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They are so darn beneficial to have around!!


Thank you for your comment. Rather than be lazy & ask you why they're beneficial I actually looked it up all by myself. I'm actually proud of that especially since I took an edible about 45" ago šŸ˜‰ And I've learned a bunch of interesting stuff about the little guy who's burrowed under the edge of the slab by my back door. So I'm gonna let him stay.


They're really very person-avoidant and chill. I live in the country and always welcome possums, skunks and foxes and bats. But I never try to come in contact with them directly.


And they actually are sweet hearts when theyā€™re pets. Raised one that was injured and abandoned from almost birth. He was a sweetie.


It's nice to hear when they're in a more domesticated environment they have good personalities. I know skunks are smart and mischievous.


Very docile and loving ours loved his very large cage because he was disabled and he could put everything close. Loved to wrap his tail around fingers. The bad part is in captivity opossum usually only live about 2-3 years.


and only 1-2 years in the wild gosh, poor little guys


Wow that's such a short lifespan :( I love them though. They're super cute


Opossum poo stinks to high heaven though, but yeah otherwise as good of a pet as a raccoon or dog (I'm highly allergic to cats so I have no frame of reference for them).


I don't think Raccoons are as good of a pet as a Dog


Absolutely awful pet. Wildlife sanctuaries are full of abandoned domesticated raccoons.


Yeah what


skunks make the cutest little sounds, too. i had no idea until i saw a video of a mama skunk and her babies sniffing around a biker. so cute.


I think it might be worth noting: please dont corner WILD animals. I have seen one of those get vicious, and you're gonna have a real bad time if you decided to stick your hand down infront of a scared, cornered opossum.


Awww. How long did he live?


About 2.5 years. They have very short life spans unfortunately.


One time I stumbled on a badger and a fox hanging out, right by my apartment. They were as startled as I was and scurried off, together. *"The human can't know we work together. Scatter!"*


Thatā€™s adorable! I recently saw a coyote and badger were filmed hunting together


That video was so adorable!


Skunks are awesome when you donā€™t own a dog


Yeah they don't exactly speak the same language lol, which is a real shame.


Fun fact: the reason so many dogs get sprayed by skunks is because the defensive ā€œback off or Iā€™ll spray youā€ posture of a skunk is nearly identical to the playful posture of a dog. So dogs see skunks in defensive posture and think the skunks want to play.


Be very careful about bats! They can carry rabies and their bites are apparently extremely easy to miss, so if you see one in your house; get checked! Still love the little Battsies, but always better to be safe than sorry!


Its suspected that bats in west Africa are responsible for ebola


Bats and foxes can have rabies, so best to avoid them


Neither are marsupials, though. You could also contract rabies so it stands to say it's probably best to avoid you, as well. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I'm not going around touching bats etc so not likely


No bats, just balls then ?


I mean who doesn't like touching balls?


My wife




I have several families that live in the neighborhood and i have seen them where people go like once in 5 years. They are like ninja custodians for all the bugs


Had an aunt with a descented skunk when I was a kid. It was like a big ol tube of jelleh


I got to pet a rehab/rescued one once and they are soft like bunnies! That fur looks wirey but itā€™s not! Oh also they glow pink under a black light! Just wanted to add those fun facts in case your earlier cram session didnā€™t include it! I love possums šŸ’•


>Oh also they glow pink under a black light! They **WHAT**? *opens search tab* *shocked pikachu face* Not only pink but **hot pink**! Today I learned and love them even more!


Thank you for the idea! Thatā€™s absolutely insane!


In the image search results I got for "possum black light", there's this cool Tasmanian Devil picture: ['The platypuses were glowing': the secret light of Australia's marsupials | Animal behaviour | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/dec/19/tasmanian-devils-glow-in-the-dark-australian-animals-glowing-platypus-wombat-echidna-bandicoot-scientists-investigate-australia-marsupials-light) Love cool weird animal facts!


I never get into the dogs that are so ugly theyā€™re cute, but possums are such adorable little monsters. Their weird little hands and snouts.


