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I think 23 is too young for these two to get married.


Yep, long engagement should be had at minimum. My sister got married at 23 and her divorce papers should be getting to their lawyers’ offices any day now


Friends of mine got married at 23f and 25m. I won the betting pool on the divorce at 11 weeks and 6 days. It's hurts to be right sometimes, but not that time. Best thing that ever happened to him, that divorce.


>divorce at 11 weeks and 6 days Woza! That's quick! Was it that obvious they were incompatible? How long did the date for originally?


They'd been together 5? 6 years? But it hadn't been working 3 years. 5 days before the wedding, she was screaming how she didn't wanna get married, begged him to call it off so she wouldn't look like a jack ass. He loved her and wanted to make it work so he wouldn't call it off. I don't know what they were thinking, going through with it. Whole thing was a mess.


Ouch! Sounds like majorly clutching at straws! >she was screaming how she didn't wanna get married, Why didn't she call it off? People be crazy!


Her family is like.. old money traditional. She didn't want the embarrassment. I think she just didn't want to be the one to blame. You know, begging for an open relationship, falling in love with the other guy and coming home with an STD and pregnant was pretty embarrassing, not that anyone knew. He did actually call it off that night when I let the cat out of the bag about all that. She threw me out of the house and an hour later I got a message saying they're sorry and forget about it, " just pretend none of tonight happened". Married that weekend. Absolutely wild times.


>Absolutely wild times It sounds like the type of story you'd see at the movies and be like "that would never happen, how do people come up with this rubbish"


You're right, it's the kind of crazy you just can't write haha He's doing very well for himself now, owns a house, has a baby on the way. I dunno what happened to her. Don't care much either lol


>He's doing very well for himself now I'm so glad! Sounds like quite the turn around and he dodged a bullet!


I was twice divorced at 26


I'm twice divorced at 60. It has nothing to do with age.


This is the answer to the real problem.


23 might or might not be too young to get married but 24 is definitely too young to be divorced, and that’s where this will end up. Either that or they get pregnant within 6 months and make it 2-3 years together.


I got divorced like 2 weeks after my 24th birthday. Different circumstances though, he had thrown a glass decanter at my head.


I bet he’d have shit himself if you caught it and winged it back at him.


But then I would have been in trouble for making him go poopsie. Since he was basically a big angry toddler, throwing things over ice cream. 😂




That's not the problem. It's a problem of priorities. I was married at 22 20 years ago. With grown kids we are now planning our future for just us. We made it this far by not justifying petty selfish behavior. Who cares what they wear? 20 years later no one cares. They literally are running to their mom's now instead of being adults.


Right, they have a little maturing to do. I’m glad to hear success stories, but I shudder to think where my life would be if my engagement at 22 had gone through.


When I saw this thread everyone was dragging the fiance for being selfish, but he sounds just as entitled. The tit-for-tat was exhausting to read. They both sound focused on winning/being right. It's all him vs her instead of them vs problems


Amazing isn't it? The wedding isn't even that important. One day to perform one short ritual. The rest of their lives are guaranteed to have harder things to figure out than this. Things that require the get together roll up their sleeves and solve as a single force. Yet before the vow even happens they're arguing about clothing and who gets to wear it. I blame the upbringing.


Age means very little if you have the maturity. Marriage and parenthood used to drive maturity. You used to be expected to keep your vows and have integrity in order for your marriage to be successful. Now people talk as if marriage is automatically supposed to make you happy on its own. I have no doubt that if you and your fiance had the determination and integrity it could have been great at 22. But know one knows what they're doing anymore.


“I have no doubt that if you and your fiance had the determination and integrity it could have been great at 22.” That’s such a rude and incorrect thing to say.


Sometimes the truth sounds rude to people not mature enough to understand it.


I agree. I know people that married at 18, and are still happily married, and people that married at 40 and got divorced a year later. Some people have the right mindset to have a happy marriage at a young age, and some need more time. Some people never get there. I got married before I was 18 (parents had to give permission) and we’re celebrating 28 years next month. These two sound like they both have some growing up to do, hopefully they’ll be more mature in a few years. Nothing wrong with waiting until you’re both emotionally ready.


