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I've never had any luck on LinkedIn finding a job. The times I did get a response it was for a scam job. I don't get the point of it, there is nothing on there that isn't on my resume besides my picture. Indeed isn't great, but I've found out of my last 4 jobs all were from applying on Indeed.


Never had a reply from a LinkedIn application. And I'm highly experienced in what I do. Feels like no one really looks at them.


I've had luck on applications that redirect you to company's websites. No offers, but quite a few calls back. The easy apply options, while more convenient, tend to turn up a good amount less, especially if you don't count obvious scam jobs.


Same. All my jobs are through Indeed--literally, 100% of them.


I have never found a job on indeed. I did get one via LinkedIn pre pandemic.


Interesting, I wonder why our experience has been so different?


0 responses to any LinkedIn application. I had like 10 from Indeed. This is out of like 400 applications for software-related roles.


That's about what my life is like :\\


Easy Apply has a section where it automatically checks a box stating “Follow [Company ABC] on LinkedIn” for applicants. My conspiracy theory that I 100% believe is a lot of companies are using this to boost followers; they aren’t really trying to hire people for these postings.


Just got my first Linkedin rejection of this "job hunting round". Cheers is quite a novelty compared to the usual ghosting. Still out was automated with no reason. And leaves you guessing where you went wrong.


That's weird. I've easily surpassed 5k apps on Indeed with a dozen callbacks and literally 0 offers. I only got employment by referals, but since the pandemic, my social circle has become pen-dot sized due to relocations and deaths. It's hard out here!


Deaths. Like a significant amount to dent your social circle and you are still working age? That is scary 


Yeah I would say in the past decade I've only had older relatives pass and one co worker who I was not even acquainted with pass in an automobile accident. That is concerning. I had a stable job for a long time. I never really networked with others until I made a LinkedIn a few years ago. The ones I do connect with its hard to get a job or opportunity because they are still employed at the places I left.


...there's a reason it's called a pandemic, yes? I can't speak to loss of personal friends, my social circle was already so small I barely noticed lockdown, but the job I got at the time was one I'd been ghosted on several years previously and it was pretty obvious they only dug up my contact info again because they were running out of candidates who could breathe.


Yeah, I’m just trying to seperate hyperbole from facts. And what kind of job are you working that they had to go back to ‘is the candidate alive, good, get them in here right away’?!




The successes I’ve had on LinkedIn came from: - Directly messaging an HR manager about a company I was interested in. Got a job this way. - Having a business owner message me because they heard I was looking and they needed someone with my background. - Random recruiters sending me jobs. Sometimes a terrible match, sometimes a good match. I’ve never gotten a job or interview from applying directly to a job posting on LI. Admittedly I haven’t applied for many. Indeed works better for that I think.


I've gotten two jobs on LinkedIn but both were from the DMs and not the applications 


I've *found* my last two jobs with large corporations on LinkedIn but I've never seen an easy apply position gain much traction at all.


I've been hearing about "Linkedin is essential for your job search efforts" bullshit for 13 years. This was back when I was still a bachelor's student. My teachers forced me to create an account - I tried networking for a couple years, nothing came of it. No matter, I got myself jobs despite that. Then when I did my PostGrad, my teachers once again forced me to try networking through it, nothing came of it. Yet again, I did all the legwork, struggled for a few years and got a job eventually. Now I'm an experienced Professor who's just moved countries. And my settlement councellors have been forcing me to use LinkedIn again. It's been 2 months and nothing has come of it and I've even lesser hope from it than I ever had seeing how it's been turned into Facebook by people posting personal vacation pics and whatnot, the recruiters I follow are begging people to cut them some slack because they receive 450-500 messages each day and they can't humanely respond to each message, the jobs are being recycled every few weeks and you never hear back from the employers at all which indicates a truckload of these "job postings" are a sham. That's not to say it's totally useless. My sister has had some great luck with it, despite me not landing a single job through it in the last 13 years. Maybe it depends on what field you're in? YMMV.


And also the “cold message people at companies you wanna work at!!” is bullshit advice. Messaging strangers isn’t a way to network. Usually networking starts with people you ALREADY know. Whether that’s family, friends, people you meet at career fairs and other job events, etc…messaging strangers on LinkedIn is literally no different than DM’ing randos on Facebook or Instagram.


I try and message men hoping that they are attracted enough to me to view my application 😂 get in how you get in


I'm happy it's working for you but it can only work for women (or genetically blessed men). I just came back from a networking event where one attractive woman shared her story of "Not taking No for an answer" where she was told there was no more room for volunteers at a place she wanted to volunteer at. She decided against accepting that answer and sent two more mails over the next couple of days saying she really needs this. The manager gave in and she was really surprised when he turned out to be a really sweet and courteous man and promised to help her in the future as well. And the whole time I was thinking to myself, if I dared doing that with a woman manager leading the thing, I'd probably be blocked just on the suspicion that I may be coming at her and I don't take no for an answer which is even worse for my professional track record.