Itā€™s them little circle ears for me šŸ„¹


45 inches ago? šŸ˜‚


Proof that the edible is working


Yeah I was like "wait, isn't that seconds or inches"


I had one live under my porch for a year, dog never got a single tick šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøwe saw him a few times a week, occasionally gave him some fruit and never had any issues. Named him or her Carl/a.


so youā€™re not gonna share what you learned with the class? donā€™t make me change apps like this on my day off man


Username checks out


Just keep in mind, the tick eating thing is a myth but yeah, opossums are good to keep around. They keep mice and rats away, they keep stray cats away, their poo isn't too harmful for plants, they avoid actually biting for the most part. And if they get used to you they are a great warning when raccoons are around and raccoons can be mean as they come


[They do eat insects!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opossum)


They do! But they don't eat the massive amount of ticks people think they do. That's all I was saying.


They're also resistant to snake venom and will eat venomous snakes


I just learned that from the previous posters link. I love opossums so much haha!


You took an edible 45 inches ago? You can really take em


Edibles: is there anything they CAN'T do?


You took an edible 45 inches ago? Sounds about right.


How many inches do you have left on that edible yo?


45 inches ago dang thatā€™s an abnormally long gummi worm


Staying and slaying (mosquitos, crickets, grasshoppers, and cockroaches that is)


How do you eat something 45 inches ago?


unless you raise laying birds, they are nest raiders




There was a study showing that they do not eat ticks.




Research on captive Virginia opossums estimated that opossums eat, on average, 5500 larval ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) per week. To investigate this apparent preference exhibited by opossums for ingesting ticks, we comprehensively analyzed stomach contents of 32 Virginia opossums from central Illinois. Using a dissecting microscope, we searched the contents exhaustively for ticks and tick body parts, without sieving or pre-rinsing the stomach contents. **We did not locate any ticks or tick parts in the stomach contents of Virginia opossums.** We also performed a vigorous literature search for corroborating evidence of tick ingestion. Our search revealed 23 manuscripts that describe diet analyses of Virginia opossums, 19 of which were conducted on stomach or digestive tract contents and four of which were scat-based analyses. **None of the studies identified ticks in their analyses of diet items. We conclude that ticks are not a preferred diet item for Virginia opossums.**


Man, humans are just... something else man. "I wonder if these guys eat ticks." *proceeds to slice open 32 Opossums and search their stomach contents* Is this even that smart of a way to ascertain this? Those Possums could've very well just not have found any, or happened to find better things. Searching 32 Possums once is like tracking 1 Possum for a month.


The researcher who cut open the 32 possums first tried to use roadkill possums but had trouble finding enough. They then called a pest company who had 32 frozen possum corpses. They also did extensive investigation of existing possum research on stomach contents going back to Audubon in 1851. Of the over 1280 possums, not a single one was reported as having ticks in their stomachs. The original "5500 tick" story comes from a [study](https://www.caryinstitute.org/news-insights/hosts-ecological-traps-vector-lyme-disease-journal-article) where they placed 100 ticks on various small mammals, waited a number of days, and then counted the number of ticks that had fallen off the mammals onto a tray underneath after successfully feeding. Possums were found to be very good at cleaning ticks off themselves and that only 3.5% of ticks fed to completion. The researchers then looked some wild-caught possums and counted the number of ticks on them and found 199 replete (full) ticks. Knowing that 3.5% survive feeding on a possum, they determined that 5685 ticks must have tried to feed, with 199 succeeding and 5486 (5500) failing per week. That became "possums eat 5500 ticks per week"


The link in this article is to a study done outside a laboratory setting and show opossums don't eat ticks. https://outdoor.wildlifeillinois.org/articles/debunking-the-myth-opossums-dont-eat-ticks


Unfortunately almost all the "cool facts about" them are 100% bogus. The "body temp too low for rabies" is one of those, but there's a lot more. I think they're cute but.


