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You’re okay. What they’re really looking for is any criminal activity. So if you’re a felon or been arrested before then you should be worried.


There’s no way to verify employment if you don’t list them on your application. You’re good. Nobody cares about the jobs you had as a teen lol


Hey there, what background check company is the background check going through? I went through one recently and had similar worries. The background check is usually a lot less pervasive than people sometimes think. Usually you have to just list the jobs to the background check company that were on your resume. They do not pull records from the IRS or anything to check for jobs you may not have reported on your resume. For the jobs you did list on your resume and to the background check company, they will attempt to contact the number you listed for them, or the public number from Googling and try to get in touch with the company's HR department. There, they will confirm dates of employment and job title. If there is a discrepancy or they're not able to get in touch with the HR department of a listed company, they might ask you for W-2 or pay stubs from your dates working at the company you listed. Other than that, like the other poster said, as long as you mostly pass the criminal background check and drug screen, these are almost more important than the employment verification. In fact, I listed the wrong year I worked at for a company (listed 2019-2020 it was actually 2018-2019 lol), I requested a copy of the background check report and the background check company had even pointed out the discrepancy. The last important tidbit, maybe the most important, I would mention is that the ultimate decision is up to your HR contact at the company you are applying for. I've done a lot of stress research myself while I was waiting out the background check, and I read all sorts of stories. For example, the last discrepancy of work dates I have read other people saying that their HR contact grilled them on the discrepancy and they either told them the truth or admitted they stretched dates. I've read that this both led to no issue and a rescinding of the offer. In my situation, it seemed my HR contact was very keen on getting me hired... She did not even mention the discrepancy of work dates listed on the background check report. On top of that, a company I had worked for back in 2016-2017 was bankrupt and had no way to contact for employment verification. A representative from the HR company asked for a copy of my W-2 from working there, I offered to fill out an IRS form to request a copy from that year. While pretty much still negotiating with the background check agent, I saw a welcome email from my HR contact with the company and steps to prepare etc.. So, pretty much just glossing over that final part about the missing W-2/employment verification. Anyway, all in all I wouldn't stress too much about job hops. If you didn't list them, they will not be found. If you did list them, most companies know that the background check companies they work for are kind of ass. They have no more power than to call and ask a publicly listed number if you worked there or not. The HR contact you have will likely be understanding of random jobs worked as a teen not lasting too long, or having mismatching dates/titles. Hope this helps


Cisive. The one I’m worried about is a short 3 month stint I left off before my current job. I stretched another job over that, I’m wasn’t trying to be deceptive, I just thought it wasn’t important to what I was applying for.


Well.. There's a few ways to go about this then. What kind of a company did you stretch the dates for? Is it a large company or small? If they are large enough to report info to The Work Number's website, background check companies often use The Work Number first before contacting a company directly, since it is faster and more direct.


I stretched it on the resume but I was honest on the background check because I pulled up my jobs from the work number


Hmmmmmmm ok well that poses a bit more of an issue. If you matched them to eachother, and the company called a work date discrepancy, you can sometimes override it with a W-2 that doesn't even show start/end dates, just the year. Or, if they're on top of their game, they could ask for first and last pay stubs. Which you can refuse and just insist on the W-2, since a company/the IRS is not required to keep your pay stubs you could say you lost them. Here's the situation though. The background check company processes a lot of information. They are not gonna be holding hands with your HR contact. The date discrepancy is not going to throw an immediate flag in this case, since you were honest with the background check company on dates. Your report will, however, most likely contain the "Dates of employment: xx-xx" on top of their section verifying that employment. It will probably say Pass/Eligible or whatever, but if your HR contact looks closely, obviously they will see that the Dates of employment don't match your resume.


Lying on your CV is a reason for dismissal? I know a guy who lied on his CV, got found out and was sacked on the spot.


The Work Number is not 100% accurate. Besides missing jobs, it lists several of my jobs with incorrect dates. In one instance, our payroll provider changed so it doesn't show my first 6 months of employment.


...yeah - they're not going to check out the paper route you had at 13yo - grow up...


How can they verify it if you didn't list it? Pretty sure you're good mate.


I listed it in the background check because it went back 10 years did I screw my self over?


I'm confused. So you did not list on your resume all the jobs you worked in your teens, but did on the background check form? They are just verifying if you worked there or not. I don't think they would disqualify you because you worked at say: McDonald's for a week. You already have the job, they are just covering their tracks, making sure you are qualified with the role you said you held for approx 2 years.


Yes that’s exactly it. I did actually have my most recent employment for the 2 years. It was my first actual job. The rest were part time gigs.


I think you are good mate, since you did not lie about the current role you've held for 2 years which is the one they are interested in verifying.


Chill. You're fine. Even if you job-hopped as a teenager, you've been with your current employer for the past two years. Don't over think it. If they ask, then explain that. No one will care.


You are 22, don't sweat it. Most of us had a number of lousy minimum wage jobs in our teen years (everybody has) and future employers don't care so much. My first job was picking up bodies from crime scenes for the coroner's office (true story). If you have a clean criminal record and no history of drug abuse you will be fine.


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Reading the comments, you lied on your CV and then gave different accurate information on the background check. LOL.