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One of my favorites, but for the wrong reason. I find the game to be ok, not too bad. However, that music on the first level absolutely slaps!


Not a "wrong" reason, by any means. Music alone can redeem an otherwise bad game.


The amount of times I rented *Sonic 3D* and *Rise of the Robots* for the Mega Drive purely because I loved listening to the soundtracks, despite not really enjoying the games, would back this up.


Cheetah men II is a prime example of a terrible game with a bangin’ soundtrack. Tower of Druaga can also qualify for this, though I personally don’t think it’s a bad game


Exactly this


Aggressive World! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-tv1yQCFsM


Whoa, awesome!


That’s the remix (I have that album)


Damn that’s good music


That soundtrack is still dope


Came here to say this. The music.


heard this comment


This cabinet's speaker would always be blaring and the sounds coming out it were just amazing.


Came to say the soundtrack slaps. \*oh-OH\* or whatever that sound/chord is.


Dungeon Music also slaps!


Yep, that's the most memorable part of the game to me.


We used to have this at a tiny restaurant I worked at in the 80s. I used to love playing it solely for that music. The soundtrack is amazing. The game is okay, nothing special. But 30 years later I'll still get that music stuck in my head at random times.


Yep… it’s all about the music. Amazing.


Wish I could say the same about the Master System version’s music


One of my favorites. That flaming sword was the dopest shit I ever saw when I was 9.


Yeah the powerups were so rad


This is why I’m subbed here. It makes my day to see forgotten (for me at least) games that I ran into as a kid in the arcade (mall, bowling alley, etc). Just an instant nostalgia boost, smile, and rush of memories. And yes, I ABSOLUTELY played Rastan. Totally thought he was Conan too. Haha.


I recall this game specifically at a Shopko growing up. Not sure if I ever saw it anywhere else, and honestly don’t think I ever played it. But remember the demo of this game like it was yesterday.


Played this on the Sega Master System. I found it fairly difficult as a kid


This was one of the many arcade ports for the Sega Master System that were perfect given the constraints.


That's pretty cool. Didn't know what I had when I was a kid


I can still here the high pitched chirp at every jump.


There was a trick where you could wall jump that made the dragon bosses easier.


One of my favorite games of all time. The convenience store near me had one. I got to where I could beat the entire game on a quarter. Sometimes without losing a life.


Clerks hate him!


Ah, flashing back to my parents' bowling league It, arkanoid, and mortal kombat(3, I believe) I had one job at the bowling alley, pry my dad off of Ms Pac-Man when it was his turn. He literally could not lose at the game, I did not have that problem, I had to take over his turns while he bowled. I miss him.



I know the developers of Volgarr the Viking did!


We need more indie games like this. I like metroidvanias and roguelites but it sure was refreshing to play a relatively linear platform slasher like this.


That was my first thought seeing these screenshots.


I've played through that game more times than any other.


Great game. It had a sequel named nastar.


And a threequel titled Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III A multi-screen beauty: https://youtu.be/X11yiwgrnfU?si=saXmb\_3YfwC2A6nU


Whoa, never knew about part 3


That sequel is dogshit. The art style is so dopey.


Yep, also played it on MAME just a few days ago. FYI, it has two arcade sequels.


Yeah, I never made it past level 2 as a kid in the arcade, but I beat it as an adult on MAME.


The music is some of the best of the era. It's in my head already after just seeing that cab.


They had it at the local Dairy Queen, and I loved it.


Excellent soundtrack!


I used to play it at Roller City (to my mothers annoyance, we were "supposed to be there to roller-skate, not play video games" as she'd like to say)


Hell yeah, my grandpa owned a bowling alley and he had this, Bubble Bobble, and Pin Bot. I played the shit out of all of them


Playing the hell out of this sucker on my MAME.


Did I play it? Hell, I played it so much in my local arcade that I could usually finish the game on a single quarter. I could also tell every time there had been a power failure because the high score table would no longer have my initials up there. I can still remember the initials for the "default" top three scores: "COB", "THS", and "YAG".


Yep on Master System The game was great but hard as hell for a kid in the eighties.


No of course, you're the only one ;) kidding aside, it was a fun game


Yep it's one of the few games I actually own the arcade pcb for...the Master System version is decent as well


Music is a banger


yea and I was really good at it.


Loved playing this and Rygar at the local arcade. Damn I miss arcades.


Only on the master system.


Oh man! Yes.


I would play this at Hollywood Video got as far as I could on a a quarter every time I got the chance.


There was a convenience store near my house that had this when I was a child. I played it all the time. Not the best game, but definitely a cool one and it has great music.


Holy crap you just opened up a memory I forgot I had. This was my favorite game for a minute and I was obsessed with playing it. Pretty sure it was at the bowling alley arcade my parents used to hang out at.


I just bought this for the Sega Master system last weekend. It’s such a fantastic game!


Cape May, NJ Beach arcade. While I love all the beeps and bloops of the arcade and games, this one was a huge memory for some reason. Loved the whole concept of the game. Just a cool barbarian with a big sword that changes into a hammer or fire sword or whatever marching through a castle and landscape. The music intensifying as you progressed made it all the more engrossing.


Love Rastan. Shit was hard as fuck


I loved this arcade game! I got an 8-but port of Rastan on the master system for a really good price in 1989 and realized how short the game is, but as a flashy, gorgeous arcade game it ruled.


I'm a Cadash man myself


What was the 90s arcade game where you could ride in a big praying mantis?


Golden Axe


No, no one else played Rastan. Just you


No. You're the only person in the history of the world.