The rabies thing is true, itā€™s very rare for possums to carry rabies. The tick thing is a lie though Edit: they can carry rabies, itā€™s just rare https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/opossums.htm#:~:text=And%20while%20they're%20not,suitable%20environment%20for%20the%20virus.


The rabies thing is all marsupials as far as I understand. A trait of the species to have lower blood temps and blood pressures. The tick thing is a bit weirder. Opossums are omnivores; they eat meat, veg, insects, basically anything at all that is munchable. Notably they even eat things like fleas when they have them. Yet we have two main conflicting studies:Ā  one that took opossums and introduced a bunch of tick larvae and then didn't really do its due diligence in confirming tick eating. And one that looked at the contents of dead or euthanized opossum's stomachs to find literally no trace of ticks whatsoever. Now, logically a creature that eats anything it can gets it mouth on, even eating tiny insects like fleas, must be eating ticks or tick larvae on it? Even if accidentally. And yet the study claims literally no trace of even one tick.Ā  I'm no conspiracy theorist but I don't see those two studies and think "yeah for sure opossums don't eat ticks, we have confirmed it". But they certainly aren't a tick eradicator like the myth let's on -- they aren't out here hunting down all of the ticks.


That and while they donā€™t carry rabies, they are host to a few other things you donā€™t wanna catch.


Which can make you and your animals sick. ESP if you have horses


Depending on where they live. They are one of the most destructive creatures in New Zealand and are considered a grad A pest to be exterminated. I have one living in my roof space though and we donā€™t bother each other and it seems to work.


New Zealander here. You're thinking of a ringtail possum, not an opossum. Two quite different creatures


Aussie here. Sorry mates.


No worries mate.


Aren't the ones in NZ brushtail possums? Or do you have both now?


The ones in New Zealand are possums, not opossums! Totally different animal.


They are rabies resistant and full of character! A little stinky, but ultimately one of the better small mammals to have around. A bunch of goofs, if you ask me. I followed one down my driveway one night for almost a quarter of a mile (my driveway is long) and it kept looking back at me like ā€œDarn! Havenā€™t lost him yet!ā€ Just waddling down the driveway like a goof. Cute animals.


My kid is stinky, and full of character, but not remotely rabies resistant. I should trade up.


Two out of three ainā€™t bad!


Isn't that a Meatloaf song?


Yep. ā€œI want you, I need you, but there ainā€™t no way Iā€™m ever gonna love you but donā€™t feel bad. Because two out of three ainā€™t bad.ā€


You have to build up their tolerance to rabies gradually, I think.


Like iocane!


While they are rabies resistant they are not rabies immune. Like any wild animal, handlers with cation and distance. What a beaut


What about those handlers that have anions instead?


i read its not 100 percent resistant, is that true ?


It is possible, but highly improbable that an opossum would have rabies. Always treat any wild animal with a whole bunch of caution.


That's true. If an opposum gets an infection and runs a fever, it can raise their body temp enough that rabies can survive. It's very unlikely to happen, but not impossible.


I really love the waddle.


We have a few that roam our neighborhood and if I'm lucky, I'll see them before my dogs do. I managed to surprise one a couple weeks ago when my dogs got all excited about something, so I pointed my flashlight to see what it was (cat? raccoon? bunny?) and it was one of the opossums, who looked straight at us, startled, for a couple seconds before his brain turned back on and he scampered off.


They hiss too like a cat


Wow, your daughter taught me something. Tell her thanks for me. šŸ™šŸ½


She is 3/4 of the way to being a middle school science teacher so it all checks out


The way you wrote that comment was like a roller coaster. First few words: she's 3 or 4, wow she's so smart. Oh she's 3/4 of the way through middle school? So smart! Oh wait she's becoming a teacher? Oh okay, well I guess that makes sense why you trusted her word then. lol


This perfectly summarizes the roller coaster I was on reading the comment.


