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Can you imagine if this person tried to combine the politics of Shawn and Lassiter???


Chaotic good + Lawful good? That would be scary.


Lol true, I was thinking auth right + libertarian left.


Lawful... chaos is born?


Lassiter is definitely a republican let's be honest


Lol that's what I'm saying. Conservative super-anal Lassy + probably liberal aloof Shawn = weirdo politics. They'd be on opposite corners of that political squares thing for sure.


Shawn is a libertarian by default for not caring. Lest we forget he did run for office once...


Agreed. Doesn’t GAF. Just wants to be left alone to do his thing.




Being a moron makes you a democrat.


Kinda the pot calling the kettle black dontcha think? Or...it’s just people on both sides with differing opinions.


I'm all for people having differing opinions. It's what makes this country great - we can all have different opinions, but he wanted to throw shade at Libertarians, so I threw a little back.


No no, the 2016 libertarian debate had candidates openly booing the fact that [people need licenses to drive.](https://youtu.be/ZITP93pqtdQ) Libertarians get the criticism they rightly deserve.




Like you, I don't want to debate politics on this sub. I come to subs like this to get away from the politics of a lot of the rest of reddit and I hate it when I see people bring up politics here.


Libleft is just as impotent as libright on these issues.


I disagree, but that doesn't address my comment. Are you aware of what Libertarianism is?


Ron Swanson?


I would vote for that in a heartbeat. Sounds entertaining


I feel like closest you’d get to that in real life is Tulsi Gabbard


Eh, I doubt Shawn would let himself be used to argue in bad faith by Russians.


Agreed. He's a force of chaos, but he's not *bad*.


Ohhh my goodness the Shassie shippers are gonna have a great time with this person. This is wonderful


*girl or gal


Right you are! ☝🏻 Fixed!


Wait, people actually ship them-? How- Unless the ppl in the comments are joking


You're on the internet, my friend! Rule 34 applies. I personally am Shules all the way but, ya know, we let people enjoy things...


I feel out of touch now bc I have no idea what this even means. Ship them? Shippers?


Adding this bc I feel it’s relevant lol idk if it’s as big as it used to be, but in communities like tumblr especially people can get *obsessed* with these ships. Usually there is some friendship there already, they don’t pair randos that don’t interact, but when people go overboard with “shipping” it’s usually two people who aren’t actually together. This is where some things like fan fiction come in (fans writing stories about characters from some sort of media). These types of things are often done by teenagers (not just teenage girls) bc obsession is def a part of teenage experience lol. As time has gone on, most people are much more casual with ships, and imo a lot of people don’t use that term anymore, mostly bc of the people who get too intense about it. So for psych, people often talk about if they prefer Abby and Shawn or Jules and Shawn, which are both real “ships.” Lassie and Shawn would be a fake ship, but again, as things get more casual it could just be talking about their friendship and not necessarily a full-on relationship that people fantasize about.


Short for relationship. It's a dumb teenage girl thing. They put characters in fake relationships and call it shipping. They call themselves the shippers. Old timers called it slash fiction, as in Kirk/Spock stories. source: am father of teenage girl




It’s not just teenage girls. It’s everyone in a fandom who likes two characters in a relationship. Also, nobody calls themselves “shippers” anymore. I’m not a “shipper”, tho there are ships I like/don’t like. Ships are in every fandom, it’s not “dumb” (tho some ships sure are lol) it’s just how it is.


Right? Like if you wanted Shawn and Jules to get together pre season 5 you “shipped” them— it’s one of the most common ways people have been getting invested in stories for years. Obviously some people get way more into it than others, but that’s true of any aspect of pop culture. I mean, people are out there becoming Tolkien scholars, learning Klingon, and getting Ringo tattoos.


I'll be sure to tell my daughter that she and her friends are doing it wrong, because that's the term they use. Still dumb though.


shassie is one of the biggest psych ships i think lol i feel like the writers themselves were aware of shassie and deliberately included shassie bait to tease the shippers, including shawn saying the word "shassie" at one point


i was so confused when i first saw it on twitter. I thought he was reblogging a fan account 🤣


I’ve heard it both ways


I had to verify this, and I was shocked when I found out that this is a real person


Aww Lassiter's kid has a great name!


Y'all! She is running in a special election for my district!! I absolutely started following her. 🍍


\#Lawn shippers, unite!


LAWN?! I HAD NOT HEARD THIS and now I can't decide whether I find "Shassie" or "Lawn" more hilarious no no it's definitely Lawn, ima go lie down and cackle for a few minutes, oh my god


Imagine then Jules and Gus together - go #Jugus!


oh I don't like that at all XD


For real, like Gules (Ghouls) is right there!


Gules all the way


Hoping the best for 2022 Mrs. Lassie


"Shawn Lassiter??!?" I've heard it both ways...


"SHAWN! Stop being related to Lassie, Shawn!"


Lol, I'm a conservative but would likely vote for this person if they're really named that and we're running in my state.