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It’s a loyalty test.


Answer correctly on paper but never in reality.


Doesn’t this show how useless this kind of tests are?


Because they are useless...


They are useless. I should add I'm. A mid level manager with 10+ years if experience l.


Do they use it too at your workplace? Curious.


Not at my current place but the application screening has a couple questions on it that just make me laugh.


gotta be


Its a test to weed out autistic people. Most of us didn’t learn to lie until way late in life. There’s exceptions of course but, mostly, this.


It does filter out people who are too honest, or stupid, to lie to get a job.


There is no such thing as too honest.


There absolutely is. Do you think Carl Lutz should have told the Nazi's or his superiors that he was misinterpreting the permission he was given to save the Jewish families of Budapest? Should you tell the truth when doing so would kill you, your friends, or your family? Should you tell the truth when it would lose you your livelihood?


This. They basically did such a test when I applied for a gonverment official role (it was just about checking social payment applications and to either deny or accept them, nothing big) and they basically asked if you are a normal human being with basic empathy or if you would say to a crying. Mother with starving children that she has to leave the premises or she will be trespassed. You say you would totally treat her like dirt but in reality you just suck whatever you can come up with out of your ass to get the applications accepted without any penalty for the customer. (in Germany if you apply "too late" or do something wrong they straight up withhold the social payment from you as a form of blackmailing you into being overly compliant with the gonverment office) Or at least when you one of the good ones. Apparently their questioning works well enough that ~90% of the people working there where born without a heart nor a soul.


"...if you would say to a crying. Mother with starving children..." ...so you are implying a single man with no kids should be treated differently? Sounds kind of "sexist," huh?


get a hobby old man LOL


No, I'm implying that the question was describing a mother with two children coming in, asking for help as she didn't get her social pay bc she did something wrong. Edit: also yes. Regarding what social payments one can get a single mother with children TOTALLY should he treated different then a single man. Duh.


Do you think a single man with no kids should receive the same treatment from the social security office as a single woman with two kids?


God, this. Just fucking lie so you get the interview.


Might just be the UK but I've literally seen an answer like this cited to an employee that refused to stay late, and was used as "not being a team player" that snap failed probation. Again, might just be the way Britain seems to function. And I'd always lie on a question like this anyway...but don't be sure it'll always work.


To a company that won’t be loyal back…


doesn't matter, you still just answer the perfect little slave response #3 they want here. just get hired. when the situation arises in real life, you bust out #2. they aren't going to bring up the hiring test simulator you took a few months ago lol


Although three would seem like The logical answer, it is not the answer that the hiring team is looking for.


Honestly I can’t figure out which answer they’d want. When I worked min wage bs fast food jobs, that would have been the last answer they wanted. We were explicitly told not to stay over ever if it pushed our hours over 30 because they didn’t want it happening to the point we were considered “full time”. The scenario in the training module specifically put the responsibility on us to tell the GM no if asked to work over 30 hours in a week.


>Honestly I can’t figure out which answer they’d want. You've summed up job searching in a nutshell. Company A may want one thing, Company B wants something else. As the candidate, you have absolutely no clue what your prospective employer actually wants. Tests like this are pretty useless for the candidate.


I’ll be honest, I haven’t gotten a job that required me to take one of these in a very, very long time. Usually if I’m filling out apps and come across something like this that doesn’t apply to my job at all or is just “wage slave” nonsense I just stop filling out the app. Pretty much every job I’ve had in the last 10 years I got via networking of some form or taking advantage of available resources like employment services through the FQHC I went to for healthcare. That route actually landed me the best job I’ve ever had working for the same FQHC as a case manager.


My kids in school also need my loyalty, more so than the store. If I have to leave I have to leave. I absolutely hate any cunt employer that thinks I should stay late at work over my family needs. I am so happy I live in Europe in relation to work ethics.


Actually, it is an integrity test.


Idk, Walmart and Target had “tests” like these (more like trainings) but they were going so hard at compliance and keeping you from getting a lunch that they’d tell you option 2 was the best one.


Loyalty or submission?


It's an intelligence test.


It's a *compliancy* test.


Of course it is, the correct answer is #2. You'll help until the end of your shift (well, unless overtime is paid)


Even then, I sometimes have plans or responsibilities after work. I am allowed to decline the extra time and extra money if asked with no notice.


Not on the test you're not


Oh yeah, lie your ass off to get that money. It would be funny if it came up in real life and you declined work, then the bossto be like "6 months ago, question#14 you agreed to always stay, and that was legally binding."


I think that’s why they specified “four-hour shift” in the question, so there’s no OT involved (or less likely to be).


What cracks me up is the majority of people don't realize that this is a psychological test. There is no right answer. There is only how you answer.