Super double reverse card!!! I told her to leave wildlife alone and that she is gonna get bit,maimed, or rabies She thinks I am dumb because she is far smarter than her Old Manā€¦ā€¦. Here and her work friends spotted this guy by the trash cans at work and fan-girlled out over it


This is a perfect description of me trying to decipher OP comment lol


Itā€™s not true. Rabies is less common in opossums than in other mammals but they can still get it and carry it. Edit: I did a bit more reading because Iā€™m not an expert. If you search rabies in opossums you get lots of sites saying they donā€™t get it, and reports of opossums found to have died of rabies in South America. That said, it seems to be true that opossums are rarely infected and that rabies hasnā€™t been found in opossums in the US.


My understanding is that they need to have some other medical issue to have the right body temperature to carry it? IDK where I got that information from? Maybe a podcast? Maybe a dream? Also, there is a fascinating Oologies podcast on opossums. One of my favorite episodes (and very possibly where I got that fact from).


Basically if they contract some illness that gives them a fever high enough, then they can get it. They're not immune, they're just very resistant because their natural body temperature is too low for rabies to survive in their system.


I love them so much.


This is essentially my understanding as well, either they need to be unhealthy and have unusually high body temperature, or perhaps they need to be in a habitat of particularly warm temperatures that causes a regionally-specific higher body temp.


They *can* get it, but it's rare because their normal body temperature is too low for rabies to thrive. I was curious so I googled it too and read the report about the opossum with rabies in Brazil. It was positive for rabies but it was also positive for mononuclear meningoencephalitis, a symptom of which is a sudden high fever. Seems like the poor thing was sick and probably got bit by a bat, and because of the likely fever it had the rabies was able to take hold. :(


Absolutely crazy luck to be opportunistically infected by a totally fatal brain virus.


When searching for information on opossums it's important to remember that you want to search for the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) as that is the only species of opossum found in the US.


To be fair, their body temp makes them very resistant to rabies, not immune. Still use common sense.


I like this opossumā€™s r/littlegrabbies. Theyā€™re such cute and beneficial animals.


Another sub I didn't know I needed, thank you


r/LilGrabbies also


I like that their little jaws move like Muppet mouths when they eat


A cold queen deserves a fruit salad


Had a baby (adolescent)hanging on a phone wire in the yard. My gsd pointed it out. I knew it wasn't going to get across without falling so I grabbed a cushion and waited. Sure enough, it fell. I caught it with the cushion and did the sway-away thing so it didn't thump so hard. Told the dog NO! And then set the cushion on the top of the fence. Took the dog in and waited. They play dead really well when scared! 15 minutes later I checked and it was still there! I got a piece of an orange, set it on the cushion and went back in the house. 20 minutes later, my little friend and his orange slices were gone! I still look for him, but he is elusive!


Fun fact opossums don't actually "play dead" they all basically just have really bad anxiety and pass out when frighted and start secreting a foul substance from a gland that makes them smell dead and rotting to deter predators


That's what people mean when they say "play dead". They're talking about that specific fear reaction.


Yes but we thought it was an act, like the hognose snake. After hearing opossums "pay dead" for 40+ years, I only learned that they actually pass out a couple years ago.


No, they don't mean that They mean the animal is choosing to act as if it is dead


That's one cute trash pupper


Eating better than my cats.


now they may sound similar but don't get trash pander and pupper mixed up or you could be in for a very bad day


Just trying to help the conversation since this comes up occasionally: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/opossum-pest-control/


This should be a pinned post


It's mostly the rabies bit that gets me. I mean, sure, it's perhaps rare, but with freaking rabies rare is not good enough.


From the link: > In fact, a 2013 study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association found that of the documented cases of rabies across the country, there were just two infected opossums on record Two cases *ever* is so statistically close to zero that for all practical purposes, it's zero.


I believe that study is about rabies cases in 2013 specifically, so 2 cases in opossums in one year. The relevant section: > In addition to cases of rabies reported among primary reservoir species, 71 cases of rabies were reported in other wildlife species. The most common were mongooses (38 [53.5%]), all of which were reported from Puerto Rico, followed by bobcats (Lynx rufus; 16 [22.8%]), coyotes (Canis latrans; 5 [7.0%]), deer (presumably Odocoileus virginianus; 4 [5.6%]), otters (not specified; 3 [4.2%]), opossums (Didelphis virginiana; 2 [2.8%]), wolves (Canis lupus; 2 [2.8%]), and a fisher (Martes pennant; 1 [1.4%]). I couldnā€™t see anything about how many opossums were submitted for analysis however, so we donā€™t know how many tested negative.