The bride is just immature for sure


Given the whole "If you get it, I get it" childlike mindset I would concur.


i read it more like "why are you making it all about you versus about us" and he wants to be special for his wedding too


White suit jacket and black pants is a gaudy look and he would have looked like shit on his special day.


he could be dressed like tony the fucking tiger and its still his goddamn wedding day too 💀💀💀


I thought I was talking to an adult. Women and men shouldn't get a day where they get to be complete toddlers again. I don't care if its a birthday, a wedding, or the last day of the fucking earth.


LMFAO what a absolute loser you must be, it doesnt fucking matter what YOU think!! its HIS goddamn wedding and if he wants to wear fucking white?? he gets to ?? i dont understand the problem here, are you getting the one getting married? the problem here isnt the colour of their outfits or what theyre wearing the problem is that they are getting married, THEY not HER they as in plural both of them, they both get to choose what they wear, the disagreements mean they probably shouldnt be getting married but still, your point is moot, literally be as gaudy as you want on your own wedding if youre literally paying for it


Are you done with your toddler rant? Anything else you want daddy to listen to you about?


boohoo boohoo im like 85 and mad at people being happy,,, boohoo boohoo,,, im not a toddler but ill gladly be your daddy, lets have a sexy enemies to lovers arc where you shut the fuck up and i get to be hot


I knew you wanted to suck my dick. You could have just said that.


The best advice I was ever given was from a married couple when I was 24. They told me to never get married before age 27(ish). And they were totally right. Before that age, people are generally consistently going through new stages of life every year or two. But by 27/28, most people have found their career paths, graduated from school if they chose to go, figured out what's meaningful to them for the future, and have a decent idea of what they want out of the next decade or so. Before that time, your brain is still finishing maturing and you can suddenly find the things you used to care a lot about in a partner don't mean anything, but things you never even considered before mean everything.


Honestly OOP seems to have his head screwed on right, the only issue here is him thinking he can keep going with the wedding when she outright says "you do so much for me, do this as well" and thinks that's a good reason for him to give her complete control


Everyone I know who got married before 25 got divorced.


I've strongly suggested to my kids that they don't get married till they're 27 and not to have kids till 32. Age 27 allows them to have a fully developed frontal cortex and make sure they have a better shot at making better lifetime decisions. Age 32 means that they've ideally had 5 years of may, just the two of them. They've worked on their careers, travelled, gone to festivals and shows and they're better equipped to shift their focus on family life, and not on what they're missing out on.


I got married at 21 and yeah, not a good choice. For some people it works, but I don’t think so for most.


Telling people not to get married at 23 is crazy.


Then don't get married at that age. My husband and I did 37 years ago ... and he wore white much to the chagrin of my mother lol


I already didn’t get married at that age. 😎 I’m glad it’s working out for you so far, but I think *these two* should wait…


fair enough ... thought your original comment was rather general but see it says "for these two" ... must have missed it the first time ... my apologies


7 year olds shouldn’t get married anyway. That’s their real age. If you count the maturity level and tattling to moms.


My mom said you’re wrong! Well my mom said YOURE wrong so there!




MOOOOM! GlitteryCakeHuman hit me!


So help me if you two don't stop fighting I will turn this thread AROUND!


That’s it! Back to Winnipeg!


*slaps head*


\*puts hands an inch in front of your face\* I'm not toooouching you! I'm not tooooouching you!


Omg my older brother was the KING of that. I was the queen of “I CAN’T BREATHE!!” Although he did tend to trap me in confined spaces, the jerk!


In fairness, I read him bringing up his mom as a 'your request is ludicrous, I will demonstrate it with equal insanity to show you' since he said neither of their moms' statements should matter.


I agree, I would have done the same thing lol. He’s completely in the right in the are you sure you want to marry this woman kind of way, but I find the image of two grown adults telling each other their position is correct because that’s what their mom said to be hilarious, so I was being a bit tongue in cheek.


I dunno, I had 3 terribly successful marriages in kindergarten


Wait... didn't prince Eric wear white to marry Ariel who was also wearing white?


He did. And I remember Ariel's wedding dress well enough because she was stunning in it, as all the Disney princesses are.


All the Disney princesses are stunning in Ariel’s dress??? Is there fan art?


I think Flynn Rider wore a white too (top part only) as did Rapunzel.


I hate both of them.