😂😂😂 trueeee


Exactly. People are busy enough and don't want more things on their plate beyond their current work, colleagues and partners. The only thing that might move the needle is contacting that person via a referral from someone who knows them, but in that case, the referral friend should just give that person a heads up that you will be reaching out or give you their email address or biz card for direct contact, bypassing LinkedIn.


Yeah the only way cold messaging would work is if the person is a referral from someone you already know. At career fairs I’m always sure to get a business card from whoever I speak with. That way I can send them a quick email after the fact thanking them for their time. I don’t do LinkedIn dm’s. I have so called random “recruiters” reach out to me but I don’t know how much I’d trust them. Once a recruiter from a so called recruiting agency reached out to me, said they would be happy to set up a time to speak with me, so I set that up, waited for the call…and they never called at the agreed upon time (they didn’t give their phone number so I couldn’t call them first). I don’t fully trust random so called “recruiters” from those agencies…I know their job is to help you find a job but unless they’re affiliated with a legit well known company I don’t trust it


The worse thing about cold messaging is that you're always told to prioritize "connecting and networking" and NEVER ask for a job outright. Umm... what does the other person think I'm "connecting and networking" with them for? I bloody well hope they don't think I'm trying to ask them out, that would be even more unprofessional.


The whole job search process is beyond irretrievably broken and complete and utter bullshit now.


No literally. No matter how professional and kind you come across they probably figure out that you’re only reaching out directly for a job. I never ever ask for a job outright


Agreed. I get these all the time with the question “can you refer me”. I never reply, why would I risk my name and refer you if we don’t know each other.


so true. Once someone literally told me that the cold messaging was literally the point of LinkedIn and that’s how you’re supposed to “network”.


When you were advised to only connect to real life connections it was much more useful


This. Connecting/networking with people you already know is way more useful and beneficial than messaging randos on LinkedIn trying to ‘network’


I've found LinkedIn as a valuable way to stay in loose contact with former colleagues. A way to follow their careers a little bit. And then to be able to reach out to them when I'm looking for a job change or if my org is looking to hire. So, for me, it's just an easy way to keep up with folks I used to work with and can vouch for the quality of my work.


I really wonder if the majority of people on it even use it anymore? I only use it to job search (unsuccessfully, I might add, 3 years in, 3000+ applications, 0 offers) and when I log in it seems like it's the same 20 people posting over and over. And those posts are usually not very helpful. 99% of the 5000 people I'm connected to don't engage at all. I also wonder if I'd have better luck finding a job if I deleted my account altogether????


Don’t use Easy Apply when you can. Often the companies will have the jobs listed on their company website and I’ve gotten more traction that way. If it’s a recruiting firm, you can often Google snippets of the job description to track down the actual posting from the company. Best of luck, it’s rough out there


This! Use LinkedIn and Glassdoor to find companies that may interest you and job posting but when you go to apply go directly to the company website to see if the job is actually still there and then if it is apply through the website


Handshake is hot garbage. Half the “recruiters” that message you on there are fake or they send you a fake/expired job posting that they claim is brand new. LinkedIn I use to find postings and then I apply via the company website. I never apply through staffing/recruiting agencies anymore, they’ve been zero help.


I thought this was me. Staffing agencies have been hot garbage. There was only ONE kind recruiter that helped me in my life. Unfortunately the job did say I was overqualified. He passed me on to his colleague. She’s ass at her job


Yeah staffing/recruiting agencies are hot garbage bc they don’t disclose what company. They just say ‘my client’ in this area. Like wow so helpful


I’ve only ever been approached by one external recruiter on LinkedIn – ‘my client’s’ vacancy turned out to be something I’d already applied for. Generalisation time: I wonder what’s even the point of some recruitment agencies these days. Certain specialist agencies make sense – such as in temp work, when they keep a large number of workers on the books – but recruiting longer term employees is surely simple enough to be done in-house in the internet age. In former times, more recruitment agencies had their place, because advertising was time-consuming and job seekers could drop into their offices looking for work. In the present day, at least in the countries where I’ve lived, almost everyone searches online and publishing adverts is simple; most of us don’t need a middle man. (Edit: I own that recruiters can be very helpful for high-earners, but I’m speaking more from the low- and middle-earner perspective.)


Maybe it’s because, like the poster said above you, that candidates would go around us and apply to the company direct thereby disqualifying us from credit? Find the right agency specialized in your niche, and you will get multiple interviews. ASSUMING you have good tenure on your resume (speaking for Direct Hire).


Credit 😂🤡🌎


I think Handshake may be the absolute worst. Today I got DMs about Preschool teacher and High School math teacher jobs.  Completely unrelated. 


This!! I still keep getting DMs about camp counselor jobs…the only summer I was a camp counselor was 5 years ago. I graduated college recently and while I do have a job for now, still looking for a career job and it’s tough finding stuff that doesn’t require tons of experience. I still get random dm’s on handshake but I don’t really use handshake anymore. Haven’t used it in like, 2 years.


What even is handshake???? Never heard of it before until just now.....


