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Nope. Music has been a part of magick since time immemorial. People use it to raise energy. To work ritual and cast spells. Sing away!


Singing is actualy a form of spellcasting. If it matches up with your intent, it should be just fine, but if it opposes, you may have problems.


Singing can definitely help with raising energy and casting intention and all the ways you wanna put it. You got it! ;)


It is good!


Absolutely use music if you feel inclined! I personally dance and sing, sometimes drum, as part of my spells unless stillness and quiet is required.


You wouldn't be the first to incorporate music into magic.


Little mermaid anyone??


go for it! i actually do this as well - i always make sure the song matches my intent, and other than that it makes me feel like i’m putting more energy into it, it always gets me feeling empowered. the only way i could see it going sideways is if it’s a song that really doesn’t match the spell (like a depressing song about depression during a self-love spell, that might go wonky)


Yes same! I'll sometimes make a playlist that matches what I'm doing, so all the songs fit.


Music is a very old form of magick and has been a part of spellcraft for a long time. A lot of our modern words for magick have roots in song, such as "en***chant***ment". "Charm," for example, comes from Latin "carmen" meaning 'song or verse.' Shamans often use a drum beat to enter trance, bells and chimes are used to cleanse an area and chase off bad spirits. Norse galdr is a rune chant sung in high voice. The right music can only benefit your magick.


Many cultures have music involved with their magical practices. I have always enjoyed the ancient Norse magical traditions that involve singing and poetry to focus intent. I like to put on some instrumental heavy metal when I do a rune reading. So yes go for it, if you feel energized and empowered by it, its working!