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Golden Sun: Lost Age for r/Gameboy's GotM.


I remember beating Golden Sun and then going right into Lost Age, then for some reason I wasn't able to beat the second game. I need to get back into this.


I'm playing through Clive Barker's Undying on PC! It's pretty interesting so far


Man, was that game tough... Never managed to beat it. Good luck! 💪


Even on Easy mode it's pretty tough! I'm enjoying the story and the creature designs. Such a nice little horror gem


In between my current Temple of Elemental Evil campaign sessions, I'm also working on a Super Conflict campaign on the SNES. I'll be playing a battle or two on the SC campaign before switching over to ToEE.


I hooked up my Saturn for the first time in like 20 years. Just threw that thing on with composite. I popped in Shinobi Legions first and it's like... was this experience always this awesome? It owns. The experience of just casually hooking up the Saturn to play whatever, Shinobi Legions is fine, fuck if it isn't more fun than anything I've been playing for a long time. I play way too much emulation, I think is the problem. There is no substitute for real hardware. I knew that, but I went away from that for awhile. I was an idiot, it's true, real hardware is the only way to go.


Be sure to try out your archival copies of Panzer Dragoon and Nights into Dreams!


I bash the Saturn all the time but Nights Into Dreams was a beautiful looking game for its time, great game too


Skyrim..... can I pleeeease call it retro?


Lol no. Skyrim is not retro… yet. Edit: love Skyrim though. Was just telling someone at work they need to check it out.


haha, fair enough. It's on ps3, which... has component and composite cables for crts, lol. Sorry, I had to try.


No apologies needed. I just can’t feel THAT old yet and I will feel THAT old when Skyrim is considered retro. 😅


CronoTrigger 🕰️


First playthrough or replaying it?


Replay. I played it on an emulator. My partner got me a copy for DS!! I’m really enjoying it!!


I've been playing super bomberman for the snes today. I'm eyeing up Captain America and the Avengers, X-men, Two crude dudes and De cap atak for the mega drive and no doubt nes and snes will get a look in


Ill never get tired of Captain America and the Avengers.


Just finished Deus Ex Human Revolution (360) and really enjoyed it. Started Alone in the dark (360) this morning but the controls were too clunky so I’ve started Spider-Man Web of shadows also on 360. Mario lard on DS too ❤️


With the announcement of Shantae: Risky Revolution coming out after 20 years of development hell, I'm replaying the original Gameboy Color game with the enhanced GBA color pallet. Its a lot of fun with stunning sprite work and animations.


I’ve been working though a couple snes titles: Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid Ascent (rom hack)


How good is Super Metroid Ascent? I'm starting to consider looking at romhacks.


I’m pretty early in, so it’s hard to say. The physics are different, it seems, which takes some getting used to, and it seems fairly challenging so far in terms of finding your way around, but save points are generous which is appreciated. You need to wall jump to get around, so that could be a blocker for some, but it’s not a tonne of it needed. There are a number of hacks around, and my young son is really into Metroid, so I enjoy trying them out since he’s sitting with me the whole time working them out with me 😊


Last night my husband and I brought a tv outside and beat streets of rage 2 on sega genesis. It was a lovely night


Great game. Wonderful saga too!


Genesis version of Shadowrun. Been working g on it for a couple of days now.


I've only played the SNES version, I heard the Sega version was quite different. Definitely considering playing both soon.


Its fun! It could feel grindy, because you do a LOT more Mr. Johnson missions than story missions, but there's enough variety that I keep enjoying. The matrix is kicking my butt, but Im still learning the game.


Desert Strike on the Megadrive, but honestly the 3rd or was it 4th mission is a bit too long and hard for me (mostly because too many objectives). Tiny Toon Adventures Buster's Hidden Treasure on the Megadrive. Started it this week and since it is also on the backlog and easier than Desert Strike I might go with it instead. Shenmue II on the Dreamcast, as I finished Ace Combat 5 on my ps2 recently, but I get random rgb signal loss causing my hydra scart switcher to drop the signal and fail to reaquire. Not sure if the psu or cable is at fault here, but if I fail to fix it then I'll need to give my dreamcast a longer break unfortunately :/


I could never get into the Strike games for some reason. I think I can't even get past the first two missions.