It’s this job search platform that colleges have for students. Usually they make you sign up for it before you even start your first year…


My college uses handshake. It’s the worst platform of them all. Nothing of substance. If I update my resume I get contacted from all over the country for cashier jobs at like Home Depot, I have. BS in business management. I don’t want to be a cashier at a Home Depot in Amarillo TX when I live in Los Angeles.


Yeah I get contacted about random jobs on the west coast when I’m on the east coast. And also I still get contacted about summer camp jobs when I haven’t been a camp counselor since 5 years ago…


I just finished my MBA, while I was a student, I kept getting stuff for undergrads.


This is one thing I really hate about job applying. This would all be way more smooth if we had more centralized ways like a big recruiting site's platform to apply to that they would actually **look at**. Instead we're expected to go dig through 800 employers' websites, make accounts on different systems (dozens of which are likely not well secured in the long run and might get your personal data stolen this day in age when someone realizes it,) play games with ridiculous pseudoscience questions on applications, etc. Instead of them just using a good centralized platform people can properly use in a good amount of time. People are not companies we don't have our own PR agency for every job like HR at a company does to be dealing with all this, if more companies would actually embrace using some of these things like indeed et al's application systems it'd help a lot of people out.


> This is one thing I really hate about job applying. This would all be way more smooth if we had more centralized ways like a big recruiting site's platform to apply to that they would actually look at. I’m now convinced that the best option to resolve this market failure is to have The Department of Labor manage hiring processes, at least for large companies. Any company with more than 500 employees should be required to go through a government office for their hiring, where strict standards would apply. And by “standards” I mean basic, basic things: - Specifying what skills are needed to do the job - What qualifications are necessary - How much experience they need to be successful in the role - What level of education and area of study is needed - The schedule and location where the work will be done - How long they will need to be in this role - What the job pays - When they will need to start the job The company hiring should have to fill out that information on a form, and submit it to the Department of Labor. Then, anybody looking for work can do the same. You want a job? Tell us the basics about your work history, education, and qualifications. The Department of Labor would match candidates to job listings. Both the company and the workers would have a set period of time to accept. If either party (the hiring company or the worker) acts in bad faith, lies or exaggerates their claims, then that’s a criminal act with real penalties. So, no more ghost job listings, no more bait and switch pay scales, no more bots applying en masse to every new listing, and no more scammers claiming to be recruiters. We can also do away with job interviews, and racial bias in hiring. The Department of Labor will simply notify the employer if there is a match for the job. That’s it. Both the worker and employer will need to accept or decline. This would solve so, so many things that are broken with the current labor market. Which is why it will never happen.


Yes 💯!!!! We do need a much more honest straightforward and simplified way of matching qualified candidates to real jobs. Yours is one of the best suggestions I've read so far. Maybe you should print this out and send it to the DOL as well as Bidens campaign team. They need to know what it's really like out here and what are some good solutions.


But you can track your Easy Apply performance, sort of. You can see when they view and download your resume.


Sure. And this is purely anecdotal advice. I’ve used LinkedIn for three different job hunts over the past 3+ years. Easy Apply I’ve literally never had a company reach out even for the initial HR interview. I’ve had poor performances using recruiting firms’ postings as well. Every single one of my applications that at least resulted in an initial interview were as a result of applying on the company website. I’m now in a brand new position as a manager where I’m helping to vet candidates and conduct interviews so I’m hoping for an insiders perspective that can help the sub as I learn more.


Im not saying choose one over the other. Unlike applying to company websites you get some feed back when applying "Easy Apply.". Maybe the companies who create these ATS systems could create some type of automated report to send back to applicants. Possibly were they ranked among other candidates. Now that I think about it the managers idiot nephew would never get a job now


Yeah, see a job ad, don’t try to get the recruiter to consider you for the role, go find the company and apply direct into their black hole that some HR person has long since ignored and has more jobs on their plate and responsibility and it makes no difference if you’re hired or not for their paycheck. Yes this is the way, screw the agency who pointed out a job qualified for you. They spent money to reach you, they don’t need to be paid! /sarcasm Look I know you think this helps your case, but it doesn’t. Good headhunters can do so much more for you if you work with them and don’t view them as adversaries. Source: just got paid $32,500 for a candidate who was up against 2 other candidates equally qualified for the job but my candidate interviewed better because I had more knowledge of what the client wants beyond the job description, and was able to advise the candidate. And because my candidate was just better. A few times (twice) in my life I had a candidate go around me thinking they didn’t need me and can do better on their own. They didn’t even get an interview. Motivated me to get other candidates that were better. Find the agency specialized in your area. “Accounting and finance” is not a speciality. “Accounting and finance for banking companies in NYC, mainly senior level or management roles” is a speciality. Most good agencies in the USA are small, boutique, and can help you way more than any big name agency.


Easy Apply is a trap. Apply for the job on the company’s website or through the link provided.


LinkedIn is useless for applying. Might be useful to see what is out there, but always verify and apply on company website. As a social network, there's greater utility in keeping up with industry news, seeing a friend move to a company that draws your interest or putting feelers out there for referrals and relocation possibilities. But don't water down your connections/contact circle with people you really haven't met.


