This is just who she always was.


She was married to Russell Brand, who is a giant piece of shit. Makes sense some rubbed off.


She also has a history of sexually harassing guys (grabbing Shawn Mendes’ ass without consent; kissing that dude on American Idol) and was always known for just being kind of an immature asshole. Katy is not and has never been a good person. Though I’m shocked she reached these levels of low Then there’s I Kissed a Girl and Ur So Gay, which were dated and regressive takes even at the time


She can keep company with Jlo and Justin and their out of touch comeback attempts


What tour?


The world tour






I’m sick of all these drunk rodent men.


I’m surprised this is the first time he’s been caught driving drunk. He’s been pulling this shit since he was a kid running around Orlando. Ask me how I know…


this makes me cackle every time






Trolls World Tour


God, how funny would it have been if that was the cops response to jt 😂😂 “the trolls world tour?”


I think Katy realize she is no longer the star she was in 2010 as her star has faded over the years She probably wants to be big again and she feels only with dr luke that can happen


The funny thing is it looks like the opposite is happening. People love a comeback story. Popish pop is back on the top of the chart, what made her a mega star. And now a lot of people are turned off by her bs before she releases the first single. I was genuinely rooting for her a week ago.


Such an unforced error on her part. Her brand of pop is clearly back, but she goes and chooses a rapist as a collaborator... ON A WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT ANTHEM


Me too I would have loved to see her make a comeback but not like this


Too rich for too long. Happens to most absurdly wealthy people I’d wager, a lot of them are just smarter about keeping it quiet.


Isn’t she super Christian? Devoutly religious people are never the best critical thinkers. Dont want to be harsh but all the ultra fanatics I have met are plain idiots.


Her family is and that's how she was raised, but I don't think she is anymore.


Sometimes the truth is harsh 🤷🏻‍♂️


it's honestly just plain stupid...? working with him is bad enough as it is but making a female empowerment song with his production is so much more distasteful


Also like the song isn’t super empowering to me


It's not, and the cover art for the single is aimed directly at the male gaze. The whole thing is tone deaf and hypocritical as fuck.


That’s been Katy’s thing the whole time. She thinks the male gaze is the right way.


and that’s why she doesn’t have a dedicated fan base like gaga or taylor or beyoncé do even though she was right up there beside them during her peak. she makes bad decision after bad decision.


She's a "fun" feminist!




Real pop queens know that the male *gays* are the true golden ticket.


“Oh you mean the gaze. Not the GAYS 💁🏼‍♂️💅🧚🏼‍♂️”


Or at least the money making way. Who needs morals when you got 💰💰💰


You can tell.  She made some fashion show appearance that was 100% going in as "KATY PERRY DARES TO BARE", the original photos for this song had her in a bikini. For years she's been willing to get "mostly naked" to try to sell her songs rather than... Making better songs


Omg that’s why I didn’t like it. I couldn’t put my finger on it. It was just so sexy in an unappealing way and that’s why. It gives very 80s baywatch or car girl magazine centerfold vibes.


Right!! That’s the feeling I got but couldnt put words to it thank you for that lol.




I really thought it was an AI generated one like the fake Taylor Swift one about “Travie”. Shocked that Katy’s is actually real.


It reaaaallly does give AI


The song sounds like that audio that went around that the people would sing to their dog (or cat?) to make them feel relaxed.


🎵 She's so brave, she's well-behaved, she is not afraid 🎵


She did all that - just for the song to be trash ummm💀


These multi millionaires and billionaires are not empowering in the slightest, lol. They make their riches off the backs of others. They don’t get that the vast majorly of us aren’t looking to them to be some idols. We want to be entertained, but ethically. It’s that simple.


See this is what I do not get about celebrities who do shit like this. She could’ve just… not worked with him. It’s not like he was her only option… I’m sure countless producers would’ve worked with her, many of whom aren’t abusive creeps. And yet she just had to dig her heels in and go in this direction. Celebs do it all the time and it’s so strange when they have nothing to lose by going for a different option. What is it? Do they genuinely just think they’re invincible? Are they loyal to/ friends with these terrible people and therefore ignore or even support their behaviour?