Just finished recapping my nes. Looking forward to dragon warrior and final fantasy all weekend.


Well tomorrow is the 40 year anniversary of the release of the 2.5/3rd gen consoles, Sega sg-1000 and Nintendo Family Computer. With that, the new subreddit r/retrogamingreplay will begin. Where all content will be 40 years or older. Yes that's old, but the importance here is the context of ges we came to love and to experience them together "as they are released". With that we will focus on history, collecting, gaming, etc. Consoles are the main focus but handhelds, arcade games, and pc games and related media is also welcome. Playing on emulation or real hardware is ok but the more authentic and era correct the better. You can also treat the sub as a Reddit Based Real-Time Live Action RPG and can pretend to own equipment or collectables you don't. As long as it's era correct. All that to say I will be playing all 13 SG 1000 release titles and all 3 Nintendo releases. I hope some others are interested to join. Sega has a few good shooters and sports titles on release and Nintendo has donkey Kong, which is the game the console was literally designed to run. Hoping we can post some high scores, people with original games or era correct setups.


Kings Field


Even though my definition of retro ends around 5th gen. I suppose to a lot of 90s babies 6th gen is retro so I'll mention two games I have been playing this week. RE Remake and Shadow Of The Colossus


Katamari Damacy ! The PS2 classic is on Steam.


Metal Gear Solid, PS1


Oh shit! Same.




Mass effect 2. For the first time.


Been playing Castlevania on my RG280v a few minutes here and there for a couple weeks now. Currently stuck on the reaper boss.


How are you liking the RG280V? I bring mine to work daily. I've been okaying Rondo of Blood on it.


I prefer my RG35xx but the 280v is my second choice. I started Castlevania on the 280v, so that's what I've been sticking with lately. Much more pocketable than the RG35xx.


Mega Man Legends. Really wish they continued with this Mega Man format. A remake with good controls could be great too. Having to turn left and right with the L1 and R1 buttons is rough. But, that’s part of the charm I suppose. Edit: as to why I’m trying to beat a lot of these first steps into 3D for classic IP games. Eg Mario 64, Kirby 64, Bomberman 64… have to jump to PlayStation when I can. Otherwise I’d be playing Mega Man 64. Lol


I loved this game back in the day. Are you playing on original hardware or emulation? I've been wanting to revisit this with upscaled resolution.


I’m playing on original hardware using tonyhax on a crt. 😎


Ive got good memories from Maximum Carnage. I sucked playing it but fighting as Venom was something new and I enjoyed it. Im probably going to play Dr. Mario in tonight's shift at work.


Dr Mario is the longest played game on my NES Switch Online!


Qix and Wario's Woods. I love discovering older games with amazing gameplay, I've been gaming since the mid 80s but there's still so much to discover! 😊


Brandish for the SNES, took a moment to realize my character was turning around when I pressed left or right


TotK has been taking up my game time. I’ll be back to old school in a few weeks.


World of Warcraft classic


Techno Cop (Genesis)


Gradius. I can only get as far as the Moai stage and I’m hoping to improve that.


Final fantasy I PSP version


Just got my nephew (16) into Golf on the NES! He's getting pretty good!


Sega GT for reasons I no longer understand


Imma whip out my Ps2, and play some mafia 1 og GTAIII


I’ll be playing Spyro the Dragon on ps1 that I got a few days ago


A recent personal setback, and following mass consumption of YouTube content, has led me down the path of classic doom. So... Doom '93


RayStorm !!


Zelda: Minish cap GBA. First time playthrough after finishing 'A link to the past' a week or so ago. It's going well.


I guess Ratchet and Clank is pretty retro at this point, came out in 2002.


Earthbound on the Nintendo Switch Online. This was a game I missed, growing up on other Snes and Sega Megadrive classics back in my childhood. I've put a lot of hours in already and I'm really loving it so far. The vibe of the game is just perfect.


Was playing a bit of Terranigma. Forgot how much of a pain it was to actually get the story moving.


metroid zero mission