I applied to 30 jobs. I was interviewed for 5 of them and had one offer with the potential of two more offers. All of the leads on these jobs were from LinkedIn, however, none of the interviews were derived from any of the Easy Apply opportunities even if I marked them a "top choice" LinkedIn may be dead from the Easy Apply perspective but I think the job openings are largely valid. Apply on the company's career page. It takes more time but I have had much more success that way. God bless. Seek the Way, the Truth, and the Life!


Damn really ? 5 of 30 ! Please teach me your ways master 😭


Yup, LinkedIn is shit. Their ATS system is horrific, and recruiters couldn’t be arsed to figure it. Their ATS looks basically designed to only find unicorn candidates and present them to recruiters. Just ensure your bio and headline is optimised. It’ll take some trial and error, but eventually you’ll notice that your profile will get more hits, and once that starts it’s more likely to get noticed and not auto-rejected. It’s too bad that the alternatives to linkedin are shit options too, so we’re stuck with this crap.


And how exactly is a bio and headline optimised?


Look at several job descriptions of the kind of jobs you wanna apply to. You’ll notice some common themes, so try and align your work history to those. The headline is a bit of a trial and error, you want to capture your work history succinctly but also seem like what a perfect fit candidate looks like. I’ve personally seen a significant improvement rate by doing this, but your mileage may vary


LinkedIn has turned into Instagram filled with wannabe influencers and content creators. The worst is that they all support each other with ridiculous comments such as “GIRRRRRL” “OMG OMG YOU ARE FIRE”, the cringe is real.


That’s the reason I quit this platform.


And have you found a new job yet?


I found a new job by networking with my former co-workers.


Yeah I've tried that already. Most of my former colleagues are out of work too ...


Actually I changed my job 2 years ago. I guess that today is more difficult and challenging, but hope that you will find a new job soon!


If you see a job post on LinkedIn, apply on their website instead. I know it takes more time but your response percentage will increase. That “Easy Apply” is garbage.


Linkedin takes you go through job website most of the time


But they said easy to apply whi h doesn't 


Check out r/LinkedInLunatics


It’s the most ridiculous thing in the world now. We’re at a major turning point in job hunting. I think everyone realized there are a lot of dumb career coach influencers on there. It doesn’t do anything, and I have never really found a job through it. Ready for it to just vanish into thin air, lol.


It's still crucial for people looking for a job but it's becoming much less usuable and effective. There are a ton of scams, fake jobs, bots and crap on there now. I'm becoming more convinced there are fake profiles and posts to increase engagement the same way Reddit uses astroturfing to make it seem like more humans use the site. For instance I saw a post from someone on Linked In about a job posting he knew of and telling people they could DM him. The post got a huge number of responses and engagement. Then he has another post about how nice he is because he responded to everyone who DM him and how recruiters should be respectful of people's time etc. So I send him a DM about the job because I was qualified. I also got a nice response that he would forward my resume to the HM blah blah blah. Ok that was nice. Not surprisingly no contact from the HM but that's not a surprise. But then I get another weird message from him. This time it seemed like it was written by AI and it didn't provide any new information about the job. >*Just an fyi that I just posted this. I hope it creates interesting opportunities. I will reach out if it does.* (Link to his original LI post that I already responded to) *Feel free to like because it will help gain additional visibility. I hope to have more reason to reach out.* He wasn't providing hew information. Instead he was asking me to increase visibility on his post that already had a lot of engagement and that I already DM him about. It was weird. But also there are a ton of scams now. People with Linked In profiles that seem real. People creating fake emails that have company names in them. My estimate is that around 40% of Linked In jobs are fake, scams or the jobs that we all know too well which are jobs that seem legitimate but are reposted for over a year when they're not hard positions to fill (administrative assistant, entry level SWE, business analyst, marketing or operations etc) I have had more luck on Indeed but as more people realize it's more effective than Linked In it's now also becoming inundated with bots and scams.


I've found a lot of scams, bots and ghost jobs on both LinkedIn and indeed. No one is policing these platforms. It is user beware.


LinkedIn is good to keep in touch with former colleagues. Or when recruiters are reaching out to you. At least in germany the job marked is somewhat decent atm if you have a degree & work experience.


I’m not going to lie, I applied to one job on LinkedIn two weeks ago. I sent a quick little blurb to the recruiter listed on the posting after. I’m in the offer letter stages of that application (after 3 interviews and a take home project). North-America, tech, remote. (I did not apply to more than 1 job in the last few months, this was my only application). Surely I’m lucky and was able to be picky, but I don’t think LinkedIn is dead, but I think people don’t know how to cut through the bullshit - and absolutely, LinkedIn is LOADED with bullshit. PSA: that plumbing choice will lead to a more-than-enough salary some day. There’s some plumbers in my rural area who take home over 120k annual, albeit they are now business owners.


I wish these companies would stop this 3 interviews and task that takes an entire weekend. I spent months making a portfolio, just go look at my website and interview me one time!!!!


Question: what kind of follow up email did you send to the recruiter after posting? I’d like to do the same for a job I just applied to.