We all know that overtime won’t be paid…


clearly, the chatbot hasn't figured out the art of saying 'No' gracefully yet 🤖❌


The fact that they didn't lead with "you'll get overtime", "it is expected to take x amount of time", or "you will get the time back in PTO" means it's an automatic no


"Absolutely not, go fuck yourself"


There appears to be a missing option. I'll let you know whether I can stay after my shift ends once you've let me know how much you'll be paying me for it.


I feel like all three are reasonable answers (in real life lol)


The first two answers will be reasonable most often. Occasionally, #3 will be viable.


Absolutely. I've stayed late for emergencies. But if you come at me 30 minutes before I'm leaving with anything that's not urgent, we'll talk tomorrow. Luckily I have a job that understands that we have a life outside of work.


Agreed; I've used all three variations of these; but I work for really great employers that appreciate their people regardless of how many extra hours they can pick up.


Agreed, it really depends on the situation. Normally I'd go with 1. If it's not too much then I'll stay and help. If I have plans it's 2. And if I have nothing planned and could do with the extra money that month it's 3.


Yes, but this sort of reaction isn't what this sub is for


#2 I got a family and it's not my problem.


Always always always lie


If I lied all over my resume, why would I stop at this questionnaire?


God damn. The sociopathic fuckery in this. I love it.


"sociopathic fuckery". Love THIS. Next time someone asks what I do for a living I just might tell them that.


Did we just become best friends?


D. How much are you going to compensate me on top of the overtime for the inconvenience to reward my hard work and loyalty? I asked employees to do this once. I also told my boss (the top guy in the company) I wouldn't ask them unless we could compensate them fairly. 1.5x isn't enough for a surprise extended shift after a full day. I also said he needed to let me order the employees dinner since they'd be there way later than usual. Dinner on top of the added compensation not in lieu of. My boss did not like me and would have fired me if our numbers didn't go up so much in the time I was leader. Luckily, it was a temporary position. I did not want that job permanently. That guy was a dick. Cheap fucking asshole. They made over $10k month more during that short time and bitched and whined about paying less than $1k more in bonuses to the employees who made that and a couple of meals. Easily $6k more in profit to the company and probably $1-2k in his own pocket, and this dude's bitching at me about adding a couple of 2 liters of soda to the dominos order. Sorry for the vent. I fucking hated that guy. I quote: "don't they already have tea and coffee in the break room?" What kind of a sick fuck wants people to drink coffee with their pizza.


How does it go? Something like tripping over pennies and missing dollars?


Later on all their good salespeople left, and that location barely stayed open (only did due to the owner's extreme wealth and commercial connections).


No surprises here. You give yourself a bad reputation and people won't want to work for you. Simple as that




Promotional products? Fuck no. I can consider staying if it's something super urgent (like products that need to be put in a freezer) and I don't have anything going on (like picking up my kids or doctor's appointment). Promotional products can wait till morning. Unless you pay OT, then we can talk.


4 hour shift? What in the holy hell


Normalizing part time work with all the benefits of full time work. For them, I mean


But employees are free to choose! It's liberating!


The fact that this is a multiple choice question instead of a short answer question tells you everything you need to know.


*Image transcription: Job evaluation testing software, design to look like a text message. Text in [brackets] indicates an attempt at redaction that does not alter the readability of the text.* Image 1: ____ Pandora // chatAssess Pandora sales assistant **Vanessa Williams** Store Manager [Hi, Theo!] I know your four-hour shift ends in 30 minutes. But we have just received a delayed delivery containing promotional products. Can you stay longer to help sort the products? 11:44 am (reply) ____ *Image 2 displays three possible replies.* ____ - I can give you an answer to that once I know how much longer I’d have to stay. - I can help to unload the stock until my shift ends. - Sure! I can stay to unload the products into the stock room.


The right answer would be "sorry, I can t hear you, I ll call you when I m home"


I know many companies do expect you to stay, but I actually recently started a new job and had a similar question, and the correct answer was to make sure you have nothing personal after work going on, and only IF you want, you can stay. I actually got the answer wrong cause was expecting them to just want me to stay no matter what. Good companies still exist


I just quit a job because of this exact shit as a dockworker for an LTL company. I unloaded a whole trailer and had no trailer setup to load (not my fucking problem). I had to put it in the bay which is a made up area in the center aisle where stuff goes when you are unable to load it. Literally 5 mins before i leave, supervisor sets up TWO trailers. I unloaded a ton of pallets into the bay, he says can you load this door and that door..... MOTHERFUCKING NO! It's not my fucking responsibility to come tell you that i need a door so i can load shit. Get off your fucking ass and walk the dock and see what needs to be done. DON'T STAY OVER EVER, UNLESS IT'S MANDATORY. THEY WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT AND ASK YOU EVERYDAY. I loaded 1 pallet and left lol


I think it's more of an IQ test than a loyalty test. I mean, what idiot is going to answer anything but the obvious choice???


What’s in it for me? OT? Time off going forward?


I dont play loyalty at my current work place when ive seen someone who gave 110% get fired. You get help until the end of shift. Problem will be there tomorrow.