Did you see his comments? 'why might she say that every other day is about you? Well, I'm more handsome, make more money, Im super duper fit, like bodybuilder fit! Her parents love me more than her! But I tell her I love her everyday!!


Thank you! All I was thinking was “JFC, these two are insufferable”


Yes, I hope they stay together, that way no two other people will have to put up with them.


Well, their Mummies love them, so THERE. 😂


If anyone else should get to wear white to a wedding, I think the groom should. White tuxedos look stunning! The bride and groom both stand out as a beautiful couple next to the wedding party.


My brother in law wore a white one with a pink tie at his wedding back in 1994!


My dad wore a white tux with a deep red shirt to marry my mum in the mid 80s!


With white pants. Not black pants...... he needs help in the style department, she needs help with her attitude


This! Like, her demand is juvenile, but the idea of white on top, black on the bottom, with a black tie... it gives checker board vibes


I disagree. Larry Hagman wore a white dinner jacket with black pants in I Dream of Jeannie. It’s a very handsome look.


Yeah if you want to look like a waiter or someone who works on a yatch sure. He looks handsome cause its Larry Hagman,not cause of the clothes actually complimenting him


I think they look dated. But, if he wants to, he should.


yeah just i’m not a big fan of white tuxes, black bottoms or no. but if my partner *really* wanted to wear white then i would work with him to style it in a way we both like. it’s not just the bride’s day


The groom should show up in a hot pink tux. With ruffles.


And a coat with train and a crown too


If they are arguing about this they are not ready for marriage.


Fuck any bridezilla who wants to grab the spotlight with both hands while completely leaving her spouse-to-be out in the cold. Or vice versa.


You just don’t understand though. This is all about her. /s


Where’s the responses to the other top comments lmao


Fr. I cannot understand. I wore a dress I got on sale for $12 to match his dress blues I happened to just buy. I was more excited it had pockets and it matched by coincidence than the dress itself! I cared more that we were getting married. I legit cannot understand this mindset. Would it be amazing to feel like a princess? Yes. Would I enjoy it if it meant he's being stomped on? Fuck no I couldn't even enjoy it a little!  These chicks get the wedding day hyped up so big cause they're taught this is what they're meant for they go crazy at it. The marriage is important, not the wedding. 


The pockets are important


Eshakti has pocket options for all their dresses. Bliss!


THE POCKETS!!! I feel like my boyfriend doesn’t understand how exciting pockets in a dress is! I completely agree with you though. I would NEVER put my happiness of being a princess over my partners misery. There is ALWAYS room for compromise and Equality when it comes to wedding planning. I will never understand the mindset of “This is what I WANT, AND I DON’T CARE WHAT ANYONE ELSE WANTS! IT’S MY DAY!” That’s just a headache and a half. Or maybe I’m just to old lol


I doubt it's a too old thing lol. I felt the same way getting married at 20. But I've seen so many parents telling their daughters their wedding is THEIR DAY, it's her goal and such. So it gets pumped up into this insane thing in their heads


Based on what he says in the comments, it doesn't feel like she's being bridezilla as much as she knows he's a showboat and she wants to matter and be the center of attention just once. He's kind of a dick in the comments, I don't blame her for feeling this way. He sounds controlling.


Run, Forrest, Run!!!


Was hoping this was going to be him wanting to wear a white dress too. The real story is much less fun.


Oh wow xeno I didn’t expect to see you here lol


\*quickly puts on groucho glasses\* Xeno…..who is Xeno?


Ms. Bride needs to grow the fuck up. I wore a white suit at my wedding. So did my father. So did my father-in-law.


I was gonna say, white, cream and ivory suits are actually very popular for weddings. I absolutely adore a nice cream suit, I find they give off more elegance than black suits, which have always been more ‘professional’ or ‘business’ to me.


Oh yea. That’s what I was thinking he’d certainly look dapper in a white suit.


My husband wore a cream suit to our wedding. A friend of mine snapped an unsuspecting photo of him in that suit in a tiny little dive we hit up after the reception. I _salivate_ over that photo, truly.


They are not ready to get married. I’d also like to say that I’m sick of hearing how “this is the bride’s special day.” It’s not all about her, but them. I’m also over the bridezilla nonsense. There are literally thousands of weddings a week. Nobody will remember the day other than if the reception was good. You’ll look at the pictures a few times and then they’ll be put away for years and dug out on a distant anniversary.


