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I didn't want to editorialize the title, but there's more info: In April he received a 12-month suspended prison sentence for domestic violence. And now he signs for Montpellier.


I was going to ***as a joke*** ask what crime he committed to catch Altrad's attention. I didn't expect him to actually be a criminal.


Same here, was going to post the stock response to a Montpellier signing of asking what type of scumbag he is. This has to be a deliberate approach to player recruitment? Assume such players are cheaper as they probably have less options?


I hadn't given it much thought, but yeah you're probably right. It's a perverse moneyball where these players are undervalued in the market. But rather than that be through misjudged data or scouting flaws, it's cos they've got criminal records and most clubs don't want that PR disaster


Criminal records or a huge cloud hanging over them. For instance, you’d imagine Joey Carbery would command a higher salary than when Paddy Jackson scarped to Perpignan. As others have said, after a certain point of scumbags your club’s brand probably can’t sink any lower so there is some sense in it… 🤢


And they know their sponsors and fans don't care. It's not like when London Irish signed their own death sentence with Guinness and Paddy Jackson.




It's like collecting infinity stones for massive cunts, Laporte, haouas, chalureau, hogg, now hounkpatin


I wonder if Cory Hill and the Ospreys Scrum Half on tag for theft will be next?


They now have 2 wife beating tight heads. Maybe they are going to try to double up with crims in the 14 other positions?


Plus he was the one cheating. He got angry because his baby’s mother wanted to check his phone for proof. Hounkpatin strangled her and she fainted. It’s shocking that thus guy os actually free. This is not simple assault it’s endangering someone's life. Disgusted that Castres deigned to keep him active and at Montpellier for hiring him.


On l'a houé quand il est venu à Ernest Wallon, mais pas grand monde le savait ou comprenait. Mais comme c'est un joueur de Castres, quand une partie de supporteurs nous nous sommes mis à houer, le reste du stade a suivi.


Yeah there's some crazy stat about domestic violence comparing people who strangle v people who hit/punch etc. The victim is something like 7 times more likely to be murdered by their partner.


Come on now they're doing on purpose


It's hilarious at this point. Feel sorry for the few good apples still in this club, I hope they all get out and the club finds its way to proD2 next season


Criminal RFC continues


Montpellier Rugby: you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


nah is montpellier really tryna brand itself as the Bad Boys™ club of French rugby because this is legitimately starting to look like the start of a expendables movie where all the bad guys team up to face Sylvester Stallone


shocked they hadn't signed Raisuqe, Nayacalevu and Cory Hill yet..I personally hope Masivesi Dakuwaqa leaves that club and signs for a better club, he is a massive (pun intended) talent getting wasted at this shit club..


Dakuwaqa is rumored to go to Biarritz next season


dammit, he deserves to be in top14..just for a club that will utilize his utility value to the fullest.


It kind of makes sense at this point. Other big clubs wont touch these players so Montpellier can sign them for far lower than what they may have previously been worth. And once you've already signed one or two known criminals your reputations already been tarnished so signing a third or fourth won't make a difference. All I'll say is it's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off


That's exactly what I was thinking, it's basically moneyballing with shithead players.


"we're bringing violence* to the pitch" *Domestic violence Maybe the "R" in MHR stands for "Rehabilitation" ?


I have no idea who this fella is. I saw this and jokingly thought "lol wonder what crime he's committed" opened it and he's actually got a sentence. Jesus christ Montpellier 


Is the owner/coach trying to build an environment to rehabilitate awful people?


It's Altrad and Laporte. They probably see the criminal record as a positive.


Well I hope Montpellier don't ever hope to do a tour because I don't think their squad would get through border control. Jesus Fucking Christ. The wallets at Montpellier are rotten to the fucking core, they'll be signing Rishi Sunak on as a Chief Exec next Friday.


Montpellier have also signed Domingo Miotti and Josh Moorby


Oh fuck, I didn't know he was a criminal. (I typed this thinking it was going to be sarcastic, turns out he actually is... MHR really is the gift that keeps on giving)


Montpellier on their way to build a 40 months suspended sentence frontrow


Is there a running list of the current scumbags they have ?