Wasn’t a follow up email - I just connected and pinged them on LinkedIn (which might become and email, I don’t remember). Said something like “Hi MarySue, I’m John Doe. I recently applied to your POSTING. I’m a EXACT TITLE MATCH TO POSTING with X years experience. I’d love to chat about this role if you have time.” No bullshit - I am not trying to apply to a job I’m Not a match for. I was applying to the exact title of a role I had (or extremely similar role) and I had the exact qualifications they had in the posting (I.e if they asked for Java, I didn’t say “I have a Python experience and I know I could learn Java!! 🤡🤡)


Cool man. Thanks for sharing that, gonna send the recruiter an email tomorrow. I appreciate it


Keep it short and direct 🙂


Linkedin works great for me. Both for the “jobs” feature and as a landing page for recruiters searching for candidates.


How are you even finding that many per day? Are you just applying to every single job in your area without looking?


I made a bot doing it for me. There is a speed limit I set, and LinkedIn limits the number of applications for 24 hrs. Indeed, I can apply for 250 jobs in an hour with the bot. maybe even more


I'd love to use that bot....


Why? It obviously isn't getting results.


DM me


LinkedIn depends on your skillset and how you use it. I get three credible recruiters messaging me a week min and my last three consulting contracts have come from there. That’s ignoring the obvious spam garbage.


I’ve been having more luck with getting interviews through indeed.


I’ve only been job searching two weeks, only applied to 12 jobs, I’m actively in two interview processes and only got two outright rejections , so far so good.


LinkedIn is pure trash now. Occasional job postings on resume updates, etc. All the scoail stuff is utterly cringe, bullshit that I wish necer existed there.


LinkedIn is dead. It's a combination of a weak global economy and changes made to the platform in the last couple of years. I'm sure Microsoft doesn't turn everything they touch into shiny turds, but I'd have to dig. All I have gotten from LinkedIn for the US market are rejections. I got one response from a Thai company (I've lived in Thailand before so have zero problems going back) recently, but 2 days later after filling out an AirTable questionnaire, which I thought I aced (I was a Lead at 2 companies in my career and am "the chosen one" for writing Discussion Guides) but it appears I didn't and I got the all too familiar rejection letter, with zero feedback on why they decided to go with another candidate. Got two responses and a video interview from one from jobs on Indeed, and one of my strongest leads, with a screening already completed, was again in Thailand but through Facebook. At this point, I would strongly suggest individuals look at developing nations if they don't mind relocating internationally. Good luck everyone.


LinkedIn is just a hungry black hole for content now. Maybe it always was but at least at some point it was a half decent networking tool. Now it’s got all the worst aspects of homogenised social media. An awful platform that is too big to fail.


I definitely need a reliable plumber...


The LinkedIn algorithm lowers your chances the more you apply.


What do you mean?


If you spam applications then they might not even show that you apply anymore.  So you click the button but the company won't get an application.




Agree!!!! I don’t even apply anymore. I message recruiters because I have premium and or make other connections, but I don’t apply to jobs through LinkedIn anymore. It’s like throwing a needle in a haystack.


How do you find recruiters to message?


I Google recruiters at…… or find the company page on LinkedIn, they usually post “we are hiring” and I find them that way 😀. I just started this last week, crossing my fingers.


I haven't had luck with LinkedIn. It seems lots of the "jobs" are just recruiters/agencies, and I don't know if there are actual jobs. That said, someone recommended doing this kind of networking. First, find a company that you're interested in, whether they have jobs posted, or it's local to you and you're interested in working there. Then look at people affiliated with that company. Then see if anyone in your LinkedIn network is a 2nd connection to someone at that company. Ask that contact of yours if they could make an introduction, as they are a mutual of you and the other person. The idea is that meeting someone may help you get in the door. That said, it didn't work for me. I had no contacts who were 2nd contacts with any businesses I was interested in. I think mainly because I'm in a new city. My contacts are in City A and City B. It makes sense that City C, where I now live, is new for all of us. But it seemed like a logical thing to do at the time.


I have gotten most of my job interest from LinkedIn but i always look to see if they've also posted the job in indeed. Employers can post 1 free ad on LinkedIn but they spend most of their time sifting through the indeed resumes that come through. Use LinkedIn as networking. Find 3 companies you want to work for and set a reminder every week to log into LinkedIn and start linking with their employees even if you don't know them. Employers may receive applications on indeed or their direct site but they're going to look you up on LinkedIn to see your face, your presence etc. So when they stalk you, they'll see you have 30 connections within their company already and it will be in your favor. Also, you can post on your linked in "hey everyone here are my qualifications and I'm looking for referrals to find a place to shift my career". Lots of people on your network that you've added from those companies will get this in their feed and they probably get new employee referral bonus so they'll help boost your resume.


Here’s the thing you’re gonna sell a SAAS to people who don’t have much money and can’t afford it. Me being one of those people.


And one that by his own admission isn't getting good results.