The whole “only the bride can wear white!!!!!” mentality in this instance is…odd. I know (especially back in the day) it was a massive faux pas for ANY woman other than the bride to wear white, because it takes attention off the bride. I want to sit this woman down and say, “honey. I’m fairly confident you will be the only woman wearing an all white dress. The attention will most definitely be on you. No one is going to mistake the GROOM, wearing a white jacket, for the bride.” 🤦🏻‍♀️. My husband and I are celebrating our 18th anniversary next weekend, and I remember at our wedding we had one female show up in a white dress. (My aunt. I thought it was a little bizarre, since she had emailed me the week before and asked my opinion on a light blue dress she was thinking of wearing to the wedding, but whatever). She showed up in a plain white sundress, and I was wearing a white and gold satin gown. lol no one, including myself, thought she was taking the attention off of me. 😂 If this woman is so freaked out about even the possibility of her husband to be wearing white at his own wedding…she’s in for a lifetime of pain and difficulty, because this isn’t even a blip on the radar when it comes to all the shit life can throw at you. How’s she going to react if she or her husband gets laid off and rent is due? If they or an immediate family member is diagnosed with stage III cancer? If they have a baby born prematurely and the baby needs to spend a month or more in the NICU? Those are REAL problems. And she needs to get a grip and stop acting like an entitled princess.


Neither of them sound ready for marriage if they can’t even sit down and have a constructive conversation.


I can’t imagine anything I cared less about at my wedding than the colour of my suit/tux. Maybe it’s just me, but it mattered zero. I was far more interested in my wife being happy.


my honest opinion is that the outfit he describes sounds utterly shite


I [don’t know](https://images.app.goo.gl/zgindbcuA8AYkC2P8) if I [agree](https://images.app.goo.gl/8Jd3E9nCJScpiid79).


evening wear/bow tie for a wedding? i’m just not a fan man. but honestly i’m not gonna get married so i don’t care


Ever seen James Bond? There’s a reason why he’s in white jackets a lot before the Daniel Craig era. But they even put him in a few. White tie white dinner jacket is considered the highest form of dressed up for men. Or at least it used to. Black jacket are considered more casual l. The black tie is more casual too, compared to white


🤷 whatever floats your boat i just don’t like it


i just don’t think a dinner jacket looks good at a wedding


Everyone is focused on the age and being too young to get married. This whole post could be followed by nana na boo-boo. It comes off very immature. Young love is beautiful but getting married at your age seems rash. Travel, alone and together, see if your love can last when you’re not together, grow, enjoy each other, basically wait until you don’t want to be a prince but just want to be the lucky guy at the front of the aisle who gets to spend his life with the woman in the white dress.


She’s the one who wants to feel like royalty all he said was if she gets to feel like a princess he should get to feel like a prince.


Yeah. The wedding is usually about her. It’s his day too but the prince thing seems like a kid argument. Fighting with her about wanting to wear white seems petty.


I think his point is that the day should be about them and their love, not her and her royalty complex.


I dunno…the comment about how he gets the spotlight every day stuck out to me. If he has a pattern of dismissing her ideas or something, maybe this is her hill to die on as part of an ongoing battle.


Ew who would want to marry someone who was so insistent on being a princess? Cringe at the highest magnitude


I let my husband choose his tux, we were 20f and 22m then. He chose a white jacket, mandarin collar. It looked awesome. This bride is… not mature enough.


Don't get married before your prefrontal cortex has fully developed.


So he is just a prop for her big day


There's nothing wrong with the groom wearing white. My husband wore a white tux with tails and I thought he looked great in it. 


Dude run. Run fast and don’t stop. This is a train wreck waiting to happen.


This is a HUGE red flag. You will be dealing with alot more of this behavior, I promise. Can you reschedule the date?


They're acting like 12 year olds. "Well *my* Mumsy says..." I'm sure this will end well...


Postpone the wedding. Y’all aren’t mature enough


Marriage shouldn’t be about the wedding




Ya’ll are this petty over clothing colors? You are not ready for a wedding. Next.


If he already does so much for her....why can't she do this for him? She's not mature enough to get married and it seems she's marrying for the wrong reasons


If she's selfish enough to believe it's only HER day, why the f*** are you even marrying her? I don't know you, but you probably deserve to have a real partnership instead of getting stuck with someone so selfish.