I once got bit by a mole, and I wasn't sure if I needed a rabies shot, but going to the doctor would take an entire day, so I called my vet and pretended my dog got bit by a mole, and they told me not to worry moles don't carry rabies. So to solve this Reddit argument, someone has to ask their vet if being bit by a possum warrants a rabies shot for their dog.


thank you for actually fact-checking




That fruit looks delicious!


Fairway Frank is that you!?


I like possums. Theyā€™re good moms and the only native marsupial we have here in North America. My dad found out our indoor/outdoor cat was sharing a bowl with a possum and so he started putting out two bowls lol. And when we were kids he found a possum in our garage between a car battery he was charging and the fridge. I think they liked the heat. He kept the garage door propped a little open after that for awhile.


Possums are to raccoons as the Olsen twins are to Elizabeth.Ā 


Why does this make so much sense?šŸ˜­


I've never read such a weird comparison but held that much truth.


At the adult stageā€¦.. yes But the babies are equally cute


Awww tummy treats for the cutie!


Still, donā€™t feed wild animals


Devil's advocate: nobody gets up in arms about bird feeders, and that's feeding wild animals. You wouldn't want to feed, say, a bear, because if a bear learns to associate humans with food, it will start hanging around humans more, which could lead to an encounter where either a human or the bear gets hurt. But is a possum dangerous enough to warrant the same treatment? I'm undecided.


It depends on if the population is getting out of hand, to the point of being a nuisance or danger, through human influence. Bird feeders for small birds are no problem in most cases, a pigeon feeder in a city is generally kinda frowned upon


1. You don't have any direct contact with wild animals if you set up a bird feeder. 2. Birds use natural foraging behavior with bird feeders, you are not teaching them to behave differently. 3. A possum seeking out humans for food, and potentially becoming aggressive if they don't get any, will likely lead to someone killing it in the future.


> A possum seeking out humans for food Possums *already* seek out humans for food. Like raccoons, they eat our trash. > and potentially becoming aggressive if they don't get any You literally just made that up based on your assumption. It doesn't happen. As innate scavengers, possums are famously shy. They're not going get mad at people if they don't get food from them. They'll just go find food elsewhere.


If the danger to humans was the only thing we cared about, Iā€™d agree with you. But what about the danger to the opossums themselves? Getting habituated to human food means bringing them closer to dangerous human roadways, plus getting them reliant on human food so they donā€™t know how to support themselves without it. https://www.paws.org/resources/feeding-wildlife/ and many more sources explain this.


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but there are people who advocate against bird feeders. They can be a source of disease for birds who are all using the same food source, make them easy prey for predators, and can throw off migration habits by providing food at the wrong time.


Thank you for mentioning this. Botulism and avian flu spread around feeders and bird baths, which are often set up in open spaces that leave them vulnerable to their number one killer: outdoor cats. I understand why folks don't like to hear this stuff, but if we care about our backyard birds we need to look beyond our intentions and start thinking about our impacts.




It's true that they virtually never have rabies. It's absolutely false that they can clear tick infestations. They're not really into ticks, but might eat them opportunistically at best. That whole thing about them being tick murder machines is an absolute myth.


They eat ticks, too!


Sort of... The study that shows them eating ticks basically says that you if you don't feed them anything else, they'll eat a bunch of them. But there doesn't seem to be much evidence they are big tick eaters in the wild, sadly.


There blood also carryā€™s anti-venom which is being used to create cheaper anti-venom for human use.


Opossums are not immune to rabies. They are just less likely to have it.


She is right! But itā€™s still a bad idea to habituate them to humans.


Agree. Nobody listens to meā€¦.