I think the last time she had a hit was when he was producing her stuff, which also was a totally different music scene in the 2010s. Her music just isn't meant for now and that's why she hasn't had a hit in a decade. She never reinvents herself. I'm going to chalk this up to desperation for a hit which, it's so gross and so sad for her.


I think it's more accurate to say she fails at reinventing herself. Witness was not the intellectual, socially conscious shift she was hoping for. Smile was a failed sad girl rebrand. She's already been a Vegas act; it feels like there's no new persona or sound she can do well.


I think she can’t grow creatively. She’s doing the same stuff she always has instead of exploring. Her reinventions will fail until she’s actually different.


She’s an American Idol judge now, to me that signals your career is basically dead in the water


I mostly agree, with one exception. We were *almost* rid of JLo like a decade ago. She had completely fallen off. I remember reading that she was super duper pissed that nobody cared that she ran a marathon (or did a triathlon, idk) after her twins were born. Literally nobody was paying attention to her at all. And then she went on American Idol, and inexplicably revived her career. I know she's back to nobody caring again now, but man, she rode that wave for an ASTONISHINGLY long time. I thought it would never end.


She definitely tried to reinvent herself. I haven't liked anything she put out in the last decade but none of it is like her first few albums


Katy and Dan Nigro would have popped tf off 😭


Hubris. Best example before this was Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher writing that letter to the judge in Danny Mastersons trial; I know they thought it wouldn't come out but, Holy shit that was a needlessly stupid act that possibly nuked Milas career.




You are so correct to say that it is distasteful, I think she has never been the brightest person. Her past success feels now more like the right team at the right time. She was working with producers that were in, her sound was popular and fun, and everything was very catered to the specific era she was working on. Katy’s Teenage Dream era will be forever iconic, but she as a main pop girl didn’t have as much stability as someone would’ve expected from such a massive star of that time.


She strikes me as someone who is not that bright.


And she’s already a little wobbly on her public image, just really out of touch how could her handlers allow for it?


Has Katy Perry *ever* been known for being smart…?


“Is math related to science?” -Katy Perry


She’s really trying to recreate Teenage Dream at all costs


It baffles me that she really chose to work with him and even so was able to deliver such a bad song. This will flop hard and it is what they both deserve.


I hope it flops, but people on TikTok need to stop using the song sound when trashing it cause they are going to end up making it trend and chart.


Yup, mockery/ outrage gets easy clicks. No one would know about this trash otherwise


Every time! "This song is bad and the person who made is trash... let's make it a trend". Mocking clicks are still clicks.


Good to know I'm not the only one hoping it flops


Last year dr. Luke and his family were seen at her Vegas show. His wife posted a photo of Katy with their kids on her ig. Some ppl were like "the kids didn't do anything, they probably just recognised her and asked for a pic" but come on... she was clearly hanging out with him and his family. Maybe invited them to her show too. That was enough to tell me whose side she stands on.


The fact he has a wife ..


Roman Polanski’s married him and had kids with him after his conviction 😬 I don’t understand how




She‘s lost the plot, plain and simple. She‘s too rich for it to matter financially, but there really is no coming back from this. I don‘t know what the hell she was expecting to happen.


Sadly, she will come back from it. People like this always do eventually. Look at Dr Luke, he’s still working and on a female empowerment piece no less


I mean, she hasn’t had a hit since 2017 and she hasn’t had a smash hit since 2014, she’ll survive as in she’ll have money and a few dedicated fans left but another flop album does not bode well for her. Pop girls have to re-prove themselves for every new decade they enter, she’s about to hit 40 and hasn’t had a smash since she was in her 20s. If this album flops that is the nail in the coffin for any future hits, the label isn’t going to want to give her big budgets anymore. She is absolutely tarnishing her legacy, Teenage Dream was THE pop album of its time, it now looks like that was much more Bonnie McKees doing than Katy’s.


The general public can be oblivious to these kinds of things, but only as long as the song is good enough, which doesn’t really seem to be the case…


Has he been making big hits lately? I feel like none of the big pop acts are working with him anymore. Kim Petras is the only one I can think of. The sample Katy shared of her song was horrible and dated as hell.


He was credited on songs like Say So, Kiss Me More, and Super Freaky Girl. So yes, he's been making hits, or at least he was credited on them. IIRC Doja once alluded to the fact that he wasn't really involved in her songs, but he got the credit because she's contractually bound to him.