You are both too young and self-centered to get married at this time. If you are asking your Mommies to fight your battles, then you are still babies. I say you are the AH just by how you wrote the story.




I love the white dinner jacket look.


She wants to be the princess in the wedding and the queen after the wedding.


You guys gotta settle this theme thing before actually deciding to get married. Kinda crazy of an argument to begin with. Maybe just compromise. Not worth to argue


A good couple looks out for each other. She isn’t doing a good job of having your back, and hearing a bride imply that the day is about her with you as some sort of minor appendage doesn’t sit well with me. That said, the way you describe your part of the conversation, it sounds like it might have come across as adversarial. Brides are *a* focus at weddings, and you could have reassured her that she will be amazingly beautiful. You could have both pulled out some etiquette books to learn about the different levels of formality shown in mens’ dress. But instead it immediately escalated. That’s not a great sign. Don’t rush into marriage. From what I hear, it’s a huge pain to get a divorce. Better to put it off until you’re a bit older and you both have each others’ backs.


Personally I think a white jacket goes well on a groom. However, I agree with other posters that there is no need to marry at your age. Why not work on financial stability while still being engaged for at least a couple of years. I fear you are both still too much of the fairy tale mindset. Happily ever after will be more likely with a solid base.


It is the couples day. You’d think the bride would be thrilled to have a partner that wants to be involved in the planning? Clearly, the groom here is getting a preview of who will be running things and it’s not looking like the partnership he thought he would be getting into. I’m disturbed that the bride brought up her Mother as her backup to her argument. I’m disturbed that the bride doesn’t understand the wedding is a party to celebrate the couple starting a life together. She thinks it’s a party for HER…. If she cannot understand the basic things then she’s probably too young to settle down with. Let’s be real, this isn’t about what they are wearing- this is about lack of team playing and partnership. Dude, you need to put this in reverse, quickly. Then you need to re-evaluate, hard. Prepare yourself-there’s going to be tears BUT- better now than later after a kid.


You both sound too self-centred and immature to be getting married. Neither one is interested in what the other one is feeling nor do you want to listen to the other persons point of view. She wants to be the centre of attention on the wedding and it sounds like so do you. You both bring your mothers into it which is incredibly immature. You are society, and that you’re trying to focus on the incredible bond you will be building, which is total BS because if it was all about the bond and only the bond, you will be putting in such a fight to get your share of the attention and demand the outfit that you want to wear. I think you both be served for delaying the wedding and working on some basic communication skills and perhaps in counselling prior to the marriage.


Seems like thy are not ready to be married.


You ought not to get married. You are not on the same page. This is going to cascade into years of issues. Of course it should be BOTH of you involved in your day (she doesn't believe that). Of COURSE men wear white to weddings all the time - and yes, it's your choice. But now you're in an argument. Already. About something silly. It will get worse.


They’re too young and immature to get married. They should wait at least 5 years.


It’s like some women lose their ever-loving minds over becoming brides. So delusional.


I don’t like either of them. She’s a diva and he seems really arrogant.


First of all, she sucks, second of all this man has no taste. Who wears a white shirt white jacket but black tie and pants?


“gatekeeping” is getting up there with gaslighting in words that no one uses correctly and that i never want to hear again


A white jacket (with colored or black cummerbund and black trousers with black ribbon stripe down the side) is pretty standard for a SUMMER tuxedo. (Memorial Day to Labor Day) Any other time of year, you're bucking the norm of formal dress, but these days no one seems to care anyway, so wear what you want.


The fact that these people are getting married is hilarious can you imagine their arguments


I think more than the age, it’s the mindset. I’ve seen equally immature spats from people in their thirties and even forties. Of course you want to shine on your wedding day, but ultimately it’s about a mutual commitment to sharing your life, not starring in a TV show. The decisions should be mutual, and there shouldn’t be manipulation or “my mommy says,” to get one’s way. By the way, I got married at 22 - and both my hubbie and I wore white - and we’re still married with grown children.


Omg proofread your titles


Dude I know I caught that so late. Idk what happened


Listen to yourself. Then go over in your mind what your fiancée has been saying. Do either one of you sound as though you are ready to enter into marriage? She hopefully will be putting you first and you her. You two should be each others biggest supporters, best companions in life. Neither one of you are marriage material yet. It's all... Me Me Me!