That's definitely true of opossums. But is that true of all marsupials?


My dog and the possum in my back yard have an on going feud. They holler and hiss and make a racket at each other multiple times around dusk and dawn. We've had more than a few possum litters over the years. They're pretty good neighbors.


your daughter rules, the internet obliges


those ears are something else.


Pup eats better than I do...nice thing you are doing there to help it live amongst us.


While true, always be careful around wild animals.


They are such treasures and so helpful to the environment.


One lives under my pier and beam home. I feed 2 stray cats and the possum will eat the leftover cat food in the evening. They coexist peacefully with cats.


Their lower body temp decreases risk of rabies carriage, but increases their risk of carrying Hansenā€™s disease (leprosy).


Aww love these guys. We raised a rescued baby opossum when I was a kid. Dog killed the mama and he was a little feisty at first but became a total sweetheart He would hang upside down by his tail from our fingers .


They CAN carry rabies. It's just extremely rare. Most "prey" animals that can get rabies die off very quickly as it causes erratic behavior.


Sheā€™s right! anyone who harms one of these creatures is evil!


They are resistant to rabies, not immune. That also means they can have rabies but not show symptoms. You'll regret leaving them alone very quickly once they find food like this one already has. They'll chew holes right through your walls and floors to get to food (they are faster than rats because of the size difference), and they pee and poop all over everything. They are insidious and unstopping and not much of anything scares them. Maybe they make good pets if captive from birth, I don't know. The feral versions aren't easily controlled and are serious disease vectors, plus they will ruin your house.


My point here that many seem to be missing is that I told her she was ā€œgoing to get bit and could get rabiesā€ Her response was as posted above. Being that I am 53 and dumb and she is 21 and knows it allā€¦. There is nothing I could say to convince herā€¦


Possums do not usually chew through things or damage human stuff like a roof or wall to get to food. That is raccoon and squirrel mischief that possums get blamed for when they take the opportunity the other animals created.Ā  Ā And no they are not "serious disease vectors." In fact they play a very important part in reducing disease by removing carrion and roaches from the environment. And not scared of anything? They are scared of everything! You are woefully misinformed, in so many ways.Ā 


They eat insects including mosquitoes and ticks. Very rare for them to have rabies. We feed a couple in our backyard. Cheap cat food marshmallows grapes leftover lunch meat.


That's (mostly) true but it's still a wild animal. Feeding them is cute but it can cause them to become dependent. They can also be dangerous no matter how cute they are. They should be observed from a distance and appreciated that way.




no swearsies the puppers dont like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rarepuppers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is literally a fox and opossum that hang together in my neighborhood. First time I seen it I thought it was I was tripping. Not long after my wife came home with the craziest look on her face and told me what she seen. I told her that I had seen the same thing but didnā€™t mention it cause I didnā€™t want her to think I was crazy. Just a weird thing to see


She would knowā€¦


Aww sweet little baby!


is baby. Feed baby


They are the stinking cutest!


Okay but this possum has a collar on?


awwwwww so adorable


Possum is kitty not doggo




Only mammals get rabies.


Does this mean we can just cool the body to kill rabies


Okā€¦this is the cutest thing Iā€™ve seen all day šŸ„°




I've known people who kept raccoons, skunks, squirrels, possums, etc. They can be pretty great. Fascinating. They're smart and have those very hand like paws. Of course, there is risk. Having said that- here's a shameless plug for my friend/ co-workers band "Trash Animals". He has a habit of dressing like a possum. https://trashanimals.bandcamp.com/album/closer-to-the-antenna


I think possums are immune to rabies


I love these little critters. Ugly but efficient


Oh I was so confused. I read rabies as babies. I was here thinking... They have babies all the time??


Those are cute but can screech and fight at night






Thatā€™s a young one. Adorable.


So cute.


Your daughter is a very smart individual.


How have I never seen their ears up like that? And why does that suddenly make the demon spawn look adorable?


yeah but that's like, $25 worth of groceries right there /s, but not really




Remind me of ratatouille


They prefer blueberries

