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"Why is there a gap in your resume?" Because I didn't have a job.




I am curious how many times that actually worked lol




Better than saying „I didn’t have a job“.


Can I DM you for that lol




You are doing the Lord’s work.


Yes that’s right, the NDA job at that stealth startup right?


Sometimes I’m glad NDAs are pretty prevalent in my industry, helps when they ask about employment on projects that ended up going nowhere so the quality was barebones and not exactly something I’d want to show off.


...you can't have a 28-day gap in your resume - you should only list months and years worked (e.g. job 1 May 2020-June 2023, job 2 July 2023-present) , and preferably years only (e.g. job 1 2020-2023, job 2 2023-present)...the hiring manager shouldn't be concerned with how many days were worked/not worked...


Preferably years only is bollox, that leaves a 12-23 month guessing game. Month-year to month-year. If you go years only, McDonalds 2022-2023 Burger King 2023-2024, I could now have worked 2 years at Mcdonalds and 1 year at Burger king, or 1 year at Mcdonalds and 2 years at BK, and it could be 1.5 years at each.


That’s the answer. I don’t know why this is even a thread. They are just asking for a full history, so if you have any gaps (i.e. some time with no info) they want to know what was in that gap. If the answer is “I was unemployed looking for work” then that’s the answer. It’s not some kind of gotcha question.


Then they need to not treat it like its a gotcha question.  Its none of their business, literally irrelevant to the fitness of the candidate for the role on offer. 


it's only a gotcha question because you choose to interpret it that way. They aren't saying that being out of work for 28 days will lose you the job. They just want to have the whole history covered any answer like "went travelling" "cared for sickparents" "had a break between jobs" "climbed Mt everest" "laid off from previouis role and looking for work" “Worked part time in non-relevant job” are all completely acceptable. I suppose if you said "spent 28 days in jail" that might not land too well


Yes, candidates could lie. Or employers could simply not ask the question in the first place because it's irrelevant and none of their business. They don't HAVE to have all of the prospective candidates time accounted for and employers can simply live with the mystery of not knowing.


How do you answer if you were on SSDI? That makes the question not legal


no it doesn't. They aren't asking "were you on SSDI" they are asking what were you doing. you can either answer, or say "private, not work related".


If the answer were "I didn't have a job" then theres no reason to ask the question. 


They don’t know that until they ask though do they?


In the explain why box put "if you have objects of importance to places that those objects aren't currently in, please explain why"


I dont understand the suspiciousness of a gap in a CV. I went traveling, I had to take care of my family, I took redundancy, I was scratching my sack, non of your business. Next.


I would love to tell you, but due to the NDA I signed, I will be unable to explain it until 2065.


You're not supposed to enjoy life. A friend of mine went from working 100% to like 90%. His manager agreed but immediately followed up with "so what are you going to do now with all this time?"


scratching my sack made me snort a little 😂😂 because that's some shit i would say and i don't even have a sack




Shoot, I had to fight off the rage virus, those infected were not a joke!


Those are all valid reasons for having a gap. As for “none of you business” it literally is - they are asking for their potential employee to give a full career history. If you have some missing times on your cv, it’s completely reasonable to ask “hey what was in this gap”


Asking for it and wanting it doesn’t make it “their business”


If you want to work for them, then it’s a reasonable request to want to understand your work history.


They’ve got the work history. They’re asking about what you’re doing when not working, and that’s none of their business.


They *don’t* know what you did - that’s why it’s a gap. If they already knew what you were doing they wouldn’t be asking.


They’re not entitled to know what you did when not working. Only at most what you did when working. And they’ve got no reasonable expectation that even the work history is complete. There’s no reason why there might not be other holiday or part time jobs happening concurrently with stuff that is listed.


You can always go on an interview and tell them that everything they ask is none of their business. Not advisable, but your choice.


That they have a power imbalance doesn’t justify their behaviour


Like I said - your choice.


My post didn’t advocate any particular behaviour. It was about the moral right of the company to ask. If we didn’t have governments that put the interests of their donors above the interests of the population they’re sworn to serve then they’d either deal with it or at least stop oppressing unions so that the workers can collectively deal with it.


Lie and say you had to take care of a sick family member. If they reject you over that, then they aren't worth working for anyway.


I was doing porn.


Laughs in 4 year gap …..


No, I do not have a 28 day gap (it was 6 months).


I wouldn't be shocked here. When I did background investigation we usually ignored any gap less then 30 days, and would accept just about any reason given for anything between 31 and 90 days, but did require the employee give us \*some\* reason. 28 days is weirdly specific, I'm guessing they just chose "4 weeks" and ran with it, but it's not unusual in any other way. Most times it's just "I was looking for my next opportunity" and goes no farther than that.


The gap question isn't shocking, but overall it's still oddly specific - I think it should also be very clear that it can take months, even 2 years to get something for 6 months/a year in the UK. Even if you altered a CV with volunteering, they usually wouldn't consider it as it's not paid so to them not seen and being credited or "not really working" It also applies to every single gap in the CV too, unless you find work each time in less than 4 weeks in the related field which is near to impossible


Yeah, I'm guessing it's that they put "4 weeks" into a field in a form somewhere, resulting in this crap.


It’s not oddly specific. It’s exactly 4 weeks. Most people don’t have more than a couple of weeks between jobs if they leave a job for another one. Usually it’s only that long if you are made redundant or fired.


Just send them this… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DbwlGv9SWfY


I started a Corp for me and my friends and we’re all listed as various high level execs. The Corp doesn’t do anything at all, but we’re technically always employed!


> It was for a renowned museum in the UK so if you know, you know! Or, maybe, just out them. Why dance around it?


"I helped my father's friend as a house painter" is my go to story, it did happen, but not in full schedule many days a week. My father was a house painter, I helped him as a kid, so I know some things, his friend still does house painting from time to time so it's the perfect. Even more perfect if you did help out once for a few days out of many, because then not even a call can deny it.


I was under-employed due to a social economic situation beyond my control. But my paradigm synergized and blah blah teamwork blah


>explain this gap Home improvement.