LinkedIn is garbage now for sure. Too many recycled posts, fake job listings and way too many people selling services designed to "help"(read as rob) job seekers. I've had LI Premium for the past 6 months and it's made no difference for my search. And every month I go through the process of cancelling LI Premium and they still charge me despite having cancelled numerous times.


Thanks for sharing. I've never signed up for premium (really can't afford it) and have often wondered if there is any advantage to having it in regards to finding a new job. At least now I can save more of the money I don't have.


It's kind of sad that there's an entire economy that has built itself up around LinkedIn the past few years. There are so many parasites and scam artists looking to exploit desperate job seekers.


Well this is America and LinkedIn is a private company and capitalism is all about making as much money as possible in any way possible, even if that means taking advantage of unemployed people with no extra money. I guess they haven't sold enough advertising to be profitable yet.


Also with LinkedIn jobs, what is it with their awful job search? You put on something specific and it mostly returns irrelevant shit. It's so annoying!


Eh, I found my current job when a buddy from grad school shared the post on LinkedIn. YMMV


It’s just a work social media circle jerk


In my experience sending your application through Easy Apply is like sending it directly to the /dev/null, nobody even reads it. Although recently I met a guy who told me that his last 3 jobs he got through Linkedin Easy Apply.


Hey, I made a similar post today except I took my frustrations out by flooding companies with false applications using a testbed and creating thousands of Workday accounts. Since most companies use ATS, I was able to flood postings with false resumes. Forcing companies to open and reclose the same posting over and over.


Please avoid the Easy Apply button at all costs.


I've only had luck through Indeed, Craigslist, and Snag-A-Job. That's most likely on my end. I lack the social skills to be a good networker.


How did you make a bot to do that?? Please advise.


You must be applying to jobs all over the United States if you are doing 250+ a day. Cause there is no way it's just local to your area


For whatever it's worth, I wanted to post my recent job search experience. There is an app called fiverr with people around the world that will redo your resume and cover letter for around 130.00. They do a phenomenal job. I have been getting around 3-4 interviews a weeks since I posted the new resume. They take what you have and turn it into something amazing. Not sure if they use AI software. If anyone is interested, I can post who I used.


I would be curious.


App called Fiverr. There are many out there that do this. The person that I used was SmithJ@smithjameson. She is currently working on my husband's resume and cover letter. Do get the cover letter too. It's worth it. They "she" will also try to up the services such a LinkedIn Optimization Services. I'm still think about it and asked her fir examples of what it would look like.


LinkedIn is weird. It’s basically Facebook for people who want to pretend they are entrepreneurs. Full of a lot of egocentric dick stroking. Also for a while it was prime feeding grounds for those in sales to stalk their next mark at a company to cold call. I finally got around to creating one, added a few of my close coworkers, my old 1SG and CSM from my time in the Army and one of my old college professors/mentors and within 72 hours my account was locked (I guess I was impersonating myself?). Never bothered to appeal it.


Agreed, I’ve recently started knitting as a result of sitting at home with nothing else better to do that doesn’t deplete my bank account.


I am 100% with OP, I have applied 100+ jobs on LinkedIn and I am getting automated responses saying, **"we have reviewed your resume and moving with other candidates who are better fit for the job." F\*\*ng stupid as I copied exact job requirements/description in my experience and still getting automated emails.** **What is going on guys? Anyone knows the trick?**


Having a profile is essential. Using LinkedIn to actually find a job? Not so much.


LinkedIn is as bad as Facebook.


LinkedIn Recruiter isn’t actually a piece of shit if you use it properly. The job posting function isn’t the most valuable part of it. It has a robust set of search tools and supports boolean search strings. As a recruiter, it’s a fantastic sourcing tool.


LinkedIn has worked fantastic for me. If it’s not working for you then it’s not LinkedIn, it’s you. You either work in a field that is unfortunately weak for jobs, you don’t have enough experience, or don’t have the right experience for what the job market wants. Try applying out of state to a city or geographic area that has more of a need for your experience. If the situation is that dire for you, you need to totally change your life around and go apply for jobs out of state with a fake out of state address. Get ready to move 1,000 miles away.


Meh all of my best opportunities and the job I finally landed after 7 months came from LinkedIn


I've had good luck on Linkedin, landed my last 3 positions on there.


Not true. LinkedIn is being used now more than ever; it’s just that the headcount for each companies is very limited, even that is frequently taken away from the upper management, and the pool of laid off candidates is massive. The really talented ones are still hired right on the spot in this economy.


LOL at talented people getting snapped up on the spot. Did you hear that everyone? If you don't get an instant offer, it's because you're not really talented. Now you know.


As a hiring manager in a big tech, yes I do know. The process is expedited for rockstars


The problem is 99.9% of us are not rockstars but we are good dependable hardworking people who still need jobs....


"guys, I'm applying to hundreds of jobs a day without any effort and I'm not getting interviews! It must be the platform that's broken!" - OP


I might sell the bot I have been using to get these phenomenal results!


I’ve gotten so many interviews from LinkedIn.. unfortunately I don’t get pass the third round..


