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it plays in color for my nes games and my n64 was working minutes prior


Try jiggling/rotating the yellow wire, I gotta use a little percussive engineering from time to time haha


I have seen something like this when plugging in a component cable (yellow) into a composite (RGB) connection. Some TVs have a setting for changing the video signal from composite to component.


i will try that! ty


White fat Mario attacks again


The image is shifted down and the color is off. My guess is to check pal/ntsc first. That's likely the issue if you'd is happening on all games the same way.


that was it! ty lol


NTSC/Pal confusion?




ty everyone for ur help turns out i was on PAL mode and not NTSC 😂


Here’s what yah gonna wanna do mate. If your using the composite/ component cables (the red, white, and yellow ones) make sure their all plugged in to get the full colors. If your using an HDMI cable, then I can’t help yah. Also, try switching the TV to the 4:3 aspect ratio, it looks 10 times better than the stretched screen your using


alr ty


I use Hyperkin too so I know they can be a bit fickle. Sometimes they have the aspect ratio changer on them. Mine didn’t so I just changed it using my tv