And we all know she's a straight shooter.


There's some still stuck in contracts like Doja Cat, Ethel Cain, Saweetie, and Becky G; Katy Perry, Kim Petras, and Ne-yo who defended him; Nicki Minaj and Azealia Banks that criticized others for working with him while doing the same; and not much else.


>People like this always do eventually. Chris Brown has entered the chat. If he can come back from beating Rhianna, any celeb can come back. Shit, I'm expecting Ian Watkins to make a comeback in 2042.


Based on comments I've read here, it doesn't seem there's much for her to come back to. Her relevance has faded since her pique it seems, and her attempts at getting back in the spotlight have not been successful. If anything, this was her attempt at "coming back." That said, she will certainly be fine. Her best case scenario was getting back in the spotlight and that's not gonna happen now. Her worst case scenario was this album flopping and her fading back into comparative irrelevance, and that's basically what's happening now


Katy wants hits she probably embarrassed that her last two albums underperformed so she probably scared to work with other producers with fears of flopping again


And her flop era just continues on


At this point she's been in her flop era longer than she wasn't


Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud 👀




Today on Instagram I saw a post that said “remember when Katy Perry released Teenage Dream, California Girls, Fireworks, The One That Got Away, and she basically ruled the world with her music?” I remember that era so well, but just seeing it written like that really hit me that, at one point, she was the undisputed queen of the pop charts. Her music was everywhere, it was inescapable. And now here we are, 10-15 years later, and she’s fallen off so hard. The contrast between her during that time and her now is striking, especially compared to her contemporaries from that era who are still doing really well in the music industry/ Hollywood like Lady Gaga for example.


That was a great time to be a Katy Perry fan! It was one bop after another. Each better than the last! It all started to go wrong with Prism, then Witness - and don’t even talk to me about Smile, WTAF was that??


That album was one of the best pop albums of all time. That summer was hit after hit from her. It’s a shame she never could hang onto that


If the snippet she posted on TikTok is anything to go by, the song is fucking god awful. If you want to *pretend* to be a girl’s girl while lining Dr. Luke’s pockets, at least make it a bop. Not that I would’ve listened to it anyway, but…


Someone said it sounded like a song you sing to your cat and now I cannot unhear it.


So soft So strong


the comments on her video with a snippet of the song are HILARIOUS


I’ve only heard TikTok snippets, but apparently she also released like a new club mix version or something because of all the criticism….and it’s still awful. It sounds like AI wrote it, the lyrics are just so bad


Someone took all the snippets and uploaded it together. It’s god awful, like poor cover of a Katy Perry song from 2014. https://youtu.be/1ni5acgA0Tc?si=kI22K-GKRdegTCFu


Omg this is SO MUCH WORSE than I could have imagined! And I hate Katy Perry music to begin with so the expectation was in hell. Shocking!! 


That’s… Oof. ChatGPT could’ve written a better song.


Yea I think chatgpt could spit out something with a better beat and lyrics. Idk it’s giving Disney girl power song and produced by a rapist… kids bop has better covers.


This reminds me of that era of that time when parents of teens would pay a producer to make music for them. Friday (Rebecca Black), Chinese Food (Allison Gold), etc. lol


there’s no way this is real 🥴


It's like some lyrics have been translated into another language and back again. Oh! It reminds me of that Korean (?) guy who does satire songs, "you say no cry me, I say go bye bye"


It also sounds like she’s just reading the lyrics out loud


I’m not 100% sure that’s a real human. Literally sounds like suno.ai. Edit: This is definitely AI, it sounds nothing like the actual track. Embarrassed I even considered it real for a moment.


For real?? Holy fucking shit that's awful


She posted another one and it sounds very 2010.


https://i.redd.it/q83wlnu6hs8d1.gif The song sucks and Katy Perry has been a sellout who endorses the worst people. She deserves all the shit she will get, rightfully so for working with that vile asshole Luke. She actively chooses to work with and associate with horrible people because that's who she is, birds of a feather flock together.


100%. I started giving her the stink eye after she became a shill for Elon Musk. And this was after he revealed his true colors. She is now forever suss because of this.


...and married Russel Brand.