Shit like this is why divorce rates are at 58% lmao


I got married at 21 wife 19 been married 45 years


It's a wedding, not the fashion week. Maybe she does not know she has a day for herself every year: HER BIRTHDAY. He should wait for the wedding, she's clearly immature.


Married at 21 divorced at 25 don’t do it folks bad juju


What the fuck did this title say lmao?


Sounds like you two aren’t ready for marriage.


It’s a silly argument, neither one of them should be arguing about such a meaningless thing. I can that they both have legitimate points from their own perspective, but the issue is stupid and meaningless and doesn’t bode well for their marriage.


They’re both arseholes.


The wedding is also the grooms day as well. I tell all couples this when they get married.


Do not marry this girl. She is not mature to be a wife. She wants a party and the spotlight not a marriage.


Ok there is clearly some missing info here. Would need to see the bride’s pov to say anything about this


This hill isn’t worth dying on, give her her special day. Go feel pretty at your bachelor party or something.


I’ll give you advice I’ve given several male friends over the years: Never marry a woman who wouldn’t meet you at city hall or the clergyman’s office and do quick and simple vows. Not that you have to do it that way, but beware the woman who sees her wedding as a chance to “be a princess” and play a life-sized game of Barbies with her girlfriends. I’m catching a whiff of it being far more about the wedding than the marriage. Think hard. BTW, this advice comes from a woman who had a casual wedding in a local park — and is still lying next to him at this moment, 29 years later.


Damn I would be hard pressed not to push for an elopement or courthouse wedding at that point because either she wants the party or the marriage, she can pick one. I know total asshole move, but so is all her bullshit. Ask for the most ironclad and insane prenup possible in exchange for “her day”. No? Then I guess the party isn’t THAT important huh? Start calling it a party, not a wedding. Ask for insane things like a square dance caller. If she pushes traditional then tell her you expect her dowry a month in advance and of course it will be “love, honor, and obey” as her vow. Not to mention her parents pay for absolutely everything but your tux and the honeymoon(which will be a weekend in a motel and nothing more since you gave her her day) Besides you don’t have to go anywhere as she will be too busy giving you the weekend of “your dreams” and meeting your every wish and demand right? Only fair after all. And if none of the horrible horrible BS cracks through her delusion? Walk away man. At a minimum put things on hold because that level of selfish never really goes away or is a one time thing.


Unless the bride’s…honor…is in tact, she shouldn’t be wearing white, either, of we’re being traditional about it. But I agree with the groom. It’s THEIR day, not hers. His opinion needs to count just as much as hers. If one or both of them is willing to die on this hill, then they’re not ready for marriage anyway.






She would still be right. You and your wife both wore white because you’re both brides


Holy rage bait Batman…


I feel like this is a little tricky. This should be about both people and they should be equal as that’s what marriage is about and they’re entering a partnership so in a perfect rationale world the OP is in the right. At the same time I think it’s unrealistic to act like the societal messaging about weddings and how important they are is very different to men and women so the wife has had a couple of decades of messaging telling them about the importance of weddings to brides, how the bride (and the bride alone) wears white in some magnificent dress which gets all the attention, etc. Wearing white doesn’t seem like it is actually important to the OP, they were planning to wear white but they don’t talk about it as if it was some key part of their wedding. They seem to more be arguing out of principle; and don’t get me wrong the principle is important here that they should be equals, but I think it’s getting in the way of a compromise. I would suggest the OP makes it clear they have an equal say in their wedding but that they are willing to compromise on this point and not wear white as wearing white isn’t such a key thing to them.


My daughter wore black, my son in law wore white. It was majestic!


If you're involving your moms to solve such a petty disagreement, neither of you is mature enough for marriage.