Todays subject: **SLAVERY** 😱


Also… guilt trip.


👆🏻 This!


Pandora? What's with all the mythological names for shitty apps like they're tempting fate or trying to look like it's blade runner or some shit


Edgy weabo hr people 


The correct answer is “lmao no”


Pandora is a shit company. I interviewed with them last year and after the second round, they ghosted me for an entire month, then out of nowhere they messaged, called and begged me with an offer to join them


Is this some sort of interview process where you have to do an online multi-choice test?


I work for a large company with a mix of exempt and non exempt workers. This answers depends. Are you applying for an exempt position ? If so, you’re measured based on performance regardless of hours . Stay. If you’re applying for a non exempt (hourly) position. You should 100% answer that you will help until the shift ends. Larger companies are very strict about working within your hours believe it or not. Working extra hours without compensation is highly discouraged. I am assuming there are legal repercussions and the company could be In trouble if it gets out work is being done with no compensation. We take trainings regularly that constantly reinforce that you MUST be paid if you work more than 10 minutes ( de minimus) over your scheduled hours. Is it’s a small company this may be a “loyalty test” but I highly doubt it.


I can stay an extra hour but then I am legally required to take a meal break or get overtime


Funny how "No." Is not a possible answer


The products are not late for today. They are early for tomorrow.


Easy, you do it if you are asked nicely. If it's a one thing every now and then, well fuck it! That's how work is, but if it's all the time, they'll see me leaving the job the second my turn ends and you should do it too!


Do I get Overtime?


Think that’s why they specified four-hour shift. The question leaves no room for someone answering “yes I’ll stay” thinking they’re getting OT.


Well. I'm not working for free. I'll volunteer for a charity, but not for a company.


Get that sweet overtime pay


What now? Message from supervisor came with options how to respond?


There needs to be a surge in demand for healthy environments for blue collar jobs like there has been for corporate. Where is the inspiration porn for this on LinkedIn? I see if for corporate all the time.


Will you resist being exploited?


Most boring quest ever.


For me I'd want to pick the first one... if I'm being asked to stay back 20 minutes I don't care because it's only a 4 hour shift anyways. If I'm expected to stay an hour or more it's a hard pass from me😅


Option 4: Sure! What's in it for me because company loyalty don't pay the bills. I accept all major forms of compensation including all major credit cards.


For me personally, I need all the extra money I can get so I don't mind overtime, but it would kind of depend on how my boss asks me, who is asking me, and my relationship with that boss. If someone I strongly dislike who is an A*hole asks me to stay late, I might be more tempted to make up a BS excuse. If it's someone I'm chill with, yeah absolutely. I'll help out. Chances are though, IRL, I get the feeling that this is less of an ask situation and more of a tell. They won't say, "Would you be willing to stay longer...?". They're going to say, "I need you to stay late and do this for me... !". And if you say no, there will be some sort of passive aggressive retaliation in the future.


The correct answer is I'm no longer interested in this position.


The answer is not there


lol yes boss


Will you pay me for those 30 extra minutes?


This is as easy to answer in a quiz (yes!) as it's easy to answer in real life (lol no!).


Sure I love extra work, I actually lie down at night and dream of ways I can stay late so I don’t have time to do things I enjoy. Sleeping eating and socializing come second to my work which I love and value so much so as to never not be working. Working is actually my hobby and I work to work more. Money is irrelevant I work to be useful to a company that cares deeply about my well being.


You might want to recall this one back, I can see your user name in the picture. You need to use full opacity. 


answer D: pretend you were really busy and didn't see it


Ill stay back two hours if I can rock up three hours late tomorrow. Or you can pay me time and a half (factoring in for the late notice) for these two hours.


Hell nah, to the nah, nah, nah.🤣🤣


Thank you, Sir, may I have another?


Sure, Ill take that as overtime and its paid 1.5x


Unfortunately this sub doesn't allow gifs because at least it could be as depressing but way more fun but all I imagine is the bugs bunny gif saying no


Oh and remember all OT must be approved a week in advance. And today is the last day of the pay period.


Are you an hourly paid employee? Are they offering overtime? Cuz if you are, unless you exit the building and come back in it would be a labor violation not to pay you. If you do choose to exit and come back in then you’re free to volunteer but if something happens you would not be covered under any kind of insurance. Also a labor violation. If you are salary? Then well it’s actually a fair question no matter when your shift ends.


Are there….pre-programmed responses?!?


Very sad to say...Lie to get the job on those ridiculous test. However, I would b the one to stay for fear of loosing job. Upmost respect for people with hard line. Honestly, if you do your job correctly ot works out. Corporate just wants to push, oush, push. True 40 hour week is gone or maybe I am in wrong Industry


Ah the old who will kiss our asses test


Reason number 7,674,382 that I will NEVER work retail.  I hope you got the job though OP.


Correct answer is. Yes no problem, how much do you pay for overtime?