Huh, I did not think I could like her less.


And yet here we are!


Maybe people like Dr Luke, Chris Brown and Diddy ,ya know awful people who hurt others should idk get dropped or blackballed.


If fuckin only, Jesus.


So she was warned well in advance, but did it anyway??? It’s almost like she didn’t want to succeed.


She's braindead. Why Orli whyyyyyyyyyyy 😭.


Yeah. After he made such an important and powerful film about sexual assault with Romans/Retaliation, too ☹️


Water seeks its own level.


Holy shit. Don’t bestow this wisdom upon me when I’m two margaritas in at Epcot


Omg get the avocado margarita in Mexico


I'm so happy for you and also absurdly jealous. Enjoy the margaritas! And don't find yourself on epcots water level


god i wish i were two margaritas in at epcot


Have fun! 🤩


Orlando Bloom- as Legolas, naturally- was the only “boy crush” I ever had before I realized I was into girls. This information would have been devastating to middle-school me. At least Shakira will never break my childhood heart like that.


She wants to relive her Witness era…


Todd in the Shadows’ [Trainwreckords episode](https://youtu.be/OfoPiRzWnFY?feature=shared) honestly had me sympathising with her after Witness. She was clumsily trying to do something good and it backfired because… well. She’s not an amazing artist and she’s not that bright. This? This is much worse than Witness. Witness had good intentions. This is her climbing down off the hood of her Cybertruck to work with a predator on a song that sounds like a jingle for bubblegum scented tampons.


I want you to describe all of my mistakes


I wonder if we’ll get a white background, Notes App apology posted to her IG? 🤔


If we’re doing bingo cards, I want “mentions Christian Faith and the Power Of Forgiveness” on there.




Yeah Todd was really sympathetic to her and he made solid points. It’s interesting that he also noted how not working with Dr Luke anymore may have hurt Katy’s ability to make hits….looks like Katy agreed


Not working with Dr. Luke *was* a problem... in the 2010s. It's not just gross, it's dated.


She’s not bright




NGL she never struck me as very bright


![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX) Bye, Katy


He's a goddamn rapist who abused Kesha. She's insane to want to work with him.


This is going to hurt the tour 🥹


What tour? 😉


The world tour! 🥵


This little skit will never not be funny. 


Can’t wait for the song to be critically panned and be a massive flop. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


This could be just me, but i don't see how working with a creep like dr luke would be about "female empowerment"


“It’s a woman’s world and you’re lucky to be living in it” she said while high fiving an abuser in the studio


>Fire in her eyes / Feminine divine / She was born to shine / To shine, to shine She's a flower, she's a thorn / Superhuman, number one She's a sister, she's a mother / Open your eyes, just look around and you'll discover / You know It's a woman's world... The bosses are gonna layoff so many people when this songs drops omg


…this sounds like a song in a Venus razor commercial…


Big Tampax pearl energy.


> She's a flower, she's a thorn > She's a sister, she's a mother *I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint* This is insulting to Bitch by Meredith Brooks, and that song was already a dumb pseudofeminist cash grab


Hey I agree but at least it was catchy lol


She’s empowering herself as a female to make more money and gain more fame at the expense of other women’s trauma and experiences


It is the most backwards thing ever. This is a bad look for Katy


Katy did this because she is both arrogant and stupid. This was easily avoidable and she deliberately made a choice that will alienate people.




"Female empowerment album" and "produced by Dr. Luke" don't belong in the same sentence.


Seriously, out of all the producers she has at her disposal she picked him? Nah, she deserves whatever blacklash she gets for this. If she was really about empowering women she would not be working with him of all people.


The woman who blew up initially bcs of a queerbaiting single and recently voted Republican openly isn't an ally? Wow.


There's something to be said about not living in Hollywood. They all lose their effing minds there. It's crazy what a bubble it is. It's about your world, and just your world. Whatever dumbass decision you make, is the correct one...... Like spending $30 million on your own personal project and constantly comparing yourself to Prince!


Spotify auto play is going to shove this down everyone’s throat anyways and she’ll get a top ten hit even though it’s a crap song.


I’m hoping it’ll just up and vanish like a fart in the wind, because the song is actually quite terrible


You can block artists on Spotify


I’m just going to block the song, and maybe Katy altogether.