If you are looking for jobs dont waste your time on linkdin go with other apps like Naukri or glassdoor. Here's a tip use keyword "walk-in" in search bar and filter the result accordingly and just attend the interview you like.


If you have a specialized skill set sought after by employers, it’s still a particularly helpful place (the best?) for recruiters to come to you. I find its best use case is just as a publicly available resume to list skills and certifications and establish an online network. For my job hunting, if I didn’t get an interview due to an internal referral, my interviews have almost always come from recruiter reach outs via LinkedIn. I am in a very particular area of tech, though, so YMMV. As a job board, it’s especially mediocre for all the ways you used it for - Easy Apply postings are going to get spammed by anyone and everyone because it’s easy / low effort for everyone involved. Even the postings that require some effort are going to get spammed because practically *everyone* is using the platform as their first stop for job searching.


I started my tech career in 2017 - none of my jobs since came from linkedin...recruiters either reached out thru dice or indeed and emailed me from those account. I have a LI account but its useless for me.


What could possibly be the reason? LinkedIn is all about work & networking, you could not ask for a more task-specific and well-placed platform to find work. You also couldn't create a more dysfunctional job search than what it currently affords. How did this happen? If it's intentional, what could be the (perverse) incentive? LinkedIn has failed me for 2 years now, having been laid off in July of 2022. I've seen everything on this sub and then some.


I've had more job opportunities from Indeed than LinkedIn. Not good ones, but at least the people hiring there seem more earnest about particular positions that need to be filled than LinkedIn.


I recently got a job out of LinkedIn. I find that the only way to really get yourself noticed out of the hundreds of bots easy applying is to message the hiring manager or recruitment agent of the job and ask for a call to discuss the role. Increases your chances exponentially and helps to make you more noticeable than the hundreds of applications that are never even checked.


I saw a post mentioning that companies pay a fee, around $5 per day, to keep job listings active on sites like Indeed. This encourages them to fill positions quickly. While Indeed’s job postings aren’t as clean or easy to read compared to LinkedIn, you’ve got to go where the hiring is happening.


I’ve gotten like 20 interviews in the past month from applying on LinkedIn. 🤷🏼


What is your industry and target role?


IT/cybersecurity. Director to CISO level roles.


I'm about to do this soon in my NYC area. Forget applying to those 250+ jobs and narrow the choices down to 5 places you'd love to work. After you jotted down the jobs, search for them online and see if, on their contact page, have a phone number. Your ultimate goal is to talk to a human. This is where you earn your Masters in BS; you social engineer your way in. You state that on your browser refuses to submit to the job application and if there is an email to directly contact to submit your resume to. Receptionists are understanding of technical problems and sometimes give you a direct line or email. Use your best elevator pitch to sell yourself. I usually just find the jobs addresses and show up unannounced, talk to a manager, show them my portfolio, then state that I'm the best qualified candidate for that position. It shows that I have moxie and I'm eager to work. Here's another strategy. Do you have any mutual connections through your LinkedIn? Maybe a friend of a friend knows that person, then you reach out to that person.


I actually got my current job working using the easy apply on LinkedIn. I’ve also got dozens of calls on indeed with offers. I’d just say that searching for a job is a luck of the draw. Maybe consider updating your resume or tailoring it to a specific job or position you want


My last 3 jobs I had were thanks to LinkedIn. Applied / got job for the first two, and my most recent / current job I was recruited for on LinkedIn.


According to this person some companies list jobs on LinkedIn just to drive traffic to their websites 🤬https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNj4UNAP/[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNj4UNAP/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNj4UNAP/)


LinkedIn can be effective during certain seasons of life and when you are REALLY well-suited for a role, but networking trumps all I think. Here’s my timeline: My first job in a new town, I found a role by LinkedIn DMing all the recruiters and applying to 4 different related roles at a company I really wanted to work for - applied on the company website directly. That worked. Second job, network from first job. Third job, network from first job. Fourth job, a guy LinkedIn DM’ed because we shared a network from my first job. Fifth job, applied at weworkremotely.com for a job I perfectly fit on a whim. Sixth job, LinkedIn easy applied to a role in another state, also remote, didn’t have any connections there. Seventh job, network from the weworkremotely.com job. Eighth job, LinkedIn easy applied to a role in another state, also remote, didn’t have any connections there. <—- this was during this latest tech layoff hellscape and I got many interviews that went nowhere, so it was my hardest time ever finding a job. Consulting gigs, network from the weworkremotely.com job.


What platform for the app?


I’ve been curious to setup a fake linked in account sheds start posting slightly absurd corporate cringe content


Nothing but spammer calls and spam jobs now that are outsourced. It’s always two cold calls in a row and then an email right after I don’t answer the calls. It feels like a fruitless endeavor.


LinkedIn was actually the place I found my current job at, but it was done through a recruiter reaching out for me and setting things up. Only part of LI we used then was DM.


Linkedin, Glassdoor are scam magnets


Is this specific to easy apply? If you are using apply and going through their ATS then LinkedIn is just an ad for a job hosted through their site. Nothing is dead other than easy apply.