It’s wild how this bride thinks that she can gatekeep the color white from her *groom* - logically, as it’s a wedding, they should match


When I was getting married and went into the planning full steam, at first I began to have strong opinions, thinking similar to OP, it's our day i have equal say and some ways that's true however I had a turning point. It was the point that we had a talk as we were disagreeing and she went on about she had dreamed of some of these things since she was a little girl, some as long ago as when she was 5. Then there's me that didn't have too much clue about weddings at all until I proposed and went full steam into it with my opinions. Not saying the OP should listen to this but it was a very good point.


my thoughts are that so many people need to learn what a paragraph is


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hitthefolks92: *My thoughts are that so* *Many people need to learn* *What a paragraph is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The bride is being selfish and manipulative. There is nothing wrong with your outfit of choice. Her behavior is childish and I encourage you to think long and hard about whether or not it's in your best interest to be married to someone with those traits. It's indicative of things to come down the line if she does not get her way. Will she tell you to ask her mom to insinuate herself in your marriage every time that you have an argument? Either way, I wish you the best. 


Maturity is the defining issue here. My husband and I got married at 22/24 and have been married almost 32 years now. These two are not mature enough to handle a wedding let alone an actual marriage. They should hold off on the wedding a bit longer. If they can’t handle wedding issues, how will they deal with a lifelong marriage?


The real answer is you don’t get married. You don’t believe in the tradition that essentially turns women into bridezillas. I don’t blame you especially as the other EQUAL party in the marriage. She already acknowledged she controlled the relationship up until this point, you two are not compatible a d you need to find yourself a woman that respects you as much as you respect her. Godspeed


Omg, in the comments he describes himself as a “pumped up, buff Brad Pitt” type who showers his fiancée with attention and does no wrong. This post cannot be real. Please. Please let it be fake. Also, what 22 year old uses Brad Pitt as a point of reference 😭


Wow. Maybe go on a bike tour around the world to get some perspective but don’t marry this child.




This is a look into your future my friend. The good news is you can call off the wedding and move on. She's going to cause you more harm than good,


Well... on the up side... a 'white' dinner jacket isn't white. It's more of an 'eggshell' to offset the white shirt. But yeah, girlfriend needs to pull her head outta her azz. Also, dude's not focusing on creating an unbreakable bond. He's focused on a white dinner jacket.


You need to rethink marriage. You both are too young.


The moment a partner says to bring their parents in on whether the other can do something is the moment you know they aren’t ready to be married and make big life decisions together as a couple.


This might be a dumb question - I am aware the bride is “traditionally” the only one to wear white but I’ve never heard anyone mention if there’s anything the groom should or should not wear. (Ive never cared abt weddings so most of what I know comes from bridezilla stories ..)


What the fiancee is saying is exactly right. End of.... shes the one that need to mature he sounds very mature amd logical and best of all completely in the right.


Off to a heckuva start..


Personally I would just give her what she wants. Not a hill worth dying on.


I think this guy sounds exhausting.


Yes, obviously, the woman saying "I don't care what you want, I wanna be a princess!!!" Is in the right


I’m not agreeing with her either. I guess I should have said that they both sound exhausting, but she didn’t run to Reddit for backup so for me, I was mostly responding to him. But you’re right- she’s a lot too.


My thoughts are that this is a prime example of cultural indoctrination from movies, TV, and friends.


It’s her day whatever. Just get drunk and whatever drugs are available in the parking lot. That’s where the real party is. Everyone has that uncle. You know who I’m talking about. lol


If he wears white on top and black on the bottom he’s going to look really stupid in pictures. Otherwise who cares what he wears? He’s the groom.


Yeah they’re too young and immature to get married but the guy is wrong. She’d let him wear any color under the sun for his suit but white and he’s just being a brat. Let the bride be the only one in white. At the end of the day, I think that’s a fair request. Usually only the bride wears white. Though I will say, I would let my man wear white. Easily. And it would not bother me AT ALL. And white tuxes with black pants actually look really nice. Just googled them. They look fine.


I don't think it's about the dress. It's about her being selfish and entitled. Her groom is basically just a prop for "her day". That behavior will only accelerate. She's wants to be a princess on their wedding and next she would want to be a queen for their marriage, but most likely he's gonna be the peasant and not the king. If he sees this marriage differently - they should part their ways.


i mean he should be able to but itll be ugly


Happy wife happy life...


23 isn't too young. Women who have a mindset that they just want to be princesses and have a fairy tale wedding and be treated like queens are not fit for marriage. Men that are simps and want to get married to get some regular tail and chase their wives around like they're queens are not fit for marriage. Two people who want to become one in everything and work together to have a positive and happy and successful life together should be the goal.