Katy Perry's 2018 tour was a massive flop. As far as I know, she hasn't done a tour since then, instead doing residencies in Las Vegas and appearing as a judge on American Idol. Her decision to work with Dr. Luke reeks of desperation.


![gif](giphy|oaZk0WNSO7fXi) Get up career…….GET UP!!!!!


Stars from her era are going to learn the hard way about not adapting their careers to todays standards. This crap would have flown in the 2000s maybe but it won’t now. Young consumers care where their money and attention go and they pay attention to how stuff gets made and not just the product. Katy Perry is finished imo. Final nail in the coffin of her career.




She really let her fans down, and women in general, with this choice.


Wish she went with max Martin's team instead would been way better


Right??? It’s not like Dr Luke just solo produced her hits! Also Max Martin hasn’t had sexual assault allegations. It really makes it seem like she wanted to work with Dr Luke bc she likes working with him. It’s not even that calculated of a move if you wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.


She’s traaaaaaaaaaaaaash. Nothing has changed ever. ![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized)


>Working on a female empowerment album >>Working with Dr Luke on a female empowerment album  ??????


It's goofy because it's so obvious the thought line of why she wants to work with him - he helped make ALL her hits and she hasn't had one in a long time. But she's stupid about it. Like NO ONE (except Kim Petras....) is working with him for the past few years and anyone who was isn't anymore. Like cancel culture isn't real but he was p much cancelled. There are better producers out there tho. I feel bad for her because I do think she got screwed over by her label at least to begin with but she hasn't really done anything to put herself back into the graces of pop fans. I will always let everyone know she HAS had good songs in the past few years but like who wants to support an out of touch weirdo lmao...


> Like NO ONE (except Kim Petras....) is working with him Uh... yeah, one more reason to not like her.


Doja cat works with him, but it seems like that's more of a contractual obligation than her own decision, and she once tweeted something that made it seem like he was getting credits on songs he had nothing to do with, but who knows


![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m) Yet another Katy album I won’t be listening to 😪


as a long time Katy Perry hater, it feels good to see everyone mocking her for this. coming out with a "female empowerment" track produced by a rapist is not surprising coming from an out of touch, has been, American Idol judge who no one has cared about since Obama was in his first term as president


She tried to cash in on Barbie fever and missed.




Determined to be a shitty person


Come on Katy - this is so tone deaf


Didn’t she come out as a conservative wonk? I’m not surprised she’s continuing the downward spiral by working with awful people. She’s irrelevant and fans have moved on.


She was just on ig live showing off her balenciaga fit and praising Anna wintour. She really loves aligning with problematic people


This is the same woman that married Russell Brand. I wouldn’t be holding out any hope for her morals


Between J. Lo, Justin and Katy, it seems like the public’s appetite for millennial/gen x pop stars isn’t there. Katy may be fully detached from reality if she thought Dr. Luke was a good call, but the moment is very much Sabrina, Olivia and Chappell. Is Katy in a weird place where she’s not old enough to pull a nostalgia audience but not fresh enough to draw in younger listeners?


The ironic thing is I think going back to her old style would land way better in the current climate than whatever she’s going for with the rebrand attempt If there was ever a time for someone with campy costumes and romantic bops to have a moment again it would be the summer of Sabrina and Chappell but she picked a shitty lead single and a knockoff Charli/Arca aesthetic.


Taylor does fine! Ok... more seriously, 40 year old female pop-stars are kind of rare... When Madonna pulled it off with Ray of Light, it was considered a small miracle. It's just the natural process of replacement. edit: Male popstars are a little more resistant, but also rarely make it past 40. Country stars (both male and female) can do it a bit.


I don't think Taylor was ever a sex symbol. That definitely has to have a big impact on longevity. Katy Perry 100% had a partial fan base that really didn't care what she was singing. They were there to look at her.


Kylie is in her 50s and had a comeback with Padam Padam


Gaga seems far more interested in acting these days, but I think she could pull it off with careful song selection. Though with Gaga it's clear she could do anything she wanted beyond pop. Her work with Tony Bennett was very well received in jazz circles and I think she has the goodwill to do nearly any genre that speaks to her. Perry is far more type cast in comparison.