Not totally dead yet, not until Gen X fully retires. But let me tell you how many scam postings and companies I’ve reported and even contacted LinkedIn. They said they know and little they can do-yeah because they make money from the (fake) postings.


All of my jobs have come from LinkedIn from applying or being recruited off LinkedIn.


>I am going to learn some plumbing with my Master of Science degree. Don't look down upon any profession.


I looked down upon my masters degree :)


LinkedIn is the Monster of its time.


Ensure that you match your cv and cover letter to the job you are applying for. To help you with polishing and good matching use AI


Can someone please tell me if finding a job on LinkedIn and applying through it, is the same as applying through the company website directly? This being, if the LinkedIn job posting redirects to job boards like greenhouse/lever for application (not Easy Apply)?


This, you, are the problem. Used to be a job would be listed in the classified of the local paper and 20-30 would come in, in-person. The hiring manager would sift through and select the best person. Now, due to computers, bots, job boards. A single job posting will get thousands of responses. How are managers supposed to sort through them all? Gotta use a computer with an algorithm to select the ones that meet the "criteria". Now, with thinking algorithms we don't even know the selection criteria the algorithms are using! Check out TED talks from Zeynep Tufekci a "techno-sociologist" on how the algorithms have gotten away from us.


blame the game, not the player. I try my best to be distinguishable from the crowd.


I know you said it as a joke, but plumbing seems to me like a good career change. Its easy, makes you do some nice exercise, and if you make your own company you can earn quite a bit of money. Im doing something similar until the market improves.


I've learned that if it's easy apply, it's probably not gonna apan out. Gotta apply directly on each website and not through linkedin. But I have no proof of that, it is the equivalent of mysticism rn.


I think Builtin.com is way better than LinkedIn or indeed.


It feels so pointless dealing with LinkedIn You try to connect, and they leave you on pending forever. You try to contact a recruiter, they keep trying to get you completely unrelated job. You try to contact a talent acquisition specialist, they say "they're not in charge of hiring" and never point you in the direction of the hiring manager.


Most of the job postings are scraped off of other job boards. Always go to the website of the actual company to apply. When applying online, the two things I've heard repeatedly: 1) apply directly on the company's website within 24-72 hours--the earlier the better; 2) tailor your resume without turning it into a keyword salad--don't expect recruiters to connect the dots.


I only an able to get responses from jobs in LinkedIn i never hear back from indeed jobs. Crazy times we are in


I only use LinkedIn to check a candidate that applied for a job. Other than that, I don’t use LinkedIn or get candidates through LinkedIn


LinkedIn is basically Instagram for non/less attractive people...


Yeah LinkedIn jobs is horrible they’re all reposts and ghost jobs never hear anything back


I pay $42 for LinkedIn Premium and it's ~~probabl~~y bullshit. But because I am desperate I'm having a hard time cancelling it. Which is precisely what LinkedIn is doing, preying on desperate people.


Wow, I knew it!!


I actually agree Linkedin is dead. Even finding people and recruiters is a huge hassle I wanted to make a project that allows you to search for people and recruiters using **AI natural language** (no linkedin connection bs needed and plus you also get their emails as well) - You can be very specific like I want **"a recruiter for young interns in the web3 space"** or at **microsoft** and then get their **profiles and emails**. The same can be done to search for candidates or other people you want to connect with in your industry. You can even search and share your results from within discord, slack and teams (helping job seekers and recruiters share their results and profiles with others) What do yall think? I'm an early recruiter myself and saw the challenges that we faced and job seekers faced and wanted to make a grad project. Wanna get yall thoughts?


Easy apply is shit. Many jobs posted on LinkedIn are just to collect your data. Even if they are legit, there's no way your application will get noticed amongst 100s of candidates. I found these to be somewhat effective ways to get your application noticed: 1. If any job is posted on LinkedIn under 'Easy apply', just check if that job is there in the careers section. If yes, reach out to people you're already connected with or send requests to people in a similar role and send them a message regarding your interest. 9/10 times people don't reply unless they know you well. Keep sending follow up messages because honestly you have nothing to lose. 2. Try to find the names of recruiters or hiring managers and connect with them directly. If possible, get contact numbers of recruiters and message them directly on WhatsApp (much higher reply rate as compared to LinkedIn) 3. Search #hiring #company #role on LinkedIn to find which roles a company is hiring for. Doesn't work most of the times though. 4. There are some good folks who comment 'CFBR' on each hiring post. Try to find these people and connect/follow them.


Never use easy apply, go to the companies website directly or don’t apply.


Lol wtf is wrong with this sub. "I made a bot to spam my resume and had no responses" is absurd. I'm happy nobody responded. Nobody can hire cause you guys are spamming them with nonsense. Linkedin isn't dead. You guys just don't know how to use it


teach us sensei


Linkedin is honestly what i think of when people bring up dead internet theory


Maybe your CV doesn't stack up to your peers. Or your LinkedIn profile is a mess.


Yeah. Always applicant's fault.


I would definitely start to look at my CV and my profile if I was ignored for over 2000 applications LOL. But can't mention that here, downvotes galore.