One of those games I really liked the look of, but I couldn't get the hang of. And neither could anyone else who I watched play the game. I've only seen it beaten in YouTube speedruns, and I've never beaten it myself even with cheat codes.


There was a sequel to this game I think called Nastar? Also worth a play imo.


Loved this game. Hard af.


I only played it on NES. I never got to experience the arcade game.


They had a Rastan at my local Pizza Hut, cabaret model (3/4 scale with woodgrain siding). My parents hardly ever wanted to go to Pizza because they said it was too greasy, but I was always excited to go so I could play Rastan. I loved the rope swing sections & it took me years to refind this game since it was only at that Pizza Hut & 1 other mall pretty far from us.


Yeah...never was very good at it though :)


In elementary school, a mini-mart had this game, and whenever we walked up there, I was blown away by this game. If I dared risk change to play this, rather than buying a delicious Laffy Taffy or Jolly Rancher...well, kiss my quarter goodbye, but I had a blast for 35 seconds lol. This game was tough!


The second level was awesome …. Seems like every time I approached the fire pit with the swinging ropes, the music would swell, the bats would swarm, and I would die. But it was perfectly atmospheric


Rastan was one of my favorite arcade games. The sound was always cranked way up and you could hear it outside of the arcade. Was never able to beat that game.


Yes sir!! I have the machine in my gameroom currently. I've always loved the soundtrack.


I loved the music to this game.


My local skating rink had Rastan and it always seemed amazing. But I don't think I ever made it past the first level. God knows I watch the demo that plays before you put in your quarter a hundred times, but I just couldn't get my timing right in the game.


Yup, love it. Been looking for a Rastan board, and a Black Tiger / Dragon board for a while now.


I loved this game as a kid but I didn’t know what it was called. Recently rediscovered it. If anyone has played Volgarr The Viking, this is the game that inspired it.


Yes, and I also have played part Rastan Saga 2.


Yeah, I would play this and Karnov on a daily basis.


Love it. Those bats though!


Oh my god yes! I remember liking to go to a restaurant really far away because they had this game!!


That music! My brother, 16 years my junior, I showed him Rastan. . .first thing he said was "man, that's some good music!"


One of my favs, dropped many quarters into that game as a kid. The music is kick ass now, even more so in the 80s!


It was one of my favorites on the Master System.


Tell me more.




I thought the 3rd one was the best


I recall playing this a few times as a kid. It’s a cool game.


There was one at the liquor store by my house. I'd stop by and play on the way home from school.


I love Rastan. It's a hard game! It's a little slow but imo the best Conan Athe Barbarian game and a great template for games like Actraiser and even ninja gaiden.


one of the few decent non-pinball games at the student union in college. got pretty good at it, probably could’ve made a down payment on a car if I’d just saved my quarters and studied instead


Hell yeah!!!! Used to be at my corner store back in 86 I was 5 and loved it .


At 7-11 every day after school. I could beat it on a quarter back in the day.




Hell yes. A masterpiece


I still hear that stage theme every now and again… oh, [there it goes again…](https://youtu.be/zbRsXElzrVU?si=byYBBzbJCBFCfalQ)


Classic...that music is so good and part of the reason it sticks with you. I remember playing it on C64 back in the day and mum walking in and turning it of at the mains at 1pm


1 & 2


One thing I loved about arcades was seeing all the cool old game art and how dressed up certain cabs were, that one's cool


One of my favorites too 🙌🙌


I enjoyed it. Never finished it, but had a good time.


Yup. But the first time was on a tabletop cabinet.


The music was great!!!


There was a machine at our local laundromat when I was little. We didn’t go too often but while mom did her business I would watch the demo. It blew my mind.


Rastan was a lot of fun then and now (hail MAME)!


the title tune is BURNED into my memory, arse bakingly hard for me, but wonderful to look at


great game, a real quarter muncher. It seemed like they were always at a 7-11. The soundtrack and overall sound FX were amazing.


One of the all-time greats


Love this game


I played the arcade version a bunch when I was younger, but loved the Sega master version which I still have. Sadly I've never beaten the game.


This and SF 2 were the first arcades I ever played at my local laundromat. When I use to get extra quarters I would bike ride there just to play them.


My parents owned a timeshare and the resort had one of those in its game room for years. Playing that machine was part of that vacation week for me.


I really enjoyed this game, but for some reason, I always struggle to remember its name. When I’m going through my emulators, I’ll click on a bunch of other names of somewhat similar fighting sidescrollers, and I’m always disappointed when it’s not this one.


Have it on the Sega Master System. It’s clunky AF and practically unwinnable without using the secret code that gives you infinite continues But hey, there’s blood in it at least.


The game is brutal. Use to play it often in the arcades but the furthest I got was level 2. I could have maybe gotten to the end but that would have cost plenty of quarters, and there were so many other arcade games I wanted to play too.


still do. the music alone is just perfect.


This game was at a pizza place my parents and grandparents used to take me to. The music drew me in. I thought the game was fun, but I sucked as a kid. I bought the Sega Master Version as soon as it released. I played it enough that I could beat it without really trying. I have been wanting to pick up the port for the original Xbox, but haven't done it.


Hello all! I think this is a game I played in the 80’s, is one of the weapons a axe that swings out on chains. Three chains I think? My memory is kinda hazy, lol Thanks


I played a ton of this in the late 80s. One of my early favorites. The soundtrack is awesome too! Volgarr the Viking from 2013 is a lot like this but has much deeper controls. A game coming out later this year that's very similar, even to the point of having a Rastan(Conan) clone, is Abathor. I've played through the demo multiple times already. Definitely getting this one. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2295